Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1801 1800 [Let’s live until we get to the island] Please vote for me

Chapter 1801 1800 [Let’s live until we get to the island] Please vote for me ()

Toda Kiwako was loaded into the ambulance, and her fiancé followed anxiously.

The medical staff did not leave in a hurry, but asked the crowd: "Who said they saw a sea snake just now?"

Mao Lilan quickly raised his hand.

The medical staff looked seriously: "Do you remember what kind of sea snake it is?"

Mao Lilan blinked: "I remember it, but I don't recognize it..."

Jiang Xia: "When Xiaolan said there was a snake just now, I also took a look. Although it was a little far away, it looked like a half-ringed flat-tailed sea snake."

He took out his mobile phone, searched for pictures, and showed it to Mao Lilan: "Is this this one?"

"That's right!" Mao Lilan nodded. She was shocked by the snake just now, so she was deeply impressed. "I'm sure it's this kind of snake."

"Half-ringed sea snake?" the medical staff was a little confused. "It's strange, this kind of snake can hardly bite people... I will ask the doctor to find the corresponding serum first. If you find anything else, please contact the hospital at any time."

The ambulance whizzed away.

The person in charge of the beach was also nearby. He heard that there were sea snakes biting people. He quickly defended: "Although there are indeed half-ringed sea snakes here, this kind of snake usually only eats small fish and shrimps. It has a gentle temperament and is very courageous." Small, it wants to run away when it encounters the slightest disturbance, and its movements are slow when attacking.

"This beach has been open for more than 20 years, and no tourist has ever been bitten by it. In the only injury incident related to it nearby, the victim was a fisherman - the fisherman accidentally caught it while casting his net. I accidentally touched the frightened snake directly with my hand and was bitten... How could this kind of snake bite people suddenly?"

Suzuki Sonoko turned to him and said pitifully: "You don't understand this - it was actually because it was bitten by coral and lost its chin. It was having a tantrum at the time, and Miss Kiwako happened to bump into it and was bitten by it."

Beach person in charge: "?"

Mao Lilan was still concentrating on browsing the encyclopedia related to the sea snake. After browsing for a while, she couldn't help but wonder: "Speaking of which, are there any mutant varieties of this sea snake, such as a pair of small wings growing on its back?"

Beach person in charge: "??"

He said nothing and looked very puzzled by the brain circuits and thinking of contemporary female high school students.

But since the guest asked, he could only answer honestly: "I've never heard of a snake with wings... Maybe you can read the mythology?"

Mao Lilan scratched her head: "But I clearly remember that on the back of the snake near its head, there were two transparent small wings, a few centimeters long... Could it be the shell that has not yet finished molting?"

A voice cut in from the side. The two college students who had not been able to go to the hospital with the car came over. The short-haired girl guessed: "Maybe it hooked on the seaweed. Guihezi's snorkeling location is closer to the edge of the beach, and the seaweed in that area is thicker." Lush.”

Maori Kogoro and Fei Eri also came over. Maori Kogoro obviously didn't care about these details and slapped his daughter on the shoulder: "Tiger father has no dog son. He can remember so many details after just one glance. She is indeed my daughter!" "

Before Mao Lilan could be humble, Fei Yingli also praised: "Yes, unlike some detectives who claim to be observant, they don't even notice whether their wife is wearing a ring on her hand."

When Mouri Kogoro heard her voice, he remembered the ring in his pocket that he had finally found with the help of an enthusiastic street cat after all the hard work. He wanted to return it but couldn't save his dignity, so he had to pretend not to hear clearly: "豼豼say what?"

Fei Yingli snorted: "It's nothing. I was just thinking, we are also detectives, why are there such big differences between people."

As she spoke, she turned to Jiang Xia next to her. Seeing the child she met on the road who would take the initiative to call "Sister Yingli" instead of "Aunt Yingli", Fei Yingli's expression softened and she really smiled like a gentle big sister: "How are you doing about this accident?" What do you think?"

Conan looked up at her, and thought about the scary neighbor aunt who often scolded him when he was a child. He shuddered: "..." Is this really the same person? Aunt Yingli couldn't be possessed by a ghost.

Jiang Xia looked like she had never seen Fei Yingli like this before. Hearing her question, he replied in a low voice habitually: "Although the saying 'biting a coral dislocates its jaw and then bites people like crazy' is very new, I think, It was more like someone grabbed the snake's head, forcibly opened its mouth, and used its fangs to pierce the back of Toda Kikako's hand. Otherwise, with the size of the sea snake's mouth, it would be difficult to bite the back of the hand. Location."

"Yeah." Fei Yingli seemed to have the same idea. She glanced at the two college students on the other side of the room and the school boy from Sangmu High School, and also lowered her voice, "So the murderer should be the person who went into the sea to rescue. 1. But when a group of you ran over, no one had a snake in their hands. Moreover, for an experienced diver like Toda Kiwako, drowning while snorkeling in such a place is very unpredictable and impossible. Prepare the murder weapon in advance..."

Fei Yingli was talking, a little confused: "Could it be that a sea snake happened to swim by during the rescue and was seen by a person who deeply hated Toda Kikako, so the person quickly grabbed the snake and used it as a killing tool?" If this is the case, things will be troublesome - the murder weapon has already flowed to the sea along the current, and the traces of contact with snakes on the hands will be washed away by the sea water. There is no evidence to prove that the person committed the harm."

Conan heard someone reasoning next to him, and finally gradually put aside other things, overcome the fear of being scolded by his aunt since he was a child, and concentrated on the main thing.

He interjected: "It is also possible that the cause and effect are reversed. Someone stabbed Toda Kikako with a sea snake, which caused her limbs to become paralyzed, which is why she drowned in such a shallow place.

"If that's the case, the high school boy who arrived first is very suspicious. He broke away from the group and acted alone before, and no one knew where he was. Maybe he was lurking in the water at that time, near Kikako Toda , waiting for an opportunity to stab her with a sea snake."

Fei Yingli had already seen the wonderful things about this child, and this child seemed to be a relative of Kudo Yusaku, so it was normal for him to be smart.

So she didn't sigh like other passers-by, "How do you know so much!", she just said normally: "But they are a high school student and a college student, they should not know each other at all, how can they have such a big hatred? And even if It was really him who did it. As I said just now, the murder weapon is hidden deep in the sea and there is no trace. It will be very difficult to close the case."

With that said, Fei Yingli pushed up her metal-rimmed glasses and looked at Jiang Xia. There was a hint of worry in her rational tone: "You are now a celebrity. Don't be like some unscrupulous adult detectives who always loudly identify others as the murderer." If you see serious people, they will prosecute, and this will affect your reputation - if the murder weapon is really not found in this case, you should stop getting involved and leave everything to the adults."

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