
Hearing this, Wanda followed Horus' gaze, and saw the front of the storm floating in the air with purple 'static electricity' emitting from both hands.

The figure of the frontline of the storm is not good, and the appearance is only ugly, and the uniform of 'COSPLAY' is not very revealing. It is all black and has a black cloak.

After discovering the intensified gun battle in front of the main gate of Sage, the Stormfront left the main research building as soon as possible, and flew into the air just in time to see Horus, the scene of the "inhumane" slaughtering the black army.

At the same time, she also saw the scene where Wanda used magic to "destroy corpses and wipe out traces".

See here.

The corners of the storm front's mouth were slightly raised, and with both hands, the thunderbolt was slowly falling on the lawn, and it walked slowly to a few meters in front of Horus and Wanda and stopped.

And with a kind smile on his face, he said: "Wow, what a handsome man and a beautiful woman, and they also have supernatural powers...

But I seem to have never heard of you, which area are you in charge of? Are you here just to kill? "

"We are not you..."

"That's right, they are here to kill people." Horus interrupted Wanda's words and replied, and walked towards the front line of the storm, lowering his voice and saying in a deep voice:

"And our target is you, Cousin Natri."

"Oh?" The front line of the storm was taken aback for a moment, obviously it was unexpected that Horus, who was approaching her, knew her true face.

However, the psychological quality of the front line of the storm is top-notch, and he still asked Horus with a smile on his face:

"Son, it's not good to be so irritable and have such a dirty mouth. Why don't you tell me why you want to kill me..."

"Puff!" With a sound, Horus once again interrupted others with his movements.

Just look at Horus's right hand transforming into a golden spear within an extreme time, adding divine power to the spear, and then stabbing forcefully towards the belly of the front line of the storm.

The skin on the front of the storm is hard, and it seems to be a superhuman second only to the motherland in the play, and it may be harder than Queen Maeve.

But Stormfront is not from the motherland after all, and the golden spear with supernatural power is not an ordinary firearm bullet, so it is easy to give Stormfront a cross.


Horus exerted a little force with his right hand, stirring up the somewhat dazed storm front.

"Pfft...uh..." The front line of the storm, whose feet were off the ground, could no longer maintain a calm demeanor, opened his mouth to spit out a lot of blood, and asked with a ferocious expression on his face:

"who are you…?!"

"It doesn't matter who it is." Horus responded in a low voice, and a crystalline thunder appeared in his left hand.

Then he aimed the tip of the thunderbolt at the brow of the front line of the storm, and said coldly with no waves on his face:

"The important thing is that you are responsible for the innocent human beings you have killed, so please die."


The thunderous sound exploded in the almost deserted woods, and woke up the sleeping birds, screaming and flapping their wings to fly away in the dark.


Horus used his thunder to release lightning with a core temperature comparable to that of the sun, which spread throughout the entire body of the front line of the storm in an instant.


The front line of the storm has become a scorched corpse, and the size of the body has been reduced by nearly two times compared to when it was alive because of the evaporation of water.

Seeing this, Horus showed a look of disgust, and with a flick of his right hand, he threw away the front of the storm hanging on the spear tip.


The electric scorched front of the storm shattered into several pieces like dead leaves, completely ending a century-long sinful life.

"When you get excited, act quickly. If you knew it, you would torture her again."

Looking at the dying front of the storm, Horus, who had turned back his spear and thunder, showed an expression of extreme frustration.

"Okay." Wanda came to Horus's side, and tugged at the hem of his clothes with her hand, comforting:

"Don't be so cruel all the time, okay? Every time I see you slaughtering...I'm always worried that you will lose control."

"Don't worry." Horus said with a calm smile:

"It's because of you that I can control myself. I think Uncle tried his best to get us two together, and this is inseparable from this."

With that said, Horus raised his hand and patted Wanda on the shoulder, then walked towards the main research building of Sage, saying:

"Let's take a look at the situation of those victims first, and, Wanda, help me inform Serena, and let the base send paratroopers and technicians to take over here."



The Horus and Wanda Sage Research Center found a large number of researchers dressed in light blue, as well as doctors in white coats.

Among them, also includes the former member of the Seven, the lamplighter.

Horus didn't do anything to kill the super happy woman who was finally discovered by conscience in the play, but just let Wanda use magic to make all Walter employees, including the lamplighter, fall into a deep sleep.

Then, the two headed towards the detention area of ​​the 'experiment'.

Come to the area.

"This child... is too miserable."

Through the one-way window of the isolation door, Wanda saw a 15- or 16-year-old boy paralyzed on the prison bed in the first cell.

Moreover, the young man was crying convulsively, without hands, and couldn't even do the simplest action of wiping his tears.

Obviously, the victims in the cage don't know what's going on outside.

Horus came to Wanda's side, looked into the window together, and guessed:

"This kid should be inspired to a certain degree of self-healing ability. Walter and his gang cut off his limbs for research."

"But it's late at night, even if those bastards study him until ten o'clock, they should grow back their limbs?" Wanda sympathized.

Horus didn't answer immediately, but glanced around at the prison doors and said to her:

"Walter in the play has a special cell, which seems to be able to suppress the superpower brought by the fifth compound, I think...

These cells also have the same ability, well, don't feel bad, when our people take over, they won't suffer like this. "

"En." Wanda could only respond lightly, and then continued to follow her boyfriend.

There are victims in the cell who have been stimulated with various abilities, such as being able to shrink their bodies, or having the ability to spit acid, and...

"Fuck, this guy is more shocking in reality than in the drama..."

Even Horus couldn't help saying shit when he saw the scene in the prison.

At this time.

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