Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 3 Chapter 38: What kind of posture should I pose?


  Ps: Thanks to Kukuxiaode for the 100 starting currency reward! By the way, it’s fifteen today. Luo Hua has rolled back to her hometown. It’s been fifteen, and the update has been delayed. Haha


  锵! ! !


With the long chant of the **** soldier unsheathed, a hot feeling in the cave suddenly dissipated, and the dark environment was immediately filled with blazing fire... A fire dragon surged out of Su Yi’s scabbard. Silent roar in the wide cave...


  Looking carefully, it was a red fire sword snaking and dancing in Su Yi's hand, and flames emerged from the flickering sword shadow...


The combination of the Fire Lin Sword and the Fire Lin Sword Art really increased the power of the perfect combination, and it brought the evil nature of the Fire Lin Sword to the extreme. The name of the evil **** in the sword was indeed well-deserved. Su Yi kept the sword in his hands. An evil thought on the sword body surged straight into his heart, making him have an urge to wait for the sword to go out of the hole and kill the ring immediately...


It is a pity that after Su Yi's internal forces merged at this moment, besides the Jiu Ming Zhen Qi, which is a mixture of the two top schools of Buddhism and Taoism, the kung fu of concentrating and calming can be called the Fengyun Bing Xin Jue, but there is no second mental method. Comparable to...


   At the same time possessing Bing Xin Jue and Jiu Ming Zhen Qi, Su Yi said that this is a little bit of evil thought... It's fine when it doesn't exist...


   After a while, the Huolin swordsmanship was completed... Su Yi's sword style changed, and his swordsmanship changed drastically. The sword power instantly became ruthless, but he began to practice the Spiritual swordsmanship again...


  Fire Lin swordsmanship and Spirit swordsmanship are both the best swordsmanship in the world! Now that they have fallen into Su Yi's hands, Su Yi will naturally not let them be covered in dust, although Dugu Nine Swords may not be inferior to these two sets of swordsmanship. But after all, Dugu Jiu Sword is more epeemed than sword style, which also led to its swordsmanship concept can be integrated into any set of these two sets of swordsmanship are for Su Yi. It's completely because there are too many skills and don't press down, and learning will not lead to nowhere to be used...


   is just the opposite. If the Dugu sword intent is used to stimulate the spirit swordsmanship and the fire-lin swordsmanship, the power of swordsmanship will be greatly increased...


Not only that, even Aohan Six Jue's peerless swordsmanship has been transformed by Su Yi painstakingly and solitaryly in the past few months, and has become a completely different swordmanship...It's a pity that the Huolin sword is a kind of sword. Extremely hot, but it can't tolerate the extreme cold and extreme ice sword... but it can't be practiced... But after Su Yi got the Fire Lin Sword, he couldn't put it down, where he was willing to use that sword heart is completely a sword Holy Warriors Sword! Fortunately, Su Yi is now innumerable with all kinds of unique skills, but he is not in a hurry to practice this Aohan Six Jue!




   After practicing all the two sets of peerless swordsmanship. Although Su Yi did not use internal force because he was in the cave, there are still densely scorched black sword marks everywhere in the cave. This is simply the power of the Fire Lin sword...


Su Yi wiped the sweat from his head and sat in a corner of the stone cave quietly meditating... This is his habit of being immobile during this period of time. Every morning he goes to the river to fish for snow drinks and in the afternoon at Lingyun Cave. Meditating inside the sword... But now, after all the martial arts in the world, Su Yi, who has gone through many days of painstaking practice, has long been perfect in the cultivation of the Spirit Sword Technique and the Fire Lin Sword Technique... Only he has been in this period of time. The meditation, but there is no progress...


   When I was playing with Wuming. The reason why Su Yi was defeated was not because of his inferior swordsmanship, but that the sword intent of grief was as silent as a spring rain, waiting to be discovered. However, he has already been in the five inner circle by him, and under the sad and unbearable mood, how can he beat the nameless...


   Although Su Yi is now confident if he is prepared for it. This grief and sword intent may not be able to interfere with myself to such a great extent, or even stop the sword...


   But after all, there is less than one year left in the five-year engagement with Wuming. Although it was originally an agreement made casually for Wuming to accept Tongxi Dilong Wan, since it was an agreement. He has absolutely no plan to lose again!


  This battle...We must win!


   Then, realizing the sword intent that belongs to oneself, but it is definitely a move...




   Su Yi closed his eyes and sat cross-legged, his expression free from sorrow and joy, but his thoughts had already flown to the person who had realized his sword intent and his strength!


   Swordmaster’s holy spirit swordsmanship, the sword intent is ruthless and heartless! It comes from the fact that he once served the seventh life ruthlessly and was ruthless all his life!


  The nameless inexplicable swordsmanship, the sword intent is grief, which stems from the fact that he has experienced the most cruel and merciless thing in the world and broke with his brother! Say goodbye to your wife!


   These two people are the only people in today's martial arts who have realized the sword intent, and their sword intent is closely related to their lives... Is this also a characteristic of the sword intent?


   If this is the case, then what is the sword intent of your own Dugu Nine Sword?


   In the past few months, Su Yi has been thinking about it every day, trying to realize what his sword intent is...


  Dugu Nine Swords broke through the world of martial arts, what kind of sword intent is it?


   Su Yi uses inexplicable swordsmanship and can imitate the sense of nameless grief and sword intent. Although the power is far less than the original version, it is really a good trick to fool people! And using the Holy Swordsmanship, that ruthless and unrighteous taste can be imitated even more than the sword intent of grief, and can almost approach the point of the sword master... Is it because he is a ruthless and unrighteous person like the sword master?


   Su Yi said that it was all an illusion...


   Although I don’t know the reason, since I can even imitate the sword intent of others, then the sword intent belongs to my own...what kind of power is it?


   Su Yi can’t wait to create his own sword intent...


   It's a pity... this is really not an urgent task...


If it is said that Xueyin crazy knife search, Su Yi said that he has searched more than half of the river basin, and although the target is still no news, but it is just around the corner to get Xueyin back... Then Jianyi this One piece, but there is no progress at all...


   It's been a whole year now, and the ruthless swordsmanship of the Holy Spirit swordsmanship has been cultivated to great success, but Su Yi has to admit sadly that the sword intent is really not something that can be polished by water...




   Forget it, it’s a big deal when the time comes with the Bing Xin Jue state and the nameless babble... I don’t believe that my heart will be clear then, you can still make me cry...


   To no avail, Su Yi had no choice but to give up Jianxin’s comprehension... It said that the physical Xueyin Crazy Sword is more hopeful...


At the moment, I had to pat the ashes of the ashes, and played with the fire unicorn who was unhappy after I pulled out the fire lin sword and ran out of the cave and closed his eyes at the door to rest, and then pulled its head to let it take itself. Leaving Lingyun Cave...


Standing at the entrance of Lingyun Grotto, Su Yi looked at the cave behind, and watched the figure of Huo Qilin disappear into Lingyun Grotto. He knew in his heart...the deepest part of there, the dragon vein representing the lifeblood of China was hidden here. Inside the cave...


   For the past year, Su Yi has been practicing swordsmanship in Lingyun Cave, Huo Qilin has already trusted him incomparably! I believe that if I want to ask for a dragon vein, I am afraid that the fire unicorn with the same IQ as a child will take him to find the dragon vein...


   represents the Qi Luck of China. If this dragon vein is obtained, I really don’t know how much luck it will give me...


   Thinking of the large amount of air luck, Su Yi's heart is hot, but when he thinks of the meaning of dragon veins, he feels that it is better not to move rashly...


   After all, it is the same as the sacred stone, which represents the happiness and well-being of millions of people in China! What's more, Duanlang's cheap old man Duanshuai is still living in seclusion in Lingyun Cave, if he hits...


   Forget it, anyway, the four great stones and the heroic and godless life are enough to leave Fengyun One World, so don't be too sullen here! After all, Fengyun World is too magical, and there are countless masters hidden in it. In case one or two are accidentally provoked, I am afraid that I will not be able to eat it and walk away... Not to mention, just face the unknown ancestor Emperor Shi Tian The Sacred Heart...


   In case the oss behind the scenes of the second situation, Su Yi thinks that the question he can consider is what posture is better when he is dead?




   glanced at Lingyun Grottoes again, Su Yi sighed a long sigh, and quickly left this sad place with a light effort. This is a proper way to enter Baoshan and return empty-handed! (To be continued...)





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