Crap, I Was Rifted

Chapter 149 - Mass Effect 2 Going forward

The last few weeks had been a trip. Considering everything that happened and the feeling of discontent, Azul was happy once it all settled. A few things happened that were not expected, however.

Several people left to go to the War front after he came back from "Nesting" with the others. Apparently for most, that was what they were waiting on. Not wanting to ruin a joyous occasion with bad news.

A Halo Ring was now in Mass Effect. Completely away from everyone. Acting as a place to raise families besides in the Nether World and acting as a security measure in case the Reapers entered from that direction.

In case they were invaded once again by outside forces as well.

"Haaa, so.. let me get this straight.. the strongest of our forces went to the War Front." Azul spoke while rubbing his temples. "Proto Man, despite just getting here a few months ago left with a group to avenge something that has not happened yet. To prevent it from happening with several others."

"Yeah." Vergil said. He was surprised that Azul was taking it so well. "We have more of the stronger people here still. Several dropped in thanks to the System. Well, the Creator did so anyway. They are forbidden from going to the War Front. So.. the Nether World has steadfast protectors."

"At least we are all here and safe." Mileuda answered. She was referring to the people from Final Fantasy Tactics. "You look to be happy enough."

"I think he is. He is gonna be a super papa!" Gat twirled in his chair. Smiling the entire time. "I mean you have the people from Cerebrus back, that should count for something to."

"I know I am happy." Jacob answered. "Brought from that moment of being inside a Reaper.. was to much. I won't complain Commander."

"Neither will I." Miranda added in. "Thank you for protecting Oriana despite me being gone."

"Happy to do it." Azul shook his head. He just finished reading the farewell letters. "Not everyone feigned to say anything. Tifa, for one. I have know idea why she did it. I mean thought we had fun in.. ah, I will drive myself crazy thinking it over."

"And Juri?" Kat asked. "I thought she was done with fighting?"

"She was. Guess the attack fired her up. Defintely didn't get to spend a lot of time with her. And considering the massive amount of forces, the Administration just got from me, I think we have done more than our part."

"You have." Maldova said. Her tone was not to happy. "Lluvia.. has gone as well. She left this. She wanted to make sure they had an Operator they could trust. I.. am sorry." A letter that Azul read, then once more before putting in his inventory. "I am a part of her if you can get past her abandoning her own Avatar that is."

"I will. In time." Azul answered her.

Chaos Undivided: You are in great pain from this. So are we. The lines that connect us.. is strong.

'Go to bed. Or just relax.' Azul thought to them. 'We will deal with those emotions later. Something that will most likely make us.. uncomfortable.'

"You ok?" Miranda asked. The deep look in his eyes scared her slightly. 'The look is uncomfortable. As well as the flashes of Chaos Energy around him.'

"Yeah.. yeah.. so am I." Azul read the information over then got rid of it. "Ok.. so, we have Alita, who is on maternity leave for nesting. Considering how many eggs she laid, that is gonna be a while. Hilda & Zelda and.. Galtea for Operator duties."

"Considering the change with a few places getting a "Reset" already just to protect them.." Lettie said. She was in a foul mood. Upset about the people who were not here. Just because they went to the front lines did not give them the ok to mess with things. ".. ugh I want to go drag them back. They are not even in the Worlds they were before."

"No way they can deal with the strain. The front lines.. they can not come back until everything is over." Hilda said. She showed them a screen for everyone to look over. "Some of the people saved from the future went straight there. So you will not be seeing them. Not dropping in to keep things simple I guess.."

"Yeah, I know. Which pissed me off slightly. Couldn't even come an say hi." Azul leaned back in his chair. "Well.. damn it all. So we need to deal with the Collectors. Considering they are more than what they were before still, I think a few coordinated assaults should help even things out."

*Chish!* The main door opened as Tevos came in. The former Asari Councilor loved her duties even more so lately. And the physical time she received with Azul.

"I have some news for you." She showed a screen to him. "You have been awarded Spectre status. But we turned it down. Instead, Ruby has received it with Onyx. And since they are part of your number, I think it will go well for us."

"Well congrats to you two." Azul said. "Defintely Spectre material both of you."

"Yeah, thanks." Ruby looked at her Omni-Tool reading it over. "I failed the last time due to.. well being an Ardat Yakshi. To get it now, guess the right people found out. And with the treatment available, a ton of Asari are out doing things. Helpful things. The Sanctuary is not as lonely as it use to be."

"Families are able to visit more." Onyx added in getting Azul's attention. "That brings me to this. The Justicars have made it known they want to fight with us. Specifically.. Samara has mention interest in meeting you still. Her daughters already received treatment and they are on the Halo living with others. Morinth however, is on Omega working with Aria T'Loak. Who also has shown interest in talking with you still."

"Wait, why have you not spoken with either of them?" Ruma asked. "Considering your collection of Asari already.." She grinned looking around the room. ".. I think you would be right on that." A few more Krogan were in the room as well now. 'Then again, more of my kind have come over. Hmm, better not cross me though. I am head Krogan!'

"TO be fair, a lot of the humans, Xenos and the like skedaddled away. And apparently I have a poor track record with my own kind."

"That is not true.. entirely." Ashley said. "You are just really.. intense sometimes." She turned to Jane. "Right?"

"Hehe, do not bring me into this." Jane waved her hands not wanting to get involved. "I have a few User friends as it is. Swift, and at least 85% of our combined forces went to the Front Lines. I have taken everything here to regroup and decide what to do next. My Operator is in the Hospital so things are pretty troublesome."

"Speak with Galtea." Zelda said. "She can help line you out with some things. And if it is not enough.."

"This will do to help you more." Azul passed over memories to her on the Andromeda Initiative. What he knew about the people involved as well as the problems it will have. "I think you taking over that will go well once the time frame for this World technically enters it."

"I think that will be more than enough." Jane said. "I have taken enough of your hospitality as it is. John is working hard on getting the Council to move forward with things. With my move up to Captain and the others on track to do some things important as Spectres,' I think things will go great."

"Hmm, that is something." Azul thought about and wondered how to move up in rank in the Alliance. Then again, Commander was good enough anyway. But a few special attention needed to be handled. Hilda was already on it anyway.

Things continued a little more till the Primarchs came in. Not boding good news at all.

"Azul, we are heading to the front lines as well." Lion El' Johnson stated. Azul gave him a nod. Understanding why. "Glad you are not trying to dissuade us."

"Told yah." Angron said with some cheek. "Doing it in person was still the way to go." His brothers bid good-bye. Both the Lion and he remained for a little longer. Things then turned serious. "Can you make sure.."

*Woom!* Azul used a good bit of the Mana he had stored. Marking them both with a rune to protect them. Infusing it with his Pather abilities to make sure a continued focal point was on their person to prevent them from falling under someone else's control.

"Thank you, brother." Angron said softly. Something told him he would not see Azul again. At least in the manner he would like. "Goodbye." He left leaving nothing behind.

"Overlord Azul, it has been an honor to fight with you and.." Lion stopped a little. He felt a well of energy erupt inside him. Azul transferred something more to him. "..thank you. My friend." He to was gone after that.

"Well shit." Gat felt a weird atmosphere for a moment. Looking to Azul, he thought he saw a flicker of something for a moment. "What the hell was that?"

"It was..something. I most likely should not do that again." Azul rubbed his temple. Drained greatly. "I turned him into.. a User. That is very odd. But it removed all the aches pains and hesitations I felt about a lot of things. As well as taking care of the lingering souls of Users he fought against in his Home World. So there is that."

"That.. should not be possible." Hilda said. "Lettie was an accident and a special circ.u.mstance doing so. But for you to be able to do it to others like that.. It will make you really dangerous."

"Meh, not like its something I plan on doing anytime soon." Azul shrugged. He didn't understand what the implications are. Or he didn't really care. "Well... "She" can not do it, so that is something. Oh well."

"Hopefully you do not do it more yourself on a whim." Jane said. Azul gave her a nod. "Good. Time for me to head out. I will see you later." Both she and Ashley got up and left. A troubling look on her face. The longer she stayed the more she realized how much she wanted to be around Azul and his people. It was enjoyable, the way it use to be with Swift all the time. 'How much longer can I stay here? I feel so lost lately.'

Ashley did not know what was up with her User, but she would make sure she survived. Especially with how much she lost. Hanging around and recuperating in Azul's Nether World to long would make her to relaxed.

"Come on, I know just the thing to cheer you up!" Ashley grabbed her shoulders. Pulling Jane into a side hug. "Time to have a fun time!"

Inside, the others were still talking.


Why Azul is not allowed to go to the War front-


"Sooo you killed so many Users." Vergil said. He pointed to the screen. Showing what happened from his memories of the future. Azul was not a nice guy when pulled into the war. Any time a member near him died, he attacked more viciously toward the enemy. Which resulted in the enemy fighting harder focusing on him. Slannesh was in his hand ripping the souls of the enemy with ease. "You did not leave a lot of them left behind."

"Even killing the root of your enemies forces." Claire said. Sparks of lighting circling around her. "Their was no mercy. Azul.. you killed every Operator, Follower, Companion of the enemy. You were worse than Chronoa in some ways."

"Neat." Azul said simply. It did not go over well with some of them. "I pulled some of the memories to the surface when he started showing the memory. The feeling feels like the present right now. So I do not really care if any of you are upset."

"That is what you said then to end the War." Vergil said. "You killed Chronoa .. and.. ripped her soul apart. Gorging on it. You were going to use it to revive several of our forces."

"But the System stopped me." Azul leaned back in his seat. Hands steppled in front of him. "It was to much of a taboo in some way and would have killed me and several others. Namely.. a few Avatars that I was holding captive to keep a few several Worlds stable. Hmm, they are a lot stronger than I gave them credit for."

"And you captured them?" Gat asked with a raised brow.

"Not me, future me. Their is power in "Renegade" choices like no other. A lot of it." Azul's eyes flared red a little. "But, it was not meant to go like that. Chronoa really went out of control with things. Altering way to many people's "Paths" they chose for themselves. Bending friend and foe alike to her whim."

"You two are very dangerous." Ruma said. Causing a few to glare at her. Azul just nodded. "Do not give me that look. I bet you all have thought the same at one point he may have changed us."

"Not me." Lettie said smiling. "The Bond would let me know if he did. As well as for you. You could just check how he has affected you. Whether subconsciously or on purpose." A few checked over their screens. Lettie just smirked at the Ardat Yakshi not checking things over. "Scrubby nerf herders."

"Not nice." Azul kept his chuckles to himself.

"Eh nothing more than what I was working towards myself." Kat said. "Glad for that. Yah know, most Users hide this from their Companions and Followers."

"No point. Curiosity causes enough problems. Might as well solve them. Trust is hard enough as it is." Azul said plainly. Hands raised in the air. "I do have a few secrets. Maybe 5 or 6. Should have more. Not really secrets just, agreements anyway."

"How goes the Time stuff?" Zelda asked.

"Meh. Annoying. Conflicts with my Pather power. I take in to much of what I see. Which is really weird. So the emotions of a future event that can disappear just like that, the residual stay with me." Azul paused thinking about it a little. "I will experiment more with it. Just not something to rely on."

"How far is your regular Cosmos?" Clarie asked.

"Two stages behind my Dark Cosmos. Why?" Azul raised an eyebrow at her.

"No reason. Just hope you keep them close to each other. It is a smart idea is all." Claire said not looking away. "It helps with not having to worry about your mental state."

"Bah, screw her." Lettie said. Agitated at a few of them. "Has he hurt any of you? Not talking about sparring, training, or trying to belittle or control you?" They didn't say anything. "That's what I figured. Seems like all the problem was in the future really. Cause by not staying by his side."

"And you went because why?" Claire retorted back.

"We came with because we would be needed." Lettie said with a shit eating grin. "To make sure someone had his back in case things did not work out. Like.. the Chari incident or the Galtea incident happened again."

"It was as we figured then." Morrigan said. "Besides Tifa anyway, Quistis already did her part and then some. Helping his emotional state stay stable. And you.." She stared at Lettie. ".. you are the one that will kill any Companion or Follower that betrays. Aren't you?"

"No comment." Lettie said. Ruby and Onyx smiling as well. A few of the other Ardat Yakshi hiding smiles. "But suffer not the traitor to live. A very good saying."

"Settle down everyone." Azul sad calmly. "No need for any more trouble. Vacation buzz is officially gone." A few of them head their heads low. But things needed to be aired out. "So to keep some things from going haywire. I need a few of you to settle down in some Worlds. Ones we can grow from. To stay there permanently in a way."

"Right right." Gat nodded looking serious. "Protect our turf."

"So, break off and enjoy yourself." Azul turned to Onyx and Ruby. "The place you wanted, when you are ready." They nodded. "Ok Lettie, time to go."

"Huh!?" Lettie looked a little lost. "What are you talking about?"

"A place for just us. Several others already have it." Azul smirked. "This will be ours. Unless you rather go paling around with everyone else now?" Lettie jumped on to him and start jumping around. "Ok, ok. But this place, you have to reign it in some. So will I. We need to get ahold of the power we have, and it is a good place to do so."

"Sure, sure. What is the place?"

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