The waves shattered on the shore rocks with a slap, sparkling with sparkles.

In front of me was a vast expanse of whiteness, tranced to the unfamiliar coldness, and gradually surrounded me.

Thinking of the past, thinking of the later, I was confused and panic. Whenever I stretched out my hand to keep something, but I couldn't do anything, I could only watch the wrong things.

And I turned around and saw a figure standing under a tree, a few steps away from me, looking at me quietly.

I stared at him in a daze, and didn't figure out why he appeared here for a while.

After a brief silence, I saw Song Langsheng slowly walking towards me, walking to my eyes, the next moment, he hugged me from the water and walked back step by step.

I want to say something, but I don't know how to say it, "I..."

I heard him slowly say, "I am not good, I am late.

I shook my head vigorously and said incoherently, "If it weren't for me...he wouldn't...he shouldn't be..."

Song Langsheng hugged me back to the shore, put it down, told me to stand still, took off my robe and put it on for me, and then gently said: "Atang, don't feel guilty...this is not your fault."

I felt my tears broken like beads. He pulled me over and pressed me to his body, stroking my head again and again, without saying anything. His breath was right in his ears, and the warm temperature was like a ray of light in a dark night, slowly, his aching heart eased slightly.

There is no trace of Asuka, and across the distant mountains, you can see the corpses and desolation everywhere, imitating how tragic the war has been in these days.

I asked Song Langsheng how he came, and the army would obviously still be able to rush back in two days.

Song Langsheng said, "As soon as Nie Guang came to the rescue, I wanted to come back to see you... I was also halfway through hearing about Liang Jun. When he arrived at Zezhou, Lu Lingjun said that you were rescued by Nie Ran and went east. All the way to this..."

Seeing me not answering, he turned his head to look at me, "Atang?"

I sniffed and shook my head, "I just feel...tired..."

He hugged me tighter for a while, and said, "Don't be afraid, it's all over."

With the clouds chasing the wind, Song Langsheng slowly urged the horse, and I leaned against his chest, wondering if I was asleep.

I think I should have slept for a long time. When I opened my eyes, the wind gradually softened, Liu Jianqing, and there was an open wilderness in front of us.

I watched for a long time, and I was a little confused between the south, east and the north. "Here, where are we?"

"We have left the boundary of Yizhou."

"Leaving and leaving Yizhou?" I opened my mouth, "Aren't we going back to Zezhou?"

"Well, I won't go back."

I looked back at him in surprise, "Then, don't you wait for the army to come back? As soon as we left like this, Jing Yan must think that something has happened to us, in case Liang Jun attacks Zezhou again, in case... "

He took my hand and said softly: "Anytime we leave, thousands of people will come to find us, right?"

I said: "But we haven't cleaned up yet, where can we go, I..."

In the setting sun, I saw him in the halo looking at me: "On the way to the front, there is a horse, you and me, that's enough."

So, we just eloped.

Although it is said that I am the wife of Song Langsheng and Ming Dynasty media, but no matter what, this kind of private trip to another country without any news since then is also collectively referred to as elopement.

Before that, I always thought that elopement was a very romantic and beautiful thing. I didn’t realize the hardships until I personally experienced it. Even though Song Lang was born, I would not have three meals without a roof. Such things, but in order to avoid the inspections of various government offices, we have to take a different path and take a long way. In this way, we have to go through the cruel and inhumane process such as no bath for two days and five days without hair washing.

But there is also a bit of wit.

For example, when the night sky is clear, we grilled fish and pigeons on a bonfire in front of the stream. We would quarrel about why not prepare salt beforehand, and then lay on the grass on a midsummer night like that star-lit, biting meat while chatting. In the past, thinking about the future.

Sometimes greedy and want to eat a delicious meal, Song Langsheng would disguise as a long-bearded master, and I pretended to be his waiter and stepped into the restaurant, enjoying the gorgeous beauty and singing and dancing, while ordering A table of swallows, abalones, wings and ginseng, shook a fan and talked with the scholar sitting next to him about the family, the country, and the world.

Life is so pleasant, why never knew it before?

We hid all the way to Guangling in the south of the Yangtze River. Five months have passed since we disappeared, and notices with our portraits are rarely seen on the street. It is true that this road is really fun, but this is uncertain. So the days are really exhausting, and after discussing with Song Langsheng, he will hide in the market before making plans.

We bought a small family house in a small town in Guangling, and after a little decoration, we lived in this way.

Although Ming Jiansi’s token can save us from worrying about the silver two, Song Langsheng didn’t want to be an old man, so he found a work in a private school in the town and ate with me in a small tea house every morning. I went to teach after breakfast. I stopped by and went to the vegetable market next to the street to buy some vegetables. When I got home, the grandma I invited had already cleaned the bright hall, and I would sneak into the kitchen with her to study the lunch dishes; I had a good night's sleep after eating at noon. When I was bored, I went to peek at Song Langsheng’s teaching and smiled while pursing his mouth outside the door, while the teenagers in the house would peek at me and laugh; at night, they walked with Song Langsheng holding hands. At the night market, buy some street snacks and stop and go all the way, walk until you are sleepy, and then go home and go to bed.

Cough, it's hateful that I can't get up even if I get tired from the sun the next day because of someone's fullness and desire.

We just live every day peacefully, living in a warm hut, with neighbours who are nagging and gossiping, with a stable livelihood, and people who are willing to be with us for the rest of our lives.

After a long, long period of loneliness, I will think of a night, the moon is clear and the breeze is soft.

He painted on the premise of the book, and I cross-legged to play the piano, remembering all the dangers of the past, life and death, but fortunately that person is close at hand. Thinking of this, he couldn't help feeling warmth, stopped, and looked up at him with his elbow on the piano. He suddenly cut off when he heard the piano sound, and couldn't help turning his head. Seeing me with a smile, he asked, "What's the matter?"

I said, "Asheng, it's better than a dream at this moment."

He also smiled when he heard the words, "What's the hypocrisy again."

I shook my head and said, "No, I just feel that now... it's good. You said, we will live like this forever, and then we have a child, and when the child grows up, we are still like this, right?"

He was startled, then put down the pen and walked slowly to my side, "That's natural."

Seeing that I was still thinking, he squeezed my hand and smiled unkindly: "Do you want to do what you want your child to do again?"

I was so excited, I slapped him hard, "Don't say such horrible things at this time!"

He was amused by my embarrassment and laughed, "It's not that you are thinking about you again, you, you, what is Chengri worrying about? By the way, the sweet-scented osmanthus wine we brewed last time smells fragrant. Tomorrow We happen to be going to the outskirts of the city to enjoy the flowers, how about bringing wine?"

Thinking about it this time, in fact, many years later, I didn't even mention it.

But I can still remember the early morning after that night, the sun was shining brightly, and the two of us dug out the wine buried in the garden, filled two full bags of wine, and rode a white horse among the flowers in the suburbs. , Wherever he went, fragrance was splashed, and the petals were flying all over the sky when the wind blew.

After chasing and catching up, he finally fell tired to the ground, lying side by side watching the slowly flowing clouds in the sky.

How can we ever dare to expect such a life?

When we were young, we always comforted ourselves when we couldn't ask for it, looking forward to the next life.

There are gains and regrets in this life, so why be too obsessed with the ending.

The author has something to say:

Just... if I tell you... this is the ending, will you kill me? I know it will! ! ! So... this is not the ending... but does it look like the rhythm of the ending? ? ? ?

The thing is like this... There is only one chapter left from the ending (maybe there are a few chapters), that is, the squad article. The publishing house will not let me post it anymore. I hope I will write an online version. The ending is over... But I I am also a reader who dislikes the double ending, so I decided to write a seemingly ending ending in this part and tell the publisher that this is the online ending...

I will post the ending of the publication here after the publication in the form of a fan. If the girls who are too lazy to buy the book can come and see won’t be long, I will deliver the paper in a few days, the fastest two or three It should be possible to publish in a month...Don't be angry, don't be angry...I will steal a little bit more before publishing when the editor is not paying attention... You know...

Let me also talk about the promise of sending the book if you write a long review. Anyway, I bought this chapter. For those of you who have written a long review, send an email to [emailprotected] (you need to add deductions, but this number is only a few days ago), send me a screenshot of the long review and purchase history of my page, and You can receive the signed letter by then.

Well, anyway, as a scrap writer who writes one book for four years and finishes the next book, I still hope that the book will not hit the street, and I hope everyone will support it by then~~ There will be activities on Weibo, In addition to the activities that the publishing company will do, I also plan to pay for books by myself. Let’s organize a book-redirecting activity every day to try to send out more books so that students who don’t have enough pocket money can save some money.

Then if there are girls who buy books and post books, they will also have various benefits. I will think about the specifics. Then I will pay attention to Weibo. The last thing I want to say is that I can insist on seeing it with me. Readers at this moment, all of you, are the objects I am very grateful for. Without your support, I would never be able to complete this work. Thousands of words come together in one sentence thank you thank you thank you!

ps: If you have any suggestions for the next plot, you can mention it. I am still thinking carefully, hoping to do my best.

bye~ Tired of logging!

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