The setting sun slowly crawled over the stone path in the courtyard, leaving traces of time on the ground.

"New doctor, isn't your hospital open?"

At the gate, an old woman carrying a basket of vegetables said with regret.

"No way, since my father died, I can't support such a large workload alone. I've already found a new job and went to Didan High School as a school doctor, so I guess I have a good job. A

gentle male voice came from inside the open gate, and a young man with glasses was sweeping the fallen leaves in the yard with a broom.

"The school doctor... The school doctor is good. Relaxed, and the doctor-patient relationship is harmonious. However, didn't you apply for a job at Aomori Hospital before? Why did you run away to be a school doctor again? I

have to say that no matter where the middle-aged women are very gossipy, looking at the old woman leaning against the door with a posture of not asking a clear swear, the young man stopped what he was doing, and did not say anything, but patiently explained his reasons.

Finally, the other party was finally dismissed, and the new Tomoaki who closed the door looked at the pile of fallen leaves in front of him, pouted, threw the broom casually, and turned his head to walk to the room.


Belmode lit a cigarette with his hood off, his face full of disgust.

"Convinced, how can the old thing talk like this."

Losing interest in cleaning, Belmode leaned back on the couch, playing with a bunch of keys in his hand.

"So, where is the key to this safe?"

As the movement ceased, a short, screeching key separated from its companions and appeared in Belmode's fingertips.

Her instinct told her that there must be something important in the safe corresponding to the key with many new scratches that was important to the new doctor in the past.

Find it, or your disguise will be very flawed.

Thinking of this, Belmode stood up somewhat reluctantly and began to continue his search of the entire residence.

But as he passed a photo wall, Belmode paused, looked at a photo hanging in the center, and smiled.

"Long time no see, Angel."

But Belmode didn't stay in front of the photo wall for long, turning and walking to the room on the other side. That part, she remembers, she hasn't searched in detail.

"Tsk, isn't it true that everyone in the family is a doctor?"

Looking at the human molds and various medical testing instruments stacked in the room in front of him, Belmode looked disgusted.

She knew all the instruments here, and she had been with their kind for a long time.

It's just that this memory is not very good.

Thinking of the past, Belmode felt a pang of boredom in his heart, and casually pressed the cigarette butt in his mouth to extinguish the shell of the instrument beside him.

Although she knew that this would definitely not be in line with her current personality, she didn't want to pay attention to it at all.

She hated these testing instruments.

Even so, Belmode was patient, rummaging through the room inch by inch, to find out if there was any secret passage or secret compartment or anything like that.

"Phew, bad luck."

Belmode brushed the dust off his hands and turned away.

No anomalies were found.

"There's only one room down there."

Belmode shrugged at the iron door at the end of the hallway, if the mysterious safe hadn't been here, things might have been a little tricky.

Unlike the previous room where the instruments were placed, this room was filled with neatly packed medicines.

"It seems that if you catch a cold, you can save a lot of money for cold medicine."

Belmode smiled and picked up a box of drugs from the shelf, shook it in his ear.

No problem.

Checking the pill boxes one by one is a very boring thing, Belmode put the pill boxes to his ear one by one and shake them to listen to the sounds, while taking out his phone and starting to check the information of the organization.

"Bourbon is missing as usual, Gin is catching rats again, Kiel is still her hostess, Ireland... Ireland is hurt?

Belmode stopped what he was doing, a little curious, why Ireland was injured, this guy shouldn't have a mission recently.

In order to avoid asking casually and being pointed at the head with a gun by Gin, who was in a bad mood, Belmode gave up the idea of sending a message to ask about Ireland, anyway, he was not familiar with him, so he didn't die.

As she finished reading through the organization's latest messages, she also checked all the medicine boxes, and didn't say which ones were actually disguised as mini-safes.

At this moment, the only thing that has not been inspected in the entire house is the large refrigerator in front of him.

"Are they all drugs that need to be refrigerated? Could it be that this key is really used in a safe somewhere else?

Belmode frowned, I hadn't seen him go anywhere when I was spying on him before?

Just as she was about to give up, her right hand, which she had reached into, suddenly hit an imperceptible gap.

"Huh? It turned out to be here.

Belmode smiled and pulled out the key to open the compartment he had found.

There was nothing extra in the dark grid, except for a half-tube of blood from an unknown animal, and only a notebook remained.

Without touching the blood, she opened the notebook that had been put together and was freezing cold.

"Research logs? Study these two tubes of blood?

Belmode glanced at the two tubes of unremarkable-looking blood, and patiently read the research record from beginning to end.

Judging from the handwriting, it is obviously the result of two people's relay one after the other.

"Blood from a girl with long black straight hair? Bleeding from internal organs, but unreasonably showing no signs of debilitating life after more than an hour? When

he saw the first paragraph of the study, Belmode was shocked.

Is this really something that people can do?

As she continued to look down, she saw a name that surprised her even more.

"Maoriran? This person was brought here by Angel? "

It's just a pity that the person who studied this tube of blood doesn't know who the person Angel brought with him is.

Roughly flipping through the research notes in his hand, Belmode hesitated for a moment and tore off all the references to Maoliland.

Then, put away the remaining tube and a half of blood, along with the research notes.

"Sawada Michiko, I'll go to Rice Flower Station in twenty minutes, and I have something to give you to study. Remember, all research results are not allowed to be disclosed to anyone without my permission.

Belmode hung up and watched as his torn research notes burned on the stone slabs in the courtyard.

"Tomorrow's reunion is even more exciting."

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