Conquer the World

Chapter 810: Congratulations

Chapter 810 Congratulations to the Grand Duke

About a mile away from the edge of the battlefield, someone in the grass slightly moved and changed his posture. He had been lying here for a whole day and night, and his body was a bit stiff. (Please search and update the fastest novel website!) It is extremely dangerous here, and from time to time there are deserters who have no courage to run across not far. The one closest to him even stepped on his hand.

He is a hidden master, and he is also a master of tracking and exploring.

His name is Liao Sheng

One of the thousand households of Xiaoqi School.

He hasn't returned since he followed San Jinhou Wu from the southwest all the way to Jiangnan to track Da Ziren. I was ordered to stay here to monitor Yang Jian and Da Zong's actions, as well as Sheng Tu's actions.

Liao Sheng's practice may not be as strong, but his ability to disguise and track easily is rarely known in the world. He was hiding in the grass as if it were part of the earth. It would seem difficult and difficult to find him if it wasn't for the perceptual practitioner's intentional exploration.

He is the kind of person who stands next to a rock, is a rock, stands next to a big tree, a branch, and lies on the ground as a piece of dirt.

Moreover, the true master of tracking and tracking is not keeping up with the current goal. Instead, they can make advance predictions and guess what might happen. After the large-scale transfer of troops by Liao Shengxian's Yang Jian, he predicted that he would attack Liuzhou, so he left the Sui Army camp early to avoid the scouts of the winning army outside Liuzhou City, and then selected here.

It looks like there isn't even a tree around here. It's definitely not a good place to hide. But in Liao Sheng's eyes, this is the best place.

Moreover, he did not expect that the place he picked was very close to the battlefield, and he could directly and clearly observe the killing. He carefully covered the clairvoyance with grass to prevent the sun from reflecting. Then every movement should try to match the direction of the wind, so it seems very natural.

About a meter or so beside him, a piece of dirt suddenly moved, and then a pair of eyes appeared in the dirt.

That's not dirt, but a piece of cloth. A very ordinary but absolutely ingenious cloth. The cloth is painted with dirt and green grass. This person lies on the ground, his body is covered with this layer, and it is really hard to detect unless he walks up.

"Thousands ..."

The man under the cloth poked out his eyes and looked at Liao Sheng.

"Can't stand it?"

Liao Sheng asked in a low voice.

The man laughed at himself: "I've been urinating in my pants more than once, and I'm following Qianhu you to do things. This is the first thing I learned ... I just want to know, what happened there. Always I can't see anything underneath, so I'm anxious. "

"What is your skill?"

Liao Sheng asked in a low voice.

"Good memory!"

The man who didn't listen to his voice answered very seriously.

"Well, just remember it. So shut up from now on and wait for me to tell you what I see. This step on your body is the treasure of my teacher, weaving with very precious silk threads, even can Blocking the spiritual power of the perceptual practitioner, I cover it with you, not to cover you from the shade, but to ensure that you live. I brought you here because you have the memory of an ordinary person, and I see what I see Tell you, you just have to remember. "

"Once I get noticed, I will leave as soon as possible to lead away the enemy, and your task is to lie motionless and wait until it is safe to leave. You do n’t need to care about my life or death, nor do you care about the battlefield. What, do I need to say it again? "

"no need……"

The young man slowly pulled the cloth and completely hidden again.

Liao Sheng smiled. This man valued him very much. Although he was young, he felt that this person could be reused in the future.

"Remember, the Iron Armor is very strange. The fire will not die, even if it is disabled, it can still fight."

He whispered.

"Remember, judging by the density of the explosion, there should be at least eighty artillery pieces on the winning side."

He raised a clairvoyance and carefully observed the situation on the battlefield.

Just then, his heart suddenly tightened.

Liao Sheng moved Qianliyan to the other side, and then saw more than a dozen monks wearing yellow monk clothes and red crickets flying on the grass and came to this side. Liao Sheng knew that he had been exposed, and he glanced at the place where the young man was lying on his back: "I was spotted, this is the last one for you to remember. Don't move after I leave, and leave after dark ... There are a lot of Buddhism under Da Zili, and they are not weak ... And there is ... Tell the protagonist, if I die ... I will give this to my sister, I have only this one relative. Chen Zhenyu, you must live! "

After saying this, Liao Shengmen jumped up and flew out in the distance.

"Over there!"

After seeing Liao Sheng, those ten monks rushed over to this side.

Under the cloth, Chen Zhenyu, who was only 16 years old, slipped into tears, biting her lips tightly.



Many people have been busy in the Suzaku Mountain camp since early in the morning, especially the place where the female relatives of Houshan live. Many people have been surrounded outside the small courtyard where Sang Ling lives. These people were the Black Flag generals and family members who came to hear the news. Although there were many people, they did not speak, as if waiting for something.

It's not just around the yard, it's people everywhere.

Relatively speaking, the courtyard of Mulberry was quite empty, and only one person stood there.

Fang Jie

From time to time, a maidservant came out of the house and left in a hurry. After a while, she returned with the things she needed. There were many voices in the room, all women.

A few days ago, the best Wen Po, who had been invited from a radius of 100 miles, had already lived in.


The child was born later than expected, so that these days, the solution was spent in anxiety and restlessness. He wanted to go in and wanted to help. But he was stopped by Wen Po. Although he didn't understand why, Fang Jie chose to respect Wen Po's opinion, because they knew much better than him.

Fang Xie didn't pace back and forth in the yard, and didn't look around.

He just stood there with a negative hand and looked up at the sky.

It's like saying something to the sky.

There was no painful shouting in the room, and Fang Jie's heart was even tighter. No one saw, there was sweat in the palm of his hands behind him. Speaking of which, since coming to this world, Fang Jie has never been as nervous as today. He has encountered countless vicious dangers, and even had many times of death passing by. But compared to today, those things seem to be nothing.

He kept praying and praying for peace.

Outside the gate, almost all of the major generals of the Black Flag Army and their daughter-in-law came, and they were waiting around. Some women who have had children are relatively easy, while Shen Qingfan is equally uneasy. They didn't go in and stand with Fang Jie because they didn't want to disturb him.

"Will it ... hurt?"

Wan Yanyun shook his fist tightly and looked at Mu Xiao waist. Mu Xiaoya bit her lip, opened her mouth but just shook her head: "How did I know?"

She looked at Shen Qingfan, who looked at her with a look that you did not understand.

Further afield

A few hundred meters below a big tree.

Xiaodang sat on a big rock with two legs and looked at the yard and said, "Women having children is the most important thing for women, right? I heard it hurts very much ... Miss, You know so much, can you tell me what is going on with a baby? "

Xi Xiangxin, wearing a white veil, blushed, and gave the little head a glance: "What do you want to ask ..."

Xiaodang murmured with his jaw in his mouth: "I'm just curious. What is it like to have a child? The mother said that only a woman who has a child is a real woman."

Xi Jingsha shook her head: "She ... may not be right."

Xiaodiao dazed for a moment, and then said with some emotion: "But the old lady said that a woman, if there is no vigorous love and no child, then her life is incomplete. Miss, have you ever encountered Someone you like? What exactly is a vigorous love? "

Xi Candlewick's eyes turned to the yard, and after a long silence, he said, "Where there are so many strong loves in this world, and some are just plain life. Maybe you will meet the person you like, maybe you won't, but life It won't have any impact ... The vigorous love you said is all in the story. "

"Not at all."

The young master shook his head: "I think the matter of the elder mother and the Prince Loyal is enough to be vigorous."


Xi Zhuxin stunned: "Where is it vigorous? Two people, I haven't met a few times since the beginning."

"Not in the process."

Xiao Dang said thoughtfully: "I think ... if I am willing to have a child for a man, then I am in love. If I am willing to die for him, then it is vigorous."

The wick candle trembled in my heart and didn't know how to answer.

Xiao Dang looked at the yard with his jaw in his mouth, and said to himself, "Of course, I am lucky to meet a man who can make me willing to have a child and to die for him. If this happens Men are also willing to die for me, then I am happy. "


It seems that the candle wick was touched by something, turned around and walked back to his place.

Xiaodang still said to himself: "How can this be a idiot, which woman in the world has never imagined these? Who doesn't want a Ruyilangjun? Miss, don't tell me you never thought of a man."

She didn't wait for the answer, and turned around to see that the wick was gone.

"why did you leave……"

Xiao Dang suddenly thought of something and murmured at the back of the candlestick: "It seems that the lady hasn't jumped over the flowing sleeves for a long time ... The elder mother once said that the reason why the lady can jump out of such beautiful and graceful flowing sleeves, is It's because she doesn't have a man in her heart who cares ~ ~ If one day she has such a man in her heart, then she can't pick out the perfect sleeves. "




A cry that seemed to be liberation, seemed to be struggling, and finally pained, finally came out of the room, and Fang Xie's heart stopped. Followed by a loud baby cried and then rang, the cry was so powerful.

Fang Xie immediately turned to look at the room. A steady woman trot came out of it with a smile on her face: "Congratulations to the grandfather! The wife gave birth to a golden daughter, and the mother and daughter are safe!"

Fang Xie felt that she was at ease in her heart, could not bear any more, and strode into the room. Perhaps only those who became fathers can experience the joy and distress. Joy is due to the arrival of the child and distressed because the woman is suffering.

this moment

Fang Xie seemed to have forgotten everything, and just wanted to rush in to see the woman and child who gave birth to him.

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