Conquer the World

Chapter 872: 1 through the rivers and mountains

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Chapter 872 Flipping Through a River

When Chen Xiaoru went out, he rubbed his frowning brow and sighed slightly. Cui Zhongzhen, who went out with him, looked at him and asked, "Why, do you think this is a headache?"

Chen Xiaoru shook his head: "I feel that those who spread cults are going to be unlucky. I have rarely seen him so angry after I have been with the protagonist for a long time. I'll go back and mobilize my staff first ... I will come back tomorrow morning. I have to send someone to explore the road this evening. I ca n’t get to Anxian to ask me what I ’m asking.

Cui Zhongzhen sighed: "It's hard work at Xiaoqiang School."

Chen Xiaoru smiled: "Enjoy it too."

Cui Zhongzhen was a little stunned, and then laughed: "That's the best thing."

Chen Xiaoru held his fist and left first. After returning, he picked some powerful people and rushed to Anxian overnight. That place is eight hundred miles away from Suzakushan Camp. At the junction of Huangyang Road and Beihui Road, it used to be a trivial place, but since Beihui Road was taken over by the Heiqi Army, law and order have gradually improved.

In the early morning of the next day, Fang Xie changed into a dry suit and clapped her hands. The white lion rushed from a distance, and a hare who didn't know where to catch it, swallowed it with three mouthfuls. Then she lowered herself and waited for Fang Xie to come up.

Outside the door, five hundred elite infantry battalions were relatives, and two hundred Xiaoqi schools were ready. After Fang Xie went out, seven hundred elaborate soldiers marched and marched. The Jingbu camp and Xiaoqi riding school are equipped with good horses from the Western Regions, horses like dragons, and people are also magnificent.

The soldiers of the Jingbu Battalion wore dark blue livery with black leather armor on the outside, equipped with a long stern, a crossbow, and a crossbow. Recently, each was equipped with a short stern. The people at Xiaoqiang School are dark blue brocades, big red cloaks, and equipment are basically the same as Jingbu camps.

These seven hundred men and horses gathered together, four words can not be overstated: mighty.

Fang Xie took the lead in riding the white lion and rushed out. After the team came out of the camp, they ran eastward along the official road. Pedestrians on the road saw the team passing by. Especially the fierce red battle flag held high up front was so eye-catching.

The people of Huangyangdao have become accustomed to living under the protection of the Black Banner Army, and from the heart they have a sincere awe of the Black Banner Army. When the working people in the field saw the team passing by, some people cheered involuntarily.

A little boy who was only six or seven years old stood on the side of the road and watched the passing team raise his right arm across the chest and perform a military salute on his chest. The expression on his face was so solemn.

There were no disturbances along the way, and the team rushed to Anxian in seven days. Qingqi rushed forward, in fact a hundred miles a day was not too fast. The people who first came to Xiaoqiang School met along the road. When they arrived in Anxian, the news was basically clear.

Although it is not the first time to see Fang Jie, the family of Xiaoqi School, whose name is Liao Sheng, is inevitably a little nervous. The first was that he was a little overwhelmed by Fang Xie, and the second was that the white lion was too majestic and fearful. There is no ordinary person who can do thousands of households in Xiaoqi School, and they will call someone who is unique.

This Liao Sheng, the greatest ability is to track and explore. Speaking of which if the big dog is still there, no one else can do this job. After the dog died, Chen Xiaoru accidentally found such a talent in Xiaoqi School and gradually promoted him. Now it is one of the twelve thousand households of Xiaoqi School.

That's right, there are now twelve thousand households in Snap Riding School, and the scale is amazing.

It should be known that the spy organization of Cargo Connect is not included in the Snap School, which shows that Fang Xie attaches great importance to intelligence.

"Master, the news is almost clear."

After Liao Sheng salutes, he sorts out what should be said in his mind. Chen Xiaoru has explained to him before, and should be as concise as possible when reporting to the protagonist, instead of talking nonsense.

"Twenty days ago, General Xiahou led his troops through Anxian and was ready to annihilate the cult. The army broke through a village where cultists gathered and captured more than 300 people, including four chief thieves. After being questioned by General Xiahou, he beheaded and publicized in Anxian. That night, a thief sneaked into the barracks to assassinate the general, two regular five-ranked generals, one from Sipin Guoyilang, and one four-ranked eagle Yanglang were killed. General Xiahou was seriously injured, but he woke up a few days ago. "

He took a look at Fang Jie and found that the main character listened very seriously and then continued to say, "Before the main character set off, he would protect the subordinate's life first, and after investigation, he could be sure that the assassin was the culprit's thief. Twenty to fifteen people sneaked into the barracks and planned to assassinate more generals, because when they were assassinating General Xiahou, they were detected by the Xiaoqiang School and the rivers and lakes in the army and then retreated. "

"There are 16,000 people in Anxian County. After investigation, at least 30% of them have joined the cult. Their staff is limited and cannot be investigated from household to household. However, General Xiahou's men had taken all the people who believed in the cult before they came. They are all kept in Anxian County, and some of them are in prison. "

"The news now comes to speculate that the thief had fled from Anxian County after the first assassination, but his subordinates questioned him on the official road in An'an County. No one had seen suspicious people leave, so the subordinates determined that these assassins were still in An County. "An County has five large towns, twelve towns, and 166 villages with a total population of 190,000."

Liao Sheng paused and said, "The subordinates have marked on the map the village where the thief may hide, and the nearest village has sent someone to investigate."

Fang Xie took a look at the map and said, "It's a good job. It's not easy to straighten out the most basic things in a short period of time. You tell Chen Xiaoru the situation in detail, and I'm going to see Xiahou first."

Liao Sheng quickly agreed, followed Fang's dismissal, and whispered to Chen Xiaoru about the situation in more detail.



Xiahou Baichuan's injuries were indeed very serious. If it was not for his martial arts, this time I'm afraid that he will not escape. The wound was on the left chest, and if it wasn't for his quick response, the heart would have been broken. Seeing Fang Xie coming in, Xiahou Baichuan was struggling to sit up, Fang Xie quickly hurried over to hold him: "lie down and talk."

Someone came over and moved the Hu stool to the bed. Fang Jie sat down and asked, "How do you feel?"

Xiahou Baichuan smiled bitterly and said, "I lost my host ’s face. He came over in the strong wind and waves, and was not injured in the battle on the battlefield. He almost lost his life in such a small place in Anxian. But his subordinates had good luck and avoided that. One hit. There are people with excellent medical skills among the rivers and lakes accompanying the army. Thanks to his diagnosis and treatment, there is no major obstacle. "

Fang Xie nodded: "Take a good rest, I will not let your blood shed."

He looked at Xia Hou Baichuan's injury. Because he was wrapped in gauze, he could not tell what the injury was: "What did the person who stabbed you at the time look like? How do you remember?"

Xiahou Baichuan recalled and said: "At that time, my subordinates were about to fall asleep. I heard someone calling me outside, saying that something had happened in the barracks and several generals were assassinated. I was shocked and quickly got up and went out. At that time, I saw a man in black and a mask standing outside, just the moment I went out, he pointed to his subordinate's heart. The subordinate responded in a timely manner, and evaded to the side. There was a blood hole in the back ...


Fang Xie's mind suddenly appeared in Chang'an City, the handsome and beautiful monk Chen Ya who met, the deepest impression of Fang Jie is Chen Ya's finger strength.

"Assassin covering his head and face?"

Fang Xie asked.

Xiahou Baichuan nodded: "Only a pair of eyes are exposed."

Fang Xie sneered: "That's the case, but it's barefooted. If he is a normal man, why even cover his head? The reason why he even wraps his head is because most of these people dare not let people see Different. "

"The protagonist also suspects the Buddha?"

Xiahou Baichuan said: "After the subordinates woke up, they were also suspected to be under the hands of the Buddhism. When the cultists were cleared before, the subordinates looked at the scriptures spread among the cultists, and many of them were different from the Buddhism preaching Few. After the Yuan Dynasty destroyed Buddhism, a large number of Buddhist disciples poured into the northwest. It is said that Jin Shixiong's men had received many Buddhist disciple's disciples and acted extremely hard. "


Fang Xie nodded: "You take a good rest and treat your injuries better. I will send you back to Suzakushan for recuperation. The defense of Xinyang City has already transferred Li Tai Lieutenant Li Tai to come over as soon as possible. You do n’t need to What are you worried about? In addition, I have ordered Kirin and Nalanding east firearms camp out of the Suzakushan camp, and go straight to Xinyang by water. "

"Missing the main event, the subordinates feel guilty."

Xiahou Baichuan's eyes were red.

Fang Xie patted him on the shoulder: "It has nothing to do with you, then you just need to recuperate, and then wait for me to breathe for you. The cultists let you bleed, and I will slaughter them clean for you revenge."

Xiahou Baichuan sniffed, and his throat was dumb and speechless. Fang Xie covered him with the quilt, then got up and left.

Outside the door, Chen Xiaoru has reassembled all the news: "The protagonist, Liao Sheng speculated that the biggest assassin is probably hiding in Jiuzhai, Liu'an, and Chencun. These villages are at the junction with Beihui Road. , After going out of the village, head south to Beihui Road. The subordinates suspect that the thief's nest is actually in Beihui Road. "

"Which is nearest?"

Fang Xie asked.

"Chen Village!"

Chen Xiaoru said: "Thirty-six miles from Anxian, ride lightly and you can arrive in half a day."

"Then go to Chencun"

Fang Jie turned over and jumped on the white lion, and turned back and instructed: "Li Tai, now the 60,000 horses are under your command. I will give you one day to block all roads in An County. If you encounter suspicious people, you do n’t need to do it and see where you are That's it! "


General Li Tai, who came to take over the team with the solution, hugged his fist and said, "Subordinates do it immediately!"

Fang Jie reached out and patted the white lion's ass. It seemed to feel the anger in Fang Jie's heart. The white lion snarled lowly and hurried forward. The five hundred elite infantry battalions and the two hundred Xiaoqi riding school elites urged the war horses to follow behind ~ ~ marching towards Chencun in the dust.


Chen Xiaoru followed Fang's dismissal and said with some worries: "The subordinates are increasingly aware that the thieves did not simply assassinate the lieutenant general in order to vent their anger, I am afraid of something else. They do not escape after the assassination, and the ten is to lead the protagonist past."

"I know."

Fang Jie's face was a little bit cold, and he looked at the front and said, "I want to lead me, I'll go there. Instead, look at a group of bereaved dogs. How capable they are under the control of my black flag army! When one kills one, I ca n’t kill all the scums of the Buddhism. I turned Anxian over. Anxian was n’t enough. Then I turned Huangyang Road and Beihui Road. Not enough, I turned Jin Shixiong ’s northwest over! ”

"Send someone to post a notice that those who harbor the cult thief are guilty of it!"

Fang Jie gave a cry, and there was a man's name in his head. If that person is still at Huangyang Road, I'm afraid it's really not that simple! He glanced back at Xiang Qingniu who was riding behind his horse. The fat man's face was painful. Compared to him, riding a horse seemed more difficult than riding a boat.

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