Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 700: Humans Are Really Cruel


A man with an ordinary appearance came and spoke in a low voice, but it was a woman's voice, "I'll pick you up."


Toru Amuro got up, covered the mailbox with his body, talked to Belmod, distracted Belmod's attention, and walked along the street calmly, "You don't need to investigate there anymore, you can see, Not that shop..."

In fact, there was no need for Toru Amuro to hide it. As early as when Belmode approached, Feimo had already jumped off the mailbox and left quietly from the shadow of the mailbox and the wall.

Amuro Toru and the man walked to the car on the street, glanced at the exterior rearview mirror of the car, and heaved a sigh of relief after seeing no figure of Feimo.



When Chi Feichi returned to the hotel room after dinner, he received a message from Feimo, which was sent to July's mailbox.

Three minutes ago, the public security contact sent him an email, asking him to help investigate a bank's flow, and also marked a valuable reward.

That bank is called Shengxin Bank, an unknown private financial institution.

The Ministry of Public Security will issue this kind of bounty, usually because someone in that bank colludes with foreign spies, or high-level politicians use this bank to accept bribes.

Even if he doesn't investigate, there will still be members of the public security who will investigate and issue a reward to him, just thinking that if he can help, the police force can be saved.

But he is very clear that the manager of that bank is someone controlled by the organization, and the organization sometimes launders money through this line!

If the police go to investigate the bank, the problems inside will definitely be found out.

The one who asked him to keep the vest in July is because as a bounty hunter who prefers to catch criminals, 'July' may get some useful information for the organization, so that the organization can do something before someone or something is investigated. out of response.

It seems that this time the news is likely to be released to him by Toru Amuro on purpose.

At present, Toru Amuro is still investigating those eight builders under the arrangement of the organization? He specially sent news to him today? It should not only be for his credit, but also to pass this news? Try something.

Chi Feichi didn't reply to that email? After logging out of the mailbox, he logged into another email account? Send an email to that one.

[The police plan to investigate Shengxin Bank, and a reward has been issued. Raki]

Didn't wait for a reply? Chi Feichi continued to deal with other emails.

Feimo said that Amuro Toru's whereabouts are mysterious? He also met Belmode. It is estimated that he has been in frequent contact with people from the organization during this period. The reason why he didn't go home is probably because he was worried that he would run over rashly and be noticed by the organization.

And he really can't get in touch with Toru Amuro now? Just cooperate with Toru Amuro secretly.

Next is the information from Midorikawa Saki and Frante? After he read it, he transferred what should be passed to Rum, and what should be transferred to that person.

In addition, Ayaka Pusheng really went to Tokyo.

Takatori Yannan sent an email, saying that Urao Ayaka has contacted him? He will arrange for someone to pick him up.

The email was sent ten minutes ago.

Chi Feichi boarded the organization platform and found the information on the large training ground that was open to him? Checked the address, and sent an email to Takatori Yannan to arrange for someone to send Urao Ayaka there? Then he entered the basic information of Urao Ayaka into the organization platform , sign your code name.

Before he helped Pusheng Caixiang divide and categorize the materials? The materials were classified into one category.

Open it again? Rum has supplemented some investigation data? It also indicates that people can't have an accident for the time being.

That's fine, the organization gathers a group of people for training and training every once in a while, and there are many murderers with psychological distortions. Although the organization has clearly stated that it is not allowed to attack other people without permission, but The person in charge of the training is not good at it. In order to observe a certain person's ability, he may issue an order to catch and fight.

Rum arranged Caixiang Pusheng into the intelligence search category, noting that Caixiang Pusheng's sense of smell is beneficial to the search, and she can try to develop it, plus the remark of "people can't die", even if it's only "temporarily", the person who manages the training ground I will also pay attention so that no one's life is in danger.


Three days later, Cheng Zengjian was arrested on charges of accepting bribes, and the police re-investigated Saeki's suicide case, which also made the front page of the news.

As for the Fire Country Cup Charity Tennis Tournament, due to the termination of the final and the jailing of the host, the first round of the match did not end perfectly, and it is estimated that there will be no second round in the future.

No. 119, 1-chome, Sudocho.

Sitting in the living room, Chi Feichi flipped through the newspaper and noticed that there was still a small page in the newspaper.

[The manager of Shengxin Bank died due to a fire at home...]

Because Cheng Zengjian's matter has received too much attention, even if one person dies in an accident caused by a fire, the popularity is not very high.

According to the report, according to the police investigation, the cause of the fire was a circuit failure. Later, the importance and precautions of fire prevention and disaster prevention in summer were popularized.

Although it is not clear whether Toru Amuro found out anything, it is clear that someone from the organization took action and silenced the bank manager before the police investigated the problem.



Feichi was playing kendama in a fancy way, and found that Chi Feichi had put down the newspaper and got up, so he paused curiously.

"It's okay, you continue." Chi Feichi walked to the laboratory.

"Master, wait, I'm going too!" Feichi flicked Kendama to the sofa with his tail, and swam quickly on the floor towards Chi Feichi.

Chi Feichi didn't refuse to bring Feichi into the laboratory, and by the way, gave Feichi a bug...

Feichi has been eating raw meat, he is worried that Feichi's body is full of parasites!

For the rest of the afternoon, Chi Feichi was busy in the laboratory.

Two days ago, he was still in the mood to find time to go to the basement to make two bombs, but today he was completely out of mood.

His little white mice were about to give birth, but when he came to see this morning, six more little white mice had miscarried. He watched the surveillance replays and realized that it happened in the early hours of the morning.

The first thing to rule out is the wrong environment, breeding methods, etc., because the ten pregnant mice that did not introduce the gene and only injected normal fertilized eggs into the female mice are healthy. Similarly, he can also be ruled out as "there is a mistake in the process of artificially breeding mice" This is possible.

In addition, the pregnant mice that introduced part of the snake gene into the fertilized eggs were normal, so it was not a mistake in the method of introducing the gene.

Among the mice with some of his genes introduced, there were only two pregnant mice out of ten naturally bred, and only one out of ten artificially bred.

This section of gene is the mutated gene that Ark intercepted after comparing his gene with 100 normal people.

Of course, only a small part of it.

However, the results of Ark’s calculations showed that this segment was the most suitable gene for introduction into the fertilized eggs of mice. There should be no possibility of miscarriage in mice, and the possibility of giving birth to mice with the dominant characteristic of purple pupils was very high.

In other words, the problem is this gene?

Chi Feichi checked all six pregnant mice that had miscarried in the early morning, and even the dead fetuses were taken out for examination and autopsy.

Feichi huddled in a corner, watching Chi Feichi expressionlessly put a stillborn mouse on the white table, silent.

Seeing that the owner pays attention to these little things every day, feeds them every day, and gets nervous when something happens, it is a little jealous of these white snacks.

That's right, for it, this is a snack.

But looking at it now, it's suddenly not jealous at all.

Humans are indeed cruel!

Chi Fei stayed busy until three o'clock in the afternoon before detecting and sorting out all the data and uploading them to the ark.

About a minute later, a document was stored in his phone.

It is the result of Ark's analysis. It probably means that the miscarriage is indeed caused by that gene. When the fetus is about to mature, the mutated gene suddenly produces a secretion, which is regarded as an "enemy" by the mother's immune system. Slowly cut off the nutrient supply and 'attack' until the fetus is destroyed.

The imported gene only intercepted a small part of the mutated gene, maybe other mutated genes in his body can suppress the problem of that small part of the gene, and restrain the disadvantages of the problem gene.

After all, [Pencil] Chi Feichi's mother and grandmother had never had a miscarriage.

"Ark, send the data to my father and let him find someone to study it."

If you want to determine this problem, you need to experiment repeatedly. It is better to let the laboratory set up by Ike Shinosuke do it.

Ike Shinosuke has his blood, hair samples, and more than one professional. The research progress will be much faster than him alone.

Freeing up his hands, he planned to look at the drug information of the organization, stealing one or two that didn't get much attention first, and making that person feel that he was suddenly interested in drugs...

Then it's much easier.

Chi Feichi picked out two research materials, one was the research data about finding the wrong direction when studying the medicine to promote rapid wound healing, and the other was the research data about decomposing and removing tumors in the body. After a rough look, he began to sort out the ingredient list .

Take part from one share, no matter what you can make, blindly cooperate!

Of course, he was also afraid that he would play it off and produce some toxic substances and gases, so he planned to make the ingredient list first, and at the same time, he would also ask Fang Zhou if he could add some ingredients.

Feichi dozed off at the side, and when he woke up from a nap, he found that Chi Feichi hadn't been busy anymore, "Master? Are you done?"


Chi Feichi casually put the form on the table, went out of the laboratory, took off his white coat, took out the mobile phone that had been put in his coat pocket before, and found that it was past six in the afternoon, and there were still a bunch of missed calls. It was called more than ten minutes ago.

"Hey, Xiaolan...Sorry, I fell asleep before...Going to eat? Minato? Okay, let me ask Xiao Ai."

"Xiao Ai...Sorry, I fell asleep before...I'm going to have dinner with Mr. Maori. There are fireworks to watch. Would you like to go?...I'll pick you up."

After a busy day, he even forgot to eat lunch. He really didn't feel like making dinner by himself, so he might as well grab a ready-made one.

Although it is difficult to have a good meal with Conan around, as long as he eats fast enough, the case will not interrupt him.

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