When I was a student, I was able to travel with beautiful female classmates, which was mentioned casually in the dormitory, and I could hear the awesome thing that my roommate responded like a pig.

If it weren't for the illness.

Han Lie definitely picked up his bags and said to go, but any hesitation for a second was disrespectful to Bai Yueguang.

Didn't notice Han Lie's pause.

Bai Hewan still said happily, "Actually, I wanted to go to Mohe last year to play, but I haven't had the opportunity, you are right, it is not interesting to play games without friends, and it is also boring to travel without friends!"

"Han Lie!".

Bai Hewan smiled, "We have a three-day holiday, if we set off now, we can drive all the way north into Mongolia, go to the Ergun River first, and stay there for one night..."

"You don't need to live in a starry tent there, my uncle told me that there is a special place that no one knows yet..."

"It's beautiful to be camping there, you can see the winding river and the vast grassland at a glance, and you can see the sky when you look up..."


Han Lie's entanglement was about to explode, and he knew a little bit about the blood disease he was suffering from this time, although it was not fatal


Platelets plummet to 0 in a short period of time

What is the concept of platelet 0?

In medical terms, platelets are an important part of human blood, and their main functions are coagulation and hemostasis, and repair broken blood vessels.

The number of platelets in the blood of a normal adult is 100~300*10 to the 9th power per liter.

If it is below 100, it is called thrombocytopenia.

If the platelets are 0!!

It means that the number of platelets is severely reduced, and the patient may have severe bleeding, such as skin and mucosal bleeding, visceral bleeding, etc., and in severe cases, intracranial hemorrhage, which is life-threatening.

In other words, in the vernacular, it is a human skin wrapped in blood, and when it is pulled, it will be ruffled to the ground.

Can this still go out and play?

Han Lie was really afraid that when the time came, Bai He would be late and leave the latter with an unforgettable picture.

"I have... Affair. "

After hesitating for a moment, Han Lie felt that he still had to say this, and after two days, things would directly turn into illness, presumably Bai Hewan would be able to understand.

It's better than traveling.

The last time they went out together, Han Lie felt very sorry for Bai He's night.

This time it definitely can't be like that.

saw that Bai Hewan's elated voice stopped abruptly, and then raised his head a little slowly, and the light in his eyes seemed to disappear in an instant.

"You have... Affair... Is it?".

Han Lie didn't speak.

"That's... All right. "

Bai Hewan nodded, didn't say a word of inquiry, and walked to the side without saying a word.

“...... Fuck me!".

Han Lie suddenly felt a little pain in his heart, and there seemed to be a singing voice in his ears, "I also longed for it, but then it didn't work, I can only rely on a song that really talks about me, with that kind of particularly dry throat... Fade..."

"Ignore your mother!".

Han Lie directly chose to break the jar, and then hurriedly looked at Bai Hewan, "I said that I have something to deal with later, can we go after we finish dealing with it?"

Hearing this, the corners of Bai Hewan's mouth instantly hooked, and the whole person seemed to be lively.

"Of course you can!".

"Then I'll contact the driver at home first and ask him to drive the car over..."

"I'm going to ask the housekeeper to prepare some food for us on the road, forget it, I'll buy it myself!"

"Can you come back in an hour?".


Han Lie smiled and agreed.

When Bai He left the ward at night, he began to quickly look for a remedy, and the details of the information that he missed in the morning, the system mall that he had not carefully studied, all became the direction of his efforts.

This state,

Just like the college students the day before the final exams, it proves that the potential of people is endless.

After the study, it was found that

The three types of blood diseases are similar, and the average patient cannot distinguish the difference between the three diseases at all, but a careful study shows that their pathogenesis, manifestations and symptoms are completely different.

Take, for example, primary immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) and Henoch-Schonlein purpura, the former is bleeding caused by thrombocytopenia, the bleeding point is not higher than the skin surface, and bone puncture reports indicate a decrease in mature megakaryocytopenia.

The latter is a vascular allergic reaction in which subcutaneous capillary hemorrhage, increased permeability, overflow of red blood cells, bleeding sites higher than the surface of the skin, and usually distributed in the limbs, buttocks, joints. Both are bleeding spots that do not fade when pressed.

In simple terms,

Han Lie suffers from these three diseases, and he can come up with new tricks every day, not to mention the patients, even the doctor has to doubt his life when he sees it.

It's hard, fucking!

At this moment, some of the simple treatment methods that Han Lie had thought of were passed, and the addition of three blood diseases represented an extremely complicated situation.

Don't say he's a half-ass.

Even the most professional doctors.

They all have to be stared at 24 hours a day, and they all have to be fucking sweaty.

Then I started working on skills.

First of all, the last battle is directly passed.

Last Stand: Triggered when you are near death for the first time, the effect of the trigger will always maintain the critical point of life for a week, and the healing effect is hundredfold!

This Han Lie had used it before.

When triggered, the person looks like a dead person in all respects, except that he is not dead.

I thought of myself lying on the ground when the time came.

Bai Hewan lay next to him in fear.

See, the blood was like a fountain.


pmm puff

The picture is so beautiful that I can't even look at it.

Han Lie is chasing girls, usually speaking, he left a picture that the girl will never forget, and he is basically not far from taking her down.

But it's definitely not that kind of picture.

Read on.

Jedi Strikes Back: Trigger condition, after poisoning (any poison), trigger effect, all cells in the body are soldiers, and the horn to launch a counterattack


Han Lie didn't finish reading it at all, because a trigger toxicity directly stimulated the keyword -

You don't need to read this chapter, and you don't need to take the exam.

Then look to the last hope.

Extreme dose!

Limit dose: trigger condition, the body's indicators are reduced to a critical point, which can be triggered.

Trigger Effect: The host infuses itself with chemical potions, instantly restoring 10% of its lost health and 1% of its lost health every second for seven days.

"Keep it simple, keep it simple!".

[System: Take the host's blood disease this time, after the platelets are reduced to 0 points, the body will automatically trigger the limit dose, and the blood will be replenished at the same time as the blood is spurted].

"Perpetual motion machine!".

Han Lie was speechless, "I went to sell blood and got it?"

[System: Health is a general reference, which refers to the synthesis of the vitality of all tissues, cells, and organs that make up the host's life body, and the wound will heal after the health is restored].

“... I see. "

Han Lie's eyes lit up when he heard this, "In other words, I can stop the bleeding directly without relying on platelets to make blood and coagulate?"

[System: Yes!].

“ok。 "

Han Lie fell into thought.

If he hadn't thought about it, he would still have the disease after buying this limit dose.

But after the onset of the disease,

There will be no particularly extreme cases.

For example, he died of a cerebral hemorrhage.

For example, cool squirting blood.

But some simple pathological features will definitely appear, such as weakness in the limbs, bruising on the body, bleeding spots, etc....

"That's fine. "

Han Lie bought it directly, there is no better solution than this, no.


Bai Hewan's message was sent synchronously.

"It's downstairs!".



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