Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 884 Play Umbrella's Old Tradition, Acquisition and Control

"Puff tom."

William then flicked the limp locomotive aside, and waved his hand to signal his personal guard Astarte:

"Take control of these guys, wait for the technicians to arrive, and then modify their memories."


The ten guards answered with a scary metallic voice, and then with a completely crushing momentum, they directly captured all the high-ranking Walters, including the transparent man, Shen Hai, and Edgar.

After the guards escorted the group of people away, the conference hall regained its spaciousness.

And only William, Horus, Wanda, Serena, Maeve and Starlight are left.

At the beginning, the battle between Horus and the Homelander ended, and the unconscious Homelander was taken away by the ghost agent and accepted the experiment of Halsey and Rebecca.

At the same time, William asked Serena to notify the advanced base to dispatch a DR-7 transport boat with optical camouflage function, carrying ten personal guards to assist him in capturing these high-level Walters.

Soon after, technicians carrying professional instruments will arrive at the Water Building in the center of Manhattan.

Eliminate the employees loyal to Walter, and then use the memory modification technology to perform a brief memory modification on the high-level people who know the existence of Compound No. 5, so that they can completely forget the existence of Compound No. 5.

Although the vast majority of superheroes under Walter's command have completely lost their image and reputation in the hearts of the public, this does not mean that all heroes have been denied.

Maeve, Xingguang and other righteous heroes who stick to principles and the bottom line are still loved and loved by the people, not to mention Horus who stole the limelight from the people of the motherland.

Therefore, William must not let the facts of Compound No. 5 be announced to the public, otherwise doing so is equivalent to self-destructing the Great Wall and completely losing the superhero effect.

After the idlers left, Maeve couldn't stop the confusion in her heart again, walked quickly to William and Horus, and asked:

"May I ask who you are? Did you Umbrella make the monster that attacked us before?! Why did you do this?"

"Don't be impulsive, Miss Demigod." William showed a more serious smile and said:

"My name is William Russell, but Wanda's real name is Wanda Maximoff, and her relationship with me should be...

Grandson daughter-in-law. "

"Grand... grandson's daughter-in-law?!"


Maeve and Xingguang exclaimed, and looked at William, Horus and Wanda with strange eyes.

What kind of mess is this?

"Hehe." William said with a light smile, "My actual age is fifty-nine years old, almost sixty years old.

(Swings left hand to Horus) The child's name was indeed given by her mother Athena, and Athena and my eldest son are husband and wife, so Horus is my eldest grandson.

(Swings her right hand to Wanda) This child is in a relationship with my eldest grandson, and can use any form of magic. People from the motherland are vulnerable to her. "

"This... this..." Maeve stammered a little at a loss.

And Xingguang's expression changed from expectation at first to disappointment in an instant.

Unexpectedly, no matter what, Horus and Wanda are lovers, and she has no chance to get involved.

In fact, even if Horus didn't have a partner, Starlight would have no chance to associate with Horus at all.

Athena, the mother of Horus, is a virgin goddess, but Starlight is not a virgin. If Starlight "perseveres" in contact with Horus, he may be directly executed by the furious Athena.


William adapted the parallel universe, crossing the passage, and Serena as the hacker who ravaged the Internet, the tracker, the creation process of the alien guard, etc., and told Maeve and Starlight some facts.

For example, the tracker is the cyclops in Greek mythology, and the alien guard and tiger are also hell monsters in the Greek underworld.

Make Maeve more convinced that she is a demigod, and William also intends to make Maeve the new captain of the Sevens.

After all, what William will do next may be more violent.

That is to let Pruss lead the elite ghost agents to secretly "visit" all the officials and generals of the United States, and use various means to force these mainstays of the United States to become Umbrella's puppets.

William is too lazy to spend his mind on these puppets, they just need to follow the order carefully and let Umbrella completely control the United States.

Then, according to William's order, Serena will carry out a compulsory acquisition of Walter Enterprises, turning all departments into Umbrella's command.

Among them, all the information about Compound No. 5 is included. .

In this way, Umbrella's biological department has T virus, black light virus, super soldier serum and compound No. 5, which are enough to change the entire human race.

With Halsey and Rebecca, William believes that as long as the company sets up a "superhero" project, these two female doctors can definitely create an Avengers, or even an enhanced version of the Justice League.

However, William will not look for trouble for nothing, and making a native 2.0 makes him narrow-minded.

William prefers well-trained soldiers who follow orders to superheroes.

Reality is not a movie, and it is even less likely that the world will be saved by a group of guys in cosplay uniforms. It is always the soldiers who are at the forefront.

Of course, Maeve and Starlight cannot pry into the details of the plan to control the US government, but William will still take the initiative to tell about the acquisition of Walt.

On the other hand, Maeve, knowing that William intends to package her as the new captain of the Seven, looked at the taciturn Horus, and said doubtfully:

"Mr. Russell, I think with Horos' fan base and influence, it's the best choice to be the captain of the Seven, not me."

"I don't belong to this universe." Before William could explain, Horus replied coldly:

"Besides, the only uncertain factor in this universe is the people of the motherland. Apart from that garbage, there is no major security risk.

But in the main universe we are in, there are countless abnormal phenomena. The Russell family and Umbrella need me to sit in charge. "

"This..." Maeve's eyes flickered, she thought for a long time, and finally nodded to William and said:

"Okay, I agree, but I want to meet the Greek gods of your universe, especially Hades and Athena."

"No problem, it's a trivial matter." William promised very generously:

"And the seven-member team controlled by Umbrella doesn't need to deliberately participate in any commercial performances, movies or TV dramas. You just need to work with law enforcement agencies to stabilize society.

As for the salary, it will definitely be much less than under Walter's rule, and it will also be linked to your attendance and 'performance'.

However, Umbrella does not support idlers, and everything must serve the society and mankind. "

"Don't worry, I still have this self-knowledge." Maeve promised without refusing.

"William." At this moment, Serena's pupils radiated blue light and reported to him:

"I've locked down the location of the storm front."

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