Conquer the World

Chapter 918: Sand flies into the sky

Chapter 918 The Sand Flies to the Sky


The first rays of sunlight pierced the clouds and sprinkled on the sea, dyeing the sea a golden color. On the shoreline of Penglai Island, people are lying on the beach. They are not corpses, but they are too tired to take a short rest. The scout ship was encountered yesterday by the advance ship of the sea and foreigners. Everyone knows that today will not be a good day, in fact, there is more than just this day ... Maybe for a long time, every day will not be a good day.

Yan Li is a very qualified general in Mufu. Although he is not old yet, he has followed Mu Guangling from his teens. In his years, he is older than Mu Xianjun.


Yan Li's eyes were bloodshot, and he was very tired, but at this time he opened his eyes wide and stood at the height of the pirate and looked towards the east with a thousand eyes. His mood was very contradictory. He didn't want to see the Fleet of foreigners coming, but he felt that it was better to be late than to arrive early, and not to be so anxious to wait.

"General Yan"

Mu Xianjun came from a distance and walked to Yan Li: "I ’m not as good as you on military and military matters, if you have anything to tell you, just say it directly. Do n’t be embarrassed to order because I am Mu Guangling's son. Since I choose When you get here, you know what to do. "

"Little Grandpa ..."

Yan Li put down a thousand miles of eyes, feeling a little emotional. To be honest, he really didn't get used to this little grandpa before. Especially after the incident of Mu Fumen's night raid on Shanhaiguan, he was even more displeased with Mu Xianjun. The man who guarded Shanhaiguan had an affair with him at first. At the time, the two men were together under Mu Guangling's commanders, and they fought together on the battlefield.

Mu Xianjun spurred the doormen to attack Shanhaiguan at night and killed his friend's family. This matter, he has been unable to let go.

But since yesterday, he suddenly felt that Mu Xianjun was not so abominable.

"How about this."

Yan Li thought for a while and said, "Foreigners have artillery, and the defense we have laid on the coast has not been able to stop it. The generals will concentrate the practitioners in the army, and all will be directed by the little grandfather to be the reserve team. Little The grandfather attacked according to the situation, and supported wherever there was danger. As for how the manpower is allocated, you have the final say. "

"it is good"

Mu Xianjun nodded: "General Yan ... foreigners' firearms are so powerful?"

Yan Li shook her head: "I heard that, the Grandpa has always wanted to trade with foreigners and purchase their artillery, but before he can negotiate with the people of the East Principality of Ross, the Principality of Ross is destroyed. Later, the Grandpa intends to send someone and Ross The Principality's Resistance Army contacted, but there was no response there, it is said that there were people who cooperated. "

"Are you sure?"

Mu Xianjun asked again.

Yan Li smiled bitterly: "To be honest, this is the most uncertain battle ever played since following the Grandpa. As a general, if you want to know how to make peace with others, even if you do n’t At this point, at least we must know as much as we can about our enemies. Only confidants and other parties can fight endlessly, but now ... we basically know nothing about foreigners. Although the emperor Chu of Dongchu is fleeing to us , But we did n’t understand the ones he said. ”

Mu Xianjun understands Yan Li's words.

Know, and understanding are two different things.

"For example, Chu Juzheng talked about the firepower of foreigners. The range of artillery is much longer than that of slingshots. The power is much greater than that of slingshots. This is just a concept. We know this concept but have not realized it So even if you know you want to come up with a way to avoid the enemy's edge. You can only fight, you can only fight. "

Yan Li's words warmed Mu Xianjun's heart.

Only fight, only fight.

"Last night ..."

Mu Xianjun took a long breath and slowly spit it out: "I finally know why Mufu is so respected in Dongjiang. I always thought that people can be respected as long as they have status. Last night I saw the fishermen At the risk of being engulfed by the sea, I finally came to understand when driving a boat to send fishing nets ... The father was respected not only because he was the Grandpa of the Sui Dynasty, but also because he accepted it. Three thousand visitors, but ... Father knows better than anyone, what is important, what can be set aside. "

He opened his arms and hugged the sky: "It used to be that my vision was too low ... now I understand how bad it is to be with my father. Although my father did not lead troops into Shanhaiguan, I am more certain than anyone now ... If his father really becomes emperor, he must be a good emperor. "

Yan Li nodded vigorously: "Yes!"

"and so……"

Yan Li glanced at Mu Xianjun: "In this battle, everyone, including me, cannot escape. Only the little grandfather can escape. Because you are the only bloodline of the Grandpa ..."

Mu Xianjun opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.


At the highest point, the watchman roared with the loudest voice: "Jingdong! See the mast!"

"how many!"

Yan Li's fiercely turned back and asked.

"a lot of!"

The watcher's voice trembled a little: "I can't count it!"



Sourance tasted today's rich breakfast, and he would not abuse himself even on a warship. Just because he is getting older, he knows a truth ... The days he can enjoy life are actually decreasing day by day, and the rest is absolutely intolerable.

This is a kind of enlightenment and a kind of sorrow.

The waves in the morning were a little big, and the dining table shook slightly.

On a sterling silver plate, sliced ​​ham, fried golden eggs, cooked steak, and a glass of amber wine. Relatively speaking, he prefers a glass of milk for breakfast, but because he can't save it, he can only go next.

He ate slowly, savoring every food carefully.


A navy general walked in from outside, straight.

"Penglai Island can already be seen. It seems that the Han people are ready. The watchmen found fortifications on the coast, and a lot of boats were sinking in the shallows. It seems that they know how to defend."


Xiulun swallowed the last bite of food and said with some dissatisfaction: "This is definitely not the first time I told you not to disturb my breakfast. It seems that your memory is more severe than that of the elderly. You do n’t need to remind me You once? "

"No need, Lord Duke!"

The admiral named Suppel quickly shook his head: "I will never have another time."

Shrews shrugged his shoulders: "It doesn't matter. My favorite thing is to excavate young talents in the army. I like to promote young people who have good rules. That's how you are promoted by me, so you should know me No lie. And there are so many good young people in the army. If no one makes room, how can I satisfy them as much as possible? "

Supper's face was a little pale, and the sweat in his palm came out almost instantly.

"I like sunny mornings. I'm disappointed that you interrupted my breakfast. This is already a very annoying thing, but do you know what is more annoying?"

Schurence asked.

"I do not know."

Supper answered.

"A good day, I will be very upset if it is ruined by something that disappoints me. But if someone disappoints me twice a day, then I will definitely not just be upset."

He looked at Supper: "I don't care what kind of defense the Han people have, because that's your business. I'll give you three hundred ships. If the sun does not set, you will not be able to insert the Eagle flag of the Opry Empire. At the highest point of that island, I will cut you into 365 pieces to feed the fish, and I promise I will not lose one more piece. "


Supper snapped up: "I must have won Penglai Island before dark!"

"I don't need your guarantee."

Schurence waved his hand: "I just like to see the results. The most distrustful thing in the world is the guarantee. Your wife will never believe that you are not drunk in the tavern, how can I believe that what you say on your mouth Victory? I need to see the enemy's body in one place and see the Eagle flag of Opru flying on the enemy's territory. "


Supper saluted and turned away.

The sea vessel that Sirius was riding on was the largest in the fleet and the flagship. The powerful navy of the Opulu Empire sent Dongchu's sailors to the seabed within a day, so we can see how powerful this fleet is. And there is no doubt that Xiurens is the one who holds this machine of war. Everyone in this fleet knows the absolute power of Xiurens.

When Schullen was appointed the new Grand Duke of the Principality of Ross, it took only seven days to reduce the population of the Principality of Ross by a fifth, and it took ten days to make the Principality of Ross no longer aristocratic. One month, when the people of the Principality of Ross saw the Eagle flag of the Opulu Empire, they would fall down, and they would not dare to move.

At this age, it was not easy to get the attention of Lehman. Because Lehman the Great liked young people, he often said that young people had an incomparable ambition.

Saurons has always been appreciated by Lehman, not because he is more determined than young people, but because he is more thorough in doing things than young people ... Vicious and thorough.

In front of his name, a long prefix was added by the people of the Principality of Ross: the butcher under the Eagle.

"The enemy gave up naval battle!"

Leitzer, another fleet general, said with a clairvoyant eye: "They are very clever and know that naval battles will not take a small advantage. Instead of wasting their forces on the sea, it is better to concentrate their forces on the island fortification."

Schurence said with a smile: "Although the people in front of you look backward, Rezer, you must not forget that they also have a history of civilization for thousands of years. Compared to the Opulu Empire, they have existed for a little longer. No short ... no, this contrast is not appropriate. "

Schurence shook his head: "The civilization of the Han Chinese ~ ~ once led the world. But, I don't know why their civilization has stagnated and there has been no progress from a thousand years ago. So their army It will look backward, but in a civilized place, soldiers never lack fighting spirit. I bet ... Poor little Supper will not fight easily. "

Rezehaha laughed: "I can imagine how ugly Suppel's face is now. He always felt that he was a handsome man who could easily capture the heart of a woman. However, I don't think he could easily capture the enemy heart of……"

Shrews shrugged: "Supper's fate hasn't come to you to worry about him, and his success or failure has nothing to do with you. If you have to have a relationship ... Lezier, if he can't fight Come down, the next person whose face will become ugly is you. "

Lei Zhe's complexion changed, and immediately became just a promise. As a subordinate of Schurens, he knows more than anyone else how vicious this old guy looks like.

A cloud of smoke rose up in the distance, and Shurons lifted his eyes and stopped talking.

On the coast of Penglai Island, the fire was shining in groups.

The sand flew into the sky.

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