Conquer the World

Chapter 1178: You are a pack of wolves

Chapter 178 You Are A Group Of Wolfs

The weather is surprisingly good.

Generally speaking, everything is not particularly satisfactory, such as the weather, a sunny day is often accompanied by the wind. And it is the wind that people love. But obviously God is in a good mood today. The weather is good and people can't bear to close their eyes. If someone chooses to sleep in this weather, it is undoubtedly a mess.

Wei An couldn't sleep even if he wanted to sleep.

The front-line intelligence was continuously sent back, and when the sun reluctantly fell from the west, the last news came.

The Black Flag Army won.

Wei An took a long breath, and then drank the wine in the glass.

He was a little excited and a little happy!

He even wanted to stand up and roar loudly towards the battlefield with a beautiful voice.

No matter how much a person thinks about himself, no matter how disgraceful Wei An is in this battle, he is always a Han. He was really happy when he heard the words that the Black Flag Army achieved a great victory. The enemy defeated another enemy, which was definitely not a strategic joy in an emotional sense.

He had people move the table in the house to the yard, and then ordered the soldiers to get some hot dishes.

He has been drinking from noon to the present, but there is no difference between the wine and the water he drank before. Almost everyone in Mufu knew that Wei'an was addicted to drinking. And this person is not drunk with a thousand glasses, no matter how strong the wine, there will be no power in front of him. He was accustomed to drinking on the battlefield, and even when junior officers rushed to kill, he was holding a jug with a knife and a hand.

If it weren't for this reason, he might have to climb to his current position at least five years in advance.

Drinking all afternoon is not as good as drinking at this moment.

He let a few of his staff sit down and accompany him to drink. Of course, these two people's alcohol consumption doubled again, and it is not his opponent.

"The general seems happy?"

Asked with a smile, the awkward alumni.

"Aren't you the same?"

Wei An asked back.

Yin Bo laughed: "The subordinates are also happy. After all, this is a great victory. After all, this great victory is too important for Dongjiang."


Wei An sighed and said, "A great victory like this has nothing to do with me."

"Why not?"

Yin Duan said, "If it was not for the general to order to withdraw the army ten miles, the Black Flag would not be so free to go to war with foreigners. Although the general did not send troops directly to the battle, but this is just the point. The role in the battle is unquestionable. Knowing the risks the generals are taking is not small at all. "

Wei An smiled bitterly.


Now he hasn't figured out how to explain it in front of Mu Guangling. The loud sound really made people happy, but Mu Guangling must be furious. Maybe it won't be long before Mu Guangling will come to himself to plead guilty. At that time, Wei An didn't know how to face him, because he couldn't get over the bump in his heart.

He was, after all, pulled up by Mu Guangling.

"But more than that."

The voice came from a distance, not from the people in the yard.

Wei An was startled and stood up sharply.

The speaker stood on the courtyard wall.

Dressed in black, slender and handsome.

Not only was he alone, many people suddenly appeared on the courtyard. These people were obviously not low in cultivation, otherwise it was impossible to avoid all the guards and walk freely among the 150,000 troops. Wall of residence yard. There is no doubt that if these people came to kill Wei An, Wei An was dead.

"who are you!"

Wei An asked, but soon came to understand: "Wang Wang?"

The dishes on the table are just right.

Fang Xie sat down opposite Wei An and poured a glass of wine by himself. His guards did not move on the courtyard wall, although at least 2,000 men and women had gathered outside, the water around the small courtyard could not be leaked. The archer had aimed at them, waiting for an order.

But no one dared to order it.

Because Wei An is in the yard, everyone knows that if he throws an arrow, it may be their general that will die first.

"Here you are, let me speak directly about anything."

Wei An glanced at the people standing on the wall of the courtyard. Although his personal cultivation was not bad, he could see that one of the guards brought by Fang Jie was randomly drawn and could kill himself. The practice world in the eastern Xinjiang was already withering. As a result of the battle that the Central Plains practitioners entered into the eastern Xinjiang more than two hundred years ago, the practice world in the eastern Xinjiang has not been able to restore its vitality.

It seems that the practitioners in the Central Plains are indeed far more terrible than the practitioners in Eastern Xinjiang.

"My own wine is better than yours."

Fang Xie smiled and took a sip of wine: "I have been walking around in the past few years and drank a lot of wine. The best thing to drink is the pear flower brewing of Fan Gucheng in the western part of the Great Sui Dynasty. That is the wine, but if this wine today It's more important than any other drink I've ever had before. "

Wei An's face changed, and he secretly guessed Fang Jie's intention.

Fang liberated the wine glass and looked around.

"I heard that General Wei and other generals in Mufu are different. You do not rely on the strength of your family to achieve the general, but on your own ability."

Wei An didn't know what Fang Jie wanted to say, but just nodded.

"Grandpa Grandpa loves, and Wei has the status he has today."

What this said is like blocking the road. But in fact, this is not the case.

"First, I'm here to thank you."

Fang Xie slowly said, "Of course, if it ’s just a thank you, I won't let you visit me personally. It is very important for this battle today that you can keep your guard. I can guess Mu Guangling's instructions to you What it is, so it's not easy for you to do that. "

"I came by myself for the second point."

Fang Jie said, "I'm not here to persuade you, I'm just here to tell you that I should not make mistakes."

Wei An's face changed again. He knew that Fang Jie's words were more than just threats. The same words are spoken in the mouths of people with different status, and the weight must be different. This sentence was not even a threat, because Wei An knew that Fang Jie could now focus on him.

Obviously, Fang Xielai wanted him to surrender.

"Master, if I want, during the war, there is already a small piece of mine on this land in Dongjiang. I am still here because I know what is righteousness. I'm fine. Now if I do something that is sorry to him, I'm afraid I can't afford to swear. "

"You will be scolded whatever you do."

Fang Xie smiled and said, "If you continue to fight with Mu Guangling and the Black Banner Army, the people will scold you. If you leave Mu Guangling, Mu House scolds you. The difference is that more people scold you or less."

Wei An was silent.

Fang Xie said: "I don't need to urge you bitterly, because I don't need to do that. In fact, you know very well that this world will be unified sooner or later. But Mu Guangling obviously has lost the opportunity, and I know you still have a conscience. Although you haven't fought too much against foreigners in recent years, you are still not someone like Yang Shunhui. I need someone who will guard Dongjiang for me in the future. "

After Fang Jie said this, he got up and grabbed the courtyard wall.

Wei An turned to look at him subconsciously, but saw only one back.

Yin An glanced at Wei An and groaned for a while before he said, "General, although Fang Xie's words were not very friendly before, his subordinates felt that they were not false. Please forgive my subordinates to say a few rude words, General Emphasis on justice, this is why the subordinates are willing to follow you. But has the general ever thought about how many people the general would stay if only by justice? "

Yin Tao said: "This statement may be too direct and foolproof, but most of the people who follow the generals are looking for a good future. If everyone can see that Mufu is no longer able to rule East Xinjiang, everyone follows Mufu Scared. Maybe it won't be long before many people choose to leave. "

"The general now has family members, and it is not the time to be alone a few years ago. At that time, the general could come and go freely, and even die for serving the government. His name is loyal and eternal. But now, his wife What about children? "

This resembled a punch in Wei'an's heart.

Yeah, what about his family?

A few years ago, when he had no wife and children, he would never have these concerns now. In fact, why didn't he hesitate? There is no need to say anything, he also thought about leaving Mufu himself. Mu Fu's status in Eastern Xinjiang is no longer as ingrained as it used to be. Now it seems that the most promising unity is the Black Flag Army.

"It goes without saying."

Wei An waved his hand: "Let me be quiet."

Yin boiled and opened his mouth, but did not say any more.

He got up and was ready to leave.


Wei An suddenly stopped him, looked into his eyes and asked, "Did you take the benefits of the Black Flag?"

After a long silence, he nodded: "Subordinates did contact the Black Flag in the earlier days, but they did not take any advantage of the Black Flag. The subordinates did this for the consideration of the general. The general was With the mercy of Mu Guangling, you are my life-saving benefactor. "

"I will kill you!"

Wei An stood up, holding on to the bitter collar: "You little man!"

Yan Ling's face was calm, without even a trace of fear: "My subordinates have long known that they may be killed by the general, but their subordinates do not hesitate. What will they get if they subordinate to the Black Flag Army for themselves? It's just some silver money. Is gold and silver useful to me? "

Wei An froze a moment, then let go of his hand weakly.

"If the subordinates want money, they will not follow the generals. If the subordinates want to fame and fortune, they will not follow the generals. Although the subordinates are talented, it is not difficult to mix some fame."

Yin painfully sorted his clothes: "It was not clear what was said earlier. It was not the people of the Black Banner who came to find their subordinates, but the subordinates took the initiative to contact them."

He looked into Wei An's eyes: "Please ask the general to think more about himself."

"I know I must die"

Looking at Fang Xie, Xiurens said seriously, "But can I have a request? I want to die to be happier."


Fang Xie's denial was so simple ~ ~ He waved and instructed: "The two people were escorted to the nearby villages and towns, and told the people that this man had harmed Dongjiang with hundreds of thousands of troops. Tell the people that his name is Xiulunsi, the highest general of foreigners before Dongjiang. At least millions of people's lives are to be counted on him. "


Several Snap Riders came up and pushed Lehman and Kirkbo together.

"You are so vicious!"

Shroud shouted.

"You're stupid."

It happened that Xiang Qingniu who came in at this time scolded: "You hurt me, and then you think of me for revenge? You killed our people, took away our food and land, but said that others were vicious after defeat."

Xiang Qingniu said, "If I came to dispose of you, I will throw you into the wolf pack."

Kirkbo laughed. "You are a pack of wolves."

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