Create the Age of Magic

Chapter 490: Parliament's Experiment

In Starfire City, Horn has received the battle report about Bigma City. The Yarrow army has not arrived yet, but it will be soon.

They have been under the surveillance of the magicians all the way, and they are about to enter the encirclement of the Magic Council.

The battle report from Bigma City can be regarded as giving Horn some gains, and it also helped the battle situation, but it was not enough.

Horn is not prepared to let back some enemies like Bigma City, he wants to keep all the invading Yarrow people.

He wanted all the Yarrow people to have the impression that attacking towards Starfire City was courting death, so that they would not take the direction of Starfire City as the first goal, and Horn would be able to better preserve the strength of Starfire City.

At worst, when the other battlefields can't hold on, the council will help out. Anyway, the main battlefield cannot be Starfire City.

It was different from Bigma City treating these 5,000 people as a serious war.

Starfire City regarded this battle more as an exercise, an exercise in the face of a real war, and a mere 5,000 people were no threat to Starfire City or itself.

And now the magicians should have already acted, after all, they have prepared a good show for the Yarrow people.


The configuration of the Yarrow people who were going to attack Xinghuo City was basically the same as that on the other side.

After walking out of the forest, the commander-in-chief of the team opened his eyes to look at the sky. It was too dark in the forest, and the sun was shining outside. His eyes needed to get used to it for a while.

Under the influence of the DT force field, the sunlight in the world of Yarrow is somewhat different from that of Ceylon, so they evolved pink skin and scales.

The worlds are so different, Yarrow's sun even shines from the east.

The commander-in-chief blinked, there seemed to be something in the sky, isn't he dazzled?

He rubbed his eyes, only to see a large group of whitish wind clusters flying towards them at extreme speed.

A few soldiers around him fired force field emitters at Nawei's wheal, but all the force field rays passed through the wheal, and there was nothing they could do about it.

Finally the wind group landed in front of the commander-in-chief.

It was a huge human-shaped whirlwind, except for two eyes that looked like turquoise gems, the whole body was nothingness.

It was too late and then too soon, the humanoid whirlwind didn't stop, and immediately swept away the commander-in-chief, and the surrounding force field warriors didn't even have time to help.

The whirlwind took the commander in chief and disappeared in the eyes of the Yarrow army...

The whirlwind was naturally arranged by Horn. Just after getting the news that the officers of the Yarrow army had relatively weak protection, Horn asked the magician to summon a wind element to kidnap the commander.

If such a big officer hadn't been arrested earlier, it would be bad if he was accidentally injured during the battle. He had to be arrested and brought to the parliament for a good interrogation before he could use up his role.

"This should be an accident..."

The rest of the junior officers looked at each other in blank dismay, how should they deal with this situation?

Being suddenly attacked by this strange thing, they didn't know how to deal with it. There were too many weird things in Ceylon for them, and they couldn't tell which ones were deliberate attacks by the Magic Council and which ones were attacks by magical beasts.

The military system of the Yarrow people is that the commander-in-chief dies and the deputy takes over, so the order is quickly stabilized and the movement continues.

Although the supreme officer is dead, the mission is not over yet. There is no way to contact the headquarters now. To complete the mission, they have to fight at least one battle before going back.

As they walked, three forked roads appeared in front of them, and the directions of the three roads were three villages.

"What should we do?"

"What can we do, the soldiers will divide into three ways to see the situation."

After discussing with the remaining generals, it was very simple to decide to divide the troops into three groups and go to these three villages to see the situation.

It never occurred to me whether these three villages were fraudulent or not.

After all three teams disappeared, two figures emerged from the air.

Enoch and Vivienne respectively.

Enoch used illusion to conceal the existence of the two of them in front of the army, and then Vivienne gave magic hints to the three generals, so that they ignored all possible dangers.

It was Horn's idea to let them disperse. The Magic Council has too many experiments that they want to conduct on the Yarrow people. As long as the experiments go well, they can learn more about Yarrow's army.

But the five thousand Alorians are too weak, and it is very likely that they will be wiped out after a wave of experiments, so they must be separated.

The Magic Council has prepared three villages for them to attack, and each village has its own layout.

Village No. 1 is the largest village.

So two thousand people came, they were holding weapons in their hands all the time, and the leading Yarrow man had a friendly smile on his face.

Their task is to make a big scene, so after entering the village, they are not prepared to be friendly and loving.

He would lead his soldiers to massacre most of the people, then capture the most powerful people in the village and bring them back to the camp to be tortured for information.

The rest of them will release a few people who are eloquent and let them spread the fear.

In this way, wherever their army goes, they will be extremely flustered, fear will make people weak, and the weak natives will be more conducive to their attacks.

They never thought about Huairou rule. They came to occupy the world, not to share the world with the Ceylons.

Before reaching the village, the commander of the two thousand people's face changed, and he saw that there was no one here!

This village is just in shape, even if the commander is not from Ceylon, he can see that this is completely perfunctory, just a bait to lure them here.


The entire village collapsed, and the dust covered everyone. It turned out that everything here was built with thin boards.

From a distance, it looks like the same thing, but if you look closely, you can see that this is completely a trick to fool people, just a bait to lure them over!

But even if it is a fool, why did it collapse when it was built with great difficulty?

Collapsing this must be to facilitate their attacks.

After the village collapsed, a group of cavalry appeared in front of the Yarrow army!

This cavalry has only 5,000 men, not as many as the Rubble Legion, but it is the most elite cavalry in Starfire City.

What they rode were not ordinary horses, nor were they so-called horses with the blood of monsters, but serious first-class monsters!

This kind of magical beast has a size larger than that of ordinary horses, with more developed muscles, and it is covered with thick metal armor.

There are six horns on the head, two facing forward and four protruding to the side.

This kind of monster is somewhat similar to a trumpet, and it is more called a slender and agile Triceratops. It is called a hexagonal beast, and it is a kind of monster that is quite suitable as a mount.

It has a fierce personality, but it is extremely obedient after being tamed. It is an omnivorous monster, and it is easy and cheap to feed.

It took several years for the Magic Council of five thousand monsters to run around, arrest them, and breed them!

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