Conquer the World

Chapter 336: Lady holding a doll

Chapter 336 The Lady Holding The Doll


Left-wing general generals

Even if the three-story wooden building was not in the presence of General Luo Yao, no one was allowed to approach.

These 36 people, even if Luo Yao is absent, still do their duty.

As Luo Wen walked along the small lake, he glanced at the tall building far away and shook his head.

I don't know why, he always felt that he was an outsider in this house.

My father never showed any concern for him, let alone warm words. From small to large, Luo Yao has always been cold in his impression. When he was a kid, he would coquettish like other children, but Luo Yao would push him away every time to tell him that men should not do this, and they should be self-reliant.

He once asked his mother, who just said his father was too busy in military affairs.

For a long time, Luo Yao had never had the tenderness of the word father.

His mother told him that it was because his father was so fond of his son that his big brother Luo Wu made a big mistake because the Luo family almost overturned.

But what does Luo Wu's mistake have to do with me?

Luo Wen always wanted to ask Luo Yao, but unfortunately he didn't have the courage.

"Zhongbo ..."

Luo Wen sat down on the stone bench by the small lake and looked at the tall building on the other side and laughed at himself: "You said that in this compound, even the entire Yongzhou city and even the entire Pingshan Road, who is not the father himself Can I still go in and out of that building freely? I remember when I was a kid I ran in and wanted to show my father a show of autumn hunting beasts, but I just wanted to get a word of praise from him ... but my father tore up my painting and then He slaps me hard. "

Standing behind him was an old man with a thin body but a straight waist, looking at least sixty or seventy years old. Her hair was gray, and her face was full of sharp wrinkles. It's deep, like the saline-alkali land where the southwestern frontier has been blown for decades.

"In that building, it is better for the young master not to go. For the general, it is better not to violate the young master."

The old man replied expressionlessly, his voice cold like the pure steel sword box tied behind him.

"Zhongbo, you can't say something warm?"

"Warmhearted words are mostly false."

Zhong Bo said: "Old slaves don't speak beautiful words, they only tell the truth."

"Then you tell me ... for a ranger general from Wupin, it is worthy to be greeted by the laboring father for five hundred miles in person? Doesn't my father not know what festivals I have had with the one called Fangjie in Chang'an City, so why should I Zhizun rushed to paste a junior cold bottom? "

"No one else can guess what the generals are doing. But for so many years, the generals have not done anything."

"Yes indeed……"

Luo Wen sneered: "Even if he killed his own son, no one would say that he did wrong ... In such a home, I don't know when I will be killed because he violated what he prescribed. "

"The young master grew up and made no mistakes."

Zhong Bo answered coldly.

"I did it on purpose."

Luo Wen glanced back at Zhong Bo, and said for a while, "Since I knew that my elder brother was killed by his own hands, I have been very scared ... who is not afraid of such a father? The elder brother did something wrong Even if he **** it, did he have to do it himself? Want to show loyalty to the Yang family and send his elder brother to the Ministry of Justice? "

"The general has saved hundreds of lives up and down the Luo family."

Zhong Bo glanced at him, his tone remained calm and flat: "If it were not so, there would be no young master."


Luo Wen snorted, picked up a piece of gravel, and threw it into the lake: "Uncle Zhong, I have been taking care of you since I was little, he knows that I am the closest to you. But why did I not allow me to go to Changan for three years? You follow me? I knelt down and begged, and he turned away without even looking. "

"You are the general's son. No one in Changan City dares to treat you."

"Don't think I don't know!"

Luo Wen growled in a low voice: "He didn't really care about me from beginning to end! He was sent to Yanwuyuan when the people of Yushitai jointly impeached him the most. He didn't get a plea for defense, but sent me to Chang'an. Is it really for the purpose of tempering me? I'm not stupid ... sending me to Chang'an Yanwuyuan is actually the same as killing the elder brother. He just wanted to keep his official title. Born in Luo family, the biggest misfortune is blood relatives. It ’s not as good as that of the National Uniform.

Zhong Bo didn't speak.

Luo Wen sneered: "Why don't you argue for him?"

Zhong Bo felt the cold sword box behind him and said, "I've been by the Master."

Luo Wen's face changed slightly, and then he smiled: "It turns out that you can also say something warm."

"Master is bitter, but the general is bitter."

Uncle Zhong looked at the three-story high-rise building on the other side of the bank, and after a moment of silence, said in a stunned voice: "When you master grows up, you will understand the general's hardship."


Luo Wen waved his hand: "I am Luo Wen, not just Luo Yao's son."

"Master holds breath in his heart."

Zhong Bo said: "It takes a while."

"How to eliminate?"

Rowan asked.

Zhong Bo said: "The young master orders it."

"I want to kill."

Rowen said.

Zhong Bo paused and replied: "As long as it is not a solution. He is now a missionary and cannot be killed."

Luo Wen stood up and sneered: "Forget it ... Although you have been with me for almost twenty years, after all, you are the father."

At this moment, suddenly the steward of the General's Mansion ran over pantingly: "Master ... the guest came from the back door ..."

Rowan's face changed sharply, and a look of suspicion flashed in his eyes.

The small gate in the backyard of the General's Mansion has not been opened a few times, and only those special guests will walk there. Luo Wen did not dare to participate in Luo Yao's affairs, but it did not mean that he knew nothing.



"Let him go, just say that the general is away!"



Luo Wen's complexion kept changing. He remained silent for a while or was overcome by the curiosity in his heart: "Open the door and meet my study!"



Luo Yao's wife, Chu, never questioned Luo Yao's military affairs. She didn't even ask about the daily chores of the palace. She lives alone in a small courtyard all the year round and rarely walks, that is, she usually does not go out when guests come from the general's house. In her small courtyard, there are few people besides her trusted friends. Luo Yao sometimes can't meet her once a month.

Everyone said that Chu's temper was very weird. He couldn't hear the children cry. Once he heard it, he would go crazy, so crazy that Luo Yao didn't even know.

It is said that Rowan did not have this problem after he was born, and he did not know why he suddenly suffered from this strange disease. Since then she has rarely gone out, and that small courtyard is almost her entire world. When Luo Yao was not in the house, everything in the house was up to the steward. Since Luo Wen returned from Beijing, some indecisive housekeepers asked him not to enter Chu's house.

The courtyard seemed dark and horrifying to outsiders.

There is a large locust tree in the courtyard, which is rare in the south. And because there is a bad word in the name, even this kind of thing will not be planted in the yard of northern people. The locust tree in Chu's yard is not terrible. The terrible thing is the doll of that tree.

Chu's people made all kinds of rag dolls on the branches, which made them extremely realistic. Eyes, nose, and mouth have all the features, and the shape is the same as a full moon baby. Whenever the windy weather, the doll of that tree will swing back and forth, looking at it in the night seems to be particularly horrible, as if full of monsters and ghosts.

Not only that, the paintings hanging on the walls in Chu's house are also dolls, and the paintings are delicate and vivid.

The steward's grandson is 55 years old and was once a member of Luo Yao's team. He lost a right arm when he was pacified to Shang Dynasty and became a waste. I crossed the swampland when attacking Yongzhou, and I didn't know what insects had bitten my leg. When I came out, the meat on one foot was almost wiped out. Although he healed later, he couldn't bear it every cloudy day.

After Luo Yaozhang guarded the southwest, he became the steward of the general's house. Over the years, the house has been well organized up and down.

He killed countless people in his half life, but never had nightmares. He didn't believe that ghosts and gods were not afraid of demons, but he was afraid of walking into Chu's spooky courtyard. If it weren't for today's business, he wouldn't have come in.

The people in this yard are very strange, not only the wife, but also her four personal girls. These four people are her dowry girl-in-law, who has been in Luofu for decades. The youngest is also fifty years old, and the largest is six years older than Chu. The four of them used Meilan Zhuju four gentlemen, which were originally beautiful names, but each one was more sinister than a ghost.

Whenever the sun is high, the four of them will move up to small stools and sit in the yard in the sun. Everyone holds a doll in their arms, as if holding a kitten or puppy.

Stroking the doll is very gentle, as if combing hair for cats and dogs.

Chunlan Qiuqi Xiazhu Dongmei, the four women did not talk when they were sitting together. The quiet silence in the yard could be heard even when a needle fell to the ground. They were like bodies without a soul. In the ragdoll. His expression was dull, and his eyes were apathetic.

"I have something to ask my wife."

The grandson leaned out and whispered outside the door, as if he was cautiously scared.

"Mrs. is asleep and can't be disturbed."

The oldest Chunlan answered coldly.

"Troublesome, I wouldn't bother my wife to rest if it weren't really important."

"what's up?"

Qiuju asked.

The grandson hesitated and replied, "Just tell my wife, the back door of the backyard is open again. But the general is not at home, it is the young master who opens the door."

After this sentence was finished, the door of the house squeaked and was opened from the inside.

Chu, who was standing at the door, wore a dress for daily use, and her hair was scattered behind her head. She was a few years older than Luo Yao, but she could not see any wrinkles on her face. Her face was like Jing Moxuan's white paper, her eyebrows were painted, so she couldn't see a little expression. She doesn't seem to have been eroded by years, and anyone who sees her for the first time will definitely feel that this woman will not be over thirty.

The figure is still there.

The baby in her arms is there all year round.

"Where is the young master?"

"See you in his study ~ ~ Invite the guests to me."

Chu said indifferently: "Then tell the young master to let him take the military law of the twenty whip. No matter who breaks the rules, the general will not do it. And ... are there new people in the government? "

"there's a few."

"Did you see the guests?"


"Go to the backyard ..."

Chu gave an expressionless expression, then turned back to the room.


The grandson muttered again and again, thinking of the shaman's means in the backyard, he felt a chill in his heart. In the past few years, at least more than one hundred people have been sent to the backyard, and no one has ever come out alive.


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