Crazy Psychologist

Chapter 21: Did not do B-ultrasound

When Chu Shenming returned home listlessly, his mother scolded him as soon as he opened the door.

"This is a gift your cousin brought back from abroad. He said it was for you. And the cosmetics, he said it was for your girlfriend Xiaoxiao. Speaking of which, Chu Shenhao is really sensible. He always brings some with him every time he goes on a business trip." The gift is back for you.

Having said that, didn't you also go on a business trip this weekend, did you buy anything back? Why didn't I see it yesterday, and don't you rest today? Run out early in the morning?

By the way, you send a message back to Haohao, saying that the gift has been received, thank you. "

In the eyes of mother, Chu Shenhao has always been a sensible child, but mother doesn't like Chu Shenhao, the reason is that the condition of the eldest uncle's family is far better than that of Chu Shenming's. But it is unavoidable to compare Chu Shenhao and Chu Shenming, especially Chu Shenhao always gives some things that are neither particularly valuable nor cheap to show his presence in front of his relatives.

This kind of people with a sense of presence is really annoying. It seems that they live better than others, and indeed they live better than others.

Chu Shenming had no choice but to agree, and took a throat lozenge from the refrigerator and stuffed it into his mouth.

The cool smell made him feel a little better.

"I'm asking you something. Did you buy anything back? Local specialties are fine. Let your father send them to you. Don't always take Haohao's things."

Of course there are no gifts, so what are you giving? Chu Shenhao is on a business trip to Europe, and a piece of chocolate is only one or two yuan. Buying a first-line famous brand is much cheaper than here. What do you want me to compare with others? Is it possible to buy some small walnuts, which can be bought in supermarkets, and give them to others? What are you talking about, my son went to Zhejiang on a business trip and bought some gifts. It is not a respect, indeed it is not a respect.

Chu Shenming couldn't say such words, he was already upset, and he didn't have a leisure time when he got home.

It makes sense to live alone as an adult in a foreign country, and it is really uncomfortable to live with your parents.

Especially when the body itself is uncomfortable, the disturbed feeling in the heart becomes more and more obvious, as if a whole bag of baking powder has been poured into the stomach, and the stomach is full of fermented gas, wishing to burp or fart a series of times.

It's really uncomfortable, extremely!

Why not go for a run.

"Where are you going?"

"Go for a run."

"Didn't you say you brought Xiaoxiao back for dinner this week? Let me tell you, although your father and I are not very satisfied with Xiaoxiao, it's not bad to find a girl like Xiaoxiao these days. What your father means is that you go and get the certificate. Got it, September 9th is a good day, get the card early, so that the little girl won't worry about it."

Chu Shenming said "oh", took a towel and went downstairs.

Since I'm going to run at night tomorrow, let's have an independent training session today.

"Mom, you should be at home all the time. I don't have the key with me."

Mom nodded, and Chu Shenming dropped the keys and cell phone.

Simply take nothing with you, go for a light run for as long as you want, and then come back and take a shower.

If he had some kind of illness, it wouldn't affect his running. What's more, he could have a little relaxing time when he was running a few days ago.

After running around the neighborhood twice, Chu Shenming's mouth was parched.

Running with the air conditioner in Mu Chun's office is completely different from running in the sultry heat of dusk on the street.

After the second lap, Chu Shenming was out of breath and wanted to give up.

Passing by a convenience store, he deliberately went in and turned on the air conditioner for a while. He wanted to buy a bottle of water, but he didn't have any money on him, and he didn't bring a mobile phone.

Grit your teeth and move on.

If you want to run at night, you need at least 3 kilometers to 5 kilometers. If you feel tired after more than 1 kilometer, it is not a joke.

Mu Chun, who likes to laugh at others so much, must take the lead in laughing.

If it's not done well, other people will think that he is a sick man, or he is just here for a blind date, and he doesn't really want to run at all.

After thinking about it, I insisted on running the third lap again, feeling extremely tormented and sweating profusely.

On the fourth lap, he had passed his physical limit, and his breathing and pace were much smoother than before.

This is the pleasure brought by running, the body is very relaxed, and the troubles in the mind are gone.

But it will return to the prototype soon, and there will be all kinds of troubles soon.

Forget it, I'll run until I can't run anymore today.

With this in mind, Chu Shenming ran three more laps without knowing where his energy came from.

After running eight laps in two hours, I finally got home and turned on the cool air conditioner, and collapsed on the sofa without even eating dinner.

Seeing this, mother seemed to complain a few words in a low voice, but Chu Shenming didn't have the extra energy in his brain to refute what mother said, so he could say whatever he liked.

This feeling of exhaustion is so good, as if floating in the sky...swimming trunks, or swimming trunks that were left behind.


"Swimming trunks?" Chu Sisi couldn't help laughing when she heard that, even a bit out of ladylike dignity.

But it's really lively and beautiful.

"Now you come to us to report every day."

Mu Chun spoke lazily.

"The main reason is that apart from running, nothing can make me feel relaxed. After lunch, I thought about how I could sneak out for a run, and then I made an appointment with a client to visit, UU Reading www.uukanshu .com and today I really went to visit the client. The client happened to miss the appointment, so I just stopped by here to sit, anyway, you are always here."

"It seems that the outpatient fee is still too low. Now that you're here, let's do some checkups."

"No, no, I paid for the two inspections yesterday and didn't do them."

"So, no inspection?"

Mu Chun was a little unbelievable, but soon put on a weird smile, as if everything was under his control.

"What do you mean? Didn't you check it? Didn't do the B-ultrasound?"

Chu Sisi asked.

"No, because holding back the urine is too uncomfortable."

"Yeah, that's unbearable. Didn't you talk to the nurse? Or ask, sacrifice some of your beauty?"

"What? You are a doctor if you are so indecent."

"Isn't that the way it is? Do everything in a serious manner and follow the laws of society, so you can live a good life?"

"Otherwise, life might not be possible."

"That's right, a young lady from a famous family like Dr. Chu can do whatever she wants, and she will definitely enjoy it."

What did you say about her? Chu Sisi was unhappy, but she couldn't show it in front of the patient, so she could only cough slightly.

"If you want me to say, you should go directly to the examination room, pull up your pants, and start the examination."

"Is this also possible?"

"Sometimes the doctors inside don't care what the nurses outside call their numbers. It's like slaughtering a pig. Who cares which pig it is, right?"

The more she said, the more insincere she became, Chu Sisi was sweating in her heart.

Chu Shenming felt that there was some truth to it, and he listened with some joy.

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