Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 4 Chapter 143: I heard that killing ghosts and grief are inexplicably more compatible

Undoubtedly, compared to the true tactics of the God Sword Yulei...Su Yi's cultivation of the ghosts are more proficient...

The Unparalleled Excalibur slashed across the sky and swept away the thunder vortex that had just been summoned by the Excalibur Yulei True Art. Between the world, only the unparalleled Excalibur was left!

"Return my master's order!!!"

Combining with the Divine Sword, Su Yi summoned up all his cultivation skills, and suddenly drew a sword...but the sword body suddenly traversed several mysterious and mysterious tracks in the air...

All of a sudden, a sense of grief filled the Tianyin Temple...Among the spectators, those disciples with lower cultivation levels could not help crying! It seems to be aroused sad things...

Inexplicable grief! ! !

Su Yi avenged his teacher! The murderous grief in my heart is difficult to relax, and he subconsciously displayed the most powerful style of the nameless inexplicable sword technique-grief inexplicable!

Kill the ghosts and add grief inexplicably! ! !

A huge sword that can reach the sky, seemingly cumbersome and unparalleled, but it turned into countless sharp sword shadows, stabs towards Puhong who is as small as an ant below!

Looking at the huge sword that penetrates the sky, watching the young man roaring in the sword, but with tears in his eyes... The grief is inexplicable, not only the sadness of the many monks in Tianyin Temple, but also the sadness. Su Yi also recalled that Cang Shihu who was kind to him, and the great sword was more saddened... even stronger!

"What a weird sword..."

Facing the inexplicable grief, this sword technique that definitely does not belong to the plane of Zhu Xian, Puhong's heart is like dry water, naturally undisturbed... But he can clearly feel the grief in it...

Put emotions into the sword?

At the moment he looked at Su Yi with a bit of shock, using his own emotions into the sword, but this has never been possible since ancient times. No one can think of things... This young man clearly walked out of a path that Taoist Aoba never walked before!


A long sigh sounded... It seems to be feeling why this Tianzong is his enemy of Tianyin Temple, and it seems to be why Tianyin Temple does not have such a masterful wizard...

A little golden light slowly rose from behind Puhong. The golden light became more and more prosperous, more and more Hongdae... accompanied by bursts of sanskrit. With a little bit of lotus incense, a phantom gradually turned out behind Puhong, slowly condensing into the image of a golden Buddha, the size of which was even comparable to the giant sword that Su Yi turned into! And as his eyes slowly opened, a sense of peace instantly dispelled the sense of grief...

The Buddha's palms were slowly raised high, and between his hands, a magic weapon that looked like a golden round disc emerged, with brilliant golden light and golden color throughout. It is one foot in diameter and square, and the arhats are engraved in a circle around the edge...

It is the treasure of Buddhism that has followed Puhong for hundreds of years-the Golden Wheel of Great Compassion!

Puhong lowered his head to recite the Buddha mantra silently, as if anxious and slow, as sad as joy... And with his spells, the golden wheel of great compassion in the Buddha's hand gradually expanded, and gradually its size even exceeded the Buddha's body... On the giant sword incarnate of Su Yi!

The sword of grief and the wheel of compassion collided between heaven and earth...

Two peerless powers collided in front of the Tianyin Temple...

Boom~~! ! !

The sky was shaking and the earth was shaking, landslides and rocks...

Even with the protection of prohibition, the entire Mount Xumi still trembles...


"Quickly avoid..."


Within the Eight Fiends Profound Fire Array, the Great Hall of the Great Heroes of Tianyin Temple also shook violently under this blow. Countless bricks and tiles were smashed down, and the unconscious disciples hurriedly dragged the unconscious disciples to avoid the stone attack...

But Pukong Pufang looked at the front with an extremely solemn expression...the sword was already beyond them. Brother, how is he...?

The place where the giant sword and the golden wheel confronted in front was filled with smoke and dust, but it did not remain silent for long. Suddenly, there was another clash of babble, and it was obvious that the earth-shattering blow just now did not tell the winner. The two actually started again in the smoke... and...

Pu Fang and Pu Kong looked at each other, and their eyes were just ten years. Is this kid able to compete with Senior Brother Puhong, who has the highest cultivation level in Tianyin Temple? If you give him another ten years...

A murderous opportunity flashed in the eyes of the two of them! Even if he is scolded by the senior brother today, he must be killed in the palm of his hand, otherwise Tianyin Temple will be inevitable in the future...

Protecting their surroundings with the Dafan Prajna true law, the two shouted loudly and rushed to the eight evil mysterious fire formation in front! Right now this kid is entangled with his senior, and there is no time to sneak attack on himself, as long as the two of them can rush out, with three enemies and one, even with these eight fierce profound fire formations, this kid will undoubtedly die!

Boom~! ! !

Without Su Yi’s presidency, the Eight Ovious Mysterious Fire Formation suffered the simultaneous impact of two masters. There was a sudden violent shaking, and countless tongues of fire fell... The hot flames fell on the ground, and suddenly the flat ground of Tianyin Temple The burning potholes... Many monks exclaimed again and again, hurriedly avoiding the flames falling from the sky...

Seeing that the two of them were about to squeeze out of the Eight Fiends Profound Fire Array, the smoke from the earth-shaking blow finally dissipated, revealing the two figures of Su Yi and Puhong!

The confrontation that took place just a short moment ago was extremely dangerous...

"It deserves to be one of the three leaders who lead the right way! I have worked hard for ten years, but still can't beat you!"

Su Yi wiped off the blood that leaked from his mouth, and he was hit in the back by Puhong's great compassion golden whorled birth. If it hadn't been for the divine stone to suddenly move with his heart, he would have taken most of the attacks on his behalf. Enough to lose combat power! Even with the **** stone, Su Yi still suffered a serious internal injury... and this was the first time someone could hurt himself through a **** stone! It seems that the absolute cultivation base, Puhong still has to surpass himself!

"Amitabha! Lin Shizhu is a gifted and talented person, unparalleled in the world... why bother to hate! Isn't it good to let go of falsehood and be at ease?"

Puhong looked at Su Yi's eyes full of praise and regret, just now, if he hadn't seen the opportunity quickly, he would have already had his head cut off by the Su Yi Fire Lin sword... But even if he avoided the Fire Lin sword, But still failed to escape the Dragon Slashing Sword... The combination of Su Yi's two swords also added three deep bone scars to Pu Hong's chest!

After taking a deep breath, it seems that after the war just now, the anger in my heart has vented a lot. Su Yi slowly said, "Although I can hardly let go of the tragedy in Caomiao Village back then, I have never looked for Tianyin. The temple’s plan to revenge! Whether it’s the broad compassion of Master Puhong or the gentleness and humility of Master Dhamma, I admire and admire... It’s a pity that I can’t let go of my master’s death. My goal today is simple... …"

Su Yi turned his head and looked at Pukong and Pufang, who had already passed through most of the Eight Fiends Profound Fire Array. Obviously, they could rush out with the most effort...and face these three People, apart from summoning the Eight Wilds Fire Dragon to destroy Tianyin Temple, there seems to be no other good way...

Su Yi slowly said: "My goal is very simple...not to mention, I take a step back, as long as Master Pukong is in front of me, I will immediately retreat, okay?"


bsp; "Qingyun child, Hugh can speak nonsense! Today/you never want to live away from Tianyin Temple!"

Pu Fang shouted angrily, and they rushed out together with Pu Kong, quickly forming a triangle shape and firmly surrounding Su Yi in the middle...

Su Yi glanced at the two newcomers and asked, "What? Master Puhong and I have not yet separated the victory or defeat. Do you want to rely on more to win?"

Pu Kong took a step forward and said angrily: "Facing you, the demon cult demon, why do you have to talk about morality... just kill!"

"It's because you are so arrogant that Tianyin Temple has fallen to where it is today..." Su Yi looked into the Eight Fiends Profound Fire Array. At this time, all the lake water in the pond had evaporated and the trees died. The earth is dry and cracked... and the disciples of Tianyin Temple who can still stand, but there is no one left...

"Pukong, seeing this scene, can't you still be subdued?" Su Yi looked into his eyes and asked: "Is it true that I misunderstood you? You should treat yourself more seriously than the Yin Temple that day? Is it more important?"

Looking back at the tragic situation behind Pukong's complexion quickly convulsed violently, and then he took a step forward, "Kill you! My Tianyin Temple can also be saved!"

"Kill me..." Su Yi lowered his head and sneered, first silently, then chuckled, and finally... it turned into a big laugh, he turned his head and looked at Pukong , "Do you think that if you three join forces, you can kill me? You think... if you three join forces, you can defeat me?!"

A sense of dead silence quickly permeated Su Yi's body, as if the vitality between heaven and earth was completely cut off, Su Yi said proudly: "Tell you! I...the least afraid of is group battle!!!"

Destroying Heaven and Earth Sword 23...

The most terrifying sword of destruction in the world finally showed its edge on the plane of Zhu Xian... (to be continued...)

ps: Kekeke, the third one today! The long-lost three-watches, I quickly recommend that you subscribe to Shenma to send it... This book is currently in a bottleneck stage, I need to improve! ! !


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