Conquer the World

Chapter 357: Really going to fight?

Chapter 357 is really about to enter the war?

"The world believes that the most orthodox practice is to absorb the energy. After absorbing the vitality of the heavens and the earth into the Dantian Qihai quenching, it is then integrated into the limbs and bones to train the flesh. This is done in any sect or even the army. The inner strength of the transformation of heaven and earth's vitality cooperates with the display of various methods to achieve a power that the human body cannot reach. "

Luo Yao withdrew his fist and said in a calm tone: "However, the most orthodox practice is not necessarily the most correct, and the limitation of being energized is too great. The gap in one's cultivation is actually the difference between the size of the sea and the capacity of the inner strength. . But even the people with the most energy can run out of time. The more powerful a move is, the more the energy is consumed. Once the energy is exhausted, the so-called major practitioner is not as good as a child. "

He glanced at Fang Jie and said, "No one teaches you, but you can realize the most correct way of cultivation yourself. It's not easy. The disadvantages of being inward are too great. Heaven and earth vitality is incorporated into the body and then tempered to become internal strength. Although this process is not difficult but extremely time-consuming, it is difficult for Dacheng to have decades of sedimentation. The so-called genius in the world is nothing more than the general air-sea ratio in the body. The practitioners are larger, so that the practice will enter quickly. For example ... the woman named Shen Qingfan near you. "

Fang Xie nodded, he never denied that Shen Qingfan was a genius.

"However, no matter how big the air is, there are limits."

Luo Yao pointed to his lower abdomen: "Although I was not a genius at that time, it is enough to be proud to practice at the age of thirty in my thirties. Wan Xingchen said many years ago when he commented on the world ’s martial arts. In fact, it was misunderstood by future generations. Later generations were too obsessed with the grades, but deliberately forgot about the complexity and vastness of martial arts in the world. Where can the supplies be divided?

"For example, swordsmen, when they can use Qi Yujian, they can be summarized as cultivation of more than seven grades, and when they can be converted into swords, they can be classified as nine grades. They are too general and completely meaningless. The sword of Shen Qingfan She has a strong sense, and when she uses Qi to control the sword, she can fight with the person who uses the sword to transform the gas. And the sword is also a general statement. Now, people can feel like they can't live with Jiupin with a sword of gasification ... "

He said in a calm tone: "Even if one's anger is as big as one wants, it will be as incomprehensible as the heavens and tans to gasify the Wanjian. But Wanxing has done it, so he is invincible. Why? "

Fang Xie replied, "Yuqi is outside?"


Luo Yaodao: "The most orthodox martial arts may not be the most correct. The practice method of guarding the Qi from the outside is far stronger than the Qi from the inside. I have no qihai, nor do you, so you and I say to the world that there is no qi If you ca n’t practice, you ’ll experience it a bit deeper. At first I thought I was ruined, and I was just a wasteful person. I was lucky to die, but I was so distraught. But when I was disheartened, I suddenly thought why others said it ’s not ok Is it all right? "

"Everyone says to be energetic. If the rules set by the older practitioners are left behind, is it true that they must remain unchanged forever?"


Luo Yao smiled: "I don't believe it."

Fang Xie smiled: "I don't believe it."

Luo Yao nodded and said: "Too many miracles and too many changes have occurred in this world. In fact, the root cause is that I don't believe this. If what the predecessors said, the future generations would believe that the world would not move forward but would remain the same. What was the same a thousand years ago and what it is now 10,000 years ago. But how was it ten thousand years ago? People still wore animal skins and shouted with wooden sticks, trying to scare the beasts to **** one. With a dead body. If I didn't believe it, then you and I now scream at the beast with a stick. "

This makes sense.

Makes sense.

Fang Jie murmured again and again: "It's because too many I don't believe that the world will progress."


Luo Yaodao: "It is recorded in ancient books that when people first saw the fire, they thought it was an ominous object, and they were monsters and monsters, so they should stay away. Some people said that I didn't believe it, so people began to eat warm food. Some people say that the sea is vast. No one can cross without bounds. Some people say I don't believe it, so I built a sea boat and sailed around the countries to bring back countless treasures. Some people have said that I ca n’t practice in this life just like a living dead person, I said I do n’t believe it. "

He slightly raised his jaw, "So now I'm on top of martial arts."

Fang Xie took a deep breath and nodded: "I see."

Luo Yao said: "Someone must have told you that the practice must be down-hearted and unbound. And you are a person who is too heavy-minded and full of thoughts, so you feel that it is difficult for you to practice successfully. But what I want to tell you This is a nonsense. Who in this world can truly be stubborn? Buddhism in the West has always declared that they can. When they meditate, they have no thoughts in their minds. But when they meditate, they actually think about women. Do they say that ? "

"Practice lies in the concentration of one moment and not the concentration of one's life. The so-called one-minute concentration means that you must devote yourself to the moment of your practice. What should you do when you are not practicing. And if you concentrate all your life, you can become a lunatic Either become a fool. "

Luo Yao's remarks are a little bit extreme, but they are not unreasonable.

"Do you know how long it has taken me to go from waste to promotion to Jiupin?"

"I don't know"

"Two years"

Luo Yao smiled proudly: "There is no one in the world."



"The qihai in the world is in Dantian. No matter how big the qihai is, it is within the body. At that time, the qihai was completely destroyed and it was difficult to hold the vitality of heaven and earth, so I thought of a way. Why can Qihai accommodate the vitality of heaven and earth? Can it hold the strength of heaven and earth? "

he asks.

But Fang Jie didn't know the answer, and he hadn't even considered it. All the classics say that Qihai holds vitality. This is a well-known thing, so no one asks why.

"Because the first practitioner did it."

Luo Yao answered.

This sentence made Fang Jie's heart light up, and immediately understood Luo Yao's meaning.

This is the inertial thinking. The first person to practice spiritual practice stored the energy in Qihai, so he recorded his practice style and passed it on to future generations, so later people knew that energy could be stored in Qihai. Over time, Qi Hai has become the only place where the human body can store its strength. People don't even bother to try, can't they be stored elsewhere?

Luo Yao said: "Fortunately, I was able to sense the vitality of the world, so I tried to turn my whole body into a sea of ​​energy. Because I thought about it, I did it."

"While others are still absorbing energy and sending it into Qihai, the energy I absorbed has entered Qihai through entering the pores, because my body is Qihai and not limited to Dantian. Later, I thought about why Qihai Must be in the body? As long as the area outside my body can control the strength for me, then this is also Qihai. "

This remark opened a window for Fang Jie.

What others say is what it is. Most people don't research why, just people go by.

"Your thinking has limitations, so your cultivation also has limitations."

Luo Yao said as he stretched out his hand, and then pointed at a large stone in the distance.

There were still no fluctuations, no momentum, but the stones in the distance burst apart. The corpses were flying and the dust was rising. Compared with the magnificent momentum before the people of Hedai Tao, Luo Yao's offensive seemed too calm. But this peace, its power is much greater than the repulsive force of the Hedao people.

"Keep the air out."

Fang Jie murmured again and again, and seemed to catch some light in his heart.

Luo Yao saw him thoughtfully, and said with a smile: "There is a saying that the master leads the door, and the practice is not unreasonable personally. All the master has to do is to tell you a direction and how to go on your own. Why the same practice The way someone can accomplish it? Someone can't get anything? It depends on personal understanding. "

Having said this, he turned away.

"In addition, you can consider the matter of staying in my left forward. The time when the army expedites you as a supervisor should be considered fixed. The period from now to the end of the Northern Expedition is the time you consider, long enough. After the Northern Expedition, you tell me whether you want to return to Chang'an as a big official or stay in my left forward as a small general. "

"If you still want to go back then, I will give you another reason."

Luo Yao paused, and looked back at Fang Jiedan indifferently: "One reason you may not be able to refuse anymore, although ... somewhat cruel."



After returning to his residence, Fang Xie's heart had not calmed down. He could feel that Luo Yao was really a little different to himself. When he returned, Ye Jinnan sent him out and told him that all those who trespassed to the general's study room in recent years had been cut off by the general. Even if Fang Xie was a commissioner, but the general did not get angry, this is unimaginable.

Since arriving in Yongzhou, Luo Yao has been showing favor.

This reminded Fang Xie a few times about the advice that Huai Qiugong gave him farewell, but now he found that it didn't seem to apply. Luo Yao is dazzling, not faint at all. Is he a person who can characterize Huai Qiugong? At first, it was determined that Luo Yao had antipathy, and then later he suspected that Luo Yao had antipathy. The subtle gap was actually due to the changes made with the increasing understanding of this person.

Luo Yao is going to write and fight.

Fang Xie saw the memorial, and Luo Yao didn't even ask the court for anything. All forage supplies were taken by the left avant-garde from Pingshan Road, without the need for treasury dispatch. All ordnance armor did not need to be assigned by the Ministry of Defense, and even asked the emperor to allow himself to stay as a prisoner.

Such a memorial ~ ~ is enough to reassure the emperor?

Fang Xie lying on the bed thought about the rebels sending people to contact Luo Yao. Although the rebels now occupy the northwest, the most feared is Luo Yao's 400,000 army. As long as Luo Yao sends troops from the southwest and the court uses troops from the east, the rebels have no chance of winning under the pressure of the two sides.

After Luo Yao sent troops, will the emperor let him return to the southwest?

Fang Jie suddenly felt nervous, he asked himself what would he think if he was an emperor?

Then he discovered that if Luo Yao really wanted to lead his army to the northwest, he would be afraid to return to Yongzhou. The Northwest rebelled. If the emperor did not take the opportunity to weaken Luo Yao's strength, he would not be the God-Emperor Yang Yi!

While lying in thought on the bed, Zhuo Buyi knocked on the door outside.

Fang Xie stood up and opened the door to let him in. Seeing his face different, he couldn't help but asked, "What's the matter?"

Zhuo Buyi lowered his voice and said, "The Flying Guardian of the Dainai Guards Department has passed the book, and there is another mission to come to Yongzhou. Your Majesty is determined to let Luo Yao send troops to the north ... In addition, Xiao Yijiu has gone west."

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