Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 1076: - tapes

At 7:40 pm on February 19th, in a studio in Tokyo.

"Sir, are you saying that there is something wrong with this toilet?" The maintenance worker in overalls looked at the set in the bathroom in front of him and asked.

"Yes," the fat gray-haired uncle nodded. "I don't know why this toilet, after flushing the toilet, it will continue to leak from time to time, and it will be better after charging and discharging several times."

"That's right," the maintenance worker nodded. "Then leave it to me."

Opening the lid of the water tank, the maintenance worker pressed the pump button and put on rubber gloves while watching the drop in the water level.

With the siphon sound from the toilet, the water level in the water tank dropped rapidly - the problem is probably not at this stage, because if this stage is not normal, there will be no water leakage problem.

Then, with the end of the pumping action, the flush valve at the water outlet is re-covered on the water outlet, blocking the water flow, and the water filling valve has begun to refill the water tank - until this step, the work of the toilet is still normal.

However, as the water flow gradually filled the water tank, the maintenance worker found an abnormality - there was a floating ball in the water tank that controlled the water intake and stayed on the water surface. When the water in the water tank was filled to a certain height, the floating ball would drive the water inlet valve to close. , stop the water storage action. Now, even though the water level has risen to the same height as the top of the make-up pipe, the float that controls the valve to close has not risen high enough. (The top of the water supply pipe is open, and when the water level reaches this height, it will flow out from the path of the water outlet pipe. The function is similar to the overflow port on the wall of the bathtub to prevent the water level from being too high)

Therefore, since the float is not raised enough, the tap water is constantly flowing into the tank. And because the water level has already been raised to the top of the make-up pipe, it cannot be raised any further. However, the water level that could not be raised further made the float unable to continue to rise.

"Okay, I probably understand," nodded to the head of the household here, and the maintenance worker lightly grabbed the side of the float with his gloved hand - compared to the average product, the float in this tank The ball is surprisingly large, occupying at least half of the cross-sectional area of ​​the tank.

If the problem occurs here, raising the float will probably fix it, right?

Thinking like this, he gently pulled the floating ball upwards, but found that the hand felt a little abnormal.

[This floating ball...why is it so heavy? 】

"So," After seeing that the water tank had stopped leaking, the fat uncle showed a happy expression. "Is that the problem with the float?"

"It should be," the maintenance worker nodded, but his expression was hard to let go. "I guess which part of the float is broken, causing some water to seep into it? If there are some very small leaks, some water will gradually be mixed into the float and reduce the buoyancy of the float. And the maximum height it can float. After a period of leaking water, you have the problem that your toilet is now.”

Saying this, he took the float off the stem of the water inlet valve...

Then everyone found the problem.

Under the floating ball, a waterproof bag was glued by someone unknown, and inside the waterproof bag were four tapes.


At 2:50 a.m. on February 20, Shiho Miyano's cell phone rang, and the caller was Gregory.

"You'd better give me a reason to call at this time," Shiho Miyano said in a very bad tone. "Anyway, it's also 2:51 in the morning, non-working hours!"

"Anyway, when you just learned about that incident, it's unlikely that your character will fall asleep, right?" Gregory didn't think he would really disturb Shiho's sleep, but said straight to the point. "We found some audio tapes here. According to the identification, it seems to be the audio that was left to you by the late Mrs. Miyano Elena."

All of Miyano Shiho's dissatisfaction disappeared at this moment.

"What did you say?"

"Well," Gregory's voice actually contained some elder care. "I think you'd better come to Mihua Central Hospital as soon as possible. I will wait for you here with the information."

Immediately afterwards, the phone hung up.

"..." Miyano Shiho looked at himself in his hand, and then looked at Chiba's diary in his hand - it happened to be turned to the part of Chiba's vow of love with Haibara Ai.

[If other people saw this little book, it might mean that I am dead, and no one can tell other people the story between us with personal experience. Then, please also see that you can remember and tell others: Tachibana Chiba and Haibara Ai are lovers who love each other deeply. This is absolute, eternal, and beyond everything. Perhaps our bodies will be destroyed, but we will live happily ever after in the kingdom of heaven on the other side of the world. 】

Putting the diary carefully in the inner pocket of his clothes, Shiho stood up from his seat, grabbed the handbag hanging on the wall next to him, and left - just as Gregory said at After knowing the reason why Qianyu left her, she couldn't sleep at all.


When Shiho arrived at Miwa Central Hospital, she saw a very strange scene - Gregory with a pale face was sitting on a chair, and Fujiwara, who was full of shame, stood in front of him, bowing his head and saying a word. Do not send.

What's going on here?

"Things," Gregory pointed to the sofa next to him and told Will to sit down. "I already know about it - when you and that kid were tested for HIV, they found the same false positives. Later, when I used this as a clue to explore the reason, I found that the two of you have very close genetic relationship. ,Right?"

"..." Glancing at Fujiwara, who didn't even dare to turn his eyes, Miyano Shiho nodded. "Yes, at least that's what I know so far."

"Humph!" After glaring at Fujiwara, Gregory nodded. "Anyway... this is your thing, let's go back and listen to it first."

Saying so, he put a bag of tapes on the table and pushed it in Shiho's direction.

"Um..." Standing up, Shiho came over to take the videotape. "But... how could Fujiwara be pulled over to lecture at this time... a medical accident?"

"..." Glancing at Fujiwara and turning his gaze back, Gregory pointed to the videotape in Shibao's hand. "You'll know when you go back and listen to it... Your mother gave you this tape. If I need to give you the most important part - listen to the 18-year-old part."

Shiho showed a confused expression, his eyes moving between the tape and Gregory repeatedly.

"You'll know when you listen," Gregory waved his hand. "As long as you listen, you'll understand."

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