Conquer the World

Chapter 1104: A decisive battle

Chapter 104: An Unpredictable Decisive Battle

At this moment of great freedom, I was really excited.

He is now **** with an iron chain by Xiao Yijiu. Not only does he not have the status of a prisoner, but his status as a dog makes him extremely angry, but he will never kill himself. He does not distort his own mind, and firmly believes that it is a survival instinct.

Therefore, when he saw that Gai pardon also hit others' calculations, he felt a little excited. This is an idea that it is better for me to die than everyone else, and it is not surprising to breed in my heart. "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

As one of the first people to be won by Fang Xie, although he was not captured by Fang Xie himself, he hated the other side far more than Xiao Yijiu. All this is the solution of the solution, including him, including the poor monk, including the poor forgiveness now.

When Da Zizuo heard that Fang explained that Xiao Yijiu would not shoot, but that he faced Gai Jin himself, Da Zixin's heart became even more excited. How high was his forgiveness, and when the three great freedoms were all forgotten by him, he was gone. Therefore, he did not think that Fang Xie would win, let alone Fang Xie was so vocal that he would capture Gai Shengsheng.

Survival is more difficult than killing.

What was originally a gloat for Gai Jin, now is looking forward to Fang Xie being killed by Gai Jin.

Therefore, he was more eager to see the beginning of this fight than the other three.

Hit it, hit it, it's okay if you lose both. It's better to die with both defeats. Da Zi shouted in his heart, waiting, eager to end. He had forgotten the humiliation for a while and just wanted to see who died in the hands of Fang Jie and Gai.

It seemed that he felt his mind, Xiao Yijiu gave him a cold look: "I don't know what kind of environment is in Dalun Temple of Buddhism, only to create such a distorted person. Maybe it is as long as Thousands of years of depression may be the breeding of ambition. But I can tell you that I don't kill you just because keeping you is useful. But if you make me feel sick, why should I keep you? "

The expression of Da Zizi stiffened a bit, and then showed a charming smile: "How come, I'm not a fool, I can't beat you, so rest assured, I will make myself look less disgusting."

Seeing his expression at this moment, no one would doubt that he would crouch next to Xiao Yijiu and lick the patched boots next to Xiao Yijiu. Of course, if Da Zhuang really made such a move, Xiao Yijiu would immediately smash his brain with one palm and then take off his boots.

Xiao Yijiu no longer spoke, but returned his sight to those two people in the distance. It's the same with great freedom, squatting in the eyes and waiting for the start of the war.

"Although you think you are ridiculous, but I still think why do you capture me instead of me?"

Guy asked.

Fang Xie said: "The reason for not killing you is not the same as not killing yourself. But I ca n’t say. I still have a lot of use for you. This is a great use for that day. Of course, this is not a beautiful thing, so It ’s better not to tell you. "

"Fang Jie, do you really think you can do anything?"

Gai Zhen seriously said: "To be honest, I admire your talent very much. I was 33 years old before I could use the knife to transform the world, and you just realized that by just seeing my sword, so I can use the sword .People like you have no other in the world to compare. If it were not the enemy, I really want to be a friend with you. But even so, I still don't think that the power accumulated by Graduation is inferior to yours. Epiphany! "

Fang Xie inserted Zhaoluo in his hand to the ground: "I'm looking for a chance to retreat by talking time. You don't want to fight this battle from your heart today. Because your power of sword is all in one. In words. But now you feel that you are being counted, and there are major practitioners like Xiao Zhenren looking at you behind your back, so this domineering will not work out. Without the domineering who gave me up that day, you The sword is not terrible. "

"You know this very well, so you haven't started. Your power of the sword is all in the mood. When you face the enemy, your domineering is like a big mountain pressing on the enemy's will, so the sword will be like this. It ’s unstoppable. But now you feel that Xiao Zhenren is a big mountain over your will. If you have concerns, you wo n’t go forward. You have already lost most of this battle. ”

Gai was silent for a long time, then nodded, "You said."


He raised his head sharply: "Now that I'm in desperation, I'll take a full blow!"


Fang Xie suddenly waved his hand, and Gai Jin, who had already held his hands in vain, was stunned by Fang Xie's cry.

"you should"

Fang Xie said with a smile: "People like me, since they have to be calculated, they must be the best and most comprehensive. I attracted you naturally to capture you, but there are still more than 200,000 Montenegro cavalry behind you. Will you forget this? Haven't you thought about it, after you have been led by me, I have no other way to deal with your 200,000 subordinates?

This sentence makes Gai's mood even more chaotic!

"Not keneng!"

Gai Jin shook his head vigorously: "I have ordered the army to stand still. Even if you have defeated Mengge, but your troops are insufficient, you dare not let your soldiers attack aggressively. Even if you have a sailor, what can you do? My soldiers will not cross the river. As long as you do not cross the river, your sailor will not be able to exert his power! As long as the power of the sailor is not exerted, can your 100,000 infantry win my 200,000 cavalry? You just want to mess with me! "

"Of course you can think so, but I really have a way for your subordinates to cross the river. As long as your subordinates begin to cross the river, half-crossing is always the best time to attack."

Fang Jie answered with a smile.

"You're lying to me!"

Gai felt that his hands were shaking slightly, so he forcibly stabilized. By this time, his mood was completely chaotic.

"I didn't lie to you."

Fang Jie said: "My Majesty has a Snap Riding School. There are 13 thousand households in the Snap Riding School. Each one has his own expertise. One of them is a normal practice, which is not really a master. Thousands of hands are best at Yi Rong. If there is no accident, at this time you are dressed as you have returned to your army, and then ordered to cross the river and my sailor is waiting downstream, as long as your The team began to cross the river, and the sailor would dispatch an interception. Last night, I placed all my light cavalry on the west bank of the river, no more than thirty miles away from your troops. "

"You are too anxious to return, and you will definitely not send scouts to conduct extensive investigations in the West Bank, but focus on the East Bank. If nothing else, your scouts are almost all sent to the East Bank, right? So, When your men and horses begin to cross the river, my sailor will be on the big river, and my infantry will be on the east bank to work, my light cavalry will go around your team in the west bank and attack suddenly. Say 100,000 soldiers, ca n’t beat you 200,000 soldiers? ”

Fang Xie's smile revealed a strong: "It is not difficult to calculate you, the difficulty is to count your people and horses, which is why I have not led soldiers to fight with you and Mengge after arriving in Yishui For this reason, I am looking for such an opportunity. I use the prestige of Yishui to destroy Mongolian 200,000 wolf rides, and then use the impact of this battle to destroy your two hundred thousand Montenegro army forgiveness. In fact, you have already Admit that I'm not speaking falsely, so your mood is really chaotic. "

The solution is like a powerful offensive, and it is more difficult for Gai Jin to resist than the real shot: "Now if you rush back, you should still have time. After killing the fake Gai Ji I sent, I can still take your The team evacuated as soon as possible. But running away is contrary to the domineering practice of your 33 years of poverty. If you want to run away, how can keneng use such a domineering sword? "

His words were like swords, and they were poked in Gai's heart: "Yeah, I am messing with your state of mind. Your knife can only be used when you are full. But you are gone now, you Worrying about your own retreat, you also need to worry about the retreat of your 200,000 subordinates, always thinking about the retreat, where is the inevitable future? Gai pardon, if you are willing to surrender, I can guarantee that you will not die. I can also guarantee your subordinates Most of the soldiers survived, and they would not kill them like those of the wolf cavalry under Mongolia. "

"Oh right."

Fang Xie said with a smile: "Of course, many of the Wolf Cavalry soldiers under Mengge were captured. These captives were forced to change into my Black Flag's livery last night, and my soldiers replaced their wolf cavalry. A, so the good killing you saw last night is not all fake. It's just that the Meng Yuan people did not kill me, but the Han people were killing Meng Yuan people. "

"I also, someone like you must be careful. If you don't kill one, you won't cross the river without smelling blood."

Fang Jie did not miss such details!

Fang Xie watched his face constantly changing forgiveness and smiled more and more: "What are you thinking now? If you don't use that knife, you can't win me, you can't win me, you can't rush back to your subordinates. It will be an unsolvable situation when the whole army will be overthrown. Should I give you time and think about how to decide? "

"I'm in no hurry"

Fang Xie smiled: "You are in a hurry."

In fact, Gai was defeated before he shot.

That's right, Fang Jie's words are even more terrifying than Fang Jie's knife. Before the two men shot, Gai ’s state of mind was completely disturbed by the words of the Fangjie. The domineering that had only been cultivated for thirty-three years had disappeared at this moment. There is only one sword left in the sword. Is it still so scary?

The answer is naturally no.

How can you win the solution if you are not in the terrible domineering sword?

In fact, before Fang Jie said so many words with Gai, the biggest purpose was naturally to chase Gai's state of mind. The second is to restore strength. In order to cheat Gai, Fang Jie must support his youth. Although the seven-vein circulation in his body can build strength, this consumption is still too great, and he needs time to recover. Secondly, Fang Xie wanted to gain time for his subordinates. He did not lie to Gai Jin, and shortly after Gai Jin went up against the current, the thousand hands and thousands of faces of one of the 13 thousand families of Xiaoqiang School dressed as Gai Jin Army in Montenegro.

That's everything.

All calculations of the square solution.

Gai Jin himself would lose, but he would not be so defeated.

So he was cheated again.

Fang Xie disturbed his state of mind in front of him, but even so, he could not use such a domineering or amnesty. His state of cultivation was there. How easy would it be for Fang Jie to escape his life? However, Sheng Qin is indeed a capture, but it is not the solution, but Xiao Yijiu.

Fang Jie used words to disturb Gai's state of mind, and then opened up his youth.

Gai Jin immediately packed his mind and prepared to face it. Fang Xie shot and Gai Jin also shot ~ ~ Then Xiao Yijiu shot from the back and knocked Gai down.

It was at this moment that Gai understood that from the beginning, Jiefang had no plans to capture himself by himself. Fang Xie was just making false appearances, and he was led by Fang Xie in the direction specified by Fang Xie. Fang explained that Xiao Yijiu would not shoot, but he actually believed it.

After being arrested, Gai pardon couldn't help but smile bitterly. Now that Fang Xie has brought Xiao Yijiu to two people to form such a victory, why bother fighting with himself? No wonder, the illusions made by Fang Jie are too realistic, and everything he thought would appear did not appear.

But the ending is the same, he was captured.

"You are really not a bright one."

Xiao Yijiu said with a smile while looking at Fang Jie.

Fang Xie shrugged his shoulders: "That's right. It's bright and clear. Leave it to your friends and family. To the enemy, use a fart of light and bright!"

Xiao Yijiu froze slightly, then nodded: "Can't refute."

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