Conquer the World

Chapter 886: In front of King of the Great Wheel

Chapter 886 is in front of the Great King

When the news came back from Jiangnan, Fang Jie's face could not help changing. Da Zanran had the courage to go to Yang Jian. This matter has now exceeded the control of the Black Flag Army. The consequences of this incident seem to be moving in a worse direction. Because Yang Jianxiu was amazing, and his Majesty still had a lot of masters, so the people at the Xiaoqiang School couldn't get too close, only to find that he had entered Xiaosheng Mountain with ease.

Wu Yidao has already returned, and it is estimated that he will be able to reach Suzaku Mountain in two days.

Fang Xie frowned deeply, and after thinking for a long time sitting in a chair, he finally thought of something. He glanced at Xiang Qingniu: "I seem to understand why I want to come to you and me."

Xiang Qingniu took a look at the news sorted out by the Xiaoqi School, and his face was very dignified: "I seem to be able to guess some ..."

He put down the message in his hand and looked at Fang Xie and said, "I feel free to ask you and me to fight, obviously suppressing my cultivation. I can feel that he is more than when he fought with me in Dalun Temple. Weak, I thought it was because he hadn't recovered to the strongest after he recovered from a serious injury. Now it seems that he is intentionally so. "

Fang Xie nodded: "After the battle with you and me, he ran from Qing County to Anfeng, found a quiet place and shed a layer of human skin. Then he crossed Luoshui all the way east and killed when crossing the river. An old man who was ferrying. Then killed Jiangshan in Mobi Pavilion, North Jiangsu Province, and shed human skin again. Then he entered Huainan Road, and found no major practitioner on Huainan Road. He actually hit a nine-pin martial artist. Once again, the same defeat and then molt ... "

Xiang Qingniu said: "Reborn?"

Fang Xie shook his head: "The reason why he did this is unpredictable. It is certain that every time he sheds his skin, he is afraid that it will be of great benefit to Xiuwei. He came to Huangyangdao to find you and me. The purpose was not simply to kill He and you, but oppressed Xiu so much as you and me, he deliberately caused himself serious injuries, of course, if he could kill you and me, he would not stay. One side of Mobige died The nine-pin martial artist in Huainan Road died. You and I didn't die because it was not his kindness, but that he was not good at killing. "

Xiang Qingniu said, "I must be thinking of some way to promote cultivation, and we should reborn again and again in this disgusting way. I was thinking ... He finally went to Xiaoshengshan to find Yang Jian, this time and again Would it be just to prepare for meeting Yang Jian? "

Fang Xie pondered for a while and said, "It's not impossible. He must know that Yang Jian's cultivation is very strong now. He is not sure that he can stand invincible in front of Yang Jian, so he will use this method to improve his cultivation time and again. If so, he could at least withdraw. "

"I'm thinking……"

Xiang Qingniu glanced at Fang Jie: "What do you do to run away to Yang Jian? Da Sui was not allowed to have a Buddhist sect under Yang's firm rules. He is the great deity of the Buddhist sect. He actually ventured to see Yang Jian?"

Fang Xie sighed slightly: "After all, the word ambition cannot be escaped."

He thought for a while and said, "When the Great King of Ming Dynasty followed Sanlang to fight against the mountains and mountains, the world was in chaos. Later, the Great King of Ming Dynasty calculated the Sanxiang and later cultivated the Kuoketaimeng family to replace the Sanlian and become the leader of the prairie. Since then With the combination of grassland politics and religion, the status of Buddhism has been consolidated. "

"Da Zixun is a man with big ambitions, otherwise how dare he count on King Dalun Ming? This time he went to see Yang Jian, I'm afraid he wants to learn King Dalun Ming."

"According to his cultivation, even if he stays on the prairie, although the Kokotaimeng family has the upper hand, it is impossible to destroy the Buddhism in a short time. In the end, Mengge failed to break the Dalun Temple. It can be seen that it was not correct that we had previously predicted that Mengge had a master beside him to force away the freedom ... "

Xiang Qingniu thought for a while and said, "It should be a great deal of self-consciousness, and now Buddhism has no chance to make a comeback in the east of the prairie. Meng Yuankuoktaimeng's family is so determined to destroy Buddha, and Buddhism wants to return to the original. That height is no longer possible. But how similar is the troubled time in the Central Plains to the time when Dalun Ming Wang Fuzuo Sang was in trouble? "

Fang Xie nodded: "Be free to be the second big round king."

"Can Yang Jian be a mess?"

Xiang Qingniu said: "Yang Jian's aversion to the Buddhism is well known. If he accepted the freedom at this time, wouldn't he have slapped himself?"

Fang Xie smiled bitterly: "Where is the settled thing in this world? The emperor Yang Yi hates the Mengyuan people as much as he hates the Buddhism, but in the end he did not work with Meng Yuan. Li Yuanshan? Li Yuanshan has been defending the northwest for so many years. Didn't he attract the Yuan people to kill the people? At first, Yang Jian didn't allow the Buddhism to enter the east because he knew that once the Buddhism became a climate in the Great Sui Dynasty, it would be difficult for him to control it. . Such a living example of the Koktaimeng family is on display. He naturally sees it clearly. "

"It's different now ..."

Fang Jie said: "Yang Jian was so successful in the world at first, because there was Tong Gu Academy behind, and Wan Xingtang of Wan Xingtang supported. These two forces backed up, let alone Yang Jian. The same can be achieved in this world. Now, Yang Jian has a self-cultivation, but who does he support? When he first set up the army, the former dynasty Dazheng had eroded to a certain extent, and the people were also facing Yang Jian, but now People do not know who they should support. "

"I do n’t know how many believers have been received in the northwest, but in the southwestern Huangyang Road, we can still preach the religion, and the situation in the northwest is even harder to say. I have to say that the Buddhist way of deceiving people is beyond anyone's reach. Yang Jian now not only needs a large number of masters who came from the Prairie from the Prairie, but also needs someone to help him pass the people's hearts. It is at this time that I can go to Yang Jian, and I can't do without it.

"What shall we do?"

Xiang Qingniu asked.

"To hit North Jiangsu"

Fang Xie pondered for a while and said, "After a while back, I was waiting for someone to enter North Jiangsu Province, and the families in North Jiangsu Province deployed heavy troops on the east coast of Luoshui. I was afraid that I would take the opportunity to attack North Jiangsu. Since they If I ’m afraid I ’ll fight, then I ’ll fight. If you are comfortable with Yang Jian, Luo Tu will definitely lose. After Yang Jian wins, the next step will be against our southwest, and the southwestern roads will settle down. I cannot tolerate others to destroy. So, the battlefield To be outside the southwest, North Jiangsu is between me and Yang Jian, this is the best choice. "

Xiang Qingniu shook his head: "I don't understand the military and military affairs, but I still understand the affairs on the rivers and lakes. If Yang Jian really accepts great freedom, then my deity can call for a group of people!"



Xiaosheng shan

Yang Jianzai carefully looked at the young monk who seemed to be only twenty years old in front of him, and some could not understand why he chose to stay with this person. But he knew it wasn't the words he spoke freely that moved him, but because he really needed such a person to help.

When Flutter Tiger confronted Jin Shixiong in Jiangbei, it can be inferred that Flutter Tiger could not kill Jin Shixiong, and Jin Shixiong's cultivation must be good. And how strong Luo Tu's current practice is, Yang Jian can't speculate. When he destroyed the ancient academy, the words Li Qingfeng said were still credible.

Li Qingfeng said that Luo Tu has absorbed many people's cultivation as an internal strength, and now has the strength to fight Yang Jian. If this is true, coupled with Jin Shiduo ’s two brothers, Jin Shixiong, and those rivers and lakes who have blindly turned to the past, Yang Jian himself seems to be a little overwhelmed by these people.

This time calming down the rebellion, Yang Jian has always felt a little tired.

Two hundred years ago, he had never been so tired when he led the army to dominate the world. At that time, he did not need to worry about the affairs on the rivers and lakes. There were the world's first million stars, and the swordsman Wanwantang. The enemy's rivers and lakes were not worth mentioning at all. Coupled with the support of Tonggu Academy from behind, Yang Jian didn't even worry about logistics. You have money and money, you have food and grain, you have soldiers and soldiers, and how to fight is comfortable.

Among the enemy forces who want to kill him, it is impossible to move him. Wan Xingchen's sword was shocking enough, and no one would dare to say that he could definitely survive under the Wan Xingchen sword.

Wan Jiantang sent a martial art post that year, and more than half of the Jianghu Zongmen stood on his side. The remaining half did not dare to oppose him, at best it was just watching.

But now, he was relying on himself for everything, and was really tired.

If there is a Zongmen support next to him and another million stars, this battle is not difficult to fight. He did not need to do it himself for things like destroying the ancient academy.

"What is your Majesty thinking?"

Be free to stand on one side and be humble.

"What are you thinking?"

Yang Jian asked back.

"I'm thinking……"

Da Zizui smiled and said, "Since he came from Chang'an, His Majesty has always shown his face to General Iron Armor. Up to now, there are only a handful of people in the world who know His Majesty's true identity. His Majesty himself cannot say, and those people will not say, This identity does not work. "

"His Majesty did not say it because His Majesty knew that the people would not believe that the Emperor Tai Sui was resurrected. The enemy did not say it because they were worried that what they said would affect the overall situation. I came, and it was time to say it."

"It's not difficult, it's just two steps."

Da Zizui smiled: "His Majesty can make people return to Chang'an. From the palace, a word of the world will be announced, saying that Buddhism will be submissive to Da Sui, and all disciples of Buddhism will work for Da Sui Ping. When it comes out, it will sweep the whole world like the wind. Her Majesty should know how quickly people can spread such things, even more fierce than the wind. "

"Second ~ ~ After a while, another will came out in Chang'an City. The Buddhism resurrected the Emperor of the Great Sui Dynasty by secret law, and led the troops to rebellion in person. As soon as this news came out, I can now imagine Find out what the world will be like. Whether those people believe or not, even if they are doubtful, the word Emperor Taizu is enough to deter many people. He was hesitant to follow the rebels, just to hear this The four words immediately dispelled the idea of ​​starting a soldier, but continued to wait and see. "

"For Her Majesty now, most people don't dare to worry about it, just wait and see ... this is enough."

"what would you like?"

Yang Jian asked.

"Your mind is actually very clear. You will be the second big round king."

Da Zizui smiled and said, "No, Your Majesty despise me. What is King Dalun Ming? King Dalun Ming only assists Zuosang to conquer the grasslands. I want to help His Majesty to dominate the world, not the world in the Central Plains, nor the grassland The world, but the whole world! "

There was a gleam of ambition in Da Zong's eyes: "At that time, people will mention Buddhism again, my name will be in front of King Dalun Ming."

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