I got up and left the golden stool, stepped down the steps, and walked slowly to King Kang, and asked: "Take down the roster? The prince meant that a person who impersonated a princess was deliberately investigating the case of nearly a thousand guards in this palace. They also put their heads up one by one, just to hide their eyes and ears when someone exposes her?" I said this, as if I was amused by a smile, "Kang Kang's idea is really unique."

When the voice fell, I constricted a smile, and glanced at the civil and military officials, "Do all the ministers think so?"

The Minister of Korea and China was a little confused by my question.

King Kang, who has always been safe and loyal, was first "falsely accused" today, and then asked the prince to ask him if he ordered someone to murder the princess. When the princess went to court, he brought in a bunch of personal evidence that the princess was a fake. After some action, even a fool can see that things are strange, let alone these courtiers are all baptisms. A person who has been in the temple for many years?

If the princess Jianguo is really dead and the prince is still young, he needs to re-elect the important ministers of the country. However, the king of Rui is far away from the border, and the king of Lian is unwilling to have political affairs, and the one who can bear this important task is the king of Kang. Who else?

At this moment, the civil and military officials still have doubts about my identity. For King Kang, how many people will be truly convinced?

They looked back at Pan, looked at the prince and looked at King Kang, and finally fell back to the heads of their respective party members. The two chief ministers of the cabinet stood there, Zhao Shoufu bowed his head in thought, and Li Guoji kept staring at me. , I asked: "Uncle, do you even think I'm fake?"

My uncle has always been exquisite and exquisite. If I was really a fake, nine out of ten cases were also instructed by the prince, how could he refute the face of his nephew?

Uncle Li Guo respectfully raised his hand to salute me, "I dare not, how can the body of the princess Wanjin be impersonated by an ignorant pariah? But the evidence presented by the Ministry of Criminal Justice is really puzzling. The princess's name can only be rectified by finding it out."

I walked up to Jiang Feng, the servant of the Criminal Department, and asked, "You investigated this case?"

Jiang Feng was nervous when I was looking at him, and swallowed, "It's a minister."

He had forgotten that since he suspected that I was not a princess, he shouldn't call "Weichen" in front of me.

I said lightly: "The case of the female corpse on the cliff more than a year ago was a headless case that was tried by the Jingshi Yamen. It is a headless case. I wonder how Mr. Jiang learned about it?"

Jiang Feng said: "Yin Shen Rong, the new office of the capital's Yamen, reverted to the old case and found clues from it, and reported it to the Ministry of Criminal Justice, so..."

I interrupted: "Dossier."

Jiang Feng was dumbfounded, "Huh?"

I said coldly: "Do you need this princess to repeat it a second time!"

So I read the file submitted by Jiang Feng in full view, and did not close it after I scanned it, just said: "Where is Shen Rong?"

Shen Rong raised his sleeves and stood up: "The minister is here."

Holding the case file with one hand, I speeded up my speech: "In this case, more than a year ago, under the leadership of an old couple, the Jingshi Yayi found a female corpse at the bottom of the cliff of Lingshan Mountain, only because the corpse was on the ground. The brain cracked and the face was also blurred. Only one hairpin could not be identified, and it became an unrecognizable case. However, Mr. Shen, you found that this hairpin jade was rare, most likely from the palace, and reported it. Ministry of Criminal Justice, are there any omissions from the above?"

Shen Rong nodded and said: "There are no omissions."

"So," I stretched out my hand to pick up the hosta on the tray and lay it flat in my palm, "Why is this jade the jade?"

"This jade-named colored glaze jade has a clear texture like ice, green and blue in color. It is a rare blue flower ice, and it should be a tribute from southern Xinjiang."

"Master Shen really has good eyesight, yes, this is indeed the dowry when Princess Xiangyi got married back then. Don't say it is the maid beside the queen, presumably many maids in the princess mansion can also recognize it. But..." I intentionally paused. Turning to look at King Kang, his expression has changed a little, and I turned my head to look at Baiguan Manchao, and said loudly: "I think Lord Shen has forgotten that jade is jadeite."

Hearing this, Shen Rong was dumbfounded, as if thinking of something and looking at the hosta in my hand.

I raised the corners of my mouth and fixed my eyes on the hosta in my palm, "Jadeite, toughness is not as good as Hotan, if it is round enough, it can be such a long hairpin, landing..." Before the words fell, I let go. Let the hosta in the hand hang in the air, in everyone’s breath, only a click—

I smiled and said, "...that's broken."

Hosta, broken into three pieces.

Shen Rongdeng's face was earthy at the time, and the others were even more dumbfounded. King Kang immediately pointed at me: "Bold! How dare you destroy the evidence in court!"

"How does my princess deal with things about this princess, and what to do with others!"

King Kang's anger: "You!"

I didn't bother to pay attention to him, turned around, and extended my arms to everyone: "This precious hosta just slipped from the hands of the palace, and it was broken to pieces, let alone standing on the wall?! Back then, the skull of the female corpse under the mountain was all broken, but the hosta was intact. No damage, not even a slight bump, don’t the adults think it’s weird?! If the identity can be determined by just a piece of jewelry, if one day the princess mansion is stolen and distributed to the people, maybe the girls all over the street are the princesses of Xiangyi. !"

The civil and military officials of the Manchu dynasty heard the words repeatedly, and King Kang saw that the momentum was not good, and said: "Don't listen to her nonsense! She is not a real princess at all! Except for physical evidence, so many witnesses..."

"Personal testimony?" I leisurely intercepted his words, leaned over and looked at the witness who was sitting on the ground, smiled, walked to the old couple in the mountain village, squatted down, asked them to look up at me and ask "Grandpa and grandma, don't be afraid. Think about it, the woman who fell into the cliff that day is more like me, or is she more like her?"

That "she" was naturally the second personal card that King Kang brought with him. The one who looked like me was seven to eight points, and claimed to have been a stand-in for two years, "Princess Xiangyi".

The old farmer in the mountain village first plucked up the courage to look up, looked at her, then looked back at me, and rubbed his eyes in disbelief. I, how can I tell, old lady, you, come and see..."

The whole house sighed.

I took a breath without showing off.

Sure enough, even if the old couple really saw me being chased by someone on the day I disappeared, they were already silent under the extreme danger, how can they spare the effort to identify people carefully? Now, after nearly two years, they dare to go to the temple to testify even if they can't even walk the road.

However, King Kang thought that finding a second personal testimony would be able to confirm that I was impersonating this charge. This move was actually a little worse.

I got up and looked at King Kang. Only then did he answer his question: "The so-called personal testimony of the prince can't even distinguish me from the girl. How can it prove that what they saw that day was indeed Princess Xiangyi? "

King Kang was shocked. At this moment, he realized his flaws. He hadn't spoken yet. The witness that resembled a "princess" shared the worries for the master, and said: "I, is the evidence. If you really are Princess Xiangyi , Why have come for more than a year to look for me to pretend to be her!"

At this time, if I tell the truth and say that I have been living among the people for more than a year, how can a princess who has not been in charge of state affairs for more than a year be able to assume the responsibility of supervising the country again? King Kang could immediately kneel down and claim that he did not know that the real princess had come back. The so-called ignorant is not guilty. He is loyal to the emperor and patriotic, and the prince cannot condemn him. On the contrary, the prince deceived the world during the disappearance of the princess and found a substitute. How should the officials look at him?

She deserves to be a girl who slept in my bed in the princess mansion for a year. I thought she was infected by my natural intelligence, and she could ask such a boring question.

I blinked and asked, "Girl, what's your name?"

"Yu Li."

"Ms. Yu Li, you just said, "The husband saw that you were born very similar to the princess, and threatened your family to make you pretend to be a princess." Is that right?"

Yu Li said: "Yes."

I stared at her face that resembled my own, and bent over, "So, do you still remember when you were seen by the concubine in what year, month, and day, and how did he coerce your family?"

Yu Li was a little startled, and said, "The fifteenth day of the last year was the season of the plum blossoms. The folk girls burned incense at the Putuo Temple for safety, and the horse master was also in the temple. He saw the folk girls from a distance, so they sent them to them. When he enters the princess's mansion, he makes Minnu pretend to be a princess. If he doesn't obey, Minnu's parents will be in distress for their lives."

"So that's the case." I stood up with my hands on my knees. At this time, courtiers frowned and whispered to each other. Several officials of Dali Temple shook their heads, and Xu Ningzhi, Shaoqing of Dali Temple, couldn't help saying: "You nonsense! "

Yu Li knelt on the spot and didn’t know what she had said wrong. She turned her head slightly and looked back. Xu Ningzhi pointed to her and said: “In the twelfth lunar month ago, Master Song and I were still investigating the case in Jizhou, how could it be possible to appear in Putuo in Beijing? In the temple!"

Song Langsheng and I looked at each other, and neither of them could hide a smile.

As early as when I reunited with Song Langsheng, I asked him how the fake princess they had invited to pretend to be me was put in place. Would she be detrimental to the prince if she exposed all this?

He said that the prince himself did not show up but sent someone to trick the girl into the princess mansion for a long talk. After ten and a half days, he waited for Song Langsheng to come back from Jizhou and asked him to continue the previous play. It is to prevent one day today.

The blood on Yu Li's face turned pale instantly, and the hand at the corner of her sleeve was silently tightened, and I said: "This princess does not know who made you come here to talk nonsense, but I want to remind you one thing, if you pretend to be true For the princess, the sin is the same as the deception..."

Yu Li raised her head suddenly, I stared into her eyes calmly, and said, "The sin should be slashed."

Yu Li looked at me with trembling lips, her tears already falling unknowingly. After she realized the last words of mine, she finally knocked her head a few times and said in tears, "Princess forgive me, it is King Kang. King Kang saw that the little girl was very similar to the princess and threatened the little girl to go to the palace to give false testimony..."

King Kang's face was as pale as rice paper, with fine sweat on his forehead. Not only did he not be wronged, he was smashed by others. I am afraid he had never expected this step of the development of the situation.

How can he give up easily if he has worked hard for so many years?

King Kang still maintained a calm posture with holding hands, and looked at Yu Li coldly and said: "When this woman came to me, she said she wanted to identify the fake princess, but now she heard people say she was going to behead her head and immediately changed her caliber. How credible is such a treacherous statement? ?"

He pointed to the kneeling man in Chenjiacun and asked me, "Could it be that this king can buy off the entire village for this perjury!"

I opened my eyes and said nonsense: "But these people don't know the princess. What Chenjiacun, this princess has never taken a half step out of the capital, but there is evidence of His Royal Highness and the Manchu civil and military."


I calmly said: "There are always people who are similar in the world. The girl Yuli in front of me is. I just heard what these villagers say about the "gentle style" girl. Maybe the prince can determine the authenticity of the princess based on her appearance. Is it too sloppy?"

King Kang gritted his teeth and sneered a few times: "Do you all the ministers think so!" His eyes scanned the audience, as if waiting for something to come forward and speak for him.

All the people standing in the temple are smart people, who dare to speak for King Kang?

Of course, there may be someone who can prove that I have lived in Chenjiacun.

It was Nie Ran who was silent from beginning to end.

Today, Xia Yanghou is also one of the masters behind the scenes, so Nie Ran would not sit idly by.

Sure enough, Nie Ran raised his head slightly, raising his sleeves and said: "Weichen thought that even the girl Yu Li, it seems that there is something different from the princess if you look closely..."

"But," said Nie Ran, "Weichen once passed through a town on his way to Beijing to report on his duties, and encountered a fisherman who is so similar to the Weichen that it is difficult to distinguish...

"The minister knows that the world is so big, if villagers really have seen a woman who looks like a princess and mistakenly recognize it as a princess, it is not impossible."

Nie Ran finished.

It is true that the weight of his words in the DPRK is not heavy. However, in a few words, for King Kang, the patron of Xia Yanghou was gone.

King Kang was dumbfounded, everyone was stunned, including me.

I was surprised, not because he didn't help King Kang.

After all, during the two years when Nie Ran was still Xu Fang, Xia Yanghou declared to the outside that his son was ill in the house.

Xia Yanghou had a more important plan, and King Kang was just a **** he wanted to use.

If things fail, Xia Yanghou will only abandon his son.

However, Nie Ran only needs to be silent, so why should he make such a fuss?

Is he afraid that the people of Chenjiacun will recognize him...is Xu Fang?

No, if he was buried in the crowd, Aunt Niu Tau would not find him if he was kneeling like that.

Instead, saying these words may add unnecessary trouble to myself.

Is it... he just wants to help me?

I can't see Nie Ran's deep and sea-like eyes. I really shouldn't think too much about it at this time.

I calmed my heart and raised the skirt, stepping back to the golden seat step by step.

Then, at the moment of turning around, he said awe-inspiringly: "Who else suspects that this palace is a pretender, you can stand up!"

My voice echoed throughout the hall, everyone looked around, but no one responded.

I waited, but there was no movement, "So... none of the ministers ever doubted this palace, did they?"

The ministers only said yes.

I took the case suddenly, and the memorials on the case bounced three times: "Then what did you do when the princess was framed by others! Why, could it be that you saw your father lying sick in bed? You all wanted to disobey him. It means that the main palace will not be removed from the position of prison!"

All the ministers all knelt down, shouting, "The ministers are negligent, the ministers are damned".

"Today, who is standing in this temple, who is not a high-ranking official and a high-ranking minister, who is an extremely human minister? But when the crown prince is in trouble, and when there is wanton chaos in the court, no one dared to come forward and just observe the situation. Then move, Mingzhe protects yourself..." I took a deep breath, "It makes my palace feel really chilly."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone's heart was frightened.

One person in the middle of the hall did not kneel down.

Kang Wang.

I am no longer peaceful, "Uncle Emperor, just now you said that if I were really a princess, you would not disregard the courtesy of monarchs and ministers."

King Kang looked miserable. If he knelt down at this time, he would admit that he was my princess and that he was conspiring to arbitrarily frame the wrongdoing. But if he didn't kneel, the civil and military people of all dynasties would kneel. How could he not kneel down?

He knelt down after all: "Chen... Knock on the princess, the princess is a thousand years old and a thousand years old."

"My ministers, be flat."

At this moment, everyone is up, but King Kang kneels alone.

I said: "Uncle Emperor, can you plead guilty?"

King Kang said: "The minister mistakenly believed in others, thinking that the princess had been victimized by a treacherous man, so he was heartbroken and vowed to find the envoy to avenge the princess. Therefore, he was taken advantage of by others. Today, it has caused a big mistake, but the loyalty of the minister is good. To Zhaozhao Sun and Moon..."

"Used by others?!" Before he finished his words, the prince could no longer listen. "You are planning to harm my emperor sister. The confession of Lu Lingjun, the superintendent of the country, is clearly written. Everything is your master and painter. The assassins and the assassins of the Imperial College were sent by you. Do you want to push the crime on others now?"

King Kang resolutely said: "The minister really thought that the princess was in an accident, so I asked my protégé to secretly investigate her true identity. If the minister knew the identity of the princess and wanted to kill her soon, how could he publicly testify against the princess in the hall today? "

The prince was furious, "If this is the case, then..." He paused, leaning his head to my side, and asked in a low voice, "Emperor Sister, call Lu Lingjun to testify, what do you think?"

I stayed for a while.

Brother Lu...

Before coming to the palace from the princess mansion today, I abducted him and saw him in jail.

He was full of scars from the interrogation and was still asleep when he opened the cell door. He opened his eyes in a daze until the jailer drank a few words.

I told the jailer to retreat, but because of his gorgeous clothes, I couldn't squeeze into the prison, so I could only stand outside.

When Lu Lingjun saw me, he froze for a moment. He turned his head away instantly, because the arc was too large and it seemed to have twisted his neck, so he raised his hand to hold it and tilted the back of his head and said: "Since your Royal Highness has received the confession you want. , What else to do..."

I thought about it a thousand times in my mind: "For a while, I'm afraid you need to go to the palace to testify against King Kang."

Lu Lingjun sneered very exaggeratedly, still turning his back to me, "Anyway, I will never betray King Kang..."

My heart is a little bitter, and when this point is reached, he still wants to hide from me, "Okay."

On the contrary, Lu Lingjun suffocated: "Huh?"

I repeated: "During the palace trial, you said in front of the hundred officials that you never knew my identity. You killed me and King Quan Yinkang told me that I was going to plot against the prince."

Lu Lingjun quietly listened to me and asked, "Why?"

I didn’t answer him. I picked up the skirt and wanted to step away. He wanted to stand up, but he staggered and fell back to the ground. I saw the blood cloth wrapped around his knees. I can't imagine how painful it would be for him to be interrogated after pulling out the arrow, but after he fell to the ground, he stood up again and jumped to the cell door with one hand supporting the wall and one leg, "You, don't you want to bring down King Kang anymore? Huh?"

I shook my head.

Lu Lingjun was a little anxious. He wanted to hold my shoulders. When he approached, he stopped in the air because of his dirty hands. "Don't you know that if he doesn't fall today, he will suffer endlessly in the future?"


"...So, so..."

My nose is sore, trying to suppress the waves of anger in front of my chest: "So, do you want me to ignorance my conscience and push you to death in exchange for a moment of peace?"

Jun Lu Ling saw me like this, and he was speechless, "You..."

"Do you know how angry I was when the consort told me that you could not kill anyone at that position?" I looked back at him and burst into tears. "How can you deceive me and use my hand to kill me the most? Where's a good friend?!"

Lu Lingjun stared at me blankly, his eyes turned red for an instant, but his tongue was like a tongue, but he couldn't say a word of refutation at this moment.

I resolutely said, "So Brother Lu, even if you went to the hall and said that you did kill me by King Kang's order, I will do my best to overthrow it, so you should not have any hope of sacrificing yourself. Be a little heroic. Doesn't match your face, you look so unfaithful."

However, Lu Lingjun suddenly knelt down and knelt in front of me.

The "boom" made me tremble.

Lu Lingjun lowered his head, his voice was completely hoarse unlike his voice, "King Kang Xiao Weiyan is my enemy of killing my father and mother."

I suspect that I heard it wrong, "What?"

"Brother Bai, you only know that I was a beggar when I was a child. Have you ever wondered why I was a beggar?"

"My dad was originally a navy master who fought against the Japanese in the coastal areas of Jiangsu and Zhejiang. He and my mother were childhood sweethearts. They were originally a couple who envied others. When Xiao Weiyan accidentally saw my mother during his southern tour, and fell in love with my mother." Lu Lingjun brushed his eye with his hand, "Brother Bai is so smart, you can guess the story afterwards, don't you?"

I slowly squatted down: "He... killed your father to get your mother?"

"Like the official wheel that exploded that day, my father did not die on the battlefield against the enemy, but was trapped on a military ship by his own design and burned alive."

I looked at him, what he said was so plain, but every word was filled with hatred, "The night my father died, I was only six years old. She was afraid that Xiao Weiyan would not let me go, so she desperately took it. I fled all the way, but in the end to save me..."

He swallowed a few times and breathed lightly, but he couldn't speak anymore.

"Brother Bai. Remember when we first met, I said I wanted to be the face of Princess Xiangyi?"

He smiled at me, the water flowing in his eyes, "I always thought that Princess Xiangyi was omnipotent. If she helped me, she would be able to get revenge. But I didn't expect that I met you, and I didn't know you were Princess, you were kidnapped to the Imperial College."

I didn't laugh. The past is really unbearable.

"I have always regarded you as my good brother. Sometimes I drank alcohol. You ran to the back mountain of the Imperial College while we were asleep. I quietly followed you behind. Then, I found your daughter and eavesdropped on you and The conversation between Nie Siye and Wei Jijiu."

I dumbfounded, "You..."

"Didn't you ask me when I knew your identity? Only then did I know that you are a princess. You have amnesia...no wonder...you don't remember me."

I frowned.

Lu Lingjun shook his head and did not continue the topic, "Later, King Kang learned that you were in the Imperial College and ordered me and Su Qiao to monitor you all the way. Until the killing order was issued, although I secretly watched out, I didn’t have time to save my whereabouts. You of water."

I see.

"At that time I thought you were dead, and I wished to kill Xiao Weiyan right away. But when I found out that you were still alive, I made a decision-if I assassinated you as King Kang's doorman in full view, Maybe it’s a good opportunity."

Lu Lingjun looked up and stared at me, even if his clothes were ragged and his hair was disheveled, he still couldn't stop the brilliance of his eyes, "Although there is no return to this road, but..."

He burst into a smile, "Brother Bai, if you really regard me as your best friend..."

He said word by word: "Make me perfect."

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