Conan: Open the Door, I’m a Policeman

Vol 3 Chapter 215: magic party

Early on Monday morning, inside and outside the bars of the detention room, Tsuki Mizuma and Miwako Sato stared wide-eyed, as if they were competing to see who's eyes widened.

"What are you doing here?" Sato Miwako couldn't help it at first, and asked, in a bad tone.

"Let's take a look at the rare and protected animals. There are not many police departments who have been arrested for drunk driving these years." Shui Jianyue said wickedly.

Even if she was very familiar with Mikazu, even if Chiba and Miyamoto Yumi were still in the car, Miike Naeko was very unselfish and righteous and killed her relatives, and turned Sato Mikako to the police station.

According to the traffic law, drunk driving is criminally responsible. The latest road management law is a fixed-term imprisonment of not more than 10 years, plus a fine of not more than 1 million yen, and it is impossible to obtain a driver's license for more than 3 years and less than 10 years.

However, since it is a criminal responsibility, it means that this matter finally falls into the hands of the criminal police. Although they cannot directly intervene, neither the police officer Matsumoto nor the manager of Matsumoto, or even the chief inspector of the White Horse Police, have no plans to sit and watch the police flowers. Plan to go to jail.

After a series of unspeakable and dirty relations, the fact has become that Sato Miwako was in a state of alarm at that time, and the police lights had been lit.

As for the specific results of the operation... I was detained for three days, not recorded in the file, and gone.

As for what Mizumayuki did inside... Only Mizumayuki herself and Hakuba police chief knew.

"You bastard, don't you dare to forget about this matter." Sato Miwako's face was hideous, and it seemed that this matter was going to become a lifetime of black history.

"Of course I don't need to talk about it everywhere...but guess how I know?" Mizumayuki asked with a smirk.

"How do you know?" Sato Miwako had a bad feeling.

"It seems that Yumi was also in the car at that time?" Mizumayuki said in a persuasive manner.

"Isn't it possible? Isn't she sleeping?" Miwako Sato began to despair, and it was only a matter of time before what Yumi Miyamoto knew and the world knew.

"Then I don't know." Mizumayuki spread out her hands, watching Sato Mikazu go mad with interest.

If Sato Mikazu knew that Miyamoto Yumi woke up briefly when they went to Rota's house, it would not be surprising that Miyamoto Yumi was pretending to be asleep when she was stopped by Miike Naeko.

"Okay, I still have to watch the three series for you for two days, so I won't chat with you any more." It felt that Sato Miwako's attention had almost been freed from the loss, and Mizuma Yue waved her hand and left, no Take away a cloud.

"Go away." Sato Miwako snorted coldly and turned her head away.

After a long absence, he stepped into the office of the three departments, and Mizumayue successfully exchanged for a silence.

"That... The Sato Police Department has something to do these days, so I won't say more. Anyway, if you have something to do, come find me next door, don't say you don't know I'm in the second department!" He turned around and left without explaining anything.

"Wait, the police department, just received a report! There was a murder case!"

"What's going on?" Shui Jianyue's eyebrows were twisted together. Since the police department of the third department is not here now, and the second department has no case, why would the case be handed over to the third department?

At the scene of the crime, Takagi read the scene as always.

"The deceased, Xi Shanwu, was 41 years old. At about 8:00 this morning, his mother came to clean his room and found his body. According to the preliminary examination, the time of death should have been in the early hours of yesterday... Police... What are you looking for?" At the end of the reading, Takagi found that Mizumayuki was absent-minded, probing his brain near the scene.

"It's okay..." Mizumayue shook her head, thinking that she really didn't see the Maori family. The original allocation mechanism was that the cases reported by the Maori family were given to the department where the Maori family was present, and the department without the Maori family was given to the department where the Maori family was absent?

nice and correct...

Xishanwu was lying in front of the computer desk. The cause of death was poisoning. There was half a glass of water in the glass on the table, but neither the glass nor the water was found to be poisonous.

The most worrying thing is that the computer in front of the deceased is still on, and a text document is typed on the computer: "One has been solved, sincere shadow mage."

Shadow mage? What the hell? Shui Jianyue turned around and didn't see anything special, so she handed it over to the forensics department and went to the first person who found it, the mother of the deceased.

Speaking of which, the deceased was in his 40s and had no family yet, and he was still being taken care of by his mother, which was indeed a bit unfortunate.

"Excuse me to ask, did your son have a visitor yesterday?" Mizumayuki asked the old woman who lost her son in her 60s politely.

The old man didn't cry or cry. Although there was an undisguised sadness on his face, he recalled it calmly for a while and shook his head.

"I didn't know there were visitors, but I was at home almost all day yesterday and there shouldn't be any visitors I didn't know about."

"Almost?" Mizumayuki noticed this particular word.

"Yes, although she's an old woman, it's not like she doesn't go out all day, right?" the old woman recalled: "I think about it, since I went to pick up the newspaper and milk around seven in the morning, I should have only wasted five About six minutes, and then at one or two o'clock in the afternoon, I went for a walk with a few old sisters, um... It's like an hour or two, and at seven o'clock in the evening, I went shopping for vegetables, about an hour." Reported time away from home.

"It's unlikely in the morning, but it's really suspicious at noon and at night... By the way, does Mr. Nishiyama have any job?" Occasionally, when I get a few thousand yen, she proudly shows it off to me..." The old woman suddenly ranted about this unfortunate child.

"Excuse me...has he been anywhere recently or going somewhere?" Mizumayuki asked again.

"I think about it... By the way, he was going to a dinner party for magic lovers today, and asked me to pack his luggage... Really, he doesn't have a serious job, and he spends all day in the activities of this association and that association, asking for money." I felt that the old woman was scolding the dead again.

Shui Jianyue has no time to take care of these things, he just feels that some things are connected in series to give him a bad feeling.

"That... do you know where it is?" Mizumayuki asked again.

"Looks like it was in the forest? I can't remember." The old woman shook her head.

"Thank you, I'm going to take a look at the scene again, you can rest for a while." After Mizuki finished speaking, she walked into the deceased's room again.

"Police Department." Seeing Mizuma Tsuki entering the house, Fujiwara Sakagi was the first to come over: "We seem to have found traces that look like footprints outside the window, but they are not very clear and cannot be linked to the house."

"That means the visitor may have gone through the window... let me see."

Mizuma Yue walked to the window sill outside the window and saw nothing at first. Only after Fujiwara Sakagi pointed out that she noticed that when she looked from the side, she could see a dim light and shadow like a fascination, which was indeed the same as shoes or soles. The outline is very close.

"Hey! It's... it's snowing!" At this time, a few snowflakes fell from the sky, making Fujiwara Sakagi and others almost panicked.

He hurriedly held up an umbrella to prevent the falling snowflakes from destroying the shallow trace.

"I can't go on like this..." Kawasaki Hideki came over and looked up at the sky: "This is the rhythm of a blizzard."

Shadow mage...Xishanwu...Magic lover...Deep forest...Blizzard...Mizuki felt more and more wrong.

After thinking about it, Mizumayue walked out of the door, took out her mobile phone and called Uncle Maori.

"Hello? I'm Maori."

"Hello, Mr. Maori, I'm Tsukishima."

"Water Room? Is there something wrong?"

"That...I want to ask, have you encountered anything related to 'magic' recently." After a moment of hesitation, Mizuma Yue asked directly, because she still felt that Conan would have something to do with this incident.

"Yes! My daughter and Sonoko just went to a party for magic lovers. I just sent them in and are about to leave. What's wrong?" Uncle Maori is a little strange. The starting point of this question is very strange, but he Did encounter something related to magic.

"That's great, can you please go back and ask me some more questions?" Mizumayue said eagerly.

"It's strange, Mizujian boy, you will ask me, a detective, for help, let's talk about it." Uncle Maori joked, it seems that the "exception" of Mizujian Yue made him very willing to help.

"Anyway, it's not reasoning... It's like this, can you help me ask if there is anyone named Xishanwu or Shadow Master among their members." Mizumayue said into the phone.

"Can you... ask... call Xi... Mage..." However, when the voice entered Uncle Maori's phone, it had become incomplete.

"What did you say? I can't hear you clearly!" said Uncle Maori loudly.

"...Speak...clearly..." However, Mizumayue could only hear a few words.

Looking up at the sky, Mizumayue reacted. The **** blizzard has seriously interfered with the mobile phone model. Although there is still a colorful light snow on the ground, the weather must have been very bad at the high altitude where electromagnetic waves are transmitted.

"Xishanwu is dead! Shadow Mage killed! Xishanwu is dead! Shadow Mage kills!..." Mizumayue shouted and repeated to the phone in the most concise language, until the signal disappeared and the call was directly blocked. Until the interruption, I just hope that Uncle Maori can hear some of the people in the warning.

"Xishan...Master...Xi...die...Shadow Mage...Xishan...Shadow...kill..." Uncle Maori's mobile phone reluctantly spit out Shui Jianyue's words, but the uncle still heard it from here. So of course.

In the mountain villa where the gathering of magic lovers was held, young men and women were excited when they were interrupted by a sudden knock on the door.

"Uncle? Why is it you again?" The young man who opened the door saw Mouri Kogoro and asked very speechlessly, how could he care about his daughter's relationship like this.

"Dad?" Xiaolan was also very surprised by Kogoro Mouri, who had returned.

"I said is there anyone in your staff named Xishan, or Shadow Master?" Uncle Maori asked seriously.

"Yes, but they are not here now." The young man who opened the door earlier said disapprovingly.

"Of course it's gone!" The uncle said solemnly, "I just received a notice from the police that a man named Xishan died, and a man named Shadow Master killed someone."

"What are you kidding? Why did the police inform you?" The young man raised his eyebrows and looked at Kogoro Mouri, thinking that this man was just trying to disrupt the party.

Mouri Kogoro didn't know how Mizumayuki found him, but he didn't say it, but tidied up his collar seriously: "Because I'm a famous detective Mouri Kogoro!"


"Maori Kogoro!"

"That precise detective?" Everyone had different reactions to Mouri Kogoro's self-introduction.

One of them, a fat man named Takshu Doi, glanced at a woman named Kikue Tanaka with an inexplicable meaning.

"Hey, it doesn't matter what detective is not a detective, if you want to know if what he said is true, just call Xishan and you will know?" A person who seemed to be the initiator of the party or something, stood up and smoothed the game. , while talking, dialed the phone in the villa.

"Hey... why is there no sound?" After waiting for a long time, the man said strangely.

"If you didn't answer the phone, it should be coming soon, right?" said the young man who was unhappy with Uncle Maori.

"No, no, it's too quiet, there's no sound!" the initiator exclaimed.

"How could this be?" the crowd exclaimed.

"Don't even have this common sense? This means that the telephone line has been cut off!" Uncle Maori said: "Now that you are probably being targeted by that shadow mage, why don't you leave here as soon as possible?"

"I agree to leave here too, it's so weird here!" said the fat man named Doi Takshu suddenly.

"I agree."

"I also agree with as long as one person starts, there will be many people who have the same intention but dare not put it forward.

"Then let's go." Finally, everyone agreed, and they all went back to get their luggage and prepared to return the same way.

"That...that way..." The road to the outside world from the mountain villa passed over a cliff with a narrow wooden suspension bridge.

The snow has really developed into a blizzard, which makes the visibility very low, and when they reach the position where the suspension bridge is in the sight of everyone, everyone finds a hazy red light, which makes everyone have a very bad guess.

I hurriedly ran a few steps. When the cliff entered the eyes of everyone, no one could see that the suspension bridge was boiled. All they could see was the raging fire, and on the other side of the cliff, a small figure kept shouting: "Uncle Maori! Sister Xiaolan!"

The suspension bridge was burnt down! Now they are in isolation, and there is a killer in the shadows waiting to take their lives.

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