"I'm a little late to go back today, I don't know if the doctor is in a hurry.

Xiao Ai and Banxia walked down the street one after the other, one carrying a big bag in their hands.

"You can eat so many vegetables at once, can you eat them all?" Banxia

looked at the two large bags of eggs, milk, meat and vegetables, and couldn't help but start to doubt the amount of Dr. Agasa's meal.

"You don't know?" Xiao

Ai turned her head to look at Banxia in some surprise.

"I don't know what, you haven't told me anything?"

Banxia looked at Xiao Ai blankly.

"Maybe I forgot to tell you, I invited my sister to the doctor's house for dinner two days ago.

Xiao Ai looked at the bag in his hand, and looked... A little nervous.

Did you invite Sister Azhu to dinner?

Banxia carried the bag with one hand and touched her chin with the other.

It's just that after the chance encounter at the previous meal, they found out that Old Man Xu seemed to have dealings with the people in the organization, and Xiao Ai never mentioned it again.

But how could Old Man Xu have anything to do with the people

of the organization? Could it be that he still has some mysterious identity hidden in the shadows

? For example, the black-hearted doctor of the organization who knows about the money

? Or does he just know the man named Xiao Dong?

Banxia was secretly thinking in his heart, and at the same time, he was thinking, should he go to Old Man Xu to go to Old Man Xu after delivering the food to Dr. Liasa's house later.

After all, if you can learn how to treat sequelae, it is better to learn it by hand.

Who knows if the next person who needs to use the pill will be someone close to him?

Before Banxia could finish preparing for a rainy day in his mind, the two of them had already arrived at the door of Dr. Asa's house.

"Do you want to stay and eat together in the evening?" Xiao

Ai asked, as he slipped the purchased things into the refrigerator from two large bags.

"No, I'm going to go to Old Man Xu's shop later, and by the way, knock on the side, what is the situation of the person we met last time.

Banxia waved his hand, and he didn't hide his idea of going to Old Man Xu.

"Don't go, in case he's also a member of the organization..."

Xiao Wai grabbed Banxia's wrist, and she didn't know what she thought of in a hurry, and the whole person shuddered violently.

"It's okay, it's not that Old Man Xu doesn't know us, if he is really a member of the organization, and he knows the grievances between us and the organization, we shouldn't be here now, packing up the ingredients for inviting Sister Azhu to dinner in a few days, but facing the muzzle of a perverted murderer.

Speaking of this, Banxia's thoughts diverged a little.

"The last time we met for the second time, the guy Gin was already shooting a submachine gun at me, so the next time we meet, will he be pointing the whole sniper rifle at my head?"

"Maybe it's a shotgun."

Xiao Ai's originally stiff body eased up.

She felt that what Banxia said made sense.

If the organization really knew where they were hiding, that pervert from Gin would have already held a gun, infiltrated here, and eliminated himself.

However, maybe people are not lurking, but knocking on the door directly?

Before the thought in Xiao Ai's mind disappeared, there was a knock on the door of the doctor's house.



, looking at Banxia's reaction, he should have gone with Xiao Ai.

For example, did Gin

knock on the door before he killed him? It seems that no one has come to open the door for a long time, and the knocking outside the door has become more and more urgent, and even the sound is not like a knock, but a kicking on the door.

"It's coming, it's coming..."

Banxia glanced at Xiao Ai, and while walking quickly to the door, he casually hid Dr. Asasa's new invention not far away, an iron rod that he didn't know what to do.

Stepping on the footboard that was installed on the door by Dr. Asasa to make it easier for Xiao Ai to see the scene outside through the cat's eye.

Banxia tried to see who was outside the door, but for some reason, the cat's eyes were pitch black.

This made Banxia's expression more and more solemn.

Although he had been saying in his heart that Gin rushed to the door and killed all sides, even if he encountered the current situation, he still felt that it would not be the organization that came to the door.

However, if it wasn't the organization, it wouldn't be some other bad guy

? It couldn't be Dr. Asasa who didn't know where he had gone?

He had the key.

Even if he doesn't have the spare hand to take the key to

open the door, then he can speak, right? Thinking like this, Banxia subconsciously clenched the stick in his hand, gently put his left hand on the doorknob, silently recited "one, two, three", and then pulled the door open while retreating suddenly.

Not unexpected, but something unexpected happened.

The attack, it did, but there seemed to be something wrong with the form that appeared....

Looking at the big box that was smashed towards him, Banxia almost scared his tail out.

"Damn, what the hell is this!" Banxia

jumped out of the box's envelope, squinting his eyes at Dr. Asasa who was biting the handle of the plastic bag in his mouth, holding his hands in a hollow way, and winking at himself.

Well, there's really no hand to pick out the key, and no mouth to speak.

"Ah, hahaha, Banxia, didn't hurt you, did I?"

Dr. Asa said with a little weakness as he touched his smooth head.

Although it was because Banxia suddenly opened the door, he didn't have time to hold the box firmly because he wanted to save effort and leaned the box against the door, so he smashed it.

"I'm fine, it's just, what's in this box, will it be okay.

Banxia looked at the box, silently moved twice, and quietly put the stick in his hand back into place.

"Doctor, what did you buy to send such a large box?"

Xiao Wai wiped the water stains on his hands and looked at the box lying on the ground with some surprise.

It's as if there was no her in the cranky thoughts just now.

"Courier box?"

Banxia was stunned, could it be that there have been online shopping all these years? Or is it such an online shopping for large quantities

? Having said that, does Dr. Asa have such a strong strength? Can he bring back such a large courier box.

"I don't know, I didn't ask anyone else to buy anything, could it be that Yusaku sent something from the United States?" Dr

. Asa placed the plastic bag on the table, and the whole person collapsed on the sofa.

Bringing this thing back would have exhausted him to death. Although it was not particularly heavy, it took a lot of effort to keep the big box balanced.

"Probably not, it's not Yusaku Kudo written on the sender, and it's not Yukiko Kudo.

Xiao Ai walked to the place where the courier slip was pasted, carefully discerning the handwriting that was already a little blurred.

"What is the sender's name..."

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