Counterattack of Infinite Supporting Characters

Vol 5 Chapter 153: Puhong will definitely cry




ps: Thank you I am but, the dog's favorite bubble 588 reward! Thanks for the 500 rewards from the Lord of Pervert Valley! Thank you for not wanting to name it, so that's it. Sleeping little friends, Mu Xiuyulin~, Zibuyudongye for 100 rewards!

Let's have another three changes today! These two days have been really busy. After the three shifts, we will have to do two more honestly for a few days... By the way, please subscribe and give tips and collection recommendations, dear friends! ! ! ! !

Unexpectedly, there were people in the ancestral hall where it was rare to see a stranger in the past few months, and the people who came could not help but froze for a moment... and hearing this claim, seeing Su Yi's face, he was also in a huge shock... The broom couldn't help falling to the ground...

But Cangsong is Cangsong after all! Obviously, concentration is much stronger than Su Yi... But within a moment of effort, endless complex colors flashed in his eyes, and he had returned to normal again, and his much older face showed a smile of relief, and smiled: "Jing Yu, it has been ten years since you have seen you, and you have finally returned to the Qingyun Gate! I am very pleased to be a teacher!"

Su Yi blankly watched Cangsong pass over him and walked to many spiritual positions. He straightened the three-pillar sandalwood that Su Yi had inserted, and gently flicked the incense ash on it. He said helplessly, and complained: "Oh...Since I came here to be with Senior Brother Wan, Senior Brother Wan has become more and more lazy, cleaning the inside and outside of the hall every day, and the worship of ancestor incense sticks has fallen on me! Every day is not free! I just went to clean the corner behind the ancestral hall, but I didn’t see you coming..."

"What the **** is going on?!!! Why are you still alive?"

Su Yi couldn't help asking loudly, and took a few steps forward and grabbed Cangsong's wrist. He warmed his hand, and his pulse was still beating! Obviously Cang Song standing in front of him is still alive, Su Yi's eyes widened, staring at him tightly. He wanted to find the traces of the human skin mask from his face, but after a long while, he was finally sure. Standing in front of him, although his face was more than twenty years old. But it is indeed Cangsong himself!

" are not..." After taking a few deep breaths, as if unable to believe it, Su Yi whispered: "Aren't you dead? Ten years ago, I saw you die in front of Yuqing Palace. , Died in the arms of Master Dao Xuan..."

When the voice fell, he couldn't help but was startled. An ridiculous thought flashed through his mind like a sparkle...

After Cang Song died that day... Dao Xuan's movement expression. It is very different from the past...

From his intention to provoke the Qingyun Tianyin battle, to the end being destroyed by Qi Hao, and then he broke the door forcibly... Daoxuan never said a word...

If it is on weekdays, I am afraid that he is thinking about the overall situation of the righteous way, even if his heart is broken and Cangsong's death, he would have jumped out a long time ago to stop himself... Such strange performance, and why?

The situation was urgent at that time, and Su Yi was angry again, and had no time to pay attention to his every move, but now think about it carefully...

Su Yi said loudly: "Did Uncle Dao Xuan rescue you?!!!"

Cang Song laughed in satisfaction. "Jing Yu, you are really clever! But you have discovered the truth from the clues! Senior Brother Daoxuan was able to secretly save Senior Brother Wan from the hands of the masters without being noticed by anyone, but even now. Even me. An old life was also secretly saved by him! Although I lost my cultivation base, I can live leisurely every day, and I live to watch my Qingyunmen flourish and become stronger. I Cangsong has no regrets in this life... "


Only then did Su Yi discover that Cang Song was only the first and second level cultivation base of Shangqing Realm at this moment!

"This is what I have cultivated slowly over the years..." Cang Song smiled: "I am an old horse who knows the way anyway. If I can't return to the Qing Dynasty within ten years, then I am not worthy of you. Master!"

"So...Senior Brother Xiao sent me a message before. Someone in Houshan ancestral hall wanted to see me... Is that person you?"

"Do you think it is Senior Brother Wan?!"

Cang Song laughed loudly... "Where can Senior Brother Wan take care of seeing you! He can live a very chic life now, and now I have taken care of all the work of cleaning the ancestral hall... and he had been with you back then. Sister Shuiyue had some fate. Unfortunately, because of Tianchengzi's uncle's demon, the two of them had no result! Ten years ago, Senior Brother Daoxuan took me back to the Houshan Shrine. When I worked with Senior Brother Wan to rescue me, I was caught by water. Sister Yue broke in suddenly... Hey, I found out that Senior Brother Wan was not dead, and the two of them are now... Your Uncle Wan should be visiting the beautiful scenery of my Qingyun with your Uncle Shuiyue right now... This is really an old tree. Flowering!"


Seeing Cang Song there laughing and talking, he looked happy, Su Yi couldn't help but his eyes were red again, and he choked and called Master, so he couldn't continue...

Looking at Su Yi lovingly, Cang Song's voice also lowered, with a sigh of sigh on his face, he sighed: "Oh...Jingyu, these years, I have suffered you... I heard that in order to find Tianyin Temple to avenge me, fearing that Senior Brother Daoxuan would stop you, you forcibly rushed down the mountain with Shui Qilin. After all these years, have you suffered a lot? It's a pity that I am a dead person in the eyes of the world. If not, I would have gone down the mountain to look for you long ago and brought you back to Qingyun Mountain!"


Hearing Cangsong's words, an embarrassment flashed across Su Yi's face. He hesitated and said: "There is no grievance. If you are wronged, I am afraid that the talents of Tianyin Temple have been wronged... a few days ago. , I hit the Tianyin Temple and killed Pukong’s Nasher to self-decision. I smashed the gate of their Tianyin Temple and severely injured their host Puhong Shengsheng..."

I also peeped at their wordless jade... Su Yi did not dare to say this...

Speaking of revenge on that Su Yi was heartbroken and Cangsong died, and he was merciless. If he hadn’t even had a conscience in his heart, I’m afraid he would really do something that would have destroyed the whole family of Tianyin Temple... But now...

Cang Song is not dead...The so-called revenge...

Su Yi felt that this was an oolong swing. If Puhong Pufang knew the truth, he might cry out...

" actually injured...Master Puhong seriously?"

Cang Song was concerned about another aspect, and he glanced at Su Yi in shock. He is now re-cultivating and his path is far inferior to Su Yi. How can he tell the depth of his disciple... Is it only ten years of work, his own? Tu'er has grown enough to stand side by side with Daoxuan Senior Brother Puhong, and is there even a point of victory?

Even though I knew that my apprentice had excellent aptitude, very people should take it very seriously...

But this is too exaggerated!

Cang Song looked at Su Yi and muttered, "Jing Yu! I suddenly became very interested in your experience over the past ten years!"

Su Yi also smiled and said, "I also want to know how Master Dao Xuan rescued you back then? I found out that you were indeed dead at the time!"

"Yeah! It's time for our master and apprentice to have a good chat..." (to be continued)








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