Conquer the World

Chapter 936: You want me to give you

Chapter 936 If You Want Me, I Will Give It To You

Yang Jian is stupid

He knew what was going on, but was a little helpless.

At the moment when Dazuo was wrapping himself with a golden lotus, he must have used some secret method to escape. Dazuo was trying to avoid his divine blow, and at the moment when he was almost successful, the solution Seal your freedom with your own realm, and you will never escape.

Xiang Qingniu knew that it was a bit difficult for Fang Jie's realm to trap the current freedom, so he used his Taoism to strengthen the Fang Jie's realm.

Dazuo thought he was far away, but he couldn't get out of the world of solution and almost stopped. If he is alert, he will not be attacked by Xiang Qingniu. It was precisely because he was too self-confident, and because the secret technique of the Lotus Puppet had no one to crack it, he was boxed by Xiang Qingniu.

Xiang Qingniu had a fight with Da Ziran in Dalun Temple. At that time, Xiang Qingniu, who had just opened his heart, had no power to fight back in front of Da Ziren. Had it not been for Yang Qi to turn back to save him, Xiang Qingniu would have died in his free hands at that time.

Today, all the anger in Xiang Qingniu's heart was vented.

He punched and punched, and the punches hit the free face. Speaking of Xiang Qingniu's resentment towards that comfortable face, obviously he was the most wicked and cunning man. He had such a pure and kind face. In Xiang Qingniu's opinion, the most hypocritical thing is this. He It's strange not to be angry.

However, with the self-cultivation of great freedom, even if it is suppressed at this time, the self-cultivation resists in an instant. Even if Daosi did not respond, his cultivation effort also responded autonomously. Each time Xiang Qingniu's fist is hit, the self-repairing force in his body will immediately defensively.

Although this kind of passive defense can't be compared with the initiative of calling for self-reliance, it is not easy for Xiang Qingniu to get rid of such freedom simply. Each time his fist fell, a transparent lotus appeared in the place where Da Zi was captive, sharing most of the effort for Da Zi.

If not, I'm afraid that the freedom at this time has been turned into mud by Xiang Qingniu.

"Really **** strange!"

Xiang Qingniu turned around and sat down comfortably, his arms opened his fists and smashed down. With each hit, the ground shook. This scene is like spraying a layer of fine sand on the leather drum, and tapping the drum gently, the fine sand will bounce. Now the ground around Xiang Qingniu is the drum head of that cowhide drum. Every time he punches down, the dust and gravel on the ground will bounce up.

"Look how many flowers you have!"

"Look how many flowers you have!"

"Look at how many flowers you have returned!"

Xiang Qingniu shouted fiercely, venting the hatred and anger in his heart.

Xiang Qingniu always thought that he was not a person with great awakening, and he didn't understand why Yang Qi had gone to the west to destroy the Buddha. But he clearly and firmly believed in one thing, that is, what his second brother did was right, even if others said it was wrong, others did n’t understand it, even if he did n’t understand it, he also firmly believed that Brother is right.

No matter what Yang Qi does, Xiang Qingniu will not think that is wrong.

This hate did not originate from Xiang Qingniu's hatred of the Buddhist Sect. He did not hate himself about the Buddhist sect. Some only came from Yang Qi. Yang Qi ended up with Dalun Ming Wang, Xiang Qingniu. Just quit! Let him compromise with the Buddhism people, that's impossible!

In this world, there is such a simple but paranoid and strong feeling that can support the same paranoid and strong belief.

"A flower! Dao, I will hit you another flower!"

Riding on Da Ziren, Xiang Qingniu has smashed Da Ziren's head deep into the ground. At this time, the free body was lying on the ground, his neck was leaning back, and his head was completely invisible.


Xiang Qingniu shouted back.

Fang Xie pulled out Zhao Lu from the back, and stared at the knife, and a golden flame appeared from the sword. He threw the sword towards Xiang Lu, Xiang Qingniu reached out and caught it in midair, holding the knife in both hands. The handle will be raised high towards the exposed knife, and then stabbed fiercely!

"He will molt!"

Yang Jian's subconscious reminder: "Kill it directly, don't leave him room."

"I calculated."

Fang Jie remembered the details of the last time when he followed Da Zong, Wu Yi came back and told him the details, as well as the finishing done by Xiaoqiang School later, these things were integrated by him.

"After every molting, there must be a period of recovery. Within this time, it is difficult for him to cast that weird mystery again. In other words, he cannot use it twice in a row. After all, the world is still There are rules that will not allow too many incredible people to exist. "

Fang Jie answered.

Yang Jian froze slightly, then looked at Fang Jie: "You seem to know a lot of things."

Fang Xie nodded: "I know more than you expected. I'm used to preparing and then doing things."

"this is a good habit."

Yang Jian didn't know why he said this, or maybe he doesn't know what else he can say now. At this time, he suddenly felt a sense of weakness in the face of Wan Xingchen. But this kind of powerlessness, when facing Wan Xingchen, is because Wan Xingchen is absolutely powerful. Facing the solution is because the solution is an absolutely calm judgment.

How can such a young man not be disappointed?

At the time of Yang Jian, the **** of change, the metamorphosis started again!




A loud noise came from Xiang Qingniu's side, followed by Xiang Qingniu's body, it was flying into the air with a huge shock. Although the fat man is slightly bloated, the response is superb. He twisted his body fiercely in the air, and then landed steadily on the ground tens of meters away.

But his face had changed color.

"You guys ... really calculate!"

The sound of clicking and clicking came from the side of Da Zi. It was the sound of the friction of the bones. Although it was very light, it couldn't hide the ears of the other three people. After all, the three of them were enough to be proud of the heroes today.

Lying freely on the ground, his hands were raised upwards and his joints twisted at an incredible angle, reached into the pit, and pulled his head out of it. When his face appeared in Fangjie's sight, even Fangjie was surprised.

Xiang Qingniu's cultivation is strong enough, how much strength can be imagined?

Although there is a defense of self-cultivation, the great freedom at this time is really too miserable. His face was almost gone, and the broken facial features seemed to be wearing a human skin mask that was too poor, and half of the human skin mask was removed.

The gravel had soaked in his flesh and looked even more sloppy. One of his eyes had been blasted by Xiang Qingniu, and his **** eyes seemed so creepy. On the other side, his face was not much better, and the cheekbones were exposed. Originally, Qingjun's perfect face was like a rotten eggplant that had been poked at seventeen or eighteen holes by a wooden stick.

However, the most disgusting thing was not his face, but his neck.

Xiang Qingniu's fist broke his face and broke his neck. He lost the support of his bones. His neck became as soft as noodles and could not support his head. So his head was tilted to one side, and he held his head with his hands for several times and never came over. When he let go, he tilted his head to the side again.

This made Da Zong particularly angry and resentful.

He looked like he was pulling his head. If it was seen by ordinary people, he would shout in horror, thinking that it was a zombie crawling out of the ground.

"Fang Jie ... If nothing else, it's all your calculations, right?"

Freedom couldn't straighten his head, and he reluctantly gave up the idea. One side had broken his eyes, leaving only one eye to look at the world. Obviously he was still a bit uncomfortable.

I don't know if the vocal cords were damaged or what, and his voice became hoarse and bad.

"It's really good ... you counted too much, when you knew Yang Jian left me, did you already think that Yang Jian would find you to join me to get rid of me sooner or later? And when you thought of this I started preparing for today ... "

The free one-eyed stare at Fang Jie viciously: "You know that the Buddhism knows the secret of lotus and can be shaped. So you do n’t deliberately take it, you just wait, and you are forcing Yang Jian to use the strongest blow. Then you Trapped me with that unformed world ... I have to say, this calculation is really good, it is seamless. "

"I knew it would be so troublesome today, it would be better to kill the two of you that day ... But speaking, I also underestimated you that day."

Da Zi's tone was annoyed and regretful. He now really regrets that he did not kill Fang Jie that day. On the same day, he suppressed some Xiu Wei to solve the decisive battle with Xiang Niu. The first purpose was naturally to improve his own practice, because he was going to face Yang Jian, who already knew that Yang Jian got the general repair of Wan Xingchen. Because even Luo Yao couldn't beat him, how could he not prepare more?

He really underestimated Fang Xie and Xiang Qingniu, and suppressed it to a certain extent, so that he really lost the day and lost both hands. There was no time to kill Fang Xie and Xiang Qingniu.

Today, these two people have made him suffer.

He didn't need a mirror and knew how miserable he was now. How could he endure the most important aspect of his appearance?

Fang Xie met a Buddhist monk named Changya in Chang'an City who had been searching for dust in his heart. Chenya knew that there was a grain of dust in his heart, and then he was holding his practice, so he wanted to find that grain and sweep it away. Even in the end, Chenya couldn't be quite sure what the dust in his heart was.

Fang Xie suddenly thought of the Dust Land, so he looked at the big freedom in front of him and could not help but sigh slightly.

The dust in Daxin's heart is exactly what he looks like.


Da Zi free is the two words spoken biting his teeth, and the resentment and anger in it made people shudder.

"Unfortunately ... you counted so much that you missed something after all."

He smiled at ease, but he could still laugh.

"My biggest dependence has never been that lotus flower, whether it is white lotus or golden lotus ... it is not, but the terrain. What does a practitioner need most? The heaven and earth vitality ... The cultivation of this world is actually not the heaven and earth vitality It ’s heaven's vitality, and the earth is heaven ... You only use the vitality in the sky. And I cultivate the vitality in the earth ... Xiang Qingniu, you really shouldn't hit me like this Ruthless, and smashed me into the ground. "

Although Da Zongzhuang was broken, they could still feel the pride on his face: "As long as my body is still on the ground, then I will not lose ... never!"

Da Zizi almost roared out of this sentence, and then began to rush forward. His run was extraordinarily weird, his broken broken head shaking back and forth with the pace.

"Even if I die!"

Shouting at ease: "I want to pull you up too!"

As he ran, the lower abdomen began to bulge quickly. Fang Xie is not without seeing this scene, he once faced the power of a practitioner to self-explode.

And how frightening is a person like this?


Fang Xie smiled suddenly: "It's not Tianyuan Qi you practice, but ~ It's earth Qi ... I know it from beginning to end, so ... how can you forget it?"

Hearing this sentence, the pace of Daozhuang's running forward suddenly froze.

Before he could react, a hole suddenly opened in his lower abdomen, and a golden flame burned from his lower abdomen, spreading quickly to the whole body, and after a moment, he felt free to be swallowed by the golden fire.

"Actually ... you missed something."

Fang Jie shook his head: "You know that I have the power of the Seven Pulses, you know that there are invisible forces in the Seven Pulses ... Why don't you beware? The earth is at your feet and also at my feet, but this is still me In the realm ... you want to borrow the land, but also the land in my realm, if you want ... I'll give you more! "

As he finished this sentence, the fire in Dazimen suddenly exploded!

The blazing fire was burning, and there was a stern sorrow inside.

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