Conan: Open the Door, I’m a Policeman

Vol 2 Chapter 5: Theatrical Version Detonate the Skyscraper【5】

After the call was connected, Mizuma Yue could hear Ken Nakamura gasping for breath on the other side of the phone, and Kenichi Nakamura said, "It was too late when we went, it was that kid named Conan Edogawa who exploded the bomb in the air. So there are no casualties! Sigh..." After a frenzy, the phone recalled Conan's voice: "Officer Mizuma, the bomber just called, and there was another bomb in the square in front of Mihua Station. Under the tree, but not buried under the tree."

Shui Jianyue took a breath. She had a bomb here, but she never found it. She looked down at her watch. It was 12:45. She quickly called the nearby police officers to look for it, focusing on checking the foot of each tree. As a precaution, officers also searched the station and nearby streets.

The time passed minute by minute, but the bomb was still to no avail. Yue Mizuma raised her hand and glanced at her watch. It was 12:52, and there were still eight minutes left! Mizumayuki made up his mind that if the bomb was not found in three minutes, then the crowd would be evacuated safely.

In a corner of the station, an old woman was about to sit on a chair to rest when she suddenly noticed a faint cat meowing from under the chair.

The old woman squatted down, found a pink pet cage under the chair, picked up the pet cage, and found a piece of paper on it, writing: Please kindly adopt it. Opening the door, a snow-white cat emerged from the inside, with pure white fur, possibly a precious breed.

"Oh! It turned out that you were thrown away by your master. It's so pitiful." The old woman was very loving, she picked up the cat lovingly and rubbed her cheeks while saying, "Don't worry, old lady, I'll take you home. ." Picking up the kitten with one hand and the cage with the other, the cat is about to be brought home. Completely unaware of the dripping sound inside the cage, it was drowned in the noisy environment.

Kenichi Nakamura, who happened to be sharp-eyed when he saw this scene, stepped forward quickly, showed the police officer's card to the old woman and said, "Hello! I'm Kenichi Nakamura, the head of the inspection department of the First Section of Search, please let me take a look at this cat. huh?" He took the white cat without hesitation.

The old woman doesn't understand cats, but Nakamura Ken has a certain understanding of cats and recognizes that this cat is a very precious breed, which makes him think the cat is suspicious.

But looking left and right holding the kitten, Kenichi Nakamura didn't see any problem, and the kitten was snatched back by the recovered old woman.

Kenichi Nakamura wasn't annoyed, he took the pink cage and explained to the old woman with a smile, "I'll check the cage."

Picking up the cage, Ken Nakamura flipped it over. There was nothing strange about it. Although he could hear something faintly, he couldn't hear it clearly, and he couldn't be sure where it came from. Finally, under the face of the old woman about to turn black, when Kenichi Nakamura was about to return the cage to the old woman, he took a ghostly look into the cage, and this look made his expression freeze.

Deep inside the cage, a bomb was taped to the bottom of the cage, and a timer was counting down, showing six minutes and twenty-one seconds remaining.

"Bomb... bomb!" Ken Nakamura's terrified screams came to the nearby police officers, terrifying all the people nearby.

The PS admission result is out, Shenyang Institute of Technology, majoring in nuclear engineering and nuclear technology, are there any readers who cover me (laughs)

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