Just as Officer Sato was in a state of self-doubt, Ayumi interrupted the slightly awkward atmosphere with a sudden voice.

"Look at it, it's also a bouquet."

Following the direction of Ayumi's finger, four people with years of light written on their faces are walking towards this side.

The moment he saw the four of them, Officer Sato was also stunned, and then greeted him with a look of surprise.

"It's been a long time."

"Yikes! Isn't this Miwako? The

only woman among the four covered her mouth in surprise the moment she saw Officer Sato.

"I didn't expect you to grow so big."

"Officer Sato, are these friends of yours?"

Seeing this, Officer Takagi stepped forward and smiled at the four of them and nodded.

"They were friends from my father's baseball team in high school. This is Mr. Hidero Saruto, the ace pitcher I partnered with my father, Mr. Shuji Shikano, who is known for his strong arms and quick legs, and Mr. Mitsuo Inomata, the most reliable main player of the baseball team.

"Finally, there's our beautiful team manager, Miss Butterfly."

Officer Sato stopped beside Mrs. Kamitori.

"What 'young lady' is, they're all fifty years old. Didn't you see that the little girls were already so old?

Mrs. Shenniao covered her mouth, and she couldn't open her eyes with a smile when Officer Sato said that she was as beautiful as a flower.

"Good fellow, pig deer butterfly, five points of service."

Banxia shrank behind and complained.

"I said, haven't you slept enough today, why are you talking so much?"

Conan rolled his eyes at Banxia.

"I really didn't sleep well... I slept late yesterday, and I was called up early this morning to accompany Ayumi to report the crime.

At the mention of sleeping, Banxia couldn't help but yawn.

Just as Banxia and Conan were chatting, they suddenly heard a worried voice from Officer Sato's side.

"Hey, I said Xiu Er, what's wrong with you, I see you're soaking wet, and your face is still a little pale?"


Banxia followed the prestige, and sure enough, he saw that Mr. Deer among the pigs, deer and butterflies was standing there with a pale face covered in sweat.

"Could it be heat stroke? The weather has been quite hot in the last few days.

Officer Sato said with some concern.

"Heat stroke?"

Banxia accurately grasped a certain keyword in the conversation of several people, and instantly happily got up.

"This uncle, if you have heat stroke, I have medicine here, Huoxiang Zhengqi water, which has a miraculous effect on heat stroke. Make sure you'll be able to swing two more sticks in five minutes.

As he spoke, he took out a small bottle from his backpack and shook it in front of Mr. Shuji Kano.

But what made him a little strange was that Mr. Shuji Kano took a sharp step back when the medicine bottle reached in front of him.

But soon Banxia reacted, and anyone who saw a stranger holding a bottle of dark brown strange liquid told him that this was medicine, and drinking it was guaranteed to cure your illness would be shocked.

Officer Sato also reacted, and hurriedly took the bottle in Banxia's hand.

"This should be the one that was listed in your company, what kind of Huoxiang Zhengqi water, right?"

"It's the super bad medicine?"

It seems that he has seen the strength of Huoxiang's righteous qi water, and Sarudo Xiulang subconsciously exclaimed.

"Ahem, cough, I think we'd better take Shuji to the convenience store to cool off first."

Under the helpless gaze of Officer Sato, the four of them helped Shuji Kano and left here.

"Is this medicine really that bad to drink?"

Banxia looked at the reactions of several people and couldn't help but ask.

"Haven't you tasted it yourself?"

Conan glared at Banxia with a very annoyed expression.

He subconsciously recalled that after the antidote to APTX-4869 he had taken failed, on the first day of returning to school, Banxia told Xiaolan that there seemed to be some minor problems with his body, and then prepared two large bottles of this potion for him to drink in a week.

Then for a week, whatever he ate, he felt like a smell of Huoxiang, righteousness, and water.

"Of course I haven't. I'm not sick, so why should I drink this?

Banxia replied with a straight face.

Just then, Officer Shiratori's cell phone rings to interrupt their conversation.

"Hello? This is Shiratori, and the three of us are now on the fourth street of Kakutomachi. What the! Officer

Shiratori's sudden shouting drew everyone's attention.

In the midst of everyone's curious gaze, Shiratori swallowed and repeated Officer Twilight's words.

"Anyone has seen a suspect suspected arsonist appear on Shinagawa-cho Sixth Street? That guy ran away after running into a patrolling policeman?

Shiratori looked at Takagi and nodded.

"The kid will be handed over to Officer Sato first, Takagi, you and I hurry over there."

"Ah, okay."

Officer Takagi began to check his pockets.

"My police manual, my pistol..."

Officer Shiratori urged from the driver's seat of the car.

"Huh? What about my handcuffs?

Officer Takagi began rummaging through his pockets.

Finally, Officer Shiratori, who was waiting impatiently, roared again.


"That's... My handcuffs seem to have been forgotten on my desk. "

What the hell, I don't have time for you to go back and get it now."

Officer Shiratori rolled his eyes with a look of defeat from you.

"You're alright, Officer Takagi."

When Officer Sato heard the conversation between the two, he subconsciously felt a sigh in his heart, and an inexplicable sense of familiarity came to his heart.

"It should be fine. Even if it were to be used, there would be Officer Shiratori's handcuffs anyway. Besides, the divination in today's magazine said that I was very lucky today..."

Officer Takagi didn't listen to the rest of the words.

Her mind kept echoing his phrase "the magazine said I was lucky" and that he was not handcuffed.

This familiar scene suddenly brought her back to today, eighteen years ago.

Her father also forgot to bring handcuffs back then, and before parting with herself, he also said that the divination in the magazine said that his luck was very good...

"Wait, Officer Takagi."

Officer Sato, who came to his senses, trotted to the side of the car, took something out of his pocket, and stuffed it into Officer Takagi's hand through the window.

"If you don't have handcuffs, take them with you."

Officer Sato smiled at him.

"But why are these handcuffs so rusty?"

Takagi looked at the handcuffs in his hand, and then looked at Officer Sato's expression, and had a bold guess.

"This is my father's relic. The handcuffs were broken last time I was handling the case, so I'll replace them with this for the time being. It just so happens that you forgot to bring handcuffs, and this is a talisman for you.

Officer Takagi looked at the rusty handcuffs in his hand, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

He didn't know what Officer Sato meant.

"Can this really be used as a talisman? Didn't your father die in the line of duty? "

Poof, good fellow, Officer Takagi, I know of a training class called 'The Art of Language,' and I think it's important for you to check it out."

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