"I'm out of the house."

Conan waved at Uncle Maori, who had just gotten out of bed.

"Alright, go camp with you, stinky boy."

Uncle Maori yawned and waved his arm impatiently.

Really, Xiaolan went out to rehearse the drama early in the morning, and didn't come back at noon, and there was no one at home to cook.

Last night, it was said that he would take Conan out at noon today, but the stinky boy unceremoniously rejected the advice of the great Maori detective, and said that he would go to Dr. Asasa's house for lunch, and then go camping together in the afternoon.

As a result, there was only one lonely old man left in the office who didn't know what to eat for lunch...

And Conan, who went out, took three steps, and finally walked next door to Dr. Asasa's house, the door of his former house, his mind subconsciously flashed the things mentioned by Xiao Ai last night.

"Well, it's impossible."

Conan shook his head, walked to Dr. Asasa's door, and rang the doorbell.

Before he could take his fingertips off the button, he heard a faint roar from inside the door.

Forehead...... Conan looked at his finger ringing the doorbell.

This explosion must have nothing to do with me.

After waiting for a moment, Dr. Asasa with an old face stained with black and gray opened the door for Conan.

"Really, Shinichi, if you had rang the doorbell a little later, I would have been able to make my new invention come out smoothly."


Conan rolled his eyes, and secretly complained in his heart, just kidding, you have to blow up with or without me.

When he put his backpack on the sofa, Xiao Ai was just in time to bring the last dish to the table.

"Wash your hands and eat."

Looking at the two people who were still together, Xiao Wai raised his eyebrows and said unceremoniously.

Looking at Xiao Ai, who had returned to the kitchen, Dr. Asa hesitated and snuck into Conan's ear.

"Xiao Ai's recent antidote work seems to have made some progress, and I see that she is in a good mood after the experiment recently."

"Oh? Are you sure? Can I change back then?

Conan was so excited that he almost couldn't even hold his chopsticks.

"You're thinking too much, it's not the antidote that has made progress recently."

Xiao Wai slapped the spoon used for the soup on the table with an expressionless face, unceremoniously discouraged him.

Just kidding, they don't cooperate with their plans, so why should they tell you how far the antidote has been studied.

Give me a wait. Anyway, she wasn't so eager to change back now.

"Not an antidote? What is that? Is there any research difficulty encountered by their company in Banxia?

Dr. Asa was curious.

"Sort of, it's mainly the same capsule that transforms a particularly widely used potion into a capsule."

Xiao Wai thought of the first time she smelled the smell of the potion, and couldn't help but shudder, and suddenly lost her appetite when she looked at the food she made in front of her.

Really, why did you mention that potion just now? Isn't this self-inflicted guilt?

It was precisely because of this that after the whole meal was finished, Dr. Asa realized that Xiao Ai's portion had not even eaten half of it.

"Xiao Ai, are you uncomfortable? What about camping that afternoon?

Dr. Asa looked at her with some concern.

"It's okay, it's just not too hungry. I'll clean up, and you guys will pick up the others first.

Xiao Wai shook her head and began to clean up the mess.

Two hours later, driving in the yellow beetle on the forest path, the three little ones were playing in the back of the car, and Xiao Ai and Banxia got together to study the potion that Xiao Ai had successfully transformed into a capsule a few days ago.

Conan, who was sitting in the passenger seat, hesitated, leaned over to Dr. Asasa and whispered.

"Doctor, I think about the last time I talked about Xiaolan, can you help me make a prop to improvise?"

"What are you going to do?"

Since they were the only cars on the road, Dr. Asa had the leisure to discuss with Conan what kind of props he wanted.

"Just make me a robot that can move and talk, and then look exactly like me."

"Heh, if I could really make something like this, I would be a billionaire long ago."

Dr. Asasa looked at Conan with idiotic eyes, and almost stopped the car to see if there was any water in the man's head.

The conversation between the two fell into the ears of Xiao Wai and Banxia in the back row.

"Is this the plan about to start again? Why didn't this guy play his cards as planned?

Banxia couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"Can Conan have a certain recognition of 'Xiaolan recognizes his identity', isn't this already the completion of eighty percent of the plan? The next thing is to improvise according to his method of dispelling Xiaolan's doubts.

Xiao Ai took out a magazine from the basket on the inside of the car door and read it, he had recently completed so many research tasks for a certain unconscionable bastard, and it was time to meet his new batch of small bags.

Which one is the latest? Or is it the one I didn't buy last time?

It's so confusing.

Soon, the Beetle stopped on the side of the road, and Dr. Asa and six small ones, a total of seven people, carrying the things they had prepared in advance, began to hum and build tents and stoves.

When the construction work was completed, all the five little ones, including Banxia, were rushed by Xiao Ai to collect firewood.

After all, it wasn't too long before it got dark.

"Can't I stay and help? I'll cook too.

Banxia, who didn't want to run around, cheekily leaned over to Xiao Ai, who was processing the ingredients, and said.

"No, it's definitely not enough to have four children pick up firewood for so long, and you can't expect Dr. Asasa to collect firewood like this, right?"

Xiao Ai pointed to Dr. Asasa who was clumsily cutting the ingredients next to him, and spread his hands.

"Uh... Okay, just go.

Banxia imagined the scene of Dr. Asasa constantly bending down to collect firewood, and finally fell to the ground

, and just like that, in Dr. Agasa's complaining expression, Banxia followed behind Conan and began to pick up branches half-heartedly.

When they were about to go back, Mitsuhiko suddenly stopped them.

"Come and see what interesting things I've found."

Listening to Mitsuhiko's words, Banxia subconsciously had a bad premonition.

Sure enough, when he followed Conan to Mitsuhiko's side with firewood, his whole head was faintly swollen and painful.

Such a big cave has become a trap in Banxia's eyes that constantly seduces three small ones.

"What are you going to do? I tell you, it's dangerous to go caving without preparation.

Banxia stood in front of the three little ones who were about to move.

But Banxia, who knew that it was better to be blocked, did not say that he had to pull them back, but looked up at the sky and opened his mouth to decide.

"You wait here, I'll move quickly, go back and get a rope, talk to Dr. Asasa, and we'll go in together."

As he spoke, Banxia picked up the firewood, turned around and ran in the direction they had come from.

But before entering the forest, he stopped and turned his head to look at the four little ones who were not worrying.

"I'll say okay first, if you wait here for me to come back, I'll reward you with ten lollipops, or you'll wait to go home and be reprimanded."

The three little ones only looked at each other

, "Okay!"

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