Conan’s Corpse Picker

Chapter 1818 1817 [The Breath of the New Ghost]

Maya Hashimoto: "..." And it happened to be by hitting people with a chandelier... If Mr. Ireland sees such a report, he will definitely think of the dead Mr. Pisk, and it will be difficult to restrain his hatred for Uzo.

Could it be that Mr. Ireland has restrained himself recently, but Uzo feels bored, so he wants to use this method to talk to him remotely to anger him and make him keep trying?

Maya Hashimoto hugged her head silently: "..." At this time, I miss my boss very much. For example, if I stand with Mr. Ireland, Uzo will definitely give priority to tossing Ireland... But the matter is now here, and it is useless to think about it anymore. useless.

Maya Hashimoto raised her hand and touched her face, sighed sadly, and had to focus on the present: "So how did you fool him? That detective is not easy to fool."

Kurosawa Kazuma: "Let's just say that someone took advantage of us and sneaked onto the island to commit murder in secret... Is it really not you who did it?" He was still a little doubtful.

"Of course not me." Halfway through his words, Maya Hashimoto suddenly stared out the window and froze.

He discovered something, and cold sweat slowly fell down: "Over there in the old hotel, why is there a room on the fourth floor with lights on? I remember that the lights on last night were all on the second and third floors. There should be no one living on the fourth floor."

Kurosawa Kazuma and Inozuka Taro walked to the window, looked out doubtfully, and smiled: "It's true. Haha, could it be that we were right and someone else really slipped to the island?"

Living people are much easier to deal with than invisible things, because they are best at turning living people into dead people.

Kurosawa Kazuma and Inozuka Taro suddenly became convinced and prepared to deal with that guy who was pretending to be a ghost.

Unexpectedly, when they turned around, they saw Maya Hashimoto's face. This guy who was always calm now had an expression as if he had seen a ghost.

Maya Hashimoto stared out the window and said nonchalantly: "...You two crow-mouthed people must have really talked about someone to the island." Could it be that that person happened to have an "Uzo" or something like that? code name.

Taro Inozuka was startled by his expression and cursed: "Why are you so talkative today? Are you hiding something important and not telling us?"

"...No." Maya Hashimoto came back to her senses and actually raised her hand to push them out of the room.

Then the guy closed the door until there was only a crack left. He hid in the crack and said quietly like a ghost: "You can rest assured to investigate the case and go wherever you should. Don't tell anything about me. Don't worry, I will Don’t go anywhere in the room, just pretend I don’t exist.”

Then he closed the bedroom door, locked it with a click, and locked himself in the room. Like a desperate man struggling to his death.

Kurosawa Kazuma and Inozuka Taro looked at each other with doubts in their eyes: "...Is this person sick?"

Although the guy under guard was strange, since Maya Hashimoto was quite honest, Kurosawa Kazuma and Inozuka Taro had to put aside their doubts for the time being and prioritize dealing with the uninvited guest who slipped onto the island.

The two of them followed the lights and rushed to the fourth floor of the hotel aggressively.

As soon as I arrived in the corridor, I suddenly heard a horrified scream of "Ah!!" coming from the room - the students had just arrived, and they seemed to have seen some terrible scenes in the room.

...Is there really someone?

Kurosawa Kazuma and Inozuka Taro looked at each other and rushed to the door of the room eagerly.

"Why are you here too?" Jiang Xia looked back at them, "There is no one in the room, but..."

He moved to the side to make way for the two of them.

Kurosawa Kazuma and Inozuka Taro were stunned for a moment when they saw the scene in the room clearly.

This should have been a neat guest room, but at this moment, the room was as messy as if it had been robbed. The curtains were cut into dirty strips, the bedside railings were twisted, the pillows and quilts were torn, and large pieces of cotton were exposed.

There were scratches on the wall caused by sharp objects, and the wallpaper was scratched in a mess. On the floor in the center of the room, there was an empty suitcase open, with dirty bandages scattered next to it.

Toda Kikawako covered her mouth tightly and said to Jiang Xia with difficulty: "Those bandages... When Fuyuko died, her face and arms were covered with bandages! It was her ghost who came back for revenge!"

Jiang Xia: "It shouldn't be such a good thing... Well, there is no such thing as strange power and confusion. Just calm down and don't be nervous."

At this time, Inozuka Taro shrugged his nose vigorously and frowned: "Why does it smell like blood?"

Jiang Xia also sniffed the air.

But compared to the so-called smell of blood, he always felt like he smelled something else, like... the smell of wild ghost fetuses?

But that seemed to be just an illusion caused by Toda Takako's mention of "ghost revenge", because upon closer inspection, that aura seemed to be gone again.


After hesitating for a moment, Jiang Xia poked the bored ghosts hanging on her body and asked them to look for clues nearby.

The ghosts were a little confused, suspecting that the psychic master was so concerned about the new ghost that there was something wrong with their sense of smell, but after all, it was an order, so they drifted away anyway.

Next to them, Kurosawa Kazuma and Inozuka Taro had already set their sights on the back bedroom, grabbed the mop by the door and rushed in.

Then he was stunned again.

The scene here is even messier than outside, and what’s even more creepy is that there are several large bloody characters painted on the wall - "Be burned by the blazing karma fire of hell!" ]

Several students noticed the movement here and plucked up the courage to go to the door to take a look.

After seeing the bloody writing on the wall, several insiders who had seen Tsukishima Fuyuko jump to her death seemed to hear the lines that the girl said as an "opera weirdo" just before jumping off the building again - "Look , look at this ugly face! Sad, painful, burned by the raging fire of hell, even so, I still long for heaven."

"The karmic fire of hell..." Eimi Konda said quietly, "She's back?"

Toda Kiwako had just been poisoned by snake venom. She was shaken and fainted to the ground.


Matsuzaki Masahiko and Xiao Hei Lian were startled, and the room suddenly became chaotic.

It seems that there is really another person hiding on the island, a murderer full of resentment and cruel methods like a ghost who died unjustly.

The little black face saw the bloody words on the wall and suspected that the murderer was mentally ill and would kill indiscriminately. So he ignored the obstruction of others, cursed and tried to run away.

However, when he arrived at the pier, looking at the empty sea, he knelt down and sat on the ground with a groan.

-The boat is gone.

…They are literally trapped on this terrible island.

Jiang Xia held an umbrella and patted his shoulder: "You are not a criminal who has been exposed, why are you kneeling and making such a sound? Get up, the wind is so strong, what if you stay here and get blown into the sea. Life is The most precious thing, don’t waste it.”

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