Conquer the World

Chapter 367: Tell the truth (1)

Chapter 367 Telling the Truth (1)

Luo Wen's face became distorted because of the pain. His eyes stared at Shi Yuan, seemingly waiting for the beginning of the story. He faintly felt that the relationship between this story and himself would certainly not be good. On the one hand, although Shi Yuan said that the clouds were light and light, he could see some from the eyes of Shi Yuan.

After Shi Yuan clicked on him a few times, his pain eased a little, otherwise he couldn't concentrate on listening to what Shi Yuan said.

"long, long ago."

Shi Yuan said with a smile: "One of the people from his hometown in the northwest of Da Sui was poor, but he was very good at learning since he was young. He met a travelling river and lake guest who liked him and took him away from his family. He was different from his family. In 1978, he studied hard and practiced hard. By the time he was seventeen or eighteen years old, it was already a good practice. Because he was very poor in the family, he admired the sons of Jinyiyushi most. So he vowed to be such a person in the future. "

"It happened that the army selected good family members to join the army and supplemented the soldiers. This young man said goodbye to his master and returned to his hometown to join the army. At first, it was not reused, but he lived in a muddled life. Until two years later, the court used foreign troops. His army was up, he knew his opportunity was coming. "

"But how can he be a humble soldier like this?"

Shi Yuan got up and made a pot of tea for himself.

"He pondered for a long time and finally came up with a solution. He knew that one day the general was going to inspect the camp, so he deliberately clashed with a team, annoyed the team, and the team was hitting him with a whip. He He didn't fight back. When the general arrived, he suddenly jumped up, grabbed the whip and then knocked the team down with a punch. The team was furious and ordered his men to catch him. The soldiers fell to the ground and happened to be seen by the general. "

"Of course, this is not exactly, but he calculated it. He knew the general Aicai, so he deliberately made trouble to show his ability. Sure enough, the general saw him alone knocked out a dozen people, and immediately flashed his eyes. Called him to inquire, knowing that he was colliding with his boss, so he asked his relatives to hit him with ten batons. But these ten batons were not defeated, and he was transferred to the corps by the general. "

"After the start of the foreign war, he rushed to the general's side, blocking the sword cut by the long stabbed by the enemy countless times. For the first time against the enemy, the general led the army to defeat the enemy and achieved complete victory. In order to protect the general, he was injured a dozen times. "

"The general was impressed by his bravery and loyalty, so he was promoted to the rank of the pro soldier. He personally applied medicine and sent people to his home to give him 120 silver to subsidize his family. The war fought for several months, The court's army won successive battles, and soon occupied half of the territory of the enemy country. Because of his many contributions, the general paid more and more attention to him. "

He paused and took a sip of tea.

The obsession that Luo Wen listened to was that he forgot the pain in his body: "What happened later?"

"Later, after the end of the foreign war, the general returned with the army in triumph. The young man's name came first in the credits to the court. Because of the general's strong recommendation, the young man was promoted and he I also thank Dade for the general, just like his son is loyal. The same is true of the general, who treats him like a family. "

"Several years have passed. He has become the general's left and right arm. The general is old and intends to cultivate him to take over his post. But at this time, there were officials in the court to report the general. The empire's capital was not breached in the war because he secretly received a generous gift from the enemy's emperor. When the general knew about it, he was angry and asked the young people to check who told him.

"The young man did not find it for a long time, but the commission sent by the emperor came instead. The general did receive the heavy gift of the enemy country, so he was removed from the military post and put in jail. The young man was not connected until When the general was taken to the execution ground and chopped his head, he did not know that the person who had told the secret was actually the young man's secret arrangement. "

"The young man did not reveal himself, and the court never knew he sent someone to report the general. He resigned from the court because the general was dead and he did not want to stay in the barracks. But the emperor because of this His attitude was greatly moved, he was promoted to the military post, and he was called to the Imperial Palace for a big praise. "

Shi Yuan paused and looked at Luo Wen and said, "Before that, this young man knew his wife, who was also born in Hanmen, but was extraordinarily beautiful. When he first saw her, he could not He fell in love with this woman. So he personally went to the door to ask for a marriage, and the woman's parents were just honest people, and the young people were naturally happy to mention them, so they soon became married. "

"Later ... they have a child."

"Perhaps retribution."

Shi Yuan said with a tea: "Later because the young man offended a powerful man, the powerful man pressed him so that his name did not appear in front of the emperor for more than ten years. Although the emperor appreciated the young man, he wanted to There is too much to do, and if no one is reminded, this young man will not be remembered. It was not until the emperor was preparing for the second war that he suddenly remembered that a brave young man could be used. "

"So he asked, where is this young man now. Just as the emperor was about to reuse this man who was no longer young, something had happened at that man's house. His son had grown up and went halfway to Beijing to take an important exam. A young woman was raped ... The son knew that his father was a very harsh person. He was afraid that his father would know about him, so he made mistakes again and again, and took someone into the house to kill the thirty-two members of the woman's family. ... "

"you shut up!"

When Shi Yuan said that, Luo Wen's face immediately became difficult to look: "You must not talk nonsense! You know nothing at all!"

"How could I not know?"

Shi Yuan said with a smile: "This man's master had something to do with me ... I took him away from his hometown and went to a place called the prairie."


Luo Wen sat up fiercely from his bed, his face twisted.

"How can there be absolutely impossible in this world?"

Shi Yuan said: "Just as I sit with you at the moment, it is also impossible for you Sui people. Isn't it?"



The competition in Nancheng has begun, and the drums of war can be heard faintly in the city. But this room in the blue building was exceptionally quiet. Shi Yuan stopped talking, just stared at Luo Wen calmly. And Luo Wen was like a wild wolf about to burst out, staring grimly at the old monk in front of him.

"Although he is cold to me, I don't allow you to discredit him!"


Shi Yuan couldn't help laughing: "You are too simple. Whoever is successful in this world is clean? No one needs to denigrate. Just finding out the truth is enough to make him fail. This story is only here. Just started, you thought it was over? You thought you knew what happened later? "

"You ... no more words!"

Rowan growled in a low voice.

"Do you know who you are maintaining now, and is training another young man right now? This young man will most likely take away from you everything that should have belonged to you in the future. I will not lie because there is no need ... ... "


Luo Wen asked for a moment.

"If you want to know why, just listen to me and tell the story."

Shi Yuan poured a cup of tea and handed it to Luo Wen: "Actually, you want to finish, don't you?"

Rowan's body shuddered, and the shackles on his face gradually receded, replaced by a kind of pain and confusion. He took the cup of tea subconsciously, but his hands seemed to be weak, and the cup seemed to be heavy, and he needed both hands to hold it.

"You thought you knew your brother, but you knew nothing. You thought you knew your father as much as you knew it. Even your mother, you know nothing about her."

"What do you mean?"

Rowan asked hoarsely.

"Luo Yao had to kill your brother in order to keep your mother-in-law. In his heart, his family is not as important as your mother-in-law. But your brother is his only son, after all, how could he be in his heart? Wouldn't it hurt? He killed your brother, and then transported the body home with a precious cold iron coffin. The emperor remembered your father's loyalty, and instead of being held accountable, he went to court.

"In the years that followed, your mother-in-law has been guarding the cold iron coffin and will not allow your brother to be buried."

"a few years later……"

Shi Yuan said indifferently: "When your father led soldiers to destroy business, they captured many Wa wizards. These wizards have very mysterious witchcraft, and your father was immediately attracted. Then he began to have an idea in his mind, Make up for his thoughts on his mother-in-law. By accident, he knew that the shaman's wizard had a way to turn the corpse into a samurai, so he was overjoyed and immediately arrested a few wizards to go back, intending to turn your brother's body into That kind of thing at least looks like it is alive. "

"But the wizard can make zombies, but he can't really resurrect a person. Your father has arrested many wizards, and no one can meet his requirements. He arrested and killed a batch, but no one did it. This is what How is it possible to do things that go against the sky? "

"Your mother-in-law dislikes your father more and is unwilling to ignore him. Until then, a shaman of the Wa tribe came to your father and said he could do it, but only if your father did not slaughter the shaman's tribe. Your father is so excited that he takes the wizard to see your mother. "

"This wizard ... is Bochi."


Rowan exclaimed.

"It's the Bo Chi who is now hiding in the deer monkey cave. People are not like ghosts but ghosts."

Shi Yuan said flatly.

"What else do you know!"

Luo Wen asked in concealment.

"A lot, a lot."

Shi Yuan smiled and said, "For example, the doll hanging on the locust tree in your mother's yard, the doll hanging in her house ~ ~ Do you think it's just dolls? Those are real children, you In the past 20 years, my mother has been in Yongzhou. Every year, she will send someone out to steal a few children. She will hold her in her arms like those you loved when you were a kid, but she wo n’t be bored anymore, because those are not her. And then she will kill those children with her own hands and make dolls. People in Luofu know that these dolls are lifelike. Who knows that they are really dead children? "


Luo Wen said with a pale face, "How could my mother-in-law be so evil and vicious!"

"she was?"

Shi Yuan couldn't help sneering: "If your father is just an ambitionist, who can give up everything for himself. Then he is not a devil, and your mother-in-law is a downright devil. She is simply a devil Mad man, a zombie who has lost his heart ... "

"Have she been aging for so many years?"

Shi Yuan asked.

Luo Wen's pupils suddenly widened, and his mouth opened ... Clicking, the tea cup in his hand fell to the floor, and he fell into a broken body.

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