Conquer the World

Chapter 949: Enough to be the boss

Chapter 149 Enough to Be Boss

Dugu Wenxiu had a strange face when he saw the solution, and felt a little uneasy. (Please search, the novel is better and faster!) He once thought that Fang Jie was a very simple person, and it was not hard to try to figure out the proposition of such a protagonist. Because Fang Jie's requirements have always been simple, Dugu Wenxiu thought for a while that he had found that point.

But then he showed up, the simpler the protagonist seemed, the more puzzled he was.

To be honest, he hesitated for a long time before trying to persuade Fang Xie into Changan. Now that the southwestern roads have gradually stabilized, they have also acquired the Yunnan Road, and the strength of the Heiqi Army has greatly increased. According to Fang Xie's previous goal, it was to stabilize the southwest, then fight resolutely with Yang in Jiangnan, and then march into the Northwest. Take down half of the Da Sui first, no matter how you fight in the future, you will not be weak.

In the long run, Fang Jie's plan is very secure.

However, the current situation is like a war situation.

The previous plans may not be appropriate now. First, the decisive battle with Yang Jian was unexpectedly simple, and all the hard work was on Fang Jie. The most important thing is that now that the East Xinjiang war is in chaos, it seems that Fang Jie's mind is no longer in the Central Plains, so he must have a new direction.

If Yang Jian did not die, Dugu Wenxiu would not mention marching into Changan City.

The war in East Xinjiang is on the verge of becoming more and more obvious. Now the powerful parts are watching, secretly those who are still weak are waiting to see what others do. Such as Fang Xie, the number of people who put foreign enemies first is not a minority, but those who wait for the opportunity to sit big are not a minority.

If Fang Xie splits his forces to the east, the control of the Black Flag Army will be greatly reduced. At this time, we need one of the most influential things to let other people die. Nothing is better than winning Changan. Regardless of the existence of Da Sui, Changan City will not change. Regardless of which side or the ordinary people, everyone knows that whoever owns Changan City has already won most of the people's hearts.

The words "orthodox" are the most mysterious, but sometimes they are most useful.

Seeing Fang Xie did not speak, Dugu Wenxiu simply no longer tempted: "Now in the East Xinjiang war, it is urgent to divide the troops to the east. However, it is unfortunate to say that ... even if the lord divides the troops to the East Xinjiang, it is also a chance of blocking foreign enemies overseas. No. Foreigners have been operating secretly in Dongjiang for a long time, but Mu Pingcheng's mouth cannot be blocked at all. Even if Mufu resists and other people help, foreigners have a second way to go. "

"From Muping City on board 6, Mu Guangling had to split his troops whether they were attacking Shanhai Customs or attacking Mufu's horses. Westerners had powerful artillery, and the siege of the city was stronger than that of the Da Sui army. It's even more alarming. If you want to solve the crisis in the East, you need not only the full force of the Black Flag Army, but also the Central Plains powerhouses to have a chance to win the battle, but the protagonist ... The Black Flag Army can go to the East Xinjiang? "


Dugu Wenxiu responded without waiting for Fang Xie to continue to say, "The Southwestern Roads are the ground where the protagonist has hardly settled down. He must be heavily guarded. Once the Black Flag Army goes to Eastern Xinjiang, the ground will be lost! So , The protagonist is worried about Dongjiang, but he has to focus on the Central Plains. Winning Chang'an City, the protagonist can give orders in the name of the court and call on the people to resist foreign enemies. No matter how many people will obey, this is justified.

"There is Gao Kaitai's rebels outside Chang'an. At this time, his strength is far worse than that of the protagonist. At this time, Gao Kaitai will retreat. If he retreats, he does not dare to retreat to the east, he can only retreat to the northwest. The worry of his subordinate is Now that the state affairs of Mengyuan have been stable, with Kokotai Mengge's mind, watching the Central Plains becoming more and more chaotic, he can tolerate it. Once Meng Yuan sends troops to the Central Plains, the northwest will bear the brunt, and will drive Gao Kaitai back to the southwest. Meng Yuan invaded, and this first wall was handed over to Gao Kaitai and cast. "

"If the protagonist stabilizes the city defense after winning the city of Chang'an, even if the foreigners come all the way, the city of Chang'an is more secure than the protagonist!"

Dugu Wenxiu said so much in one breath, and after taking a deep breath, he persuaded: "The principal, his subordinates do not oppose the division of Dongjiang, Nalandingdong is also the most suitable candidate. But the defense is the top priority. The protagonist's defense of Chang'an is good for both the war situation in the eastern Xinjiang and the base of the Black Flag Army in the southwest. There are at least 5,000 iron armours in Chang'an City, which is the best knife in the battle line. Furthermore, The princess is still ... "

Fang Jie waved his hand before he could finish saying: "The matter of marching into Chang'an City will be discussed after I consider it. Now I will do the right thing. I will go to the Sui Army Camp early tomorrow morning."

After saying this, Fang Jie stood up and left.

The crowd stood up and saluted, and all looked at Dugu Wenxiu after Fang released.

"In fact, the protagonist has not answered your proposal for the time being. It is not that the protagonist does not want to hit Changan City, but that it is too difficult to hit Changan City."

Wu Yi sighed: "How could Gao Kaitai easily retreat to the northwest? Even if he retreats to the northwest, would a person who had once rebelled once really resist the Meng Yuan invasion? The protagonist wants to win the northwest first, in fact, why not Worry, once the Yuan Yuan advances eastward, there will still be foreigners invading Dongjiang, and the Central Plains will suffer enemies ... "

Dugu Wenxiu shook his head: "How can I not understand these? But now the soldiers are looking at the protagonist, and they are waiting for the protagonist to point the direction more clearly. When we go to Dongjiang, we understand that the soldiers may not all understand. "

Cui Zhongzhen shook his head and said, "It's true that you want to be comprehensive, but sometimes you think too much and it's confusing ... If you go to the soldiers, are you willing to kill yourself with your own blood or with the enemy? Fight on the battlefield, you're alive, I'm afraid the answer can't be clearer. "


Cui Zhongzhen said: "I also think it's best to hit Chang'an City first."



"Too much trouble?"

Xiang Qingniu handed the jug to Fang Jie, and then stuffed a piece of braised meat into his mouth. Two of them broke the roof of their house, drinking and eating meat. The wine is aged in Jiangnan, and the meat is the signature of a century-old restaurant. The aroma is full and the entrance is soft and fragrant.

"I was just wondering what it would be like if I had chosen another path."

Fang Xie took a sip of wine and looked involuntarily to the west: "If I didn't choose the way now, but took a woman I love to find a good place, would it be much faster. I used to do it No, it ’s because there are too many unpredictable things. Now, I can do it. King Dalun Ming is dead, Luo Yao is dead, Yang Jian is dead, I do n’t have to worry about being chased and killed ... ”


Xiang Qingniu smiled: "It's too late when you can now do what you had hoped for before. The pressure in the past was that you didn't know how to die, and the pressure now is that you have hundreds of thousands of soldiers and thousands on your shoulders. Life and death of people. If a person is just a grain of sand, then you have already carried a mountain on your shoulders. "

"Ask you something."

Xiang Qingniu asked after a moment of silence: "Have you ever thought about becoming emperor?"

Fang Xie glanced at him, then nodded: "Think about it."

"and then?"

Xiang Qingniu asked again.

Fang Xie thought for a while and replied: "Before, I probably did n’t understand what I said before, and I could n’t explain it well ... I didn't understand the word emperor so much before. I just think that the highest achievement of a man is the emperor The word. It was a man who had ever imagined what it would be like to be an emperor. "

"I never thought about it."

Xiang Qingniu shook his head: "I really didn't think about it, so I wouldn't have the trouble of flying like you. I only thought about finding the second brother, but later I couldn't let my master die. But then, I thought It is to help you calm down the world quickly, and then I will train an apprentice to explain Qingle Mountain's obsession. Then, Mr. Zhuo went to Qingle Mountain, and I did not worry about Qingle Mountain. "

"Do you know what Daoxin is?"

Xiang Qingniu asked.

Fang Jie shook his head.

"It's just clear."

Xiang Qingniu said: "People are hesitant to decide, just because their heart is unclear. The so-called heart is the simplest of what you want. The so-called heart is to understand what you want. Master I wanted too much, so Dao didn't understand. Brother 2 was simple, but he was not clear. As for Brother 3, his heart was more noisy. "

"Master said that I have the best qualifications, but in fact, my heart is the simplest."

Xiang Qingniu said: "Only simple and clear, can there be less worry."

He looked at Fang Jie and said, "If you really have a bad choice, you need to ask yourself what you want, and you must not lie to you to give a false answer. If you want too much, weigh it In contrast, making the one you want the most clear makes the following things easier. "

"The truth seems very shallow, but it is very deep."

Fang Xie smiled: "It's not easy for fat people to make sense."

"If it weren't for eating and drinking you, Dao, I wouldn't bother to tell you this."

Xiang Qingniu wiped the corners of his mouth with oil: "Actually, I thought about it for you, and your problem is not difficult to solve. You do n’t know what you think about most, but I know it. It ’s very simple, but you think too It's complicated so I didn't find the most direct way. "

"What is it?"

Fang Xie asked.

Xiang Qingniu said earnestly: "What do you want most? You don't necessarily know it yourself, but I seem to be on the sidelines ... you want this world to become your ideal world, it's that simple. This answer, Include all your desires in your heart. Whether it is for your own selfishness or for the public good of the world, this answer is enough. "

"So, this is what you want most, how can you do it?"

He asked, but did n’t need Fang Jie to answer: "Just a little is enough, it is still simple and straightforward ... to be the one who points to the east and runs to the east, and the person who points to the west immediately turns around. Only you You are the strongest person in the world, you can solve everything. Let everyone obey your will, then ... there is nothing complicated, you just need to point in one direction. "

"The boss of the day."

Xiang Qingniu smiled: "Being the biggest boss, what you want to achieve is much simpler than what you do now."

"Be the boss?"

Fang Jie froze for a moment, and then couldn't help but laughed, "The idea of ​​a real hooligan bachelor ... but it seems to make sense."

"I'm Taoist!"

Xiang Qingniu pointed to his nose: "I don't make sense to speak, then everyone else is farting."

"Why don't you want to be emperor?"

Fang Xie asked Xiang Qingniu ~ ~ Being the emperor ... Every night I have to change the brand to choose a woman to sleep with, and I have a headache when I think of it ... so many beautiful women, like me I don't want to be left out, and I can't all sleep together ... What a difficult choice. I am a person who is willing to touch the rain and dew, but I can't do it, so I will only ask for a wife in the future, so I do n’t have to choose. "

Fang Xie looked at Xiang Qingniu like a monster: "I bet you once practiced Zhuang-Yang-Yao."


Xiang Qing Newton was immediately excited: "I'm not so shy! I just ... I read related books in my free time ..."

He asked Fangjie: "If there is such a medicine that will make you strong forever, wouldn't you take it easy?"

Fang Jie shook his head: "Does that still taste?"

Xiang Qingniu froze and sighed: "I think so much ..."

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