Conquer the World

Chapter 319: Has 1 floret

Chapter 319 There Is A Little Flower

Zhuo Buyi believed that the man on the boat knew that he was standing by the river and looked at them, but the man had no taboo. The boat flew up and down the river's center, hundreds of meters from the shore. Even the major practitioner could hardly walk the water so far. He seemed to have concluded that Zhuo Buyi could not approach.

Zhuo Buyi really couldn't rely on him. He could cross the river by stepping on a willow branch. He had only seen one person in his life.

At Prince Yi's mansion, when watching Prince Yi was about to break through the siege by boat, the old man who seemed to be dying, stepped on a willow branch against the turbulent waves that had just been washed away by the river, One hand blocked the huge warship.

At that time, Zhuo Buyi's heart was shocked to the point where it could not be added. He was sure that even if he had to study hard all his life, he would not be able to reach that height. Later, when Xiao Yijiu arrived, he saw that the old man did not even dare to resist and immediately retreated.

At this time, standing on the riverside, he also had an urge to retreat.

He knew that he was not the man's opponent on the boat in Jiang Xin. The boat had no iron anchors, so it was impossible to stop at Jiang Xin. He must rely on the man's strength for repair. Want to anchor a boat on such a big river, it is easy to say, but how many people can do it?

If it wasn't for Zhuo Buyi who had seen the monk's robe on the man's body and saw the man's bare head, it would have been said that Zhuo Buyi had now withdrawn.

Zhuo Buyi confessed that he had no ability to set the boat in the heart of the river, and was also able to distract himself from a woman's joy in fishing.

Walking or not, tumbling back and forth in his mind.

At this time, the two men in Jiang Xin had ended the most primitive move between men and women. The man slowly put on his white monk's clothes, carefully, and checked all the accessories on the clothes. The gasping woman kneeling on the boat climbed up to him and put on his boots.

The monk looked at the location of Zhuo Buyi, and his eyes were puzzled.

He turned, and the boat turned in a gallop towards the shore. Lu Minglan, who had completely lost her strength, was lying in the boat, where she could care about whether anyone would see her naked body. She had completely lost her sense and became a slave to others without knowing it.

The white-robed monk stopped the boat when he was about to reach the shore, then grabbed the rope and threw it to the shore. The rope shook in a straight line in midair, piercing a large tree with a rustling sound like an iron gun. After breaking through the tree, the rope turned around on the other side as if controlled by two hands and turned back to fasten it. The boat was dragged on the tree by the rope and floated a few meters from the shore.

The white robe monk stepped slowly out of the boat, stepped on the water with one foot, and then the other leg slowly stepped over. In this way, he walked on the water and walked the last few meters to the shore. Seeing this scene, Zhuo Buyi's eyebrows could not help twitching.

Sweeping across the water, he can do it.

But this came slowly like a flat ground, Zhuo Buyi was sure he could not do it.

"You Sui people are very strange."

The monk in white robe curiously looked at Zhuo Buyi, and asked curiously: "You are different from those before. Your cultivation has reached a level that can be admired by others. I am convinced that even in the rivers and lakes of the Sui people, you are like this. There should also be few practitioners. If those people were ants before, you are destined to be an eagle that can fly to the sky in the future. The ants can ignore their lives, why do you not cherish them so much? "

He asked, "You know you are not my opponent, why do you want to keep up?"

I don't know why, but Zhuo Buyi relaxed at this time. The hesitation before disappeared quickly in his mind, and the rest was a feeling that made him feel strange.

Treat death as home?

So Zhuo Buyi smiled and shrugged his shoulders: "Preaching the truth is a very troublesome task, especially for a beast. Da Sui has a sentence called playing the ox to a cow, which means to talk to the oxen with a wonderful sound. It does n’t make sense to listen, because cattle are animals and they do n’t understand at all. Telling you the truth is actually the same as playing the piano with cattle. "

The white robe monk froze, and then sighed, "Do you know how many people tried to provoke me to become a handful of yellow sand when I started to practice? You do n’t look like a mindless person doing such unwise things. I do n’t understand. The law in this world is strong, and the strong is not to be blasphemed. The weak is to worship unconditional obedience. This is such a simple truth, but you do n’t understand. understand."

Zhuo Buyi only said one word: "呸"

The eyes of the monk in white robes gradually began to kill, but he still did not intend to act: "I have made a vow in front of the Ming king to accept a demon from the land of discipleship as a disciple. Teach him Dharma and promote the truth Good. It ’s hard to find someone with good roots who walked through thousands of mountains and rivers, and it ’s hard to find someone who is good at all. I only saw you today when I saw you. I ’ll give you a golden avenue ... ? "

The polite Zhuo Buyi answered six words this time: "You're like a fool-force."

The anger in the white robe monk's eyes turned out to be stronger, he began to move forward slowly: "The reason why people become rulers of this world is not cats, dogs or birds, do you know why?"

Before Zhuo Buyi answered, he continued: "Because people have wisdom, even the most common humble people have wisdom. Because of this, people can dominate the world. Giving up wisdom will only make you as humble as pigs and dogs. Why do people like you do this kind of self-degraded thing? Now kneel down, and I would like to take you to practice all the magical powers of my Buddhism. "

Zhuo Buyi looked at him and smiled all the time: "You know it's hard to force me to swear at you, but I always think I'm a very cultivated person. But I just thought for a long time how to use the most elegant words. To deny you, I regret that I didn't expect it. Then I found out that the existence of swear words really makes sense, because at some point swear words can most directly reflect a person's mood. "


He says.



"Somewhat interesting"

The monk in white robe looked down at his feet and took a step forward.

"I knew from the beginning that you are a very special practitioner. This practice of using your mind as a means of defending your enemies does have some meaning. But your imprisonment has reached the bottleneck, and it is difficult to go any further. Of course, if anyone Pointing you to break the bottleneck, your cultivation will take a big step forward. I like you more and more ... so even if you do not control the shots, I still want to ask you, would you like to practice with me? "

Zhuo Buyi's forehead was already covered with Hanshui, and he tried his best to paint the ground for the prison to have no effect on the white robe monk.

In just one step, the monk in white robe stepped out of the prison where he was laying.

This step seemed careless, simple and easy, but broke the siege under Zhuobu Yibu while walking, and there were countless attacking methods in the siege. But the white robe monk kicked the copper wall and iron wall in just one step, and swung all the attacks away.

"There's a lot to improve on this way of trapping opponents with your mind, you don't want to go any further?"

The white robe monk asked mildly.

Zhuo Buyi took a deep breath and his eyes widened suddenly.

At this moment, the layers of sky and earth's vitality slowly formed a huge circle. And the white robe monk was sealed inside by this circle, in which there was a continuous burst of feather arrows transformed from within, and storms attacked the white robe monk intensively.

A monk of admiration flashed in the monk's eyes, his hands flicked outwards, and the swift arrows of the inner strength were swung open. Between the sleeves of his robes, a circle was formed outside his body. In the great circle under Zhuobi cloth, there appeared a small circle that looked more condensed.

The monk in white robe stepped forward again, and the offensive in the prison was unable to break the circle under his cloth.

This time, he took three steps to get out of Zhuo Buyi's painting.

Then he waved forward, and the little circle outside him flew towards Zhuo Buyi. Zhuo Buyi tried to flash, but found that his feet were completely immovable as if nailed to the ground. With only one puppet, he was sealed by that Madoka.

"This is your means."

The white robe monk smiled, "I'm using him now for you ... I practice in Buddhism, all ways and everything. I finally ask you again, would you like to practice with me?"

"May ... you-mom-up-a-force!"

Zhuo Buyi sneered and sneered, then couldn't help spitting out a blood.

The monk frowned, and then his eyes were frozen.

Suddenly, there were countless arrows of inner strength in that Madoka shot towards Zhuo Buyi. Those arrows are sharper, more powerful, and more violent than arrows drawn in prison. When those vigorous arrows burst out, Zhuo Buyi also tried to build a defensive circle outside his body. However, he was surprised to find that the circle laid by the monk actually imprisoned the Qihai in his body.




For a moment, Zhuo Buyi's body was punctured by more than a dozen blood holes by the arrow of inner strength, which was transparent before and after.

Zhuo Buyi's body shook a few times and could hardly stand. Blood was pouring out of the wound like a stream, and soon turned his robe into a blood robe. Perhaps the monk in the white robe deliberately did it, and those arrows of inner strength avoided his key, so although he was seriously injured, he could not die for a while.

"I love you, and you mustn't make mistakes!"

The monk in white robe walked to the front of Zhuo Buyi and said, "You know, I am the Buddha, and there are many good disciples in Buddha who are willing to come under my door, but none of them can be regarded. I don't miss you The people in the demon's land, don't humble you, condescend and persuade you for so long, don't you really know how great this opportunity is? You know, I came out of Dalun Temple in Daxue Mountain, along the way. Passing by, all people worship, the royal family bowed ... "

"As long as you kneel down like them, I can not only spare you, but also pass you on to practice."


he asks.

Zhuo Buyi took a sip of **** spit, but no longer had the energy to curse. He was still standing, and it was already difficult.

The white robe monk's eyes narrowed again, and Zhuo Buyi's two legs were immediately shot through by two powerful arrows. He couldn't keep falling, but he still didn't kneel.


The white robe monk sighed ~ ~ Then slowly raised his hand to fall on that circle: "Your qualification really makes me tempted, but I do n’t need to show kindness to the stubborn demon . "

The moment he put his hand on the circle, a roar of a beast suddenly came from behind him. A wild boar so large that it was heartbreaking rushed out of the bush, and the growl sounded with endless anger and determination. Although there was fear in his eyes, and his body was shaking, he rushed over.

The white robe monk frowned slightly, and retracted his finger toward the huge wild boar.

With a bang, the boar was penetrated by the inner strength! The huge boar's huge body kept falling forward and fell to the ground, his mouth overflowed with blood. It was still desperately struggling with its four hoofs, and seemed to want to touch the circle imprisoned with Draper. Its four hooves soon kicked out of a pit on the ground, but it couldn't move forward. His eyes have been looking at Zhuo Buyi, his eyes are full of perseverance and pain.

Zhuo Buyi, who was sitting in the circle, looked pale, and tears dripped down his cheek.

The face of the white robe monk became a bit ugly, and he couldn't help whispering, "Why in this Sui land, even beasts are so stupid?"

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