Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 449 We Urgently Need a Forest Princess

Shancuncao thought that Chi Feichi was worried that they would not be able to get out of the God Forest, so he hurriedly said, "Don't worry, don't worry! The stone statue you were supporting just now is used to suppress evil spirits. As long as you don't put it It’s fine if you lift it up, but it’s said that if you lift it up, it will attract evil spirits, so it’s been lying there for a long time!”

Maurilan took a step back in fright.

Yamamura Cao smiled again, "Since we are all going to the Aoi House Hotel, I will take you for a ride!"

"No..." Mouri Kogoro was about to refuse, but Mo Lilan swished open the rear door and sat on it.

Yamamura Cao also quickly got out of the car, and seriously stretched out his hands and bowed in front of Hui Yuanai, "His Royal Highness, please!"

Haibara Ai:"……"

Is this police officer really out of his mind?

A group of people got into the car.

Mori Kogoro went to the passenger seat, Chi Feichi hugged Conan, and squeezed into the back seat with Mao Lilan and Hui Yuanai.

"Oh, I didn't expect to see the forest princess, I'm so lucky!" Shancun Cao continued to be excited.

"Actually, Xiao Ai is a well-dressed sacrificial offering." Chi Feichi joked.

"Huh? Mr. Chi has also heard of that legend?" Shancuncao was a little surprised, and said to himself, "I heard this from my grandma. It is different from the fairy tales of foreign forest princesses. The forest here The legend of the princess, it is said that a long time ago, there was a little girl who was regarded as a sacrifice. She wore a rainbow-like gauze skirt and was dressed up beautifully. She dedicated it to the evil god in the forest. She was eaten by the evil god, but her soul turned into a forest princess who fought against the evil forest god..."

Hui Yuanai looked sideways.

In other words, did Brother Feichi know about this legend a long time ago...

Conan glanced sideways.

He also dressed Haibara like this...

Mori Kogoro looked sideways.

This kid...

Maurilan glanced sideways.

The idea is kind of scary...

Chi Feichi: "..."

This is a coincidence believe it or not?

The sacrificial offering was just something he said casually.

"Mr. Chi can sacrifice his sister, I think the villagers here will thank you!" Shancuncao said with a smile.

Chi Feichi lowered his head and asked Conan who was holding him, "How many years will you be sentenced for assaulting the police?"

Conan: "..."

"Assaulting the police?" Shancuncao took the words, "Let me think about it..."

"Forget it, let's just say that you will be sentenced to several years if you are beaten to death." Chi Feichi said.

"Is this... then it's murder," Yamamura Cao thought seriously, "The lenient sentence is 15 years, depending on whether it was a planned crime, whether the circumstances were bad enough, or whether he surrendered himself..."

"Then what if you smash him to death with the fallen Jizo stone statue?" Chi Feichi asked.

"That's a bit nasty," said Yamamura, "and it won't work, it will make the statue of Jizo be filled with resentful spirits, and some terrible monsters may be born..."

Mori Kogoro felt powerless in his heart, even he understood what Chi Feichi meant, okay, there is such a police officer, I am really worried for the people of Gunma County, "Hey, let's talk about that case. "

"Ah, okay..." Yamamura Misao turned to talk about the case again.

Mori Kogoro listened quietly for a while, "Oh? It was the staff of the Kuiya Hotel who found the body?"

"Yes, I heard that the employee found it when he went to pick wild vegetables," Yamamura said seriously, "but that corpse is very strange..."

Mao Lilan felt that her back was a little hairy.

"Strange?" Mori Kogoro asked, "What's so strange?"

"He clearly had the car keys, but no driver's license," Yamamura recalled. "There were cigarettes, but no lighter or matches. Moreover, he died in summer, but he was wearing a winter sweater."

"How do you know he died in Xia Tian?" Conan couldn't help asking.

"Because the mountaineering bag carried by the deceased contained fresh milk and red bean bags," Yamamura Cao replied, "the expiration date was exactly on July 12 four years ago, although the fresh milk and red bean bags in the backpack were missing when the deceased fell to the ground. The bag is broken, but there is a receipt for buying these things at a nearby convenience store in the wallet, so there should be no mistake!"

"Fall?" Mori Kogoro wondered.

"There was a rope around the neck of the deceased, and there was a branch tied with the rope beside him," said Yamamura. "The branch probably broke after the deceased was hanged..."

"It sounds like an ordinary suicide case..." Mori Kogoro rubbed his chin.

Chi Feichi looked down at Conan, and found that Conan was also looking up at him.

After confirming the eyes, they are all people who have found something wrong.

Chi Feichi remembered that this was an incident, but he had a vague memory of the murderer.

However, judging from Shancun Cao's description, it can be inferred that this person definitely did not commit suicide. Even if he committed suicide, after the person died, someone went to the corpse, took some things, and left some things to confuse time of death.

"That's right," Yamamura Misao also agreed with Mori Kogoro's deduction, "So I want to ask the hotel staff again if they know what is going on with those strange places, and you? Mr. Mori, what about you? Why go there?"

"Oh, I'm because the owner of the hotel said that he had seen the man in the red dress with long hair, so..."

Before Mori Kogoro finished speaking, he was interrupted by Yamamura Cao's exclamation.

"What?! When did that happen?"

"He said that in October five years ago, the man in the coat suddenly visited the hotel and told the hotel owner..." Mori Kogoro recalled.

[I will give you one hundred thousand yen, please keep this briefcase and this letter for me... After one year, even if I die, I will come to get it! 】

"Briefcase and envelope?" Conan wondered.

"Yeah, the man seemed to say to him, 'After a year, if I come to get it, give me the briefcase, and if someone else comes to get it, give him the envelope', although not sure about the body that was found Is it the man in the red coat, but..." Mori Kogoro touched his chin and said, "He seems to have repeatedly told the hotel owner not to forget his red coat and long hair, so it shouldn't be wrong."

"What the hell is going on here? In the fall of five years ago, the man gave something to the hotel owner, saying that he would come back to get it even if I died. About a year later in the summer, when he planned to come back here to get things, He committed suicide in the forest," Shancuncao said, frightening himself, "Haha... that man is so stupid, how can he get things when he is dead..."

"That's why the owner of that hotel asked me to investigate!" Mori Kogoro yelled unbearably, "Because he took money from that man and promised that man not to tell the police, so he kept silent. "

"Uncle," Conan asked aloud, "Where's the briefcase? Didn't anyone pick it up in the end?"

"No, I heard that the day after the guy left the things at the hotel owner, there was a man who claimed to be his agent," Mouri Kogoro said, "That man was wearing a hat and sunglasses, and he had a big beard all over his face. , although the boss was a little hesitant, he still gave the envelope to the man in red according to the instructions of the man in red. But he took out the letter in the envelope and looked at it, then angrily tore up the letter and threw it into the trash can. never went back..."

"Then, what was written on that note?" Shancun Cao stammered and asked.

"Well... the hotel owner was also very concerned, so he picked up the scraps of paper from the trash can and pieced them together. There were only seven characters written on the letter," Mouri Kogoro looked directly at the mountain village with his eyes under the sunglasses Shit, "Like seven scarlet letters written in blood...I'll curse you to death!"

"Ah!" Mao Lilan finally hugged Hui Yuanai beside her, and screamed out.

Haibara Ai:"……"

She's really not a doll...

Shancuncao was so frightened by the screams that he nearly turned the car over and stopped with a sudden brake.

Kogoro Moori almost threw himself on the front window, sat up and said speechlessly, "Really, if you're afraid, don't follow."

"It's okay," Conan comforted Mao Lilan, "As long as the boss shows us the briefcase, the mystery can be solved."

"The, what's in that briefcase..." Yamamura Cao looked horrified, "Could it be that man's long hair?"

"Ah!" Mao Lilan screamed again in fright.

"It may also be full of bottles, and the bottles are full of fingers or eyeballs." Chi Feichi said calmly.

Confirmed, it seems that Yamamura is also a person who grew up in the horror stories of his grandparents...

Mao Lilan: "Ahh! Brother Feichi, I hate it, stop talking!"

"Stop talking." Hui Yuanai, who was hugged tightly by Mao Lilan, also said helplessly.

Chi Feichi: "..."

Well, he originally wanted to tell a story about putting together a beautiful skin...


After finally arriving at the hotel, a hotel employee helped Yamamura Cao to park the car, and a group of people walked in to understand the situation with Urakawa Eiji who found the body.

The body was found when Urakawa Eiji went to pick wild vegetables.

In this hotel, the boss Toda Fangro, Urakawa Eiji, and Jimbo Masao who went to park the car, the three took turns to pick wild vegetables.

Every summer before the summer vacation, the hotel will suspend business and hold staff tours, and every time he comes back from the trip, Urakawa Eiji is responsible for picking wild vegetables, because many people commit suicide in this forest, Urakawa Eiji is not the first The body was found for the first time.

This time, when Urakawa Yuji found the body of the man in red with long hair, the body had already turned into a pile of bones.

"If there was a legendary forest princess, the suicide situation here might be better..." Urakawa Yongji looked at Hui Yuanai and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

They desperately need a forest princess!

Hui Yuanai silently hid behind Chi Feichi.

Why does she feel that staying here is dangerous?

This group of people won't get distracted for a while and drag her to sacrifice, right?

It is better to follow their violent responsibilities and not to leave orders.

Mori Kogoro didn't say anything, looking at his apprentice who smashed concrete poles with his bare hands, there is no need to worry, "Since it is suicide, it seems that I don't need to appear..."

"Huh?" Urakawa Yongji was puzzled, "Isn't this gentleman wearing sunglasses Mr. Police Officer?"

"Ah, no," Yamamura Cao immediately introduced, "This is a famous detective who would scare even children who want to hide something! He..."

"Mr. Mori Kogoro's companion, isn't it?" Urakawa Eiji said with a smile, "Mr. Mori seems to have said before that he will bring four more people here, and we are already waiting for you!"

Mori Kogoro was taken aback, "Companion?"

"No, you made a mistake," said Yamamura, "this is..."

"Mr. Mori arrived one step earlier than you, and he is waiting for you in the room!" Urakawa Yongji said excitedly.

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