Cosmic Trading System

Chapter 226: Master's strength robot!

"Now, the balance on the cosmic trading system, there are still 2,200 pieces of spiritual crystallization, and the spiritual crystallization has been so fast. I bought all kinds of equipment, armed myself, or revived the spirit, and then bought that kind of equipment... ..."

Lin Yun began to think about it.

I have to say that after seeing the benefits of purchasing equipment that absorbs the energy of refining and refining, it is really difficult to resist the temptation of such equipment.

Even if he buys on the cosmic trading system, there is no discount on the purchase of the star blue, the equipment adds spirituality, and it takes a total of more than 6,000 spirits. Even the spirituality of the universe trading system cannot improve the efficiency of the equipment.

I can get 460 spirits a day, which is not bad.

Mainly, he is now very quick to get spiritual crystallization.

More than 6,000 spirits, with the cosmic trading system and the professional absorption of refining and energy energy equipment to obtain the speed of spiritual crystallization, coupled with the fact that he purchased a lot of resources in the real world for spiritual crystallization, he does not need three or four days, he can 攒enough.

If, with the 2,200 spirits he now has, he may have enough for two days.

Once he buys equipment and spirituality, he can get 1,500 pieces of spirit in one day.

In just two days, he can get more than a thousand pieces of spiritual crystallization every day to get 1,500 pieces of spiritual crystallization every day. Even in the next time, he can go **** like this quickly.

This is a big temptation.

"No, my thoughts are very bad. If I go on this way, I don't expect to cover the world's most populous cities. I can't take it. It's been a long time..."

Soon, Lin Yun took a deep breath and quickly got rid of his own thoughts.

All safety is the mainstay, and all safety is the mainstay.

He silently read this sentence in his heart.

How many cosmic trading system owners died in this area, he can not help but remember the lesson.

A lot of things are like this. There are a lot of lessons in the past, but many people always like to have a kind of luck.

This kind of mentality is very bad.

"I still think about how the two thousand and two hundred spiritual crystals are spent..."

In order to dispel his own psychology, Lin Yun began to shift his mind and intend to use his facts to annihilate his own psychology.

If he does not have much left in the two hundred and two hundred spiritual crystals, his psychology should drop a lot.

After all, about 4,000 pieces of spiritual crystals are accumulated, and more than 6,000 spiritual crystals are not easy to accumulate.

"Buy more advanced defense equipment first..."

Lin Yun secretly.

This is a must. The last time, let him see the energy and boldness of some forces. His problems are not big. His parents, his sister, and Xia Qingqing will raise their defense level.

After the last incident, he has already let Jinjian Security Company send more senior bodyguards in the past, but it is not enough.

Soon, Lin Yun decided to buy four protective pendants.

Each pendant has a hundred crystals.

Compared with the protective pendants that his parents and sisters are now wearing, they only cost ten spirits to buy them. The one hundred pieces of the crystal pendant can be said to be big.

Previously purchased a multi-purpose speed car, but only 30 spirits, a high-level robot, but only 30 spirits.

According to the data provided above, ordinary missiles on the earth can block dozens of problems. If it is a sniper rifle, even a very powerful sniper rifle, as long as the above energy is not exhausted, it can always resist.

As long as it is not too dangerous, you should be able to support him to support.

Not to mention other means of transportation, only the invisible speed car he just purchased can reach 3,000 kilometers per hour.

OK, payment.

Soon, four protective pendants appeared in the trading space.

Similarly, the balance on the space trading system is only one thousand and eight hundred.

"Would you like to buy a more advanced robot..."

Next, Lin Yun was hesitant.

Robots, not the most advanced, only more advanced.

The ordinary construction robots he bought earlier, as well as the advanced robots, can only be regarded as first-class robots.

The price of a first-class robot is generally below one hundred crystals.

Ordinary robots can only do some simple housework. There is no strength, and the cheapest one can be bought, but the ability of this kind of robot is very limited.

Once the price of the robot is ten, the flexibility will be greatly increased. Some aspects are similar to real people and have certain strength.

Some people have statistics on the universe trading system. Ten robots with a spirit of crystallization, the strength of the martial arts, is similar to that of the early Ming Dynasty.

Thirty robots with a spirit of crystallization, the strength of the martial arts, and the military of the mid-term.

This level of robot is the kind of advanced robot that Lin Yun previously purchased.

Fifty soul-shaped robots, the strength of martial arts, is similar to the military in the late Ming Dynasty.

Seventy spirited robots, the strength of martial arts, is similar to that of Ming Jinfeng.

If you have more than one hundred crystals, you can purchase a second-level robot.

One hundred spiritually crystalized robots, the strength of the martial arts, is similar to that of the early martial arts.

Three hundred spirit-crystalized robots, the strength of the martial arts, is similar to the mid-term military.

And so on...

A thousand spirit-crystalized robots, the strength of the martial arts, is similar to that of the early military.

The martial arts fighters, that is the master class, Lin Yun listened to his master said many times ~ ~ have the strength of this strong, each one can shock one party, the general forces dare not provoke.

Before the incident in the past few days, Lin Yunlian had never seen the Dark Warrior. At that time, Lin Yun must have bought a few robots with the strength of the early Wushen, and they felt very powerful.

However, after Lin Yun experienced a few days ago, he knew that it was not enough to have a robot with the strength of the early military.

Some real big forces, they even have ... the strongest level of the dark level.

The dark-haired old man, Lin Yun speculated that he should reach the peak of darkness, because the other side can predict certain dangers, which is the characteristic of the dark peaks.

Therefore, Lin Yun is more inclined to buy a robot with the strength of the early military.

Lin Yun also worshipped the strong people for a long time. There is really a robot with the strength of the chemical. Even if it is only the initial strength of the chemical, it is very exciting to think about it.

"On the purchase of the initial strength of the chemical..."

Soon, Lin Yun bite his teeth and decided to buy this level of robot.

Anyway, he is now in a state of rapid crystallization, and the universe trading system and the equipment can get more than a thousand more spiritual crystals every day.

One day, you can get a martial artist in the early days, which is very cost-effective. No pop-up window novel network ()

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