Court Marriage

Chapter 41: wine tasting

At noon the next day, when Gong Zhuoliang came back from the old lady's courtyard, Han Shu had prepared exquisite dishes and snacks. Yesterday Gong Zhuoliang asked Xue Hua to bring a message back, and asked Ping Xi to taste Han Shu's craftsmanship, so Today, she took great pains to prepare these items, in order to give the young master and young lady a face.

Let Han Shu and Ruo Lan carry the food boxes, Gong Zhuoliang and Qiao Yingze and the others walked to Pingxi's yard, they saw Xue Hua was already waiting outside, they immediately saluted respectfully when they saw them, and falsely led them inside. the yard.

As soon as he passed the arch, Gong Zhuoliang saw that Ping Xi was sitting at the table and flipping through some books. After noticing their figures, Ping Xi smiled and stood up and walked a few steps, bowing slightly.

"Young Master Pingxi doesn't need to be too polite."

The last time Qiao Yingze saw Pingxi was the year before. At that time, he didn't have the chance to contact him and didn't pay attention to him. He only remembered that he was a very beautiful man. Now that he has a fresh and elegant temperament without a trace of romance, he couldn't help but feel a little good in his heart.

"To be able to invite the eldest young master and young lady to drink together today is a blessing for the villain, please."

Invite the two to sit down at the upper seat, and Ping Xi watched them secretly, just like Qiao Yingze didn't have a deep impression of him, Ping Xi had never paid attention to this eldest young master, but that person came to Qiao Yingze's side. Later, I gradually came to know some things about Qiao Yingze. For example, his frailty is true, but his temperament is not as indifferent as the rumored, and he is very dedicated and loves his wife... This is also the fact that that person is willing to do things for this young master sincerely. main reason.

"Since we are destined to sit in a wine tasting and enjoy the scenery today, Pingxi, don't call yourself a villain anymore, how about you and me?"

Since they didn't sit at the same table in two directions, Qiao Yingze took the initiative to make a few words of kindness while the maids divided the dishes and warmed them in the hot water steamer.

"If that's the case, Pingxi is disrespectful."

Since Ping Xi wanted to know Gong Zhuoliang's identity, he turned away from the usual attitude of rejecting people thousands of miles away, and no longer strictly guarded his identity and status, and had a relationship with Qiao Yingze on equality.

"Pingxi, are you reading Liang Zeshufang's magazine? How do you feel?"

Waiting for the two polite ancients to finish their courtesies, Gong Zhuoliang's eyes fell on the magazine on the side table. Seeing this, Ruo Lan wisely took it and handed it to Gong Zhuoliang. Gong Zhuoliang looked at the date and found that are the latest two.

"It feels very appetizing, Ping Xi really admires the young lady, and she can come up with a way to 'bind' and 'serialize' these legends. Speaking of these two words, Ping Xi also saw them in magazines. It only comes out every ten years, which is really frustrating."

The bookstore developed by that person with all his heart, Pingxi still understands a little bit, and he really admires the young lady's business acumen, but she originally heard that the owner of the bookstore was in the name of the young lady's younger brother. At that time, Pingxi only thought that the Qiao family was afraid of violating the law that "officials are not allowed to do business" and borrowed someone else's name to cover it up, but now it seems that things are not so simple.

Otherwise, why didn't anyone borrow his name, but borrowed the young master of the Gong family who had a similar appearance to the young lady?

"Actually, it was my brother's idea, and he tried it out first. Now, the results are not bad. I will add more books during the Chinese New Year, and change it to four books a month, every seven days."

Gong Zhuoliang is also quite satisfied when it comes to the recent growth of the bookstore's benefits. Although the actual money earned is not much, excluding the author's remuneration and labor, etc., its development prospects are very good. More than a dozen major cities in the south and central regions with a relatively open atmosphere are open, so he can take advantage of the New Year period to hold a promotion, and sell the popular ones that have been serialized into single copies, and then finish some books. , and then took the opportunity to promote and serialize his works in the magazine, and his career was officially on the right track.

However, it is a pity that no one can share his plans and prospects. First, he cannot tell others too much about this modern business philosophy, and even he can only apply it step by step, which is too advanced. Will not work.

Moreover, Qiao Yingze really has no business roots, just like he can't feel the charm of poetry and songs, the generation gap between the two of them for thousands of years is difficult to bridge, and the other is that the ideological realm is different, so he usually spends his time there. On the other side of the ditch, Qiao Yingze danced and talked about affairs and affairs... They were all lonely.

"Young Madam's younger brother? But does he also live in Bocheng? I really want to get to know him if I have a chance."

In fact, Ping Xi had also heard about Gong Zhuoliang from that person, but naturally he couldn't reveal it at this time, and he had to pretend that he didn't know much about the two of them.

"The other person is currently traveling abroad and has no fixed residence. When he has a chance to return to Bocheng, he will definitely introduce you to him."

Gong Zhuoliang responded to this question with a smile. Seeing that the maids had brought small wine jars and started placing them on the table in the middle, they brought the topic to these wines.

There are a total of nine small wine jars on the table, and there are nine wine spoons (a small cup with a straight handle) on a plate next to it, and then there are three cups next to each jar. , and on the other side of the table were three sets of utensils for gargling. Ruo Lan, Han Shu, and Xue Hua each carried a tray. Seeing Gong Zhuoliang getting up and walking to the table, they each walked behind them and waited on them.

"I make different wines every season every year. There are grapes, apples, pears, cherries, bayberry, strawberries, lychees, and peach. These wines are not intoxicating alone, but this last jar, I mixed them. The fruit is brewed, and it tastes rich and fruity without the smell of wine, but even a conceited person like me poured it into three glasses."

Ping Xi pointed to several wine jars and introduced them to the two of them one by one. After finishing the last jar, he personally opened the mud seal of the first jar, and then took one from the wine spoon on the plate next to him. One spoonful was poured into three cups.

"A good fruit wine should have the true color of the original fruit, the liquor should be clear and transparent, and it should have the unique aroma of the original fruit, sweet and sour, mellow and pure without peculiar smell. Red or amber is better, the wine is full-bodied and full-bodied…”

Ping Xi finished the wine, and briefly explained to Gong Zhuoliang and Qiao Yingze, then the three of them each gargle with the utensils in the hands of the maids, and then took a sip from a cup.

The amber wine has a rich, mellow and elegant aroma; the yellow-green cider has the aroma of apples and the fat aroma of old wine; the golden-yellow pear wine... The three talked and talked about the same taste. After a few cups, Gong Zhuoliang didn't see any change, but Qiao Yingze's face was already stained with a faint pink haze, and his complexion was much better.

"Finally, this is the six-fruit wine. This wine is very intoxicating, and the young master and young lady can just taste it."

After rinsing his mouth again, Ping Xi opened the last wine jar, poured half a glass of the mixed fruit wine into each glass, picked up two glasses and handed them to Qiao Yingze and Gong Zhuoliang, and then picked up the last one, Qian Qian. Take a sip.

"Good wine... Really good wine."

Gong Zhuoliang drank the half glass of wine in one go. After the mellow fragrance, he could only feel a heat flow through his heart. It was very comfortable but not burning. He couldn't help sighing lightly, and then noticed that Qiao Yingze's face immediately turned red after drinking it. , Gong Zhuoliang hurriedly added with a smile, hoping that Pingxi hadn't noticed his 'heroic' just now.

Gong Zhuoliang didn't really like those soft fruit wines like juice before, but in the end, this refreshing and powerful mixed wine was his dish. It was obviously inappropriate for a woman to ask for a drink, so Gong Zhuoliang turned his back to Pingxi slightly, and Baba looked at Qiao Yingze, with the word 'want' shining brightly in his eyes.

"Cough, cough... It really is a good wine, Pingxi, I like these six fruit wines very much, cough, I wonder if I can ask you for a jar?"

Qiao Yingze was brimming with heat from the last wine, when he saw Gong Zhuoliang pretending to be tender to him, he coughed without gasping for breath. , Qiao Yingze gave him a funny look, and asked Pingxi for a drink for him.

"Eldest young master is very polite, but unfortunately there are not many around here, but this wine will not be lacking, Xue Hua, take out two jars of pear wine, lychee wine and peach wine each, and six jars of Liuguo wine and send them to the eldest young master. into the yard."

Seeing the little actions of the two of them, Pingxi's smile couldn't help getting stronger. When he was just tasting the wine, he had been observing the two's preferences. The fruit wine that these women generally prefer is lacking in interest, only after drinking the mixed wine, the eldest young master never thought of taking the initiative to ask for the wine he likes, but he can ask for the young lady's preference... Sure enough Interesting.

"Don't worry about it, we will send a servant to pick it up. We would like to thank Pingxi in advance."

Qiao Yingze smiled a little embarrassedly when he heard this, knowing that Ping Xi had seen what they really liked, but Gong Zhuoliang's eyes moved, and he looked at Ping Xi with a faint thought, wondering what he did. As if not surprised at all, as if I would like this **** for granted.

After tasting the wine, the three of them returned to their respective seats and sat down. The maids placed the dishes that had been warm all the time, and filled them with their favorite fruit wines and bottled them. The three of them chatted while drinking. This time, Gong Zhuoliang didn't directly ask for the mixed wine to drink, but changed to a bottle of wine that he was more used to.

Ping Xi had been in the troupe for ten years. He had seen and heard too many people and things on and off the stage. Just to mention a few things, Gong Zhuoliang and Qiao Yingze were kept in custody since childhood. The curiosity in the deep house compound is endless, Qiao Yingze is less interested in this aspect, Gong Zhuoliang, who passed through, has not even walked through the streets of Bocheng 'down to earth', so at this time, Heping Xianchao is particularly agreeable.

And Qiao Yingze was not annoyed when he was left to the side. Instead, he served Gong Zhuoliang with snacks and poured wine for him. The three of them talked and laughed until it got dark. It's not very convenient for Pingxi to move around in the mansion, so they made an appointment to gather in this courtyard next time, and then they dispersed without a word.

"Young master, you have more smiles and words today than you usually have in a few months. It's great."

After sending Qiao Yingze away, Xue Hua stopped Ping Xi who wanted to help her clean up, and looked at him with a misty smile in her eyes.

Ever since the elder brother Shi, who had rescued her, was arranged to serve Young Master Ping Xi, Xue Hua seldom saw Young Master Ping Xi's smile. He always stayed alone, reading books, brewing wine, and playing the piano, yes. Everyone is alienated and indifferent, only Big Brother Shi can make him change his face, but he is also angry most of the time, and since he met the young lady, the son seems to have a lot of energy. Today, it is more like a different person.

"Really? You've worked hard today, rest early in the evening, and don't have to come to serve you."

Pingxi smiled lightly, glanced over the jars of fruit wine, finally picked up the jar of six fruit wine, turned around and went upstairs.


Seeing that Pingxi took away the Wuguojiu, which he seldom touched, Xue Hua looked at his back in surprise, and then snickered with a corner of his eyes, thinking that tonight was the day when Big Brother Shi would sneak here.

It seems that we can prepare more dinner tonight and send it to the son's room, but the son usually does not allow it.

Pingxi's courtyard is at the very edge of Qiao's mansion. Behind the high courtyard wall is a hutong. It is night. A black figure emerges from the wall of another house in the hutong, making sure that no one is around. After that, the man stepped on the wall and jumped hard, and then he jumped steadily into Pingxi's yard, grabbed a tree trunk and swayed to the ground, and then flew a few steps to the small building in the lake without leaving. Stairs, jumped directly to the second floor by stepping on the decorative birdcage vertical rail, opened a window and flashed in. The whole process seemed to be calm and neat after many times of rehearsal.


As soon as Shi Kang entered the room, he saw Ping Xi was sitting beside the piano frame and composing a new score. When Yu Guang swept to the table, there were actually two sets of tableware and a jar of Liuguo wine that had been opened. His eyes lit up, and a pleasant smile appeared on his usually calm and handsome face.

"Only one bowl is allowed."

Ping Xi put down the sheet music in his hand, and got up with a light expression, walked to the table and sat down to prepare for dinner. He was not afraid that Shi Kang would be hurt by drinking too much. After all, it was only intoxicating but not harmful. He didn't want to give Shi Kang The opportunity to pretend to be drunk and not leave, and would rather sleep on the table all night.

"This is all the manuscript of the story you want to read. I will put it with you first, and I will take it back when the next issue is to be printed."

Taking out the paper-wrapped manuscript in his arms and placing it on the table, Shi Kang looked at him a little indulgently, then poured himself a bowl of Liuguo Wine and took a sip.


Ping Xi thanked him politely, then lowered his head and ate his meal without saying a word, but because Shi Kang held the wine bowl and looked at him in a daze, it was too annoying, Ping Xi quickly finished the meal. He stood up and prepared to go back to the house. As for whether Shi Kang listened to his persuasion or not, it was up to him.

"Pingxi, have you met the eldest young master and young lady today? How are they, they get along well, right?"

When Shi Kang saw Ping Xi got up and was about to leave, he quickly put down the wine bowl, reached out and grabbed his sleeve, and carefully dragged the man back to his seat.

"Um... Shi Kang, what did you think about that incident?"

Ping Xi wanted to get rid of Shi Kang's hand and walk away, but knowing that this person was determined to entangle with him, he didn't bother to get angry with the stone anymore, so he simply sat back and spoke to him clearly.

"I don't want to get married, I won't go back!"

Shi Kang's smile froze when he heard the words, and then he reluctantly laughed as if he was afraid of making Ping Xi unhappy, but his tone and eyes were very firm.

"Didn't Madam Shi have already made a marriage for you?"

Speaking of Shi Kang's mother, Ping Xi's heart that had softened was hardened again. For the aunt who deceived his parents, robbed him of the inheritance left by his parents, and sold him into the troupe, Ping Xi, I will never forget the hatred for her.

"When I left home, I said that I would not go back. Some time ago, I sent someone to explain to the woman that I will not admit this marriage. Pingxi, you believe me!"

Holding Ping Xi's sleeve tightly, Shi Kang really wanted to pull this man and kiss him on the lips, but Shi Kang didn't dare to do so, he was afraid that Ping Xi would really hate him.

They had been such a good childhood sweetheart for eight years, but they turned against each other overnight. After that, Shi Kang searched for him for a year and kept him for more than ten years. To this day, Shi Kang's world has nothing but Pingxi. Can't hold anyone.

"Shi Kang, love and filial piety can't be both. I won't give up revenge for you. You...let's go back and get married."

Unable to break free from the sleeve that was being pulled by Shi Kang, Ping Xi simply pulled his belt and let him pull off his shirt, and then turned back to the back room without looking back. After Shi Kang couldn't see himself, Ping Xi leaned back She pursed her lips against the wall with a complicated expression.

"I won't go back to get married, Pingxi, I won't go anywhere except by your side."

Holding Ping Xi's shirt, he gave a wry smile. Shi Kang picked up the wine bowl and drank it to himself. He thought a little bit in a fit of anger. You were able to take revenge through the power of the county king, but you didn't endure it for me. , why can't you honestly admit that you like me!

"You stupid stone..."

Hearing the man's drunken murmurings, Ping Xi let out a sigh of relief, seemingly helpless and relaxed.

It is because of Shi Kang's infatuation and Shi Kang's persistence that Ping Xi was unable to take revenge on the Shi family, and therefore hated his own weakness more and more. How can this knot be untied? Moreover, both of them are men. When they are young and frivolous, they can think they have a soft spot for themselves, but can they really betray their relatives and have no children to live together for a lifetime?

Inadvertently, everything I saw during the day reappeared in front of Pingxi's eyes. How far can those two people... go?

After XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, Gong Zhuoliang and Qiao Yingze met Pingxi twice again. In November, they moved to Hot Spring Village outside the city again. During this period, the relationship between Mrs. Qiao and Mrs. Qiao became worse. Seeing Jing Shu's belly getting bigger and bigger, and someone in the house chewing on the tongue of the successor, but this time, the old lady didn't take it seriously anymore. I talked about how many ladies don't like seeing the eldest young master's room, preferring the second young master's room, and asking the second young lady to enter the house and take charge of the house.

At first, Mrs. Qiao didn't take it seriously, but then the rumors spread to the outside world. Before the new year, Mrs. Qiao was laughed at when she was visiting relatives. She hid at home by recuperating and didn't dare to go out again. She was scolded by the old lady again. In the end, she was really sick. It wasn't good until Qiao Yingze and the others came back.

Mrs. Qiao was forced by the servants and simply quit the job. She deliberately wanted to see the old lady's joke. The old lady temporarily returned to the power of the family, but in the end she was too old and couldn't keep up, so she suffered from being the palace of the little daughter-in-law. Zhuo Liang can only rely on what he saw and learned last year to manage his new year. In addition, various New Year's activities at the bookstore will be launched. When the new year is finally over, he is also tired and lost a lot of weight. , I don't even have enough time to sleep, not to mention that there is such a leisurely and amusing husband.

It wasn't until the tenth day of the first lunar month that Mrs. Qiao couldn't sit still and took back the power, and the bookstore was completely on the right track. Gong Zhuoliang was finally able to rest for a few days and sleep peacefully.

On the morning of the 16th day of the first lunar month, after Gong Zhuoliang was awakened by Qiao Yingze from his sound sleep, he suddenly felt wet and cold below.

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