Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 4 Chapter 65: I always want to say bad things, you know

"Why... save me?" The sacred stone fell in the air, and the silver snakes in the sky continued to chase down, blasting on the sacred stone one after another... Lu Xueqi weakly opened her eyes in her arms, and she He asked: "Since you have been lying to me, why bother about my life... You just dispelled my body with lightning, but unfortunately the God Sword Yu Lei Zhen tactic will not dissipate without the master's hand... Heaven and Earth The majesty is boundless, even if your magic weapon is extremely defensive, how long can you resist it?"


If you don’t see the external electric lights and look at the extremely weak and fragile figure in his arms, Su Yi’s voice is unconsciously soft, "I always wanted to ask, you keep saying I don’t admit it, saying I lie to you ...I want to hear your careful explanation, where did I lie to you?"


   A blush flashed across Lu Xueqi’s pale face, she rolled her head and whispered: "It's all this time, you and I are on the line... Why do you pretend to be crazy and be stupid?"


   Su Yi couldn't wait to scratch his scalp, he said distressed: "The problem is that I really don't understand..."


"Okay! I'll tell you!" Lu Xueqi turned her head back and looked at Su Yi solemnly: "That day~ you not only peeped at my body, but also ruined my innocence... But you kept saying that you only looked at me. Body, without mentioning that matter, you are clearly talking about it, perfunctory to me..."


"and many more……"


Su Yi couldn't help but interrupted aloud: "Isn't I ruining your innocence because I saw your body? Because I saw your body, it is considered as ruining your innocence... Isn't this a thing? But why do I listen to you, it seems that there are two things? "Not only... but..." Is there a problem with your grammar application?"


"I don't understand what you're talking about..." Lu Xueqi coughed weakly, and said, "I bleeds from the bottom that day. But it wasn't my Tiankui that day. My daughter's blood was not because of Tiankui. Could it be that Is there a third reason? The evidence is solid, do you still want to deny it?"


   The voice just fell. Lu Xueqi felt that the powerful arms holding her suddenly tightened, and Su Yi's expression on the top suddenly became extremely strange, crying, annoyed, surprised... and that heavy unbelievable expression...


   "Huh, did you finally remember?" Seeing Su Yi's expression, she snorted coldly.


Su Yi's expression was stiff as if it were a wooden person. He glanced blankly at Lu Xueqi's swearing expression in his arms, and then at the thick silver snake on his head that was constantly flashing thunder and lightning, despite the sacred stone. It's still indestructible, but flashes of electricity. After the sacred stone was hit, the speed of its falling continued to increase... as if it was falling toward hell!


   If it is not a **** stone, it is a supreme body protector...


   I was in such a dangerous situation... and the girl in my arms almost died...


   stiffly stretched out his fingers and pinched his face, Su Yi muttered: "It doesn't hurt... It turns out to be a dream!"


   Lu Xueqi said angrily: "What do you mean? What do you pin my face?"


Su Yi still kept pinching her face, with a dull expression on her face, saying every word: "I just want to know, because of the absurd misunderstanding you mentioned, we are in such a situation, if it were not a dream If you do, then I can only say, Lu Xueqi... how special are you... you know. Even if I like you very much, now I always want to say bad things, you know?"


   Unable to slap Su Yi's hand away, Lu Xueqi couldn't help but get stuck, "Misunderstanding? What misunderstanding?"


   "Where did you know that a woman is bleeding from her body because she lost her innocence?"


   "In the little book of elder sister...I once took a peek at it..."


   Su Yi rolled his eyes. It seems that the sisters of Xianxia World also read Xiaohuangben, Zeng Rudao is not alone...


Taking a deep breath, Su Yi said in a loud voice: "Then I tell you. The first time a woman loses her innocence will be accompanied by pain, did you hurt? Did you hurt that day? And in the hall that day. There are so many elder brothers and sisters who are undressed, and at that time, many of the elder brothers were so excited that they had a nosebleed... I haven’t seen it yet. That’s true. I saw you up and down clearly that day, you said me Is it normal to have no nosebleeds? Is it normal?"


   After talking about Su Yi, he felt that his nosebleed was really a normal reaction, and it was abnormal to say...


"what did you say?"


Lu Xueqi also stiffened. She stared at Su Yi blankly, ignoring that their faces were almost touching at the moment, "You said that the blood on my leg that I saw that day was actually your... nosebleed? "


   looked at her body speechlessly, she muttered: "Then I have been doing this for a while...what's going on?"


The red shadow flashed, and A Nuan, who had been hiding in Su Yi's sleeve, also sprinted out. It stood on Su Yi's shoulder, and his anthropomorphic eyes looked at Lu Xueqi directly, and then the smaller head shook slightly. Shake, seems to be sighing silently...


Lu Xueqi had known about the human nature of A Nuan, she was surprised and asked: "Don't you know the truth, A Nuan?" I remembered the situation when he stood up and pretended to die whenever he mentioned it. In an extremely dangerous situation, she still only felt a rush of heat on her face... It was too... too shameful... In the past few years, her grievances and sadness were all just an oolong?


Su Yi sighed, and said helplessly: " said that I was fooling you as a three-year-old kid, but now I found out that you are actually worse than a three-year-old kid... at least as a girl. , You should know a little bit about the most basic physiological knowledge, right?"


"I grew up on the mountain, and no one has ever told me about this. I naturally don't understand..." Lu Xueqi suddenly looked straight, her eyes burning, staring at Su Yi, she asked seriously: "Yes. You are a man, why do you understand this?"


Su Yi couldn't help but stagnate, and then smiled: "Common's just common sense...well, now that the misunderstanding has been solved, I think we should stop struggling with this problem, and still find a way to solve it. This is a big trouble. After all, if the two of us die under this misunderstanding, you and I don't know, but I don't think I can squint."


Hearing Su Yi talking about business, Lu Xueqi no longer struggled with the question of why he understood so much. She also looked up at the dark sky above her head and watched the thick lightning smashing down... "This lightning is It was summoned by the Divine Sword Yulei True Art. It originally came down to the master’s hand and then attacked the enemy. After that, it will disappear without a trace... But before I took the shot, you forcibly eliminated the lightning. I have never done so. I've heard of it, but looking at this trend, I am afraid that as long as I receive a bolt of lightning, I will use this type of magic sword to protect against thunder... This endless thunder and lightning will be completely dissipated... Let me go out, one day Ya protect body, I should be able to take it!"


"Bullshit!" Su Yi snorted, looking at her body that had just been hit by lightning, and he could see very clearly at close range. This girl looked unharmed, but I am afraid that she had already been hurt in her body. The thunder and lightning hits so severely, that the so-called should be picked up, even the ghost can't deceive...


   ignored her request, Su Yi said to himself: "You lie here first... I will try to see if this thunder and lightning can let it go away..."


As he said, he gently placed Lu Xueqi on the bottom of the sacred stone, and he stood up and watched the sky still flashing downwards. Then he glanced at Lu Xueqi lying at his feet and chuckled. "I never intended to die are not allowed to die here, so I will definitely save you today!"


   "Then be careful..." Lu Xueqi was not stubborn, but she whispered.


Su Yi smiled without saying a word. He shook the Dragon Sword in his hands together, believing: "Ghost Slashing God and Divine Sword Yulei True Art are both one of the four true tactics of Qingyunmen. I will try it today , Which one is stronger in the end!"


The words fell, and the dragon sword was suddenly bursting with a blue brilliance. This time the light was better than any previous time. The sacred stone was flooded with blue light for a short time, like a blue sun. Next to Lu Xueqi I couldn't help closing my eyes and turning my head...


   "Awesome righteousness, the world will last forever! Don't ask for the immortal, but kill the ghosts!!!"


Along with a long howl, under the control of Su Yi, the divine stone burst into a gap...the lightning saw cracks to drill, as if there was wisdom, it rushed towards this gap, but the next moment, a blue meteor rushed from the divine stone. Come out, like the rising sun, dazzling...


   boom~~! ! !


The lightning was blasted away, and then the cyan meteor blasted towards the gloomy sky like nine days of thunder. With the sharp sound of piercing the air, one after another lightning was completely scattered. The strength of the power alone resisted the world, and there was a sudden surge of pride in his heart. Su Yi shouted loudly, the sword light was brighter, and instantly broke through the sea of ​​clouds, and returned to the sky...


   The entire sea of ​​ was filled with the blue light, and the face of the first seat of the Qimai that rushed to the front was also reflected in blue...


   "Slash the dragon sword indefinitely, and all the swords return to the ghost and god! This...this is...the ghost god?!!!"


Although the news that Wan Jianyi is still alive has long been known, and there have been many intersections... But seeing the moves that have not appeared in the world for hundreds of years, Cang Song still can't help but feel excited and inexplicable. The old tears...and Tian Buyi, Su Ru Shuiyue and the others, are even more disoriented...Looking at the white-clothed Shengxue, the azure meteor, the figure is so familiar...It seems to have been back hundreds of years. A few years ago when young and frivolous...the corners of everyone's eyes were moist...


  嗖~~~! ! !


   Accompanied by the sharp sound of the meteors, the lightning blasted one after another. The cyan meteor rushed into the dark vortex of the sky without hesitation, and then suddenly burst into the vortex, as if being held up...


The next moment, a golden scorching sun projected from the clouds, and more and more golden light emerged, finally dispelling the dark clouds, the golden light was dazzling, and the lightning silver snake looked like a rootless snake, helplessly disappearing in the sky. ! (To be continued...)

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