Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 2 Chapter 80: There is a sense of accomplishment in changing the plot

  Ps: Thank you, Mr. Tianyong, tomorrow is a stranger, a reward of 100 starting coins for the years!


   When A Zhu brought the food, Su Yi suddenly said: "A Zhu, I'm afraid I have to leave..."


A Zhu, who was eating and humming a little song in joy, suddenly stiffened, and a sad expression flashed across her face. The bamboo chopsticks in her hand accidentally fell to the ground, and she did not go. Instead, he lowered his head and asked: "How long will you leave this trip, son?"


"It can be as short as one or two months, and as long as three or four months..." Su Yi placed his hand on A Zhu's, and said softly, "Since I am not here, I can't let you live in Yanziwu alone. , Can I ask Deng Baichuan to send you back to Dali?"


"When you come back, son, do you go back to Yanziwu directly... or go to Dali?" A Zhu fixedly stared at Su Yi with a pair of gentle eyes, and said: "A Zhu wants to wait for you where you are going, son... …"


Su Yi smiled and whispered: "Fool, have you forgotten what I told you two years ago? Now that the two-year period is approaching, when I come back, I will go to Dali and beat up those monks. Pause, let them know how stupid it is not to let me marry my little Azhu!"


   "Well... Then Al Zhu will go back to Dali and wait for the son..." Al Zhu Zhanyan showed a happy smile.


   "Okay, then I'll go to Brother Deng later, you can leave tomorrow..."


   After speaking, Su Yizhong took a pair of bamboo chopsticks and handed it to Ah Zhu. He was about to eat. A rush of footsteps outside interrupted the warm pace between the two...


  The visitor was indeed Deng Baichuan, whom Su Yi had just mentioned. He hurried over. It seemed that there was something urgent...


   See Cao Cao Cao Cao will be there. Su Yi couldn't help but laughed, and said loudly, "Why is Big Brother Deng so anxious? Have you eaten it? If not, how about sitting down and trying A Zhu's craft?"


Running all the way to Su Yi's side, Deng Baichuan smiled bitterly: "I'm afraid my subordinates won't have such blessings today, son, a deaf and mute person has just come to look for his subordinates. He handed him a famous post...Please read him. !"


   "Deaf and dumb?!"


   Su Yi suddenly got up, took the famous post from Deng Baichuan, opened it, and a smile appeared on his face...


   "Hmm, it turned out to be the eighth day of February... The feeling is that I am too eager..."


Muttered to himself in a low voice, Su Yi turned his head and said to Deng Baichuan: "Big Brother Deng, you came just right. Tomorrow, please help me to send Azhu back to the Dali Palace. I have an urgent matter to deal with... …I'm afraid I will have to leave for a while."


   Deng Baichuan said worriedly: "My son, do you need your subordinates to call Baodi and Fengbo evil to come back and go with him?"


   "You don't have to...I'm all alone!"


   "Yes! That subordinate retired..."


   Deng Baichuan is very interesting, leaving the rest of the time to Su Yi and A Zhu who will be separated for a while...




   The next day, Su Yi carried his sword box on his back. The Gentleman Sword was not carried, but left to A Zhu... In his current realm, the light sword and the heavy sword were actually no different, and the two were cumbersome... Although A Zhu said that the gentleman sword was only for men's own use. It's really inappropriate, but after all, those who go out still have to have weapons. Su Yi told her that if she was willing to carry the gentleman sword honestly, then the lady sword that matched this sword would be given to her... …


   When I heard that Su Yi's weapon was a pair of weapons, Azhu was immediately overjoyed...Without a word, he took the gentleman's sword in his arms!


   After bidding farewell to Aju Yiyi. Su Yi went out again...




   Liangu Mountain is not far from Yanziwu... But in three days' time, Su Yi has already arrived nearby...


   In the past three days, the terrain has become more and more remote. On the third day, I couldn’t see a single figure for most of the day... Su Yi couldn’t help but slander. Although he knew that you were trying to avoid Ding Chunqiu, but since he decided to lure him out and die with him, you just moved to a fair and honest place. The place is hidden in this **** lump. It's really a loss for Ding Chunqiu to find here...


   was lying in the bottom of his heart, and suddenly heard a shout from the front. Su Yi's ears are very pointed, although no one is visible. But he can hear that, I am afraid that at least hundreds of people are fighting in front of him...


  Since he is here, he must be a member of the martial arts... Su Yi immediately slapped a horse and hurried forward...


   After about one or two miles of work, someone has already faintly seen in front... and Su Yi's ears heard the sound of dragons...


   Drop the Dragon Eighteen Palms?


   Su Yi immediately knew that it was Qiao Feng who was in front of him! I just don’t know who else in the rivers and lakes besides himself has the patience and can stand up to this Qiao gang leader...


  Getting closer, Su Yi finally saw that it was the Astral Sect who was fighting with the Beggars... and the opponent of Qiao Feng was the legendary old monster...


The old monster martial arts of the stars are far away from Qiao Feng. If it is a fair fight, I am afraid that it will be difficult to survive with a hundred moves... But all of them are all kinds of messy toxins... Whenever they are about to lose, they will sprinkle them. Qiao Feng did not know the details, but did not dare to get too close. He was only able to blow it away by the wind of the eighteen palms of the dragon, so he gave it to the old monster of the stars. A breathing opportunity, although the old constellation monster is already in danger, before the poison on his body is thrown out, I am afraid that there will be no life worry for the time being!


After watching it for a while, Su Yi couldn't help but nodded secretly. He has made great progress in the past two years, but Qiao Feng really is not standing still. Looking at his hand, it seems that he is more than one or two better than two years ago... It seems that he has not become a Khitanese and has not been spurned by the world, and there is no waste of wandering to track down the real murderer. He has more time to study martial arts, and he is afraid that he has already surpassed the Kumazhi who has learned the six-channel magic sword!


   really deserves to be the strongest leader of the Beggar Gang over the years! If this martial art is used to shoot eagles, I am afraid that Wang Chongyang will not be able to resist the power of the dragon with eighteen palms!


Ding Chunqiu was miserable under Qiao Feng's palm, and although the astrological disciples under him were many and powerful, there were hundreds of people, but these people usually just slid their beards and beat horses, but they have never concentrated on martial arts... Where can you compare with the disciples of the Beggar Gang? It's just like the old constellation monsters to defend themselves against poison, but it makes the beggars help the disciples to be incapable of handling...


Su Yi blinked and saw that there were still several carriages next to them. They were tightly sealed, and they were used to detain prisoners... It should be Ding Chunqiu who captured someone and locked them in the carriage, but I don’t know who actually let this Didn't the old poison that is more toxic than Ouyang Feng kill the killer immediately?


   At this time, a beggar disciple rushed over, knocked the Astral Sect disciple who was guarding the carriage to the ground, and rescued the prisoner in the carriage... But it was a monk and several strangers?


   "Master Xuan Nan?!"


Su Yi only then remembered that it seems that the hard-working master mysterious in the original book died by Ding Chunqiu's hands. It is not surprising that he was captured by Ding Chunqiu right now, and after that, the people in the several carriages were After being rescued, Su Yi couldn't help but coughed up, and saw that Baodi and Fengbo were among them...


Bao Di and Feng Bo E just untied the ropes, and wanted to go forward and fight with the Astral Sect disciples. When they turned around, they saw that there seemed to be someone watching the battle. After looking intently, they couldn't help shouting with joy, "Master! The **** of the Astral Sect are so abominable, don't you hurry up and teach them?"


With a palm, Qiao Feng saw that Long Zaitian blows away Ding Chunqiu’s poisonous mist and forced others back. He listened to the shouts and looked back. He couldn’t help laughing, “Brother Murong, we haven’t seen each other in years. ...Unexpectedly, I would meet here today..."


Su Yi couldn’t help but smiled happily... He has been living in Dali and staying at but he hasn’t wandered on the rivers and lakes, so the Manchu Cong counted it up, he and Joe Feng has only seen one side... but the word Qiao Feng alone is enough to make Su Yi feel good about him. The bottom of my heart can't help but secretly thank Xiao Yuanshan for coming. Indeed, if I kill him personally, I'm afraid There is no way to face Qiao Feng calmly...


However, in the original work, Qiao Feng, who was supposed to be his Nanyuan King in Khitan at this time, was still the leader of the beggar gang, and he came to this place where he would never have been... Su Yi's heart changed the moment of accomplishment Comes spontaneously!


He laughed and said: "Clan Master's really been a long time since...Ding Chunqiu, an old thief who is mediocre in martial arts, is good at handling poisons. I'm afraid it will take a while for you, Clan Master Qiao, to take down this old thing, right? Dare, I'm going to put my hand in..."


   "Hahaha...If the Murong brothers have a way to make their poison ineffective, then Qiao will naturally hand over to Xian!"


   The sound of the dragon chant between Qiao Feng's palm is a masterpiece... The palm of the call forced Ding Chunqiu back, and then quickly backed away, leaving the battle circle to Su Yi!


   Su Yi exerted a slight effort under his feet. He had already left the horse, and volleyed towards Ding Chunqiu, who was shaken by Qiao Feng's palm wind! (To be continued)

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