Conquer the World

Chapter 922: Helpless

Chapter 918: Helpless

Summer comes quickly and walks fast. (Please search and update the fastest novel website!)

When people have just adapted to the heat of the heat, and suddenly the days have just begun, it turns out that summer is going to slip away in the fingers, and it is not enough time to look at the beautiful skirt of the woman, and occasionally exposed Bai Shengsheng Calf. I have n’t had much time to experience the surprise of the summer rain, so I am fishing on the bank of the river. I have n’t had time to say more about the wheat that has already been put into the grain store, and only smirk when eating white noodle soup.

Mulberry's small yard was particularly lively, Yingyingyanyan.

When Fang Xie entered the door, he couldn't help but sigh. In the yard, he heard the relaxed laughter like silver bells in the room. Fang Jie heard it. The loudest laughter was the dumbest and most innocent Yan Yunshu. The smallest laughter must be Shen Qingfan. The softest laughter must be Mu Xiaowao, and the laughter was the clearest. It's Wu Yinyu.

Among them, there was a laugh of Mulberry's solemn satisfaction with his mother's unique humility.

The strangest thing was that Fang Jie even heard Mo Ningzhi's smile.

Fang Jie is also very strange, how he can tell the woman's laughter.

However, Fang Xie suddenly felt a little unwilling to approach the house, and he was afraid to destroy the warmth in the laughter. He knew that as soon as they entered the house, they would turn their attention from the child to themselves, but the child is important, isn't it?

"Why don't you come in?"

Mu Xiaoyao's voice came out of the room, and Fang Jie came to his senses. The room is not a group of ordinary women. Mu Xiao waist is a perceptual type of practitioner, regardless of whether it is mulberry or Shen Fanfan gel, they are all good masters. Even Wu Yinyu, who was the weakest practitioner, had only a few uncharacteristic practice abnormalities in 128 air pockets. She was just too lazy, and she did not like practice too much.

Fang Jie naturally did not forget Wan Yanshu, Wan Yanyunshu was not the weakest one, because she would not practice at all.

"Because I listen to your laughter, I am very happy."

Fang Xie's answer was a bit cunning, but the women obviously loved to listen.

He opened the curtain and walked into the door, almost instantly turned over by the beauty of the room. Which one of the women in this room is not upright? Which one goes out is not a beauty who is chased by people's eyes.

Fang Jie felt dizzy and happy.

The women in this room are all his women.


Fang Jie forgets, Mo Ningzhi is still there.

So he was silly at times, of course, at this time.

"You're busy with business these days, why are you here today?"

Mu Xiao waist went over and put on the cloak for Fang Jie. Fang Xie walked to the bed, looked at Xiao Fangning, who had **** and white eyes, and said something, then hugged her and kissed her. The child seemed to smell a familiar person, so he didn't cry at all.

"Army and military are really busy these days, but they can't help but come to see Xiao Fangning."

"I will say"

Wu Yinyu gave him a white look: "Where does Grandpa Guo have time to look at our little girls, or is it to see the children? Hey, no, I'm jealous in my heart, I'll eat here tonight, otherwise I feel better. "

"Stay all night."

Sang Yue smiled and said, "Anyway, you ca n’t eat me poorly. You have a small amount of food."

"I can't let you go if I break my stomach today, I'll fight with you!"

Wu Yinyu waved his fist like a fighter.

Fang Jie couldn't help laughing, wandering the children in his arms: "It would have been a long time to have a meal together. This meal should be mine tonight. I will cook in person for a while, regardless of It ’s delicious or unpalatable. After all, be sincere. ”

"You have honey on your mouth today?"

Shen Qingfan asked.

Foam opened his mouth and didn't say it.

Suddenly she felt like an outsider, and it felt extremely fast from appearing out of control. It was almost that she didn't respond. It seemed a bit inappropriate to get up and leave here, but it didn't seem to be appropriate to sit down again. The women in this room are related to Fang Jie. She alone ...

"Are you going ...?"

Mulberry first reacted, and the smile on his face gradually disappeared.


Fang Jie nodded.

"when are we leaving?"

Mu Xiao waist asked.

"After three days, how can we get the full moon of Ning'er."

Fang Jie rubbed his child's delicate face with his face. Xiao Fang Ning waved his fist in dissatisfaction and hit Fang Jie's face. It seemed to hurt himself, and his expression immediately became tangled. The child's cute expression made Fang Jie Renjun can't help, he hugged the child back and forth in the room: "This time may take longer ... and ... difficult."



The news of the war in East Xinjiang came from Ning'er on the full moon. The people who stayed in Dongjiang ’s Xiaoqiang School and Cargo Connected Air immediately sent the news back as soon as they learned that the Opalian army attacked Penglai Island, and then they followed the instructions before Fang Xie. Every effort is made to provide support to Mufu.

Mu Guangling didn't accept the goodwill of Fang Jie at the beginning, but with the exhibition of war, even if he was stubborn, he had to consider for his soldiers and the people of Haijiang. Although the strength of Cargo Transportation in East Xinjiang is not very strong, all the businesses in East Xinjiang can help Mufu by joining together. In addition, Snap Riding School is better than the average scout in the team.

at night

Fang Xie returned to his residence, and read the urgent secret report carefully under the lamp again.

"The first target of the naval division of the Opulu Empire was Penglai Island. The pirate was just an hour's voyage from the coastline. It was the best fulcrum. As long as the Naval Division of the Opulu Empire took Penglai Island, Use Penglai Island as a base, and constantly attack the coastline. "

Chen Xiaoru sorted out the news from all sides in his mind: "It is reported that Penglai Island is guarded by His Majesty Mu Guangling's General Yan Li, and he has led five thousand troops to guard the island. From the first day, the supply was broken ... with him The guardian of Penglai Island is Mu Guangling, the only son of Mu Guangling. "

Chen Xiaoru took a look at Fang Jie and continued, "The naval division of the Opulu Empire stormed Penglai Island for several days and failed to break through. The 5,000 men and men under Yan Li and Mu Xianjun have been fighting desperately, and no one has flinched. After a few days, the sailor of the Opulu Empire suffered heavy losses, so he did not attack, and broke the food path of the garrison ... Yan Li and Mu Xianjun's food and herbs only lasted for half a month. It's been more than a month ... "

"and after?!"

Fang Xie looked up and asked.

"All killed ... maybe, starved to death."

When Chen Xiaoru said this sentence, he was obviously in a heavy mood, as if the words were in his throat, it was difficult to spit out: "The sailor of the Opulu Empire blocked the food lane, and Mu's support rushed many times. No one can break the blockade. From the first day, the warriors guarding Penglai knew that they were in a state of despair. They did not let the troops far beyond their Opalian marine divisions to take advantage of the muskets of foreigners. Under the artillery, more enemies were desperately killed ... "


Chen Xiaoru slowly said: "The first thing to die was the hundreds of military practitioners brought by Mu Xianjun. Because the foreigners' artillery was too sharp, they could only land the foreigners on the shore and fight again. It is up to Mu Xianjun to bring the group of practitioners to push the enemy back again and again ... in the end, it is rumored that Mu Xianjun is alone, and is still charging back. "

This sentence touched Fang Jie's heart.


The glass he had just picked up was shattered by him.

"All dead?"

he asks.

Chen Xiaoru nodded: "It is rumored that they were all killed. The naval division of the Opulu Empire took a month to win Penglai Island. Since foreigners have occupied Penglai Island, it is speculated that everyone on the island was killed. This During this period, the man named Grand Duke Xiulun who commanded the foreigners' army once approached Mu Guangling to negotiate. He did not know how to know that there was Mu Guangling's son on the island and tried to use this to fight Mu Guangling. "

"At the time, the negotiations were at the seaside. Xiuluns sent a representative to talk to Mu Guangling. As long as Mu Guangling promised to give the seven counties along the coast to the foreigners, the foreigners would release the people on Penglai Island. Mu Guangling was by the sea. I burned three sticks of incense and worshiped in the direction of Penglai Island ... and then cut off the foreign messenger with one stroke. "

Chen Xiaoru said: "Shurens then sent a large ship to shell Mu's troops along the coast, but did not dare to attack rashly."

Fang Xie's face was a little blue, and it was angry and excited.

To be honest, he did not expect Mu Xianjun to do this, let alone Mu Guangling did not hesitate to face himself and his son and split the country.

"This is a soldier."

Fang Xie's cup fragments have been pulverized into powder by him.

"Grind the ink for me."

Fang Xie rolled out paper on the table: "I want to write a letter to Yang Jian and the leaders of the Central Plains forces. I hope that everyone can give up the struggle at this time. The chaos in Dongjiang is really chaotic. Lu, my black flag army dared to lead troops to aid East Xinjiang ... "

Chen Xiaoru opened his mouth and tried to persuade the solution, but he knew that there was something ... he couldn't persuade.




Conference hall

The master of the river, Zhao Tianzhao, walked back and forth in the room very quickly, his face was so dignified. Jiang Dujun's generals are all in this hall, watching the anxious look of the coach but helpless. Quiet in the room, only Zhao Tianmao's stepping voice seemed so clear and even harsh.

"Is there anything new east?"

Zhao Tianzhang stopped and asked his generals.


The general shook his head: "All the news was probed by ourselves, but we knew that Mufu evacuated almost all its troops and moved them to the east. According to the news from the scouts, thousands of miles in the north and south of East Xinjiang, With the exception of the Mu Ping Shouyang Yangshun Club, almost all Mufu soldiers stationed in Guanyu of various counties and counties have been relocated. "

"Yang Shunhui?"

Zhao Tianmao scolded fiercely: "That **** ~ ~ still standing still now! He escaped from Chang'an City at first, if Mu Guangling hadn't taken him in, he would be a bereavement dog fleeing with his tail around! "

"General ... what shall we do?"

Someone asked.

A staff member hesitated for a moment and said, "Without Mu Fu's help, we are not good soldiers ... even if they are direct soldiers, the customs guarded by Mu Fubing can't get through."


Zhao Tian, ​​who was rough and outspoken, cursed, "Mu Guangling, your mother is an idiot! At this time, you ca n’t believe the person behind you, Lao Tzu and you are not dealing with it, but at this time I still remember that I was a Han! A general who is responsible for guarding the earth! Mom got a ball! Whatever! "

Suddenly he slammed the table hard: "Passing on my military order, Jiangdu left 10,000 horses to guard the city, and the soldiers of the three armed forces will go out tomorrow morning! I would like to see. I personally led troops to support Mu Guangling, and his men and women who guarded the customs. Do not open the door for Lao Tzu! Under my military order, if anyone dares to neglect the slacker, kill! When the troop will be sent out early tomorrow morning, if any battalion is late ... Humor, I will take you to cut the festival flag! "

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