"The lyrics? What lyrics?

Conan approached Ran with some curiosity and raised his hand to grab the lyrics in her hand.

Looking at Conan's right hand stretched out to his side, Xiaolan handed him the lyrics in his hand a little helplessly, still thinking about the commission in her mind.

Compared to Shinichi, what other aspects can I do better than reasoning?

"Red Blazing Fantasia?" The moment Conan saw the title of the song, he felt the urge to toss the paper aside.

But thinking of Xiaolan's praise of the lyrics of this song, he still read it hard.

"I would like to send you a sincere flower every day, red roses, calendula, mountain terrier flowers, bright red dahlia flowers and the song of love I made for you... Wow~"

Seeing this, Conan couldn't help but shudder, and immediately began to regret it.

Why didn't you just throw this thing aside?

How can this kind of disgusting Bala's song be so popular?

But thinking of Xiaolan's combat power and her recent abnormal behavior, Conan was very wise not to say his opinion.

"By the way, Conan, you said that if you want to become a successful detective, in addition to reasoning skills, what excellent abilities do you need?"

Xiaolan took the lyrics handed back by Conan, and subconsciously asked.

"Of course it is—"

Conan was about to speak when Uncle Maori interrupted.

"Hey, hey, Xiaolan, a big detective is here to ignore this kind of thing, and run to ask what that little ghost is doing, what can he understand."

As he spoke, Uncle Maori straightened his chest and almost wrote the words "ask me quickly" on his face.

"Oh, Dad, you're concentrating on driving, it's dangerous to be distracted on the road."

Xiaolan said angrily, and by the way, she also gave a pair of white eyes.

"Of course, it was the ability to observe, but the great detective Sherlock Holmes had deduced Dr. Watson's previous experience just by careful observation. Therefore, as a detective, in addition to reasoning ability, observation ability is the most important. Sometimes it's even more important than reasoning.

Conan smug glanced at Uncle Maori, turned his head and said to Xiaolan.

"But... Sister Xiaolan, why did you suddenly remember to ask this question? "

Ah, it's not because Dad has become a big detective now, so he thinks about how to become a qualified detective, at least he can help Daddy."

Xiaolan said without hesitation, almost touching Uncle Maori so much that he couldn't even drive the car steadily.

"Observational ability? So how do you exercise your observation skills?

"If Sister Xiaolan wants to exercise her observation skills, she might as well deliberately let herself pay more attention to and observe some details that are not easy to care about, such as the car that my uncle passed just now, is it dark gray?" Or is it black? Are the windows open? Or is it closed?

Following Conan's words, even Uncle Maori subconsciously began to recall what the situation was with the car just now, and then stepped on the accelerator as if he was a little annoyed.

Xiaolan didn't care about the sudden increase in speed, but looked at the gradually growing manor at the end of the field of vision, and secretly decided in her heart that she would start with this case and exercise her observation skills.

Soon, as the rented car came to a halt in front of the manor, Xiaolan got out of the car after Uncle Maori and Conan, looking at the sky overhead with some concern.

"It was still sunny just now, why is it going to rain all of a sudden? It's thundering!

Xiaolan, who was startled by the sudden thunder, subconsciously grabbed Conan's hand, as if this would give her more courage.

"Sister Xiaolan, if you want to become a detective, timidity is also a shortcoming that needs to be overcome."

Conan glanced at his left hand, which was aching, and patted the back of Xiaolan's hand with his right hand as if comfortingly.

"Remember, our identities this time are friends of President Kana, a member of the Morita family, but don't reveal that I'm Detective Mori Kogoro."

As he spoke, Uncle Maori straightened his bow tie, turned his head and said to the two people beside him.

"Don't worry, you can't usually see it anyway."

Conan stuck his head out from behind Ran and said with a smile, and then got the chance to get up close and personal with Uncle Maori's fist.

"Please, are you two a little bit of a good way?"

Xiaolan sighed and raised her hand to knock on the door.

Soon, a slender woman in a black off-the-shoulder evening dress opened the door with a blank face.

With the dim sky behind her and the thunder that sounded from time to time, not only Xiaolan's face was pale, but even Uncle Maori couldn't help but take half a step back.

"Mr. Morita, yes?"

The woman didn't seem to notice this, and after a brief questioning, she led them through the door.

Mr. Kana, who had been waiting for Uncle Mori to appear, heard the movement, and hurriedly walked down from the second floor, held Uncle Mori's right hand tightly, and introduced him to the secretary named Tokudaiji Masagi who had just opened the door.

"Wow, is this the hall? It's huge.

Xiao Lan was a little surprised, the size of this hall was almost half the size of the garden family.

"Every piece of art looks like it has a lot going on."

This is Uncle Maori pretending to be his opinion.

"Everyone, let's take a rest here, the other guests haven't arrived yet."

"No, it's not in a hurry, can you let me see the whole mansion before that?"

Uncle Maori rejected Mr. Gana's kindness, regardless of the level, the work attitude had to be correct.

"That's right, Miss Tokudaiji, please take Mr. Morita and them for a tour."

Well? Why did we let Miss Tokudaiji lead us on a tour?

Perhaps it was a woman's natural keenness, Xiaolan's expression was a little puzzled.

Isn't Miss Tokudaiji Mr. Kana's secretary? Shouldn't this kind of thing of leading guests to visit be done by the hostess who is more familiar with the house? Or is Mrs. Gana not at home? But is it really not in the way to go out in this situation of receiving a threatening letter

At this moment, a faintly dissatisfied voice interrupted several people who were about to leave the hall, and also interrupted Xiaolan's worries.

"No need, I'll take the guests on a tour."

A woman in a light blue dress crossed her hands and said indifferently.

"This is the inner beauty release, and the president of the Cana Music Publishing House under the Cana Enterprise."

"Welcome, will you come with me?"

After saying that, he ignored Miss Tokudaiji, who was standing on the side and bowed slightly, turned around and walked out of the hall with the Mori family, and began to visit the entire house.

"This is the study at home...""This is the place for fitness...""

This is the piano room at home...""This is

my bedroom next to the piano room


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