Conquer the World

Chapter 899: Kill and bury

Chapter 999 Killing and Burying

After 16 days, Fang Jie and Xiang Qingniu rushed back to Suzakushan Camp from North Jiangsu Province. The two were light and light, with the exception of a half-day delay in Pinggu County, basically no more than a minute. Xiang Qingniu seems to be more anxious than the solution, but Xiang Qingniu knows that no one is more anxious than the solution.

The wind and dust, when Fang Xie pushed and opened the door of Mulberry's room, Mulberry was lying on a lounger by the window and looked at him and smiled. Her stomach was already very big, and there were about ten days left in the calculation. She didn't get up and still lay there, but the joy in her eyes was clearer than anything.

"I knew as soon as you entered the camp ..."

Sang Wei smiled and said, "But I don't want to get up, can I be lazy?"

"How can this be lazy?"

Fang Jie walked over, squatted down beside Sang Ling, her face pressed against her belly: "Now the belly is so big, you can think of your hard work by watching it. To be honest, I haven't been in you much since you were pregnant. Take care of me. It ’s either busy or busy all day long. You always take care of yourself. ”

"how could be"

Mulberry gently stroked Fang Jie's hair: "When you are not at home, you have Sister Shen and Sister Mu with them, and when they are not there, with Hidden Jade. You don't know, some of them are better than me They have to be nervous, even if they go a long way, they will worry. "

"How about them?"

Fang Xie asked.

"I knew you would come to see me first, so they all went back. They were still in my house before ... Yin Yu got boiled chicken soup for me in the morning, you see, I drank a big bowl. "

She pointed to the empty bowl on the table: "Actually, I'm okay. I asked those who came from the camp, they all said that it would be very hard to get pregnant, vomit everything, and drink water. The mother of Dugu also I came to see me occasionally, and she said that when she was pregnant, she often could n’t eat for a few days. She also could n’t sleep well, she would panic and could n’t breathe when she was lying down. I dare not sit. "

Her fingers gently touched Fang Jie's cheek: "I'm fine, it's a special mouth, always wanting to eat something weird. Fortunately, there are so many people in the camp to take care and tell I ca n’t eat what I can eat. A few days ago, I wanted to eat longan and let people buy it. As a result, I encountered the mother of Dugu adults halfway and took away those longan directly. I'm lazy myself. With my body, I should learn more, pay attention to some taboos, but only know how to pout. "

"Look how fat I am now ..."

Mulberry looked down at herself, and then a cute faint double jaw wrinkled on her lower jaw, and the growing plumpness of her breast made her a little annoyed, and she did not like the thigh that had already risen in a circle. Therefore, even a woman like her who always hides her perfect figure in her robe in the past does not pay attention to body shape.

Fang Xie didn't say anything fat and good-looking, so she stroked her hand on her thigh: "It's okay, my family has such a good foundation, and I lost weight in minutes after giving birth."

Mulberry groaned softly in his nose: "Don't touch it ..."

Her blush was so thorough, like the burning cloud in the sky: "Since being pregnant, she has become more and more sensitive ... Please don't touch it okay."

There was a rare charm in her eyes when she looked at Fang Jie, and her eyes moved.

Fang Jie retracted her hand, couldn't help laughing, leaned forward and kissed Mulberry's lips, reaching out and rubbing her hair: "That's because it's really mature."

Sang Xi blushed and almost buried her face in Fang Xie's arms: "But ... how could this not have happened before, after you touched my meeting before, I would be nervous and a little scared, every time, because You are too aggressive ... but now, when you are away, you think ... "

"What are you thinking?"

Fang Jie asked with a bad smile.

"miss you!"

Mulberry suddenly looked up and kissed Fang Jie's face, then closed her eyes and twisted her head, afraid to look at Fang Jie. Because the belly is getting bigger and bigger, the clothes Mulberry is wearing are very loose and coupled with the hot weather, they are still in the house, so the clothes are not only loose, but also have a large neckline. While Fang Xie turned her head, she put her hand in her neckline, and held the plump ball accurately.


He nodded and said solemnly, "It's a lot bigger ..."

Mulberry's eyes closed tighter, and he dared not speak.



In fact, since this day, the family members have prepared everything they need to prepare. The children made a lot of clothes and quilts, and they were full on the rafters in a room. As for supplements, let alone, the villagers living under Suzakushan Mountain heard that the wife of the town's father-in-law was happy, and many people brought in many things every day. Fresh fruits, fish, and boiled eggs can't be eaten by as many as a thousand people.

Because these things are the aspirations of the people, they will not refuse. Sang Yan specifically instructed that if such a thing was rejected by the people, it would make them feel that the woman in the town Guogong was high and unfriendly.

Fang Xie stayed with Mulberry for a long time, then went to greet Mu Xiaoyao, and when they went to take a bath, they met Wu Yinyu, who had to go out to buy Mulberry cakes for Mulberry. Because many pastry chefs on the mountain are brought back by Fang Jie, Wu Yinyu knows which one is delicious, so these days she has been helping mulberry to choose snacks.

The two nearly collided, and Fang Xie took advantage of the situation and hugged Wu Yinyu.


Wu Yinyu was startled, she knew Fang Xie was back, so she hurried back, who thought of hitting Fang Xie's arms. She practiced well, but she didn't sense anything at all. Fang Jie felt it, but how could he avoid it?

"There are a lot of people in the yard."

Wu Yinyu said blushingly.

"Yeah, yeah"

Fang Jie smiled and hugged Wu Yinyu and walked into the room: "No one is in the room."

Wu Yinyu wanted to struggle, but he was held so tightly that there was room for struggle. After twisting a few times, I was afraid to be seen, so I had to let Fang Xie hug and walk inside.

"where to?"

She asked in a very low voice.

"Help me rub my back."


Wu Yinyu startled the boss, and his face immediately became as hot as it was boiling. For the first time, Fang Xie hugged her so directly. Although she had intimate moves before, she was very gentle. This time, Fang Xie seemed a little rough. Wu Yinyu struggled again, but Fang Jie ignored her little fist and smashed herself.

"Just let you rub my back. If you move again, I rub your back."

Fang Xie said while walking.

Wu Yinyu immediately stopped and saw Fang Jie's smile on her face, and she came to her senses again, punched and kicked, and walked to the back room, or because she was tired, she stopped to move. In the neck, a pair of beautiful eyes were staring fiercely at Fang Xie's face, then suddenly opened his mouth and bite a bit on Fang Xie's shoulder.

"Why is it so long!"

She gritted her teeth.

Fang Jie looked at her wrath, but she saw the tenderness behind it.

Fang Xie suddenly lowered her head and kissed his lips. Wu Yinyu's body was stiff, and after a moment he held Fang Jie's neck and responded wildly. Her hair was fluffy, with a different kind of temptation. Wu Yinyu with this posture in Fang Jie's arms, the body curve is so clear.


She was thrown into a huge bathtub, the clothes were wet with water, and her body was burning.



Fang Xie sat in the study with a thick book on the table. The last golden light that the setting sun can squeeze into the window on the account book makes the names of those people written on it appear clearer. This is the current register of all officials of the Black Flag Army. Many of their names were circled by Fang Xie with a red pen.

Except for the emperor's review of the memorials, it seems ... that red ink is only used when the perpetrators are executed.

Therefore, the circles seem to be murderous.

Dugu Wenxiu owed himself to the chair opposite Fang Xie, his face paled. After Fang Xie returned, he asked him to send the official roster, and Dugu Wenxiu guessed that there must be something bad. After Fang Xie finished talking about Pinggu County, Dugu Wenxiu immediately pleaded guilty.

Fang Xie just shook his head and told Dugu Wenxiu not to blame himself. Now the people and the logistics are all on Dugu Wenxiu alone. How can he know everything? Fang Jie originally planned to promote Wei Xiting, but now things are very heavy on Yunnan Road, Wei Xiting can't come back.

And Zhang Chu, who started earlier than Dugu Wenxiu, started to inspect local officials.

"The second Sun started ..."

Fang Xie seemed a bit sad, looking at the name and saying, "When I took my soldiers from Huangyang Road to the northwest, I closed Sun Kaidao halfway. This man did a lot for the Heiqi Army, so although he was a lot greedy Yinzi, I finally just sent him to Yongzhou to take care of myself. Zhang Chu was the one I started to use after I arrived at Langru Mountain. He always felt that although he could not see the big picture, he could be cautious and correct, and very principled ...

Dugu Wenxiu said: "The subordinates recommended Zhang Chu to inspect the place, and the subordinates' responsibilities cannot be escaped."

"There is no such reason."

Fang Xie smiled: "If there is an official in the court, the prime minister will be implicated if he commits something. Wouldn't it make sense?"

Because of guilt in my heart ~ ~, Dugu Wenxiu did not understand the meaning of this sentence.

"Okay, don't blame yourself."

Fang Xie said: "These things are inevitable, and these people can't stop them. The last thing Sun Kaidao did is not good for me, because I gave Sun Kaidao a result of old age, so many people who think they are seniors Thoughts are alive. They feel that the big deal is like Sun Kaidao, find a place to be a rich man ... At the time I arranged Sun Kaidao like that, because I was thinking of the old love, it was indeed beyond the law itself. I was wrong first, and now I have to kill this culture. "

He handed the roster to Dugu Wenxiu: "People who have checked their names will be brought back for trial as soon as possible. After Zhang Chu arrests me, I will personally ask. I want to see how much money I can buy him once."


Fang Xie stood up, walked to the window and stood up with his hand in hand: "I have prepared two hundred coffins that can be used. I don't want people to say that I don't miss the old feelings, kill or bury ... kill, I Don't bother! "

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