Conquer the World

Chapter 363: Scare you 1 jump

Chapter 363 Startle You

Fang Jie killed half of the officers above the brigade rate overnight, but did not make up from the people he brought with him. Instead, he let all the soldiers vote for the election. The three vacant captains were vacant. Five brigades were selected from ordinary soldiers, and those with more votes filled the vacancies.

Moreover, Fang Jie did not specify the candidates first, and the soldiers themselves filled in eight names on the blank paper sent down.

Fang Xie only said a few words before sending out the blank paper.

"The people you want to choose can be your very close friends in your weekdays, and of course, they may also be people you don't like. Because the names of each of you are different, I just ask you to follow ... Make sure that when you choose someone to take you to the battlefield, you can give you a greater chance to survive, even if you live longer. If he can do it, that is the most correct candidate. "

Then Fang Xie asked the person to send the blank paper down, and after receiving it, let the flying fish robe write down all the nominees on a large wooden board, and then choose according to the number of votes obtained. Because no candidate was identified in advance, there were more than 100 candidates nominated by 1,200 soldiers, and a long list of names were written on the boards.

Fang Xie sat on the high platform, and never asked.

It is Chen Qianshan who is responsible for maintaining order. Since the auxiliary soldier captain has been appreciated by Fang, he has changed into a person. He is very disciplined and responsible. In the past, he was the most despised of the five school captains of the Shanzi Battalion. In the eyes of the soldiers, his martial arts were not outstanding and his ability was average. Otherwise, how could he be a secondary captain and do nothing all day?

However, in the past two days, Chen Qianshan has been impressive.

When Fang Jie killed someone the night before, he stood with Fang Jie with a determined attitude.

Many people are trying to figure out if he got any benefit from Fang Jie and was bought by Fang Jie. But they no longer dare to discuss such matters, and can only think about it in their hearts. However, they did wrong Chen Qianshan. Chen Qianshan did not take the benefit of a copper coin for Fang Jie, and he was willing.

Chen Xiaoru looked at the busy Chen Qianshan below, and leaned down to ask Fang Jie: "Master, how do you know that this person can definitely be used by you?"

Fang Xie smiled: "Don't underestimate a man's ambition and unwillingness in his heart. Thunder Tiger died because of unwillingness, and Chen Qianshan used it for me because of unwillingness, the same reason."

Fang Xie said: "On the first day, I asked you to check the situation of these five captains. He is the most excluded. He has been in Shanzi Camp for seven or eight years, and he is only a brigade in Thunder Tiger. When he was leading, he was already the assistant captain of the Shanzi camp. A few years later, Lei Hu became the captain of the Shanzi camp. He was also an auxiliary soldier captain ... he watched a lot of people promoted Will it be calm? "

"In the beginning, he was also a captain of the war corps and was promoted by accumulating military power. But later he was injured and his body was not as good as before, so he was transferred to the Shanzi camp to lead a group of miscellaneous service. But the more such people feel The more unwilling you are, the more he watched his juniors climb up one by one at Shanzi Camp these years, and it would be strange if his heart would be as quiet as water. "

"So people like this don't need to buy money at all, they just need to give him a promise."

Chen Xiaoru sincerely praised: "Adults look at people, it is too accurate."

Fang Xie shook his head: "Chen Qianshan was actually very aggrieved. If it wasn't for the injury and it was difficult to recover to the original practice, he would now be the worst offender, and he would be a top five player. The people at the Shanzi Camp were all stubborn. It ’s only a matter of changing, but he does n’t change it. He knows that the people he ’s gone through have already gone, and now everyone sees him as a waste of mixed food. Men who have blood are absolutely tolerable. No. "

Chen Xiaoru nodded, admiring the other side of the solution. The wisdom shown by this boy was shocking. In the case of Prince Cha Yi in Beijing, he felt that Fang Xie was an amazing person. Following Fang Xie's long time, he felt that this boy would become a great instrument sooner or later.

At this time, Chen Qianshan came up and hugged his fist: "General Yi, the candidate is out."

Fang Xie nodded: "You send the brigade and the captain's clothes. According to the reason, the captain must not choose this way. The military skill is not the soft underbelly of these soldiers. I have already asked General Luo that it is also considered The general is exceptionally accommodating ... but you have to look at them, and you ca n’t forget yourself because you are so determined. You are the most mature in the whole Shanzi camp, and you have seen the most things. You must have experienced them in the mindset. So it's easier to persuade. "

Chen Qianshan chuckled his head: "Subordinates must live up to the orders of the generals."

Fang Jie said, "I have something for you."

He beckoned, a flying fish robe came over with a wooden plate in his hands. Fang Xie took the wooden plate over, and then reached out to lift the red cloth covering the wooden plate. In the wooden plate, there is a cluster of new Zhengliupins for the Duwei military uniform. Next to it is a small seal for Du Weiyin.

Chen Qianshan's face changed, and his eyes were incredible.

"I said that I truly gave back to me. This is what I asked for from the general. You will be the captain of the Shanzi camp. After I leave the camp, I will hand over a team of more than 1,000 people. You. This dress was supposed to belong to you years ago, it is a little late reward for the general. "

Fang Xie handed the wooden plate to Chen Qianshan, and Chen Qianshan's eyes were red: "General ..."

He was a little difficult to speak, and he saw tears overflowing from his eye sockets.

"You don't have to think it's a gift I gave you, because this is what you deserve. Take the mountain camp, and how long your clothes may not last ... Waiting on the battlefield, as long as we guarantee a heart Worrying of no merit? It won't be long before you may change into a robe of General Wupin. "

"Subordinates ... Thank you, General!"

Chen Qianshan was at a loss as to what to do, and his hands trembled after taking over.

After being injured many years ago, he was transferred to the rank of auxiliary soldier captain, and he thought that would be the end of his life. Whoever thought of Fang Jie came to Shanzi Camp for twenty days and changed his official uniform.

"Being good at your own duties, I can give it to you. Whether human ability is high or low, there is one thing that must be done all the time ... that is to be nice to your relatives and friends, and I treat it with sincerity , Will be able to change my heart in return. Go and bring the eight newly selected officers to see me. "

Chen Qianshan stood and solemnly performed a military salute.





Three-storey high-rise

Luo Yao sat on a chair covered with a white tiger skin and watched the waterfowls in the small lake out of the window. He's been sitting like this for more than half an hour and doesn't know what exactly he sees in his eyes. The water birds were in front of him, but they didn't seem to be in his eyes at all.

"Small Master Fang **** like this, other generals have some criticism."

Ye Jinnan glanced at Luo Yao, speaking softly.

"Only twenty days after the Shanzi camp, three captains and five brigades were killed, and it was a little overdone. Some people said that those who were killed were killed because they tried to test the bottom line of Master Xiaofang. And This is what Master Xiaofang did ... it's possible that you haven't tried to test your general's bottom line. "

"Who said this?"

Luo Yao asked lightly.

Ye Jinnan shook his head: "It's just some rumors ... subordinates don't know who said it."

"You know you won't say."

Luo Yao took a look back at Ye Jinnan and said in a calm tone: "You are a good old man. You would rather be scolded than others. So you are very popular in the army. They are willing to do anything. Let me tell you. And they know that you have come to my study the most times, so they intentionally say something to let you know ... But you tell them that if there is something to come to me, just talk to me, and then discuss it behind me Let me know how to deal with military law. "


Ye Jinnan answered.

"He's been training recently. What kind of name do you see?"

Luo Yao asked.

Ye Jinnan said for a while and said silently: "It is said that Lord Xiaofang has transferred 150 elites and trained himself. What is not allowed to be disclosed, but judging from the number of his transfers and the number of horses in the Shanzi camp, he should be He wanted the brigade to stop me along the way, and then he led the 150 men's elite horseback to capture the bamboo forest banner. "

"Maybe there are other ideas."

Luo Yao smiled: "Maybe he intends to attack your team directly."

Ye Jinnan shook his head: "Because his subordinates are not familiar with the use of soldiers by Xiao Fang, it is impossible to guess. But surprise soldiers are also good for use as suspect soldiers, and there are only a few changes under the limitation of terrain time It should still cope. "


Luo Yao laughed: "You grow old, but you never lack confidence."

"No matter what the people below say, don't worry about it. After a few days' test, you can fight as you like. If he wins, the following people's discussion should stop. A discount camp, he wants to play, just Let him play. "

Ye Jinnan looked at Luo Yao subconsciously for a moment.

Luo Yao smiled, and it seemed that he did not want to continue to say this: "The news from the capital said that the will of the emperor was to transfer 100,000 people from the left forward to the north, not to let me lead the troops to the northwest. In this matter, how do you Look?"

Ye Jinnan's face changed: "Tuning? It's ... not good!"

"It's not good."

Luo Yao said calmly: "So I was thinking if I would not resist once. If I promised, I would transfer 100,000 troops from the left forward. If I agreed, it would not be long before the emperor would start from the left again because of the tight battle. The troop was transferred one hundred thousand at a time, and my troops were transferred only four times. "

"However, once resistance is disrespected, people will be given the handle."

Ye Jinnan frowned.

"It doesn't matter"

Luo Yao waved his hand: "When did I fear that the so-called handle was known? The emperor has given advice over the years, or other courtiers sent it by themselves. Those who come to Yongzhou to check on me also have a camp. From This is especially true of Her Majesty ’s ascent to the present. Why am I too lazy to kill? Because as long as the left forward is still my soldier, the emperor's investigation will only let him fill in some trouble. ”

"Does the general want to resist? The subordinates still worry about being criticized."

Asked Ye Jinnan.

"Naturally, the purpose of resistance is not obvious, but the face must be reserved for the emperor."

Luo Yao smiled and said, "But if I ca n’t receive the will, who else can say anything? Counting the days, it will take another half a month for the official mission to be announced by the capital. Let the officials along the way drag on, Ten days may not be here. After your test with Fangjie, I will do my best to go north. The people who declared their purpose will not see me in Yongzhou. Can they still catch up and let me take them back? "


Ye Jinnan worried: "I really have to fight the army and the rebels? Then the strength of our left forward must be damaged ~ ~ Huangyang Road is a good place."

Luo Yao smiled: "Next to the three northwestern roads, across a river, after Huangyang Road, the grain supply is naturally a local supply. As long as I put people and horses there, I will be scared if I can't fight the rebels. Do you have to fight? You have done a good job of dispersing the rebels. "

Ye Jinnan's eyes brightened: "Subordinates understand!"

"You said, who will stay in Yongzhou?"

Luo Yao asked.

Ye Jinnan was silent for a while and then tentatively asked, "Major General?"

Luo Yao frowned slightly: "Zi Xu ... No!"

"But, after all, Major General is you ..."

Before he finished speaking, Luo Yao waved and interrupted: "Go back first, and be prepared to try to solve the problem. Don't underestimate him, it may scare your boss."

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