Conquer the World

Chapter 1174: Never negotiated

Chapter 174 There Is Never Negotiation

In fact, the conversation between the two was not long, but they just entered a very special state. The thinking of both people is very sensitive, especially Xiang Qingniu, an outsider, who has helped his other side to explain his views. However, after discussing for a long time, the two of them didn't have a specific answer. They can only temporarily determine that Fan Gucheng is definitely a place to go back.

Fang Xie stretched his body hard and glanced at the soldiers in the distance.

"The most important thing now is to fight the battle before me. I can leave my own affairs to pursue the truth later."

Xiang Qingniu advised: "In fact, you no longer need to pursue the truth, whether it is for you or for any other purpose, it is not important now. You may not follow their arrangements, or you may always go On the way they arranged, but now it has no effect on you. Those who have the ability to arrange all this are dead, I don't believe that there are really gods in this world. "

"Where is Daozu?"

Fang Jie quipped.


Xiang Qingniu smiled: "Dao Zu is just a spiritual sustenance. In fact, sometimes I always wonder why people must have faith and spiritual sustenance. Isn't it the most correct to believe in their own happy life? Living coolies believe in their own hands and feet, and cultivators believe in their hard work. These are more important than belief in an ethereal person who has died for many years. "

"Today you seem to have fallen into the pit of truth."

Fang Xie laughed: "It looks very philosophical."

Xiang Qingniu laughed: "In fact, I have been able to say that you also know that the basic skill of doing our job is Huo Ren. King Dalun Ming made all herders believe in him on the grassland, isn't it because he can Huo? People are empty, lonely, and cold. They always think that they can get everything when they believe in God. In fact, they are nonsense. "

Fang Jie laughed.

Xiang Qingniu continued: "I'm embarrassed to use other people's ancestors to talk about things, only the Central Plains Daozong. For all these years, all the ancestors related to Daozong have believed in Daozu, but Daozu may not have died before his elderly Thinking of becoming a puppet. It is said that Daozu said that this book was not left by Daozu at all, but something compiled by some people later. "

Fang Xie said: "I can't say anything else, but you are very good at being empty and lonely."

Xiang Qingniu smiled ceremoniously, and suddenly thought that there was something wrong in what Fang explained just now.

"This battle? Just now you said that you should fight this battle first? Haven't you reached an agreement with that guy named Xiulunsi? Do you want to fight again?"

Fang Xie shook his head and smiled, "It seems you still don't know me."

Xiang Qingniu froze for a moment, then came to understand.

"You are such a vicious fellow."

He says.

Fang Xie did not deny such an evaluation and did not explain.

Xiang Qingniu patted Fang Xie's shoulder closely, "I like you."

That face is charming.

Fang Jie flashed away immediately: "You get away."

Xiang Qingniu's breast fluttered with laughter, and he walked back while he said, "Although I don't know what you are worried about, I know those foreigners must not get any benefit from you. I am in military affairs I do n’t understand. I ’m not listening to the words of national justice, so what I can help you is to kill a few more enemies. Just tell me what ’s the matter. ”

"it is good"

Fang Xie nodded: "It's not time yet, wait."

The three days were the most tormenting for Xiurens. He was not harassed in the Fangjie camp. Every day someone delivered the food on time. Fifteen minutes later, whether he finished or not, The food delivery person will appear again to take away the cutlery.

He tried to talk to these people and no one paid attention to him at all.

No one even restricted his freedom, and he could walk around in the Black Flag Army Camp. He was like a serious tourist, watching absently how the soldiers of the Black Flag exercised. As a veteran who has been playing on the battlefield for decades, Schurens can see that this team is different.

The soldiers of the Black Flag had a temperament different from all the army he had seen.

He didn't know how to describe such temperament.

On the third day, Kirkbo returned when it was almost dark.

This moved Schurens a little.

"I thought you would just run back to Lehman. As long as you go back for the reason that I am trying to rebel in Lehman, Lehman doesn't want to make excuses even if you want to get rid of it. After all, you came alone, You can't change anything. If Lehman forcibly removes you in this way, it will immediately cause a very strong rebound. He is now worried that the domestic situation is difficult to control, but he dares not to act arrogantly. "

Schurens looked at Kirkbo seriously.

"I didn't come back because of any friendship with you."

Kirk Bobby had relaxed a lot when he first arrived at the Black Flag Army Camp, as if he was really relieved. But Schurence knew exactly why Kirkbo would return, because Kirkbo had already prepared for death. He was different from himself. Schurence knew that even if he was ready to die, Lehman would not let go of his family. Kirkbo is different, as long as he is dead, his family will not suffer much damage.

"I want to ask you something."

Kirkbo looked at Schurens and asked, "I found your subordinates when I went back. He is really loyal to you. For your safety, he immediately ordered 150,000 people to hand over their weapons and equipment. It took a whole three days to complete the incident, and if there is no accident, these weapons will be sent over tomorrow morning for your freedom. "

Kirkbo said, "But haven't you thought that once these 150,000 people have handed over their weapons and equipment, can you really go out alive?"

"Is Morx defeated?"

Sullus suddenly asked a question that had nothing to do with the topic just now.


Kirkbo replied: "He didn't expect that your army would suddenly attack him, so only one night his army dispersed. Although I didn't get the news that Mox was dead when I came, but nothing There is no doubt that hyacinths no longer exist. "

"Then I might not live long."

Xiurens sighed longly: "I thought you understood what I meant."

"What do you mean?"

Kirkbo asked back.

He suddenly understood, and immediately became pale: "My God! You mean not to attack Mox at all, but to join forces with Mox?"

Schurence smiled bitterly: "You have n’t reacted until now. It does n’t make any sense. I thought you would want to understand when you go back, and then send someone and Mox to join forces to do a play to show the solution. The current situation is only with Mo Cox will work together to find that small odds, but unfortunately now. "

"Why aren't you direct"

Kirkberg swallowed back after half of what he said, because he knew that Schurens had no chance to speak his mind directly. Even now, there must be someone monitoring this tent.

"I just want to confirm."

Sourance had no grief anymore, he stretched his back, and even the expression of suffering was not so strong: "I made a mistake. The requirements of the solution are excessive, but the most overwhelming is the one who looks at him Feel free to say additional conditions. What he wanted from the beginning was to get my army to destroy Mox, but he just said it at the end, and said it in an understatement. I didn't think about it at the time. what."

"Now, the back road is gone."

Sourance exhaled a long breath: "Get ready, my old man. I will never believe that Fang Xie will let me go easily, I just don't know what kind of occasion I will die on."

"You shouldn't be back."

Schurens pointed out another Kirkbo error.

"I told you to find Yanu Dang, he is the most loyal subordinate to me. This sentence actually means that you can trust Yanu Dang and help him analyze the situation. If you stay in the team, at least Yanu Dan has an experienced sage who helps him with his plans. "

Kirkbo shook his head: "It's late, isn't it?"

On the morning of the fourth day, when the sun emerged from the Eastern Horizon, and now the highest commander of the Black Morning Glory Army, Yanu Dan took a team of 5,000 people and escorted 150,000 people. The equipment arrived less than fifteen miles from the Black Flag Army Camp.

He was a little nervous.

He had something to hide from Kirkbo.

But now, it seems that some obstacles have been encountered.

Heiqi Army came over a cavalry, about 10,000 people. The cavalry general ordered them to stop and wait for the leader of the Black Flag Fang to arrive. So Yanu Dang became more and more nervous. After all, this was the boldest decision he ever made.

He knew that there was a reason why Archduke Xiulens chose himself, and that reason was that he knew to make the right choice at this moment. For success, this choice cannot be told to anyone, including Kirkbo.

Zhuge Wudi sat on his horse and looked at the foreign soldiers. The smile on the corner of his mouth disturbed the foreigners across.

"We have already done this. Send your weapons in exchange for our Duke Lord."

Yanu Dan adjusted his mind and walked over: "But why do you stop me?"

"Because the place where the weapon was received was not in the camp."

Zhuge Wuyi pointed to the land under his feet: "Here it is."

Yanu Dang's face changed dramatically, and he could see that his emotions had changed a lot.

"If you didn't guess wrong."

Zhuge Wuzhe said with a smile: "You did n’t come to donate your weapons exactly as agreed. My host said that no army would give up the last chance to win, no matter Han or foreigners. So, the host said There must be more than just weapons, but I am afraid there will be a lot of gunpowder. You plan to detonate these gunpowder in my black flag army camp, and then you will rescue Thurrons in a mess, right? Can disrupt our plans. If nothing else, the troops of Schullens are ready to go, right? "

Yanudan's face turned pale.

He couldn't even argue.

Because Zhuge Wuzhen is right.

"Know why I'm not in a hurry to check the weapons you brought, or to get you to unload things?"

Zhuge Wuyi said: "Because it doesn't matter at all ~ ~ He pointed to Yanu when he was behind him.

Yanu turned back consciously, and immediately saw the fire over the black morning glory camp.

"Our practitioners have already attacked, and this will hunt down the generals of your army recklessly. If nothing else, your 5,000-member team must have brought all the Musketeers and Musketeers, because you plan to rescue the repair Lens. Without these Musketeers, what else do our practitioners worry about? "

Zhuge Wuzhe said with a smile: "Now, Xiurens and Kirkbo are in the Black Flag Army Camp, and you are here as a temporary commander. Your camp is actually a state of loss of command and a sudden attack It is easy to collapse. In particular, when many middle and lower commanders die, the team will be more chaotic. There was no negotiation from the beginning. "

He exclaimed: "The lord said that the enemy who set foot on the Han land could not leave the body."

Yanu was bloodless face to face, standing there like a stone statue, at a loss.

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