Conquer the World

Chapter 923: Should you exist?

Chapter 923 Should You Exist?

When Fang Xie talked to Yang Jian by the river, many other things happened in other places. (Please search and update the fastest novel website!)

Eastern Xinjiang is killing, and there is a blood on the coastline.

Chang'an was fighting, and there was blood under the city wall.

Meng Yuan

The man in white walked slowly, and the man had disappeared between steps. Bye bye far away. It's just that when I saw him, it wasn't the same person who saw him before.

It didn't take long for him to travel from the Central Plains to the grassland.

When the sun rose, he came to Camel City. When the sun went down, he went to Wang Ting. When the sun rose again, he was already at the foot of the Daxue Mountain.

I don't know how long he hasn't slept, maybe he doesn't need to sleep anymore. But his face was exhausted, and even a person like him didn't seem to be sleepless for so many days. He was just a little anxious to see what was changing the world.

If he has the truth, then Xiu Wei began to appear more than a thousand years ago, and it is solvable.

Perhaps no one in this world wants to know the truth more urgently. He has come to such a high place, and what he sees is far from what ordinary people see. The longer he lived, the more he felt that something in this world was controlling the direction of people.

He has done many things over the years, and everything is just for one goal.

Find this thing that controls the earth and see what he is.

When he knew that Compassion came from the West, he suddenly thought of something and understood something. So he came and had to come. He was anxious and was more anxious. There was always a thought coming out of him along the way, even if he didn't want to think about it, he couldn't suppress it.

He thought he might be dying.

He has been pursuing the truth, but he suddenly thought, if the truth comes, is he going to die?

When he reached the foot of the Daxue Mountain, he looked up at the towering building halfway up the mountain.


The man in white asked himself, are you afraid of death? If you are afraid of death, you should have time to turn around and leave now. If you are not afraid of death, then don't hesitate to walk up that mountain. Then he was a little surprised, and he was afraid of death. So ... he stepped up the stone steps.

It turned out that fear of death did not mean backwardness.

It seemed to know that he had come, and a ringing bell had been ringing in Dalun Temple for a long time. On the snow-capped mountains that are not melting all year round, it seems that only when this bell sounds, it seems a little popular. The man in white listened to the bell as he walked, as if there was something obscure in it.

No matter it is winter, summer, spring or autumn, the color of white above the snow-capped mountains is always white. When the incense of the Dalun Temple was in the past, the white robes decorated with yellow monk clothes were dotted on white. After the Meng Yuan Golden Family annihilated the Buddha, although Dalun Temple has not fallen down, it seems that it was only a few angry when it was taken away by the war.

The Dalun Temple is built on a mountain stone. Whether it is viewed from a distance or not, it can be called a ghost axe. It seems that only God can make such artwork ... From a distance, the entire temple looks like Carved, not a little human.

The man in white didn't go out as quickly as before, but climbed step by step. At this point, he didn't want to waste any trace of energy. This is a very strange and weird place, this place has a supreme status for a thousand years.

Ordinary people have the urge to kneel down and scratch their heads while walking up the mountain.

But the man in white suddenly wanted to demolish it here, and it was completely clean. Then he thought of Yang Qi, the man who was younger than him but seemed to see more clearly than him. The man in white suddenly thought whether Yang Qi had seen something earlier than himself, so that he was so paranoid that he wanted to kill King Wanglun and destroy the temple.

Whether or not.

The man in white knew that he had embarked on the same road as Yang Qi.

Opening of the mountain gate

Hundreds of monks walked out slowly, their hands clasped while walking. After they came out, they stood silently on both sides, and seemed to welcome the white man in the most solemn manner. But there was no expression on their faces, neither joy nor disgust.

Nothing at all.

Men in white know that these monks, known as golden body monks, claim to be immortal.

"This is useless"

The man in white murmured, then raised his hand and squirted forward, the movement was so natural and normal. It's like a farmer sprinkles seeds, it's like a peasant woman who feeds chickens sprinkles chicken food. It is clear that such a simple and ordinary move makes people feel as if the gods are casting spells. It is not the seeds or chicken food that is spilled out, but the glory.

He reached out and squirted forward.

Those hundreds of gold monks died.

So easy.

The golden monks are not living people. They may have died a long time ago, but their bodies have not been rested, but they have been made into one of the most fierce weapons of the Buddha. This time, they didn't really die. They died completely.

With the movement of the white man's hand, the heads of the two gold monks closest to him exploded immediately. This is just the beginning. Like dominoes, the heads burst in order from near to far, and then exploded to large Round temple gate. If you can ignore the fact that the head is open, you can also imagine this scene as a welcome and set off firecrackers.

But this firecracker is a bit expensive.

Hundreds of monks are called immortal. All died in this way ... The hundreds of gold monks and soldiers were left after the Yuan Dynasty's destruction of the Buddha. You must know how many practitioners Meng Yuan khan Koktai Mengge gathered in order to eradicate these golden monks. Today, to the man in white, the golden monks and soldiers are like porcelain that looks very beautiful, and they are broken in a dozen.

Do not

These golden monks don't look pretty either.

Ugly porcelain.

The man in white stepped on the wreckage of a ground and walked to the gate of Dalun Temple, but there was no dirt on his feet. The door was open and no one was blocking it.

He went in.

So I saw a great freedom.



Isn't Da Zongzi in the Central Plains? Isn't it beside Yang Jian, the emperor of the Great Sui Dynasty?

How come in Dalun Temple? Could he be much faster than a man in white? Come first? If so, how terrible is freedom?

The man in white didn't feel anything terrible, but just nodded thoughtfully.

"Sure enough there is one here."

He says.

This was a spotlessly comfortable man in a white monk's clothing, the same as the one wearing a purple brocade next to Yang Jian. It has a face that is more perfect than a stunning woman, and has a lotus-like purity and immaculate temperament. Of course, there are shocking practices.


It was not Fangjie, Xiang Qingniu or Yang Jian who walked across the street, but a man in white.

In Tonggu Academy, so many perverted characters are not convinced by each other. The reason why such a group of people gather and discuss things peacefully is because they are all afraid of this man in white, although those in Tonggu Academy are almost Never seen him.

"Someone told me to tell you that you shouldn't come."

Freely hands together, said slightly after giving a gift to the man in white.


The man in white smiled, with a little disdain in his smile: "Really?"

Dazuo also smiled, it seemed to be teased by the white man's questioning: "So ... Are you human?"

The man in white actually nodded seriously: "I am a human"

Da Zizuo shook his head very seriously: "You are not a human ... people cannot live for a thousand years. In the eyes of ordinary people, even if you only perform one-tenth of your cultivation, they will kneel down. Sincerely, I regard you as God. You are clearly God, why do you say you are human? "

The man in white replied, "Because people are good, God is not good."

This kind of dialogue seems a bit meaningless, as if two children are discussing one thing, one saying good or bad, both stubbornly think that they are right, but no one can tell the truth. You say people are good, he says God is good, why is it good? Regardless of him, anyway, I think he is right.

"If someone says people are good or bad, then I must say he is an idiot."

Da Zili said: "But it's you who says this, so I can't say you're an idiot. It's not because you have unusual wisdom, nor because you live older than King Dalun, because I can't beat him. you."

"Is Freedom the same as Freedom?"

The man in white asked suddenly.

Dazui was silent for a while, then shook his head: "Someone told me that there are no two leaves in the world that are exactly the same, even if they look the same on the surface, but if you look closely, there will be some differences in the context. Leaves are not the same as leaves, so freedom is not the same as freedom. "

"What's different?"

The white man asked again.

Da Zi answered after thinking about it, "I'm smarter."

The man in white couldn't help laughing, "You're really a lovely and comfortable man."

Freely asked: "So you don't kill me, right?"


The man in white shook his head: "How can I not kill you? I killed the hundreds of golden monks at the gate of Dalun Temple because the so-called **** you said wanted to tell me that there can be none. The monk was supposed to be something that shouldn't have appeared, but he managed to get it out. Then I killed the gold monks to tell him ... if there is no, there is no need to have it. "

He pointed at ease: "You shouldn't have anything, so you don't have to."

Freedom complexion changed and wanted to step back.

But he was unable to step back, because his response and cultivation was far worse than that of the white man. He had not had time to move his feet, and his head had burst. Just like the golden monks and soldiers outside the temple gate, when they burst open, it was like inserting a firecracker in a watermelon and then lighting it.

Da Zizuo continued to move forward, turned a small door and walked through a path with high walls on both sides, and then came under the suspended hall. From here on the stone steps inlaid on the cliff, you can enter Dalun Temple The place that really represents status is the Palace of King Ming.


Just below the suspended stone steps.

The man in white saw another great ease.



So the man in white frowned, and whispered two words: "So annoying."

He raised his hand and stood at the opposite side and waved quickly: "I have one more question. Will you kill me after you ask?"

The man in white said for a while and said, "I don't think what you ask will be a good question ... but I'll give you this opportunity, ask."

"You said ..."

Da Zili said: "Just said to me just now ~ ~ Some of the golden monks outside want to tell you that they should exist, and you can say that when you kill me, you should exist Can change back to non-existent ... then I want to ask you, should you ... be there? "

The expression of the man in white was obviously stiff.

There was something very confused in his eyes that gradually came out and covered his eyes. This sentence seemed to touch the most vulnerable part of the white man's heart and hit it with a single blow.

"I ... should I exist?"

The man in white waved his hand casually, and the free spirit in front of him was exploded.

"So, I need to go up and ask."

The man in white stepped over the free body and slowly ascended the suspended stone steps.

Palace of the Ming Dynasty

Just in the cloud.

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