"I'm not idle these days!".

The planning director continued to speak, "I sent the people below to contact the forty or fifty crispy college students who have been relatively popular recently, and found that they also have very great potential, and we can use the resources of Han Lie to support them!"


Everyone is in this industry, so they naturally understand the Tao, and their eyes light up.

"Tell me more!" said the chairman.

"I won't talk about college students, the price of signing the contract is very cheap, the liquidated damages are also good, and we have a certain guarantee, in short, we will not lose!".

He briefly expressed himself to the chairman, who bowed slightly, and the others didn't care too much either, they knew too much about the methods of their colleagues.

The monthly salary is 3,000 and the liquidated damages are 40 million.

Looks outrageous.

But, that is, it can exist.

That is, Han Lie's heart is proud to have escaped a catastrophe, otherwise the planning director believes that he has the ability and method to keep Han Lie tied to Fighting Shark for the rest of his life.

"It's easy!"

The planning director smiled and said, "I've signed a total of forty or fifty college students, so that's enough for us to try everything!"

"How?" someone asked knowingly.

"It's nothing more than stepping on, bragging, and touching porcelain..."

The planning director said generously, "Now Han Lie is hot enough, with the same operation model, we can only drink soup behind him, we want to get the maximum benefit at the lowest cost!"

"Yes!" the others nodded in agreement.

"Then let's look at the specific plan!".

So said the chairman.

"It's already started chairman!".

The planning director smiled.

"Oh, so fast?".

"Plan ahead!".

"Of course, leader, this is not something I can do alone, everyone is involved, why don't you tell you about our results now?"

"Yes. "

The planning director and the joint operations director, plus four or five other senior managers, will all come forward and come up with their best "works".

"Li Xueyi of Fengtian University, once suffered a military body strain, went to the hospital for examination and found a torn ligament, after posting it on the Internet, he received 110,000 likes, I signed him down to cultivate, and now he is preparing to increase the degree of ligament tear in tomorrow's physical examination..."


Everyone was shocked when they heard this, good guy, this is to artificially create a serious ligament tear, if you really come to this during the physical examination.

It's sensational enough.

"Of course, don't worry, I'm definitely going to be involved in academic fraud, and the doctor can't find our fault, I spent 1 million to buy the child's torn ligament!".


Everyone's teeth were cold, and their hearts softened for a second, but they didn't say anything, after all, one was willing to fight and the other was willing to suffer.

This year,

A million can turn an unknown number of college students into wives, and it is not too easy to buy a severe torn ligament.

"I'm better than yours with this plan!".

The operation manager next to him smiled, "What kind of ligament tear are you doing, you obviously didn't realize what the core of this explosion is, it is the smallest thing, and it will cause the most serious consequences!".

"My classmate's name is Wang Xiaoping, he is Han Lie's most loyal fan, and now he has been signed by me, and at the physical examination conference tomorrow, he will be diagnosed with depression because he likes Han Lie's messages too much!"

"Holy shit!".

Everyone else gave a thumbs up, even the one who was refuted before, they were all convinced, this plan was so awesome.

The most loyal fan, sent messages and did not get a response, suffered from depression, female college student

Fuck, the elemental topic is full!!

It is foreseeable that there will be countless "righteous people" who will take this opportunity to criticize Han Lie verbally and penally, which is really awesome!

You must know that in this year, Yuyu Disease is an invincible artifact, which can be pulled out and used when it is cyberbullied, and it can also be pulled out and used when it is cyberbullying others.

Not to mention anything else, as soon as this incident comes out, Han Lie's reputation will definitely decline rapidly, and even if he doesn't die, he will have to be stripped of a layer of skin.

"Hahaha make him proud!!".

", teach him a lesson!!".

"Find some trolls to bomb him!!".

Next, everyone gave their own plans, but they were eager for quick success and did not rely on relevant policies.

Actually, they also understand.

The real core of crispy college students is to smile in the face of any illness and difficulties, and to smile freely after overcoming.

Crispy and very hard.

Everyone understands the truth, and anyone can study the core, but the price of replication is too great.

Want to eat cake.

You don't have to be involved in the production, just take out the fork and go up and grab it

Who's robbing!

Han Lie's quilt!

That crispy boy, who can fight?

"By the way, that kid hasn't had any trouble lately, has he?" someone asked coldly, "Isn't he sick again?"

Hearing this, everyone fell silent.

It is true that the premise of all their plans is based on the fact that Han Lie is not seriously ill.


If Han Lie is really on the verge of death like last time, and his heart has to be five times, who can care if he ignores the fans!


Fuck you, idols are going to die, you're still bhypocritical here, you're human?

The same,

Those behaviors of trampling, bragging, and touching porcelain will be magnified dozens or even thousands of times, and will be trampled under people's feet and crushed fiercely.

At that time, it will not be a heat rubbing, you may be burned by the heat and eat the consequences.

"Don't worry!".

The planning director laughed, "You can't do it again and again, you are really a relative of Lord Yama when you think that kid, you have so many serious illnesses and don't die?".

"And you haven't watched the live broadcast, that little cub is playing around with his girlfriend, he's so happy, where does he look sick?".

"That's good, that's good!".

Everyone is relieved.


At the same time, the capital that has the choice to stand on the opposite side of Han Lie must choose to stand on the same side as him.

Compared with the desperate Dousha platform, the thriving acne scar platform does not want to mess around, which goes against the original intent of the policy.

They chose to give an S-level contract.

However, it was also through a meeting that in the end, he still did not agree to the unbound plan that Han Lie said, but no one with a brain would agree.

Capital is not a philanthropist.

They didn't want to shell out real money and watch Han Lie lying comfortably on the bed, or traveling with his girlfriend.

They are smart capitalists, not unjust seeds.

Of course, there is not only one way to show goodwill, Zhang Chengqian, who has been in charge of contacting Han Lie, immediately sent a reminder message.

"Han Lie, you have been in the limelight recently, and there are several big platforms that want to engage you..."

Speaking of which,

He didn't go on, he just wanted to mention Han Lie's nervousness, so that he could say the next step, "Our platform can protect you".


The message did get a reply.

But it doesn't seem to be a reply.

Han Lie: "Got it!".

Zhang Chengqian: "Know... Han Lie, don't you want to say anything more?".

Han Lie has read it and has not returned.

Zhang Chengqian: "Han Lie, you may not realize the seriousness of the matter, throughout the history of live broadcasting, as long as anyone who explodes does not sign a contract, he will definitely disappear from the public's field of vision quickly, not that their potential is exhausted... It is the capitalists who will not allow such a phenomenon to exist!".

"Han Lie, as long as you are willing to sign our platform, we will definitely use all the resources to package you, needless to say, the strength of our platform is needless to say, you can also see our current attitude..."

Han Lie: "The contract is still too harsh!".

Zhang Chengqian: "This is still harsh... What exactly do you want?".

Han Lie: "Freedom!".

Zhang Chengqian: "... IMHO, there is no platform that can give you what you want, and now the price we give is extremely superior, if you can't stop this storm... Probably just..."

Han Lie: "Maybe there won't be this price, right, I understand, I understand, but do you want to make a bet?"

Zhang Chengqian: "What are you betting on?".

Han Lie: "Tell your leader, if I can survive the crisis you mentioned on my own, you will agree to my plan!"

"If I can't get through it for you, then sign me according to the A-level contract, I have no words!".

The message stops here.

Five hours later.

Zhang Chengqian replied: "The leader agreed, and the gambling agreement will be sent to you later, you can take a look!"

Han Lie: "Okay!".

Zhang Chengqian looked at Han Lie so stunned, and for a while he didn't know why Han Lie had such a big confidence.

Just like the chairman said in the conference room.

"What does he have?".

"Who gave him the confidence .... Why do you think you can resist capital by yourself?".


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