Chapter One Hundred and Four

"Caroline?" Allen was surprised, he thought Caroline was on his side, "What's wrong with you, are you serious?"

"I didn't let you listen to me." Caroline hurriedly said, "You all know, Alan, Simon, my mother has been looking for a blind date for me since last year, and I decided to resign this year. Come back, you don’t need to be like me."

Such an excuse obviously cannot convince Alan, this young man who is only one year younger than Caroline shook his head repeatedly: "This is not your true word, Caroline, we have been playing since we were young, until you go to be a restaurant. When the waiter is separated."

Caroline sighed. They were her childhood playmates. She didn't want Alan to misunderstand that she didn't support him, but she didn't want Alan to think she likes to lie, so she said: "I just...I really intend to stay. , Really Ellen. I understand your worries, I am actually the same, but...if I can choose, I would rather stay in town."

After a pause, the girl who was just twenty-three years old showed a bitter smile that didn't match her age: "When we met before, I said that I was fine too. It was a lie, but it was a lie. That's it. I... I'm tired of working in the restaurant. I'm so sick of it."

"You may not understand that my job is not just about working hard. Let's put it this way, there will always be boring men who will look at you with critical scrutiny, say something irritating rudely, even in person. Talk loudly about how much a small-town girl like us is worth to spend on raising money."

Caroline spread her hands and said irritably, "If anyone points to me and says, "Look, that girl is from Westham, then everyone around me will laugh, as if I just stand there is a living joke."

"And we are not allowed to be angry or panic, it will reduce the quality of the high-end restaurant. If you dare to cry, then you are done, your salary will drop by two levels, you will be driven back to the kitchen, from washing dishes Work started." Caroline said angrily, "It's like being touched by someone's buttocks and waist being pinched. That's just a common meal. Who made us high-end restaurant waiters wear eye-catching short skirts."

"You always say that it's so easy to make money by doing the work of serving dishes in such a beautiful big shop... In fact, I have wanted to exchange it with others countless times." Caroline smiled bitterly. Sweeping the surprised faces of childhood playmates, "I would like to wear sweaty dirty clothes in the dusty workshop, really, I really want to."

Allen's face changed, he wanted to say something, and finally shook his head.

Yes, working in the factory is not pleasant. The heavy manual labor and the rigorous workshop supervisor make people boring, especially part of the salary has to be handed over to a union that has never seen anything for them. People feel uncomfortable.

But... the factory does not accept everyone. Like the leather factory where he and Simon have worked for several years, only male workers between the ages of sixteen and forty, not the older ones, and the women.

"Stay in Westham, at least no one will laugh at me just because I'm from Westham. Plus, Mr. Rex's salary is really fair." Caroline finally said, "Ray The mayor of the Undead Mayor appointed by Mr. Cox is willing to recruit even those who come out of the brothel to be clerks, and he does not refuse women to be sanitation workers and part-time jobs. I think I can always find work."

Allen sighed. He knew he couldn't convince his friends.

"Let's stay together, Allen." Saimen, who was silent for a while, said, "No matter what happens in the future, at least Mr. Rex is now the lord of Westham, isn't it? Even if he will be caught in the future. If the others are driven away, then we can at least make some money during this period." After a pause, the young man said seriously, "Believe me, if we are together... we can make a lot of money!"

The small Benjamin is the youngest of them, only nineteen years old this year. Compared to Caroline and Allen, who are slightly older, he has a better relationship with Simon, who is only two years older than him, and curiously said: "Simon, do you want us to do something with you? "

"Yes." Simon nodded vigorously and said loudly, "We can be merchants and take the things Mr. Rex sells to people and sell them elsewhere!"

Allen, who opposed staying before, was shocked: "What are you talking about, where do we get the capital?"

The four of them all work in Inadri, and Benjamin, who has the shortest working years, also worked as an apprentice in the shoemaker's shop for four years, but they really didn't save much money.

The reason is not that they are lavish, but...Westham's cost of living is too high, and their salary has to be brought back to support the family's expenses.

"So we have to make the capital first." Simon said with piercing eyes. "Now many people have bought good fabrics that Mr. Rex lets them sell them at a reasonable price. My grandma also bought more than twenty with her savings. The rice cloth is hidden in the cabinet. We can first find people close to us, persuade them, let them give the cloth to us to resell, and after the sale, give them the cost of the cloth and half of the profit. We only need the other half of the profit. "

"My grandmother only spent ten copper coins and one meter on the cloth. These fabrics can be sold outside for twenty copper coins or twenty-five copper coins!"

"We help people close to us resell the cloth, and we can earn at least five copper coins per meter of cloth!" Simon waved his arms to his friends with great excitement: "And what do we need to pay? We just need to pool the money to rent a car. Two carriages will do!"

"Since Nadali has to collect business tax, then we can go to the country a little farther to sell, or send it to the manor farm! How can we sell it for money!"

Alan's mouth opened wide, and Caroline's eyes widened.

Benjamin jumped up happily and hung on Simon: "I want to be with you, Simon! You want to take me!"

Simon laughed, letting Benjamin hang on him, and sincerely invited Alan and Caroline: "Come together?"

Allen hesitated for two seconds, gritted his teeth, and stretched out his hand: "Count me."

"And me." Caroline also stretched out her hand excitedly.

Seeing that the three of them were all putting their hands together, Benjamin hurriedly got off Simon. Two hands soaked in shoe polish tightly clasped the backs of the boys' hands: "Me too, so do I!"

Simon took out all of his money on the spot, and dragged his friends to discuss how to rent a car and how to persuade close people to give them the cloth for resale...

The four young people had a lively discussion for a while, and the youngest Benjamin suddenly said: "I said, why don't we go to see Mr. Rex and ask him to give us some fabrics to sell?"

Simon couldn't laugh or cry: "Don't say anything stupid, Benjamin, how easy is it to see Mr. Lord."

Caroline said "Uh": "This...I heard from my grandfather that Mr. Rex is easy to see... They can see it every day when they receive meals."

"Hey, Caroline, you don't think Benjamin's silly talk works, do you?" Simon couldn't laugh or cry.

Benjamin said innocently: "I didn't mean anything, my mother kept saying that Mr. Rex is a very kind gentleman, why not try it."

"I said, can we be serious?" Allen said helplessly.

"Wait, Benjamin's idea is not infeasible." Caroline said with bright eyes. "My grandpa also said that Mr. Rex is a generous gentleman he has never seen in his life. I believe my grandpa will not He was wrong. And now that Mr. Rex sells such good fabrics to the people in the town at such a low price, he wants the townspeople to trust him, right? Then let's ask him, even if he doesn't Will agree, and I don’t think he will punish us either."

Alan & Simon looked at each other, a little shaken, and a little bit felt that this was not reliable...

Caroline is a very thoughtful person, and she blindly believes in her grandfather. Seeing that her friends do not insist on objecting, she hurriedly dragged all three of them to the main road in town.

As soon as the four of them arrived at the intersection, they saw... a long line on the side of the road that was out of sight.

"What are you doing?" Allen was surprised.

"It should be... hiring?" Simon looked around and pointed at someone in the team, "It should be, look, my uncle is also inside."

A man in a small fur hat in the long line heard a familiar voice, turned his head to see his nephew, and quickly waved and shouted: "Simon! You stinky boy, you ran out of sight early in the morning and hurt me. I’ve been looking for it for a long time! Hurry up and go to the back of the line, wait until there are enough people, but you won’t be able to make it!"

"Sorry uncle, I have more important things!" Simon hurriedly pulled his friends and ran away.

"What big business can you do! Come back soon!" Simon's uncle stomped his feet in a hurry, and was reluctant to get out of the team.

Four young people ran across the road in a long line for a while, and it was considered that they saw the lens of this team—two square tables were placed in front of the gate of the once largest clubhouse, and several young ladies were busy registering for the town. Civil registration.

Caroline walked closer curiously and found...the ladies seemed to be the people in the prostitutes on this street. Their skin was tanned a lot, but their faces and figures were still very good. It is by no means what ordinary people can see.

"This is the town hall clerk hired by the mayor of the undead?" Caroline couldn't help being a little envious. Regardless of the original life of these ladies, being able to work in such a decent place is what Caroline dreams of.

It is still early in the morning, and the temperature is not high, but these clerks are already sweating; they quickly registered the names of the townspeople, and distributed bamboo pieces with different symbols on the registered people's fingers.

Caroline walked closer curiously, and heard a woman tell the townspeople who had just received the bamboo slices in a slightly hoarse voice: "This is your proof of work today. The number on it is today's date, text It’s your name. Remember to keep it. After work, the person in charge will ask you to line up and draw a red line on your bamboo slices with a special stroke. You can go to the town hall to get your salary with the red lined bamboo slices. You can come later, as long as you don’t lose the bamboo."

Caroline thought about what the clerk said, and silently nodded...If so many people remembered names one by one, they would be too busy to send money. It would be much simpler to use this kind of bamboo as a proof of settlement-even if it is counterfeited, it is useless. You can't cheat money with a red line with a special stroke.

Caroline wanted to get closer, but was caught by the collar in time by her friend.

"Don't go there, you will be mistaken as someone who wants to jump in the line in the past." Simon sweated and reminded Caroline to look at the side. Those in the front line were staring at this side fiercely.

Caroline didn't want to be scolded by others, and quickly returned.

The people who received the bamboo pieces were yelled by the security guards wearing the uniforms of the (indigenous militia), they were divided into different groups and taken away in batches. Jimmy, who was maintaining order, saw the four of them and waved: "Saimen, Alan! What are you doing here? To do odd jobs, you have to line up!"

Jimmy and these four young people are similar in age, and they can be considered to have played together. Simon saw an acquaintance, his eyes lit up, and he hurried up: "Jimmy, we want to see Mr. Rex!"

Jimmy: "Huh?"

"Who wants to see me?" In the crowd of noisy people, a man looked back strangely.

Half a street away, the four young people were caught off guard... Seeing them speculate about Charlie Rex who had been discussing for a long time.

While seeing the new lord clearly, the four young men opened their mouths-so young!

It seems that they are not even a few years older than them!

Looks younger than Jimmy who also played with them when he was young!

Rex looked at the three men and one woman, confirmed that he did not know him, and turned his attention to the security teammate Jimmy who talked to the four.

"This, this is my friend, and a person in town." Jimmy introduced nervously.

"I'm Charlie Rex, what's the matter?" Rex smiled gently at the four young people in the small town.

Caroline, who was standing at the front, didn't care about being nervous, and instinctively stood up straight and replied: "Hello, dear sir, this is Caroline Megan. I, we hope to talk to you."

Rex waved Jimmy back to the team, then smiled and nodded at Caroline: "Okay, come here."

Listening patiently to these brave young people from small towns kowtow to express their intentions, Rex couldn't help but laugh.

"Of course." Rex said happily. "You don't need to rent a car if you want to do this business. I can rent a tricycle for you. But now the price of cloth rice is the lowest price, and you can't reduce the price if you buy it in bulk. Do you agree?"

The four young men were so pleasantly surprised that they almost didn't jump up on the spot.

"Of course, of course." Caroline said nervously, "but, but we don't have enough capital..."

"The first batch of goods can be credited to you, and you will settle the payment when you come to get the goods." Rex said kindly, "There are also taxes, 10% of the transaction tax and your personal high-income income tax must be paid in full."

"Okay!" Caroline let go and smiled ecstatically, nodding desperately.

"Then sign the contract to get the goods." Rex waved his hand and immediately led the four young people to the town hall.

The four young people who had eaten crabs seemed to be sleepwalking, and they didn't have a strong sense of reality along the way. When they arrived at the town hall and the contract was placed in front of them, the four talented people suddenly came back to their senses.

"Can you really give us the cloth?" Simon looked up foolishly, muttering like a dream.

"Of course, this is not a joke." Rex took out the red ink from the desk drawer, "Look carefully at the terms of the contract. If there is no problem, sign and press the fingerprint."

Of these four, Allen is literate—he comes from a better family than the other three, and went to school as a child.

But Allen didn’t have the courage to look at the contract in front of the lord. He took the red ink and pressed his hand...

Rex couldn't laugh or cry: "The contract is not signed like that. Come on, I'll read it to you."

The four young people looked at each other...and dare not refuse.

After going through the contract procedures and getting a copy of the contract, they were led to the warehouse of the town hall. When they saw the cloth rolls full of the warehouse, the jaws of the four young men couldn't stop falling...

Half an hour later, the four people with empty hands when they came, pushing two tricycles full of cloth rolls out of the town hall compound.

After walking out for a long time, Simon, who was holding the front of the car, turned her head in confusion: "Guys, we... got two cars of cloth? Didn't pay a single coin?"

Allen frightened him and shouted: "Be sober, Simon, this is not for nothing, you have to settle the payment after the money is sold! The four of us have signed and handprinted, and our family is in town. , Don't harm people!"

"I'm not going to be this crazy!" Simon said funnyly, "I just can't believe... Mr. Rex is so easy to talk!"

"Mr. Rex has a lot of cloth." Benjamin swallowed and said dreamily, "Simon, if we sell these cloths, can we make a lot of money?"

"Of course!" Mention of this Simon is energized, "Mr. Rex said, as much cloth we can sell, we will give us as much cloth, we have signed the contract-guys, we are going to make a fortune!"

"I'm going to get rich!" Benjamin jumped up and hung himself on Simon again.

"Wait, will it be unsafe for the four of us to push so much cloth?" Caroline smirked and suddenly calmed down. "Just the four of us with so many cloths to go to the distant village, will Won't be robbed?"

Benjamin and Simon, who were in ecstasy, were so frightened by these words.

The nearby villages will come to Westham to buy cloth by themselves, there is no need to buy the high-priced goods they sent.

Farther away, the village on the side of Inadri...They are not familiar with it at all, and they really don't know if they will be robbed!

"Call for someone." Simon gritted his teeth. "We will call for someone who can come... After we sell the cloth, we can settle the wages. We can make a little less."

Therefore, none of the four young people dared to leave the two carts, and ran from house to house, looking for relatives and friends...

Caroline's mother, Ms. Winnie, knew that her daughter was bold enough to do business with the lord on credit, and almost fainted.

After deep questioning, she found that her daughter had even signed the contract and stamped her handprints, and there was no possibility of regret. Ms. Winnie could not wait to faint again.

The reactions of the other three families were similar to Megan’s...

The small town people whose ancestors and ancestors have been cautious for generations have done what evil did they do to bring up such a courageous offspring who accidentally caused such a catastrophe to the family? !

Others are worried about not getting their monthly salary even when they are hired, but you dare to do business with the new lord!

In desperation, the elders of these four families had to pinch their noses to call friends everywhere...

Rex didn't know that he thought it was an opportunity for the young man, but instead caused the four family members to jump around and sent them away, he turned his head to find Ji Tang.

There are more than 20 villages in the Westham Territory. These villages are less than three kilometers away from Westham Town and more than 30 miles away in the mountainous area; the funds needed to roughly determine the autumn harvest grain purchase Ji Tang has told Rex about the quantity and asked Rex to spare time to go to the countryside to investigate together.

Had it not been for the appearance of his skeleton, Ji Tang had planned to go by himself...

The mayor & lord and the two local "supreme officials" met and took out the all-terrain mountain bike that had been ridden from the town of exile.

"The heads of the villages registered in the town hall are also records from more than 20 years ago. The former mayor is really... During his tenure, he did not take care of other places except Westham Town." On the road, his temper was like Reck. Si couldn't help complaining, "These village heads don't know how many terms they have changed, Ji Tang, what do you think we should do to these people?"

“We’ve just arrived here and don’t understand the situation, so we don’t rush to make a conclusion. We will investigate fully before we talk.” Ji Tang is also used to giving advice on everything, patiently and authentically, “Even if we really want to rectify the situation in the village, we can’t come up here. Just take action, at least wait until we have a firm foothold and have a certain mass foundation before we consider it."

Rex fell silent and said, "Can't the undead be allowed to serve as the village chief?"

Ji Tang: "...I don't think it will work."

Brother Lahong fought hard to get the mayor of the town of exile. He didn’t maintain his ambition for two days and went back to lead the mission to clean monsters... I hope the players can do tedious and boring tasks in the "game" without a sense of accomplishment. Administrative work is completely impractical.

Rex struggled for a while, then reluctantly nodded: "Okay... listen to you."

The countryside of Westham is similar to the southern villages of China, except that there are no rice fields. The locals grow more wheat and corn.

This is not to say that the world doesn’t even have rice, but that rice planting has higher requirements for basic water conservancy—the only town and road in a remote area like Westham is built by skin~meat~ business, such as farmland water conservancy projects. Don't even think about it.

After traveling to several villages and contacting some brave local villagers, they learned about the local farming mulberry. Ji Tang, who had only grown vegetables two years before serving as a soldier, had countless ideas of technology going to the countryside to help farmers and poverty alleviation. Come…

On the way to the next village, the two people riding on the ridge saw a large group of people appearing from a distance on the town road in the northeast.

Rex stopped the mountain bike and stared at the group of people.

The distance is very far, only an outline can be seen vaguely, don't need to see too clearly to confirm that this group of people are not good!

Not only are they riding horses, they are also wearing bright armor that reflects the noon sun!

"It's the enemy!" Rex solemnly said to Ji Tang.

Ji Tang also saw the shiny armor on the riders.

However, unlike Rex's reaction to the enemy, the first thought that came up in Ji Tang's mind was: It's strange.



I really can't keep the content stable and update it on time while guaranteeing the content. It is inevitable to replace the chapters. If it is unacceptable, please stop the loss in time.


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-08-2323:42:28~2020-08-2423:29:33~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: 1 Yao Longbow;

Thank you for the little angels who cast landmines: senior diver, Shuguang, and 2 sparrows; Bird, Six Bridge Lanqing Boat, Lotus Barley, A, Sue, Miao Yi Xian Le, Different Ways, Fioritta, and Hou Jian 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: 200 bottles of Laughing Nightmare; 80 bottles of Jeddah; 78 bottles of No Request; 60 bottles of far away; 50 bottles of this love; the new world's Kamy same, 27253880, what is it called? 40 bottles; 30 bottles in Jiujiuli; JKY, dina01, Pippi, Jiangchengzi, Lan, senior diver, I want to ride the wind, Ike, BigDaddy, 20 bottles of marshmallows; Xu Mingxia, sunny rice lotus 15 bottles of Umbrella Sword; 10 bottles of Yao Long Bow, Quiet Xiaobai, Lingling, Liangli, Banxian'er; 5 bottles of Repair Scales, Mo Er; 4 bottles of Miss Miss; 2 bottles of swydwn; I want a Tardis, Danmi, 1 bottle of sweet and sour chivalrous bones, thinking in the snow, and cute cats and cats;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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