Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 1082: - go home (end)

On the morning of February 25, on the climbing steps of the mountain where the Chayiji Shrine is located.

"The last time you came here to climb the mountain, were you just a child?" Shiho said to Chiba jokingly while walking on the steps.

"Yeah," Qianyu fought back without showing weakness. "You weren't even a child back then."

Playing like this, the long-awaited couple held hands and walked up the stairs.

[I don't know how long I haven't felt this way...] Feeling the hand gently squeezed by the palm of her hand, Chiyu couldn't help feeling happy.

"You're laughing so wildly," Shiho's disgusting voice came from behind Chiba. "It's like the evil mage villain who stole the princess."

"Uh..." Qian Yu was about to turn her head to rebut, but found something interesting. "You are obviously the same!"

"Huh?" Only the Zhibao person reacted. "Ah, that's all right."

The two suddenly stopped, stared at each other for a moment, but suddenly laughed again.

"Why are you laughing!"

"I do not have!"

"You are obviously laughing!"

"I laughed because I saw you were laughing!"

Just like that, two 17-year-old would-be adults who clearly had the knowledge of a 25-year-old laughed like 9-year-old children.

"I..." Qian Yu looked at the surrounding jungle and suddenly whispered. "I want to kiss you, what should I do?"

Shiho didn't say anything, but just hugged Chiba, closed his eyes, stood on tiptoe, and pressed close to him. The two of them frantically revealed their love for each other.



Because there were too many people, Chiba's room eventually became a multi-person apartment, and there was no separate suite for them to find each other again. Therefore, they can only sleep in the same room with other same-sex friends, exchanging affection with each other through mobile phones. And now, they finally found a chance to be alone with each other.

[Really... I love you so much...]

At this moment, Qianyu seemed to suddenly understand the undisguised act of showing love to Yuu in front of them like the sky yesterday. I also probably felt how stupid my previous concerns were—other people's eyes, just let them go! What's more, there wouldn't be so much resistance in the first place, so why think about so many useless things?

In my eyes, there will always be only you, and everything else is meaningless.


"We were also visiting here at the time, right?" Shiho asked, looking at the Chaihime Shrine in front of him.

"Yes," Qianyu nodded. "At that time, you gave me a five-yen coin of [Fate], and I hope I can help you put it in together."

"Yeah," Shiho smiled slightly. "At that time, you asked me if it was ten yen, that is, "Far away from fate"

"But now it seems that two five-yen and one ten-yen are not quite the same, right?" Chiyu also seemed to remember something very interesting and smiled happily. "The fate of the two of us is accompanied by the two coins thrown together."

"Speaking of which," after the prayer, Shiho looked curiously at the nearby buildings that were obviously different from the main shrine's painting style. "What's going on with this house... Why does it seem like there are still lights at the door?"

"This is that Miko, the girl's place where you chatted happily yesterday," Qian Yu shrugged. "Responsible for cleaning here every day, in exchange for the right to live here."

"Speaking of that child," Shiho's mind immediately came to the busy figure he saw in the kitchen yesterday. "Is Gregory quite pleased with her?"

"Probably so," Qianyu nodded. "I think the old man definitely still hopes to have a little girl to help her with housework and the like, and the child himself wants to escape from here, so it should be a win-win for everyone."

After chatting like this, the two came to the main hall of the shrine.

"So, let's throw it away again?" Looking at the cash box in front of him, Shiho opened his handbag and rummaged in his wallet. "Do you have five yen coins?"

"Probably... oh, yes." After speaking, Chiba also took out a coin from a pocket of her backpack.

Just like that, the two put the coins into the cash box in the same way as last time, bowed, clapped, and saluted.

Goddess Chayiji is above, I hope you can be here as a witness and protector, and bless us in our future life together.


4:10 pm. Chiba House.

"Then, I'll leave this house to you for the time being?" Qianyu said as she handed the key to the goddess Muying.

"Hmm..." After taking the key, she glanced at Shiho Miyano next to Chiyu, and the goddess Mee nodded slightly cautiously. "I think, uncle, he will complete the procedures for my transfer to Tokyo in mid-March. However, because the shrine has not found additional people to clean the shrine above, so maybe I still need to mainly live there. I'll be in charge of cleaning on the day. So... maybe I won't have a chance to enjoy the room here."

"Don't worry so much," Shiho said. "There aren't too many fallen leaves in this season. It doesn't need to be cleaned all the time. You can go there once every two or three days... I think it's okay."

At this moment, there was a call from the car outside the door.

"Come on, we're leaving!"

"Oh, here we come!" Qianyu quickly turned around and responded, then turned her head and looked at Ying again with some complicated emotions. "Then... are we separated for a while?"

"Don't be so restrained." Before Ying could react, Shiho squinted and complained. "Since you dare to do it, there's nothing you can't do—or, if you want to hide it because I'm here, it means you have a ghost in your heart."

"But..." Qian Yu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but in the end she shook her head helplessly and looked at the goddess Muying. "Okay, yes, then..."

He stretched out his palm and pushed it in front of Ying.

"There will be an appointment in the future~" Ying looked at him with a smile, and at the same time stretched out her palm and patted Qianyu lightly. "I wish your second love with Miss Shiho will be like glue!"

Shiho also smiled slightly, nodded, and then turned around with Chiyu and walked out the door.


On the bus back to Tokyo, only Chiba and Shiho were seated in the last three seats.

"What is this?" Chiho asked curiously after taking the earphones from

"It's an interesting thing," Shiho patted the Walkman and showed a very expectant smile. "Didn't you say it's boring to sit in the car? Let's listen to this together - I've only listened to the first two volumes, and haven't started listening to the third. From my experience, after listening to the last two volumes Roll the tape, we can at least pass two hours."

"Really?" Chiba put on her headphones and watched Shiho press the play button. The hands of the two of them were intertwined unconsciously, and their bodies were leaning against each other, lying in the seats.

"To my eleven-year-old Shiho, I wish you a happy birthday."

Hearing the message from the earphones that his mother had recorded for him a long time ago, the corners of Shiho's mouth rose slightly.

Lying in Chiyu's arms, listening to what her mother left her, what could be more happier than this?

"If you are your age, you should have a boy you like, right? How about it? Do you feel like your life is shining just by seeing him?"

Shiho and Chiba raised their heads at the same time, looked at each other, and then shared a happy smile, snuggling together again.

[Yes, mother, the life with the boy you like and like you is really like shining. 】

The luckiest thing in the world is to have you with me in the most beautiful youth.


[This book... is probably over, at least the main story is over. After that, I may occasionally write some small stories and the like, but there will be no large-scale updates】

[And... Actually, study is also very important. I will apply for a Ph.D. at the end of this year.

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