Counterattack Into a Male God

Chapter 71: Qing Chuan Zhi Feng Yu Tong Zhi (09)

In short, after Ji Yanzhi's series of measures, the officialdom of the Qing Dynasty began to develop on the positive side.

Even if there are officials who want to be greedy and want to learn from the ancestors of the ‘spiritual’ of ‘three years of clearing the prefect’s one hundred thousand snowflake silver’, facing the ICAC, which has been armed to the teeth and has various methods, is directly under the jurisdiction of the emperor and is responsible for supervising hundreds of officials. For the sake of planting. So he retracted his ‘thief’s hand’ and felt good and honest.

We must know that while Ji Yanzhi put the yoke on the hundreds of civil and military officials of the Qing Dynasty, he also improved the apparent treatment of the hundreds of civil and military officials in the Qing Dynasty, enough for them to live a rich life without harming the interests of the people.

In May of the sixth year of Tongzhi (1867 AD), US troops invaded Taiwan. In just one month, the local Gaoshan people took advantage of the familiar terrain and other favorable conditions to attack the U.S. army, killing its leader officer and deporting it to the sea. The US invasion of Taiwan has thus far failed.

The news spread through the media of other countries, and the newly established Ministry of Information hurriedly reported the news to Ji Yanzhi. One of Ji Yan was happy to hear, and spoke to the court in a tone that was difficult to describe:

"This is a foreign army. A mere hundred people dared to play aggression with the benefit of firearms. But the Qing Dynasty, ah, there are so many soldiers, but they will only escape after hearing the war... Ten thousand people will only dare to escape for hundreds of people. ."

Civil and military officials: "..."

Long live master, you can’t move, just like this, ginseng **** is really enough!

In the end, it was Lin Kui, the former Secretary of the Military Department, who came forward to defend: "Long live, the soldiers of the Qing Dynasty today have sufficient armaments and salaries, and their families can enjoy martyrs' benefits after the battle. This is different from the past. Long live Lord, the soldiers of the Qing Dynasty are not afraid of life and death."

Ji Yanzhi: "Well, since there is such an ambition, Aiqing will first arrange an army of 10,000 people to visit Taiwan Island."

Lin Kui was a little stunned, but his loyalty to Da Qing engraved in his bones made him immediately receive Ji Yanzhi's seemingly casual instruction.

When the early dynasty came that day, Lin Kui became the head of the military department and began arranging which 10,000 troops to send to Taiwan Island.

Today's military department, like other state departments that have been split, is specifically responsible for managing the country's military and administration. On the surface, it looks no different from the previous three-province and six-ministerial system. In fact, the munitions and payments required by the military department are no longer under the jurisdiction of the previous Ministry of Households. The financial department has the right to interrogate but does not have the right to control. The department is directly allocated, and Ji Yanzhi is in direct control.

All these measures have effectively eliminated the situation of civilian officials interfering with military attache matters in the past, leading to military and political chaos. The status of military attachés is lower than that of civilian officials who only drop a book bag and get blind as soon as they go to the battlefield.

Ji Yanzhi values ​​military attaches very much. Because the strength of a country has always been linked to its military power. You are economically prosperous and prosperous everywhere but without strong military protection. You will only be spied by a pack of wolves just like the current Qing Dynasty. You can’t wait to bite down a piece of fat and eat it up with your bones and blood.

Even after experiencing so many planes and worlds, Ji Yanzhi still couldn't understand the decision-making of some dynasties that emphasized civility over military affairs. Valuing literati, mo guest, and inferior martial artist, can really make a country noble. Just like the Song Dynasty, the wealth accumulated in a year is equivalent to the sum of other dynasties' years or even ten years, but what is the result?

This is the reason why the lowly warriors do not have a strong military force to protect the country.

The reason why the Song dynasty ‘emphasizes literature and despise martial arts’ is indeed a lesson from the demise of the Tang Dynasty. It is believed that a strong warrior is a sign of disaster for the country. Therefore, in order to avoid the country from being subverted, the warrior has been suppressed and said that he wants to rule the world with scholar-bureaucrats.

As a result, future generations were pitted by their optimistic scholar-bureaucrats. We must know that literati can govern the country, but once they want to harm the country, they are also extremely cruel. In short, the literati did not control well, and the harm it caused was not necessarily less than that of the warrior in troubled times.

Fortunately, the ancestors of the Qing Dynasty were acquired on horseback. Although the Confucian style was used to govern the country, in fact, military power was still more important. It's just that the argument that one generation is inferior to one generation is not false.

During the Kangxi and Yongzheng period, even the early Qianlong period was fine, but in the late Qianlong period to Jiaqing to Daoguang, to Xianfeng period, it was really corrupted, and everyone became the sick man of East Asia among foreigners. It is true that there is the danger of big smoke, but it is also related to the fact that the Baqi brothers live on the flag silver issued by the treasury every year under the shadow of their ancestors.

In the beginning, Ji Yanzhi wanted to abolish the money that the national treasury allocated to each of the flag brothers every year. But after thinking about it carefully, if you don't take a gradual itinerant approach, but a simple and rude one size fits all, it will inevitably lead to a big riot. So Ji Yanzhi didn't bother about this expenditure, which can be regarded as a big expenditure.

However, with the advancement of reforms in various aspects, various industries led by the government have been built one after another. After capitalism has sprouted rapidly, Ji Yanzhi will inevitably cancel the preferential treatment of banner people.

There is no way to do this. Since it is declared that the Manchu family is a family, it must be done thoroughly. And in order to truly be a Manchu family, Ji Yanzhi also intends to find a woman of pure Han descent to be the queen, rather than marrying the granddaughter of Saishang A and Arut as the queen according to the historical process.

In July of the sixth year of Tongzhi (1867), 10,000 Qing troops who had received new training for amphibious warfare went to Taiwan on a steam turbine ship loaded with light artillery. They visited Lang in southern Taiwan, which was repeatedly spied by the US military (Wang Qiao). ) (Today Hengchun) Build a port and a military fortress.

Since the main material for construction and repair is cement provided by the imperial cement plant, whether it is used to trade ports or military fortresses responsible for safeguarding Taiwan's security, it is extremely fast, and the construction was completed in only half a year. After the completion of the construction, Ji Yanzhi began the huge road of construction and repair connecting the north and south of China's rivers with cement.

This is the work of the Bureau of Land, Infrastructure and Water Conservancy Engineering, the three national departments, and it is also a work that will benefit the future, so Ji Yanzhi personally supervised this matter with an unprecedented seriousness. However, because Ji Yanzhi did not want to let the people of the Qing Dynasty suffer this hardship by the method of service, the laborers responsible for building bridges and paving roads have always been, um, the family members of the founder of "Three Years Qing Zhifu, One Hundred Thousand Snow Silver" .

Ji Yanzhi really wants to expand this group of laborers who provide labor for the country’s development. Unfortunately, under the supervision of the Independent Commission Against Corruption, officials of all sizes across the country have their tails up, and behave well. So in terms of construction and repair, we really can only take it slowly.

At the end of December in the sixth year of Tongzhi (1867), the Hengchun Wharf on Taiwan Island, which was built under the auspices of the Qing government, was officially opened to navigation. It began to serve as a transit point for the Qing Dynasty, transporting Qing Dynasty porcelain, tea, silk and other materials to Japan and Southeast Asia. Wait for the place.

In the 7th year of Tongzhi (1868 AD), on January 3, the Emperor Meiji of Japan issued the edict of "Wang Zhengfu", and Japan's famous Meiji Restoration movement officially began.

In April of the 7th year of Tongzhi (1868 AD), due to the outbreak of the gold mining workers left by the Qing Dynasty in Qingdao (now Askerd Island) in the southeast of the Ussuri River, an armed uprising against the persecution and expulsion of the Czarist Russian colonists broke out. Ji Yanzhi, who had been staring at him and wanted to drive away the invaders all the time, seized the opportunity and directly sent more than 10,000 Qing soldiers to take the people of the Qing Dynasty home, and officially went to war with the Tsarist Empire.

You must know that in order to drive away the invaders, Ji Yanzhi can be said to have not had a good night's sleep for several years. He has to intervene regardless of state and family affairs and hold everything in his hands. It is not only necessary to quell civil strife, but also to vigorously develop people’s livelihood and rectify military discipline. Finally, the civil strife quells and the national power is improved. When all is better, according to Ji Yanzhi's disposition, naturally, he must focus on the threat of insulting power and humiliation of the country under the Qing Dynasty, which is threatening the unknown international situation. Treaty countries.

Russia was the first to hit the gun. He was considered "lucky", because Ji Yanzhi did not use the "Royal" brand "Italian Cannon" in recent years. No, it is close to the later generations that can be used to fight~ The aircraft’s anti-aircraft gun was carried out, but with the Maxim machine gun, invented in 1884 and used in the First World War.

Of course, it is only 1868 AD, and there are still more than ten years before the Maxim machine gun was actually available. Naturally, it will no longer be called the Maxim machine gun, but the Huaxia Dragon Gun. Its appearance directly affected the battle with an overwhelming style.

To put it jokingly, the Tsarist Empire does not look strong, but the ‘serf-liberation movement’ was so cheerful that it has long affected the tsar’s rule over the Tsarist Empire. Moreover, in the current Tsarist Russia, even if the Tsarist Russian army known as a million lions, most of them still use the sickle hoes. It can be said that the reason why the Tsarist Empire got a share of the Western powers during the Great Qing Dynasty is only because of the Great Qing's closed-door policy. In the Qing Dynasty, people generally did not understand the development of the world.

In other words, Ji Yanzhi, as an almighty boss, can you not understand the development of various countries?

It can be said that the reason why the First World War will only happen after a few decades is entirely due to the fact that countries are still in the development stage. The Qing Dynasty, which has never understood the real situation of each country, plundered hundreds of millions of platinum and silver every year and returned to China to develop vigorously. As for the Qing Dynasty, he was still obsessed with the short-term peace brought about by the cessation of land compensation, so that the main battlefields of World War I and World War II were all...

Ji Yanzhi knows the actual situation of various countries in the nineteenth century. While the national and military powers have been vigorously developed, they naturally will not be afraid that after a severe beating of the Tsarist Empire, the countries will jointly send troops to attack the Qing Dynasty. It can be said that when the national power and military power of the Qing Dynasty have been vigorously developed, there is a 70% chance that countries will publish international condemnations, accusing the Qing Dynasty of not having the spirit of contract and violating the provisions of the "Beijing Treaty" identified by the countries and the Qing Dynasty.

If you change to the authentic, the emperor who is'taught stupid' and pays attention to Confucianism and'convinces people with reason', he will be ashamed by countries who publicly accuse him of such public accusations, and then he doubts the "Beijing Treaty" that will continue to appraise with other countries by default. , Continue to cut his own meat to feed the jackal,

But after changing his hands, he will never beep, but Ji Yanzhi, who plays tricks like conspiracy and trickery, will only laugh three times, and then openly tell the countries that condemn him that the "Beijing Treaty" was signed by the previous emperor. , Qing Dynasty pays attention to the emperor and the courtier. As the successor, he naturally had to find a way to make up for the troubles that the previous emperor Xianfeng did.

This is a 70% chance that all countries will issue international letters condemning the Qing war against Russia.

And the remaining 30%--

Even if all countries relied on the victory of the two Opium Wars to unite together to impose military sanctions on the Qing Dynasty, with the support of a powerful military force that could shock the world once exposed, Ji Yanzhi could proudly say that he did not Fear of any threat of force.

Come if you have the ability to see if his season boss doesn't clean up them all and call it a tyrant.

Facts have proved that at this time, because the countries in their homelands are actually not stable at this time, in the face of the war against Russia launched by the Qing Dynasty, the countries initially issued international official letters condemning the destruction of the Qing Dynasty with a 70% probability that the Qing Dynasty had predicted. The act of'diplomatic relations between the two countries'.

The first condemnation of the Qing Dynasty’s lack of contract spirit was the most sensational. It can be said that freedom of speech is promoted, and the Qing official newspapers under the direct control of the Qing Dynasty News Department publish most of this content every day. And then when the Huaxia Dragon Spear appeared, the war showed an overwhelming situation, and all countries were **** **** it.

However, after almost half a year, the war with Russia that stretched the front line due to the terrain ended, and the countries headed by Britain and France began to explode again.

Because the Qing government requested that the "Sino-Russian Beijing Treaty" signed after the end of the Second Opium War in 1860 A.D. (the tenth year of Xianfeng) was officially annulled, the contract was ceded to the east of the Ussuri River in Heilongjiang Province (including Sakhalin Island). The territory of about 400,000 square kilometers and Qingdao (now Askerd Island) southeast of the Ussuri River have all returned to the territory of the Qing Dynasty.

In addition, in view of the great mental trauma caused by the Tsarist Empire to the people who were left there by the Qing Dynasty, Ji Yanzhi, who personally presided over the truce talks between the two countries, asked for eight million taels of silver in compensation. If the Tsarist Empire is unwilling, Ji Yanzhi doesn't mind that he will draw the drawings himself, and the high-firing artillery artillery produced by the Qing Engineering and Construction Bureau personally supervises the bombing of Moscow.

"In addition to being talented in being a great emperor, I am also very talented in building firearms." Facing the Tsarist Russia who came to talk about peace, Ji Yanzhi did not use an interpreter, but directly spoke in Russian. Talking: "Of course, language is also very talented. So don't try to fool me with any tricks."

Speaking of this, Ji Yanzhi recruited several guards with swords in front of them wearing first-class guard uniforms, and asked them to take out a desert eagle that he had specially ordered to build with gold. Unlike the Maxim machine gun, which was renamed Huaxia Dragon Lance by Ji Yan, the Desert Eagle was first formed in 1980 and is a hunting pistol. Because of its powerful firepower, it is well-known.

It can be said that the appearance of the golden desert eagle appeared in the era when flintlock rifles were still being used on a large scale, and the reaction was violent. At the very least, the Russian side was attracted by the excellent appearance of the golden desert eagle, and then it was shocked by the powerful force.

The Tsarist Russian envoy who came to talk about peace no longer doubted that Ji Yanzhi boasted that he was very talented in firearm construction. On the battlefield, the soldiers who were said to be trained by the Emperor of Qing Dynasty personally showed that they were completely different from the past. The different fighting power, and the Huaxia Dragon Spear that made them coveted but feared, have proved that the emperor of the Qing Dynasty who is now six years old and now only fourteen years old is an unparalleled genius.

The Tsarist side came to make them look at each other. One of the grand dukes, who was obviously the principal, took the lead and said: "Your Majesty the Great Qing Emperor, the treaty signed with your country can be annulled. But is this 8 million taels of compensation..."

"Is it less?" Ji Yanzhi showed a smile, but interrupted what the grand prince wanted to say. "I thought about it and felt that the compensation of 8 million taels of silver was less. Not ten million in compensation."

This great Duke is also the future Alexander III, and now Alexander III. Alexandrovich, the second son of Tsar Alexander II, has been confused by Ji Yanzhi's unreasonable words.

Ji Yanzhi is very strong, but Alexander III understands that Ji Yanzhi's strength comes from his self-confidence and his already strong national power. It’s just that Alexander III would rather not understand where Ji Yanzhi’s strength came from, because it would affect his judgment, and would make Tsarist Russia lose a territory that had only been occupied for a few years and had no time to govern, and at the same time suffered even greater losses.

Alexander III couldn't help but said loudly: "His Majesty the Emperor of Qing Dynasty, your words do not conform to the international conventions formulated by various countries..."

"It's in line with the convention that I have drawn up." Ji Yanzhi is like watching a monkey show, watching Alexander III with relish: "I really like your foreign saying that only strength is the only thing that determines everything in this world. I have the strength now, so I am qualified to decide everything."

"Don't bully me when I'm young, just tell me something that doesn't conform to the international conventions. Even if it doesn't conform to the international conventions, why not? Let's fight again if I'm not convinced, my soldiers will accompany me at any time!"

The last sentence of Ji Yanzhi was horrible, and the effect was obvious. The spiritual compensation was compensated at 10 million taels of silver instead of the original 8 million taels of silver.

And that's all, the key is that Ji Yanzhi took Alexander III to hide in the small black room and talked for a while, and Alexander III happily paid the compensation and began to befriend Daqing.

I watched from a distance this can be said to be a miraculous development of Sino-Russian talks. For this and their expected, very different results, Britain and France and other countries were capitalized by 10,000, and they all agreed that they were still fighting at the last moment. "Fighting" is called a brother in the next moment, which must be strange.

There must be some strangeness. After all, Ji Yanzhi is generally at ease with the situation. Under unusual circumstances, it would be good not to be a demon to torture other people and the whole family.

What did Ji Yanzhi and Alexander III talk about in the "little black room" alone?

Talked about how to reach an alliance to resist the anti-aggression operations of Western European countries together.

Like during World War II, all countries like to find allies. If you win, you don't necessarily win together, but you must lose if you lose. Allies fight each other against allies. During World War II in history, Germany, Italy and Japan formed a fascist alliance, while other countries were anti-fascist alliances.

The ally nature of the Qing Dynasty and the Czarist Russian Empire, to put it bluntly, is the fascist alliance.

You must know that Ji Yanzhi itself is not a good person. Although people are strictly speaking, they are comfortable with the situation, and they can do whatever they want in any position. But don't expect him to hold no grudges, and it's this kind of national hatred.

Don't think that you can just drive away the invaders. At the very least, you have to get the losses back, so that the invaders often suffer from aggression. This is because when you repay your grievances with virtue, you can only know how to be afraid when a jackal is disabled, and know that it will pay a heavy price to provoke a sleeping lion.

It is only appropriate to choose the Tsarist Russia as an ally. After all, there is a friend who has many roads, and there are more ally in cleaning up Western Europe and other countries, and the Tsarist Empire likes to use their own countrymen as ‘gray animals’. It will definitely make Western Europe and other countries pay the price of blood and tears.

On December 12, the seventh year of Tongzhi (1868 AD), the Qing Dynasty and the Russian Empire had peace talks. Out of the “coercion” of Western European countries and other countries, Tsarist Russia apologized for invading the Qing Dynasty. On the basis of compensating 10 million taels of silver, Tsarist Russia took the initiative to propose Abolish the "Sino-Russian Beijing Treaty" and the "Sino-Russian Tianjin Treaty."

Subsequently, on December 15th, Ji Yanzhi expressed his gratitude to the Tsarist Empire’s "familiarity" and issued a unilateral abolition through the General Information Administration of the "China-US Tianjin treaty".

The "Sino-U.S. Tianjin Treaty" is also known as the "Sino-U.S. Reconciliation Treaty", and the "Sino-Russian Tianjin Treaty", the "Sino-British Tianjin Treaty" and the "Sino-French Tianjin Treaty" constitute the main body of the "Tianjin Treaty". In the treaty, the U.S. requested the Qing to open the mainland so that American products could enter the Qing more smoothly and to expand the rights and interests stipulated in the "Treaty of Wangxia."

It can be said that through the "Sino-U.S. Tianjin Treaty", the United States plundered a lot of wealth in the Qing Dynasty. The Sino-U.S. Renewal Treaty, which was supposed to be signed on the ninth day of June in the seventh year of Tongzhi in history, provided convenience for the United States to expand its looting of Chinese workers and strengthen its cultural and religious aggression against China.

In this parallel world, the United States may have seen the difference between Ji Yanzhi’s Tongzhi Emperor and his weak and incompetent emperor’s father, Xianfeng. In view of this, the United States did not propose to renew the "Sino-U.S. Tianjin Treaty," but rather to do business in Tianjin, Xiamen, Macau and other places obediently.

Unexpectedly, they are so obedient. They used to talk about “harmony is the most precious”. They were bullied to the doorstep of the country where they are very forgiving and forgiving. They actually took the lead to revoke the Sino-U.S. Tianjin Treaty. "And the "Treaty of Wangxia", and the deadline is one week.

If there is no response from the United States after a week, the Qing Dynasty will use force to forcibly take back many port cities such as Tianjin, Xiamen, and Macau that the Americans have occupied on the grounds of doing business.

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