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Conan’s side, as in the original book, after careful investigation and some coincidences, they learned from a strange-looking detective that there was another person looking for Kenzo Hirota.

“It was a very tall man who claimed to be Mr. Hirota’s younger brother Akira Hirota! That’s the guy! ”

In the Maori detective agency, a strange-looking detective was telling about the commission he had taken over, and he also brought out a photo of a tall man.

“So, after seeing that your client’s goals were the same as mine, I felt a little strange, so I came to follow you.”

“Strange?” Kogoro dragged his chin, then pointed at the detective in front of him and laughed, “Do you mean your looks?” It’s really weird, haha! ”

It turned out that this man with a trench coat and a beard actually had a pair of girly peach blossom eyes, and it was no wonder that Kogoro would smile so happily.

But Kogoro is out of line, Conan is very serious,

“Tall man… The landlady seemed to have said that a tall man had rented the first floor of his apartment, but now it was gone. ”

Wait a minute… On the first floor, Conan thought of the muddy ground on the first floor, so he secretly called Gao Yuanzhao.

“Brother Zhao, can you do me a favor!” When there is a request for someone, Conan is a younger brother.

“What’s wrong!” Gao Yuanzhao was in front of the monitor, waiting for a “familiar” figure.

Conan first introduced the news from the strange detective to Takato Yuanzhao, and then asked.

“I would like to ask if you see any footprints on the floor of Mr. Hirota’s house, and if so, what is the size?”

“Footprints!” Takato knew Conan’s thoughts as soon as he heard it, and recalled the file he had seen before.

“There’s a footprint that’s about 27 or 28 centimeters, what’s wrong? Do you want to multiply by seven? ”

In the Sherlock Holmes case, Holmes used the length of the prisoner’s footprints multiplied by seven to roughly calculate the height of the prisoner.

“Well, according to this calculation, the height of the person who killed Mr. Hirota is about 190 cm, and Mr. Hirota’s landlady can prove that such a person once rented a room on the first floor!”

“Yes?” Takato almost laughed, the person renting on the first floor was him, but considering the height of “Akira Hirota”, it is estimated that Conan will never guess the truth.

“Since you guys have pictures, that’s great! After all, it may not be easy to find Miss Masami Hirota, but it is still no problem to find a strong man of 190 cm, so simply come to the Metropolitan Police Department. ”

Takato Teru doesn’t mind Conan that they find “Akira Hirota”, anyway, he is a dying man who will take all the secrets.

And he hopes that Conan can find the news of the “distillery” through Akira Hirota, so that the troubled waters can be fished.

“How is it possible, you said that Ken Hirota didn’t have a daughter!” Just arrived at the Metropolitan Police Department, Kogoro and they received a thunderbolt on a sunny day.

“Not only that, Kenzo Hirota is not a Yamagata person in Miss Masami’s mouth, nor a Kyushu person as Hirota said, it is a local of Tokyo!”

The successive news made Xiao Wu and the others not know what was true.

“At present, the police have begun to search for ‘Akira Hirota’ throughout the city based on your photos.” At this time, the twilight came out, and it was another major news.

“Oh! The whole city is hunting! Kogoro was already stunned, but Conan was still sober, and the events of the past few days seemed to be connected by a clue.

“According to brother, let’s say anything else, uncle is already scared stupid.”

“Who do you say is stupid?” By whom, it can’t be said by Conan, Kogoro reacted instantly and began to teach Conan a lesson.

Gao Yuanzhao chuckled, regardless of the linkage of this “father and son”.

“According to the information of the last person you provided, combined with the bank’s monitoring, we preliminarily speculate that Kenzo Hirota, Akira Hirota, and Masami Hirota are the three suspects in the billion-yen bank robbery a few days ago.”

“A billion…” Now Kogoro was really stupid, and began to fall into speculation again.

Conan Xiaolan was also stupid when she heard it, so cute and simple Miss Yami was actually a bank robber.

At this moment, the white bird hurried over.

“Report, has found the trace of suspected ‘Hirota Akira’, has checked into the Mihua City Hotel at Mihua Road XX, whether to continue to follow.”

“Found it!” Gao Yuanzhao looked excited, “I’ll go over now, Xiaolan, Conan, don’t go, after all, it’s a bank robber, and you must have a gun in your hand.” ”

Xiaolan also knows the importance of it, “I know, Zhaojun, you must pay attention to safety!” ”

But Conan, waited until the police car had driven some distance before getting up from the ground in the back seat with an “innocent” smile on his face.

“Come up, just be careful with me!” Gao Yuanzhao just warned coldly, and did not look back, and Conan could not see the smile at the corner of Gao Yuanzhao’s mouth.

After arriving at the Mihua City Hotel, Gao Yuanzhao asked Conan to stay in the police car, and he called Twilight and others who followed behind.

One group of people guarded here, and the other group went around directly through the back door.

“Yes~~” Conan agreed to Gao Yuanzhao’s request, he didn’t know why he made this fun, but he had a feeling that it seemed that something would happen here.

“What’s going to happen?” Conan was shaking his head bored in the police car, when suddenly a black figure came into view.

“That was…” Conan’s eyes instantly became extremely frightened, he would never forget this person in his life, it was this person who turned him into what he was now, he must…

Conan’s eyes instantly became extremely resolute, looked at his watch, not long after Gao Yuan shone in, it is estimated that he can’t wait, so…

Conan first called Dr. Agasa to explain the current situation, and then resolutely chased after Dr. Agasa’s dissuasion.

He wants to get it back himself.

On Gao Yuanzhao’s side, he had already arrived at Room 802 where “Hirota Akira” was located, but when he opened the door and looked, he found that there was only a corpse left inside.

Gao Yuanzhao stepped forward to observe the body, not poisoned to death, but after falling asleep, he was shot at close range, the body still had temperature, it is estimated that it was just dead.

He looked at his surroundings again, it was very clean and tidy, without any traces.

“Gin wine!” Takato muttered softly, then walked to the balcony, took out the binoculars from his “pocket”, and searched around.

Sure enough, I saw a sneaky little ghost, following behind a man dressed in black, but I didn’t see the Porsche 356A.

One doesn’t drive, the other doesn’t bring a skateboard, these two are really a natural pair!

(Nearly 180,000 words on the shelf, is it conscientious enough)_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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