23 For a Biafran Jewel

Truly I am no different from the other

But you shaped me like a porter

You raised my eyes to yours in the night of mood,

Though the day was crude;

For only a saint could have conquered that hour,

The hour of a woman's power…

That it might come to past, So we glued our tongues to last.

But what profit has it brought?

We have actually been lost.

But lost is it? Lost in lust?

Infatuation governs my thought?

Alas woman, you graced my existence with your elegance You brighten the night of my heart with your remembrance. That which is not of passing away but of craving and perspiration;

Height of yours I know is an elevation,

Which you have above all; beauty like more of goddess,

I know you own like powers like a priestess,

Offering prayers in the holy closet;

You offer my body in congenial prayers; according to our precepts.

You are the moon that is closed in my heart;

Shining over the shadows of earth

Love is the answer that made me a better man,

And this I learnt at your heart step; its fate's plan.

This you prepared in the darkest hour of your heart; That, which I talk, is the kind expression of your heart.

For in the past have I asked,

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That will she be there? So love had me masked

That I thought, positivity will be the result,

But negative prints stood on my injury like a salt.

Like an orphan, you raised the dust of fear from my body.

You became a soul in my body to make a whole somebody. Like a sweet lullaby, so are the rhythms of our memories, Our sole hours of silence have got many purposes. Those reasons I cannot depict, But I have no words of deceit.

Sooth me, oh lady, like once forever,

Be love's soothsayer that I may continue to be clever.

You, the bravest of all lights,

Surviving heart's plights;

Never afraid of the night, I learnt you are.

Every second and promise is for what you are and not who you are.

When the storm arose against me, you faced it like it were for us,

You championed me through like a warrior's horse.

Go on!

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